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BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)

Page 70

by Parker, Kylee

  “Say it one more time,” He kissed her then, his lips missing hers like they hadn’t touched in an eternity rather than the few minutes they had been separated but he couldn’t resist the urge. The need pounded through him relentlessly, pushing him harder, until he felt like they were breathing the same breath.

  “I love you,” Morgan sighed into his mouth and he swallowed the words like they were all he would ever need to sustain him. “I love you. I love you. I love–.”

  “Adrien interrupted her with a sensual growl that rumbled through him as he lifted her up. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist as her arms grasped his shoulders. He didn’t stop until his knees hit the edge of her bed and he laid her on the mattress like she was the most delicate thing, soon following her down.

  They both groaned at the delicious slide of skin on skin, but it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t see anything but his need, couldn’t think of anything besides getting inside her as quickly as he could and without blinking grasped the neck of her top and pulled, hard.

  The material came apart like it was made out of tissue paper and the sound of tearing fabric had another growl growing in his chest. Adrien stared down at her, mesmerized by the sight of all her creamy flesh framed between the dark scraps of fabric.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” He said hastily as his mouth dove unerringly towards the sweetly curved breasts swelling above the cup of her lacy bra. He felt more than heard her husky chuckle from beneath him.

  “That the second thing of mine you’ve broken tonight. Three if you count downstairs.”

  “I want you,” He said the words, his gaze suddenly serious and molten on hers and she couldn’t look away, her own emerald green eyes wide on his as she gasped out a stuttering breath. “I want you too much, it’s all I can think about,” Adrien laid his lips against her soft skin and whispered the words, “I won’t let anything get between us. I won’t let anything stop me from tasting this,” his mouth brushed feather light across her chest and grinned when he felt her pulse skyrocket, “or this.” His kiss trailed lower, and he realized he really did want to taste all of her.

  Every hidden curve, every secret place on her body. So that’s what he did. His mind was nothing but a red, need filled haze as he trailed fire across her skin, baring it as he went until she was completely naked and writhing underneath him. Yes, this was exactly what he needed. He glanced up at her flushed face and his body tightened painfully. He needed her, now. There was no more waiting, no more teasing kisses.

  With a curse he tore off his own shirt, the rest of clothes following to land in a heap on the floor. He was back on her in less than a second, and even still it was too long to be separated from her. His body ached when they were apart, but an ache of a different kind filled him now, driving him to desperation as his mouth fused with hers.

  He teased her entrance with the tip of his erection, groaning at the incredible sensation of wet welcoming that engulfed him, firing every nerve ending up and down his spine until he was literally trembling with the desire to take her, hard and fast until neither of them could breathe.

  But he wanted to go slow for her, gentle because that’s what she deserved. Morgan deserved to be loved, to have every ounce of pleasure wrung from her body, and that was exactly what he intended to do.

  All of his intentions flew right out the window when she hitched her hips and he felt the hot slide of her wet entrance coming over him, wrapping around him like silk. He cursed again through gritted teeth as the last ounce of will power broke and all that was left was mindless, animal need.

  Adrien thrust deep inside her in one stroke and they both cried out, Morgan’s nails digging into his shoulders in ways that had his vision doubling as pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. It was too good. She felt too good.

  Morgan was chanting his name in time to every thrust as he lost control, but he didn’t hear it past the white hot pounding of his own furious heartbeat. Every move she made, every restless moan or breathy whimper pushed him that much further over the edge.

  Finally, the last remaining tether holding him back snapped and there was nothing he could do to slow down as he took her, every inch of her, until he was sure she would always remember the way it felt to have him buried all the way inside her.

  He felt her body tense an instant before she cried out, calling out his name and the sound alone had him right at the edge of his own climax. Then, her every muscle seemed to squeeze around him, milking him dry, and he was lost completely.

  Adrien tried to stop the it, hold back for as long as he could, but it was inevitable. There was no way he could resist the lure of her delicious body and everything inside him was pushing him forward until he finally felt it. It shot all the way down his spine, the most intense sensation he had ever felt and he leaned down, biting at the sensitive curve of his neck. His animal half, leaving his mark. Claiming his mate in the most elemental way.

  He felt her shiver around him once more as the bite triggered a feral response in Morgan’s body and he reveled in the fact that he could give her such pleasure. And that she could give so much in return. So much more than he deserved. So much more than he had ever expected.

  He collapsed bonelessly on top of her, just barely able to support his weight from crushing her on trembling forearms. Oh my god, that was the most incredible, amazing…Adrien’s fuzzed brain struggled to find the right word to explain the feelings rushing through him, but he couldn’t. It was beyond words. He swallowed hard against the emotion that threatened to choke him and slowly rolled onto his back, pulling Morgan with him. He wasn’t willing to lose contact with her just yet. Or ever, if he could have his way.

  He glanced down at her, resting peacefully on his chest, her breaths already starting to deepen and slow as sleep tried to claim her. Suddenly, the thick, dark lashes fluttered open and her emerald gaze threatened to knock the breath right out of him all over again.

  “I love you, Adrien.” Her words were muffled against his chest but the rippled through him, tearing down every wall that he had struggled to build since his father’s tragic death.

  “I love you t–.” He cut off his word at the rustling sound coming from her front door. Every sense inside him went on high alert and he was out of the bed in an instant. Adrien looked around for a weapon, anything to protect them but finding none he realized he would just have to settle for bare hands.

  He crept to the side of the door just as the doorknob rattled again, as if someone was testing it from the other side. He grimaced. Too bad he had destroyed the locks in his hurry to get inside. Adrien glanced back at her, taking in her confused expression. He didn’t regret it at all.

  Luckily, the chain lock was still in place, the one thing that had survived his entry. His breath caught in his throat as the door was pushed open just enough to pull the chain lock taught. It felt like forever as he stood there, trying to decide what to do. Maybe it was a neighbor just coming to check on her, but he knew in his gut that whoever was on the other side of that door meant Morgan no good.

  The choice was taken from him when there a sudden, hard push on the door and Adrien threw his weight against it.

  “I would think twice about that, if I were you,” Adrien growled menacingly. The pressure from the other side of the door instantly released and he cursed when he heard the sound of feet running in the other direction. Hurriedly, he threw open the door but all he could see was a figure in dark clothes take off through the front of the building.

  “Adrien? What was that? What just happened?” He turned back at the uncertainty in Morgan’s voice.

  “Pack a bag, baby.” He swiped a hand over his face, damning the would be intruder for ruining his after sex glow. “I want you to move in with me for a little while.”

  “Wait, what? No, this is my apartment, Adrien. I’m not just going to leave because of…because of whatever the hell that was.”

  “Someone just tried to break in, Morgan. If I hadn’t been he
re...” He let the words trail off, unable to speak his thoughts out loud, and rushed to her, pulling Morgan into his arms. He knew he was probably squeezing too tight but he couldn’t make himself ease his hold on her.

  A million questions raced through his head. It hadn’t seemed random. Out of the other apartments in the building, the intruder had come straight to this one. It had been intentional.

  “Please, for me? At least until we get the locks fixed?” He knew he was begging and he couldn’t make himself care. The thought of Morgan getting hurt had turned his knees to jelly. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and searching, then finally nodded her head. Adrien released a sigh of relief and immediately kissed her, hard.

  “You get packed. I want to take a look around outside. Be ready in ten?” Morgan nodded, hearing the serious edge to his tone and hurried to grab a large duffel bag, already throwing clothes and toiletries inside as he walked cautiously through the door and out of the apartment.

  He stood out in the night air, sniffing hesitantly. There were too many scents for him decipher one from the next, but a chill shot through him as he noticed an impression in the soft ground next to the door. It was a trail of prints, to large to be a dog. Prints that would never normally be found this close to a human dwelling. Bear prints.

  And Adrien was sure that if he followed them, they would lead him straight back to Harris, one way or the other. He shook his head as anger crashed over him. Damn that insane old bear! Adrien had been sure they had finally given up, but apparently not.

  He looked up just as Morgan was coming down the stairs, her bag thrown over her shoulder and a serious expression on her beautiful face. First, he would make sure Morgan was safe, then, he would find out what the hell Harris wanted from him once and for all.

  Chapter 5

  “I still don’t think this is necessary.” Adrien gave Morgan a sidelong look as she repeated herself for the fifth time that morning. Or maybe it was six. He had lost count.

  “I know you don’t. But I know it is.” He sighed, flipping the pancake slowly turning a golden brown in the skillet in front of him. “I just want you to be safe. I can’t– I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  Her arms were around him, holding him from behind and he had to close his eyes at how good it felt. He knew he convinced Morgan to move in with him for her own protection, but he couldn’t deny how much he loved having her there.

  And it wasn’t just the nights that she spent in his bed, although he definitely treasured that as well, but it was the feeling of waking up and having her arms wrapped around him. Looking over and knowing she would be there. Even as simple as watching a movie together on the couch. It all just felt so…right to him. More right than anything in his fucked up life ever had. And it boiled his blood that someone would try and threaten her.

  Adrien had given the incident at Morgan’s apartment a lot more thought over the past several days since she moved in with him. More and more he was convinced that Harris was behind it, but he’d had word from his friend Grant that Harris had been seen at the lodge all night. But Adrien wouldn’t put it past him to send one of his henchmen in his place.

  Finally, the pancakes were done and he plated them up, adding a generous dollop of pure maple syrup and slid one of the plates in front of Morgan where she sat at his small kitchen table. She snorted a laugh as she looked down at the plate before grinning up at him.

  “Mickey Mouse pancake?” Morgan asked through her smile and Adrien felt warmth sweep through him at her expression.

  “They happen to be my specialty.” He said, digging into his own. She just shook her head before taking a bite. She groaned around the fork in her mouth and he was instantly hard as the sensual sound swept over him.

  “Okay. You were right. These are delicious.”

  “You have no idea,” He said softly.

  “Huh? What was that?” She asked, her brows quizzical as she glance across the table at him.

  “What?” He said, shaking his head as he tried to regain control over his wayward body, “nothing, it was nothing.” Adrien cursed himself for sounding like a complete fool and cast about for something to say, anything to distract him from grabbing her and leaning her across the table and taking her then and there.

  “I am a pretty good cook, you know.” He finally landed on. Morgan glanced at him with an amused expression drawing over her features.

  “I know. I remember that first dinner you made for me at the cabin. Remember, you caught those fish?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. The fish, right,” He cleared his throat, looking away and hoping she would find a different topic to talk about.

  “You didn’t really catch those fish did you?” Her next question came and he almost groaned, his face turning red.

  “That’s not true. I most definitely did catch those fish, just maybe not with the same method that I taught you.” He said, trying to make his voice sound serious as embarrassment and humor warred within him.

  “Oh, you mean with the berries as bait?” She laughed and as he looked up he couldn’t help but laugh right along with her. God, he loved this woman. More than he could ever put into words. A second later she had hopped up from her seat and was around the table, snuggling herself into his lap before he even realized her intention.

  Morgan wrapped her arms around his neck and he forgot all about breakfast, or anything else for that matter. His lips fell onto hers with a hunger that was always simmering just below the surface. He angled his head for deeper access, swallowing the moan she let out on a breathy whisper. With a grin she looked up at him.

  “Hey, I have a better idea for our morning instead of breakfast.” Adrien grinned back at her, instantly hard and so full of love he could barely speak. So he didn't, he just lifted her in his arms and carried her back to his bed.

  Much later, Morgan emerged from the shower to find a note scrawled in Adrien’s handwriting letting her know he had run down to the bar to meet with the distributor. She shook her head at the little hearts he had drawn at the bottom, chuckling to herself as she folded it carefully. He was such a mystery, even still. Everyday she was learning something more about him, and everything she learned had her falling more and more in love with him.

  It should have terrified her. She should have been running,

  screaming for the hills. But instead she was grinning to herself as she walked around Adrien’s apartment, thinking about how happy she was to be living with him.

  Morgan shook her head at her own foolish behavior. She had already trusted him once and gotten burned, even though she understood now why he couldn’t tell her the truth. It was hard to just come out and tell someone you were half bear. She got it. She really did. She remembered that morning, when he had held her in his arms and told her he loved her. Morgan had looked up into his eyes and she had seen the sincerity shining in their golden depths.

  She read the note again, tracing Adrien’s handwriting with

  finger before she finally made herself put it down. Morgan laughed out loud. She was grinning like an idiot again, but she couldn’t help it. She had never been this happy before in her life, and even though she knew they still had issues that they needed to work out, she also knew it was because of Adrien.

  “Get a hold of yourself, Morgan,” she chastised herself as she walked into the living room. She flipped on the small tv, aimlessly flipping through the channels, but she felt restless and all she could think about was when Adrien would be back from the bar.

  She knew he would want to personally oversee the delivery of their supplier’s products himself, and knowing how much he cared about the place, breathing down their necks the whole time just to make sure that it was all done perfectly.

  With an irritated sigh, Morgan flicked of the television set and wandered around the small space. She knew she was there just because Adrien didn’t think her place was safe, but she thought that might have just become an excuse to keep her there longer. Ev
ery time that she asked about getting her locks replaced he had some other reason to put it off. Not that she was complaining. Her body heated just thinking about him and she had to take a deep breath to calm her suddenly racing pulse.

  Morgan was walking past his desk when something caught her eye. She stopped, looking down at the small book filled with scribbled handwriting that looked so much like Adrien’s own. A diary? It didn’t seem likely. He just didn’t seem like the type to want to write down his feelings. He was more the type to just act on them and think about it later.

  Without a second thought she picked up the small leather bound book, fascinated at the possible insight into the man she loved but as she flipped through the pages Morgan quickly realizes that it wasn’t Adrien that had written these words, but his father. The pages were yellowed with age and use and some of the ink was smudges so badly she could barely make it out.

  There was a torn scrap of paper that seemed as if Adrien had been using it as a bookmark to mark his place in the journal. Careful not to lose his spot, she flipped to the back of the book. It had always been her habit as a child to read the last page first, and she hadn’t quite grown out of it.

  Finally, she found it, the last page with writing on it and she frowned slightly as she struggled to make out the words. It seemed to have been written more hurried than the rest of the pages, as if there was an added urgency to these sentences than the last.

  Bit by bit she made them out and she froze, then reread the entire page as her frown drew even deeper. She couldn’t believe it! This whole time Adrien had this book and hadn’t bothered to look at this page. She knew if he had he would have acted on it. Morgan read them one more time, just to be sure before she went and found Adrien. This was far too important to wait. The words started mid sentence at the top of the page.


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