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Taken - Before her very Eyes

Page 20

by Faubert, Wade

  “I don’t know his real name.” The footsteps were racing through the connecting room. “But I could…”

  Gavin stepped into the room, gun raised then fired, landing the bullet in the centre of Percy’s forehead. The back of his head exploded as the bullet whizzed dangerously past Summer’s head. She stood, frozen in place with the board stuck in Percy’s back as he gasped his final breath. It all seemed too much of a coincidence that in the matter of a few hours, two men had been shot dead because of her.

  Chapter 23

  The gunshot echoed throughout the boathouse, bringing a ringing to her ears which matched the roar of the waves crashing against the boat launch door. She couldn’t believe what she’d just witnessed. Her chance to finally put her past to rest was blown away before her eyes. He was about to cooperate. Percy was going to say he could ID the man who’d orchestrated this whole charade when Gavin shot him dead.

  “What the hell did you do that for!” Summer screamed over the roar of the crashing waves.

  Gavin looked terrified standing there with the gun shaking in his hands. He stood like a statue, watching as Percy crumbled before him, pulling the board from Summer’s hands as he fell.

  “It—It’s all right now, Summer.” Gavin stepped over Percy’s body and placed an arm loosely around her shoulder. “He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “Hurt me!” Summer shoved Gavin, stumbling back over Percy’s body. “I was the one doing the hurting. What the hell were you thinking? I had everything under control. I was the one who was getting him to talk and you—you killed him!”

  Gavin’s nervousness turned to anger for a split second before he regained his composure. He looked around nervously and quickly tucked the gun in his waist band. “I—I came through the door and I—I thought he was hurting you. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have fired so fucking fast, but… I saw your bloodied face and just figured…”

  “Well, you figured wrong.” Summer flung her damp hair back, then bent down beside Percy and did the formalities of feeling for a pulse, but like she’d known, there wasn’t any to be found. She started to stand when she spotted Percy’s cell phone on the platform next to his body. After glancing at Gavin, who was busy checking to see if anybody was coming, Summer snatched the phone and slid it into her pocket.

  “He had a gun,” Gavin said, looking through the doorway into the next room. “Didn’t he?”

  “I don’t know.” Summer stood and stepped over Percy’s body. “He did when he shot Nate. Had to be a rifle. Had to have a scope to make that kind of shot.”

  “So, you’ll back me. Tell them that he was armed and dangerous.”

  “That wouldn’t be lying,” Summer said, trying to remain calm even though she knew Gavin had meant to kill Percy the second he saw him. Maybe it was his way of making up for his criminal past, wanting to right the wrong permanently? “Hell, Percy was very dangerous. He almost killed me up in that house.”

  Summer couldn’t help but notice how nervous Gavin was acting right now, but he had just killed a man and she knew he wasn’t in any hurry to return to prison. “Why don’t you give me that gun so the cops don’t accidentally shoot you when they arrive?”

  “No! It’s fine,” Gavin snapped, then quickly changed his mood as he stepped into the next room. “Dean? Where the hell did you take off to?”

  Summer raced to the doorway, watching as Dean entered the next room holding onto Sabrina’s hand. The image was terrible. Dean was battered and bleeding, but the smile on his face—that smile—it filled her heart so completely. Something she thought would never be possible again in this lifetime. Dean looked like shit, teetering on the edge of his death bed, but he was there for Sabrina and her, even though he should be in the hospital.

  “Went for a little joy ride, Gavin.” He threw a wink in Summer’s direction. “Sorry, couldn’t wait for you.”

  Summer stepped into the room, blocking Dean and Sabrina’s view of the carnage in the boat room. “You found her.”

  Dean tipped his head toward the doorway. “Is he…”

  Summer nodded, bent down and hoisted Sabrina on her hip despite the incredible pain it caused. “Thanks to Gavin here. He saved my life in there.”

  “Wow, a real h—hero in the family.” Dean reached out to slap Gavin on the shoulder, but fell into him instead.

  Summer felt her world starting to disintegrate before her eyes. Dean didn’t look good at all. He’d lost plenty of blood after the stabbing and as she looked at the blood soaked cloth taped to his side, she didn’t know how much more he could take.

  “Shit, he’s still bleeding. Get him in the other room and lay him down.” Summer rushed through the boathouse and stood staring around at the chairs, but there was no place to lay Dean down. “Better yet, let’s get him up to the main house. It’ll save time when the ambulance arrives.”

  “That’s not a good idea,” Gavin said. “We shouldn’t move him.”

  “What the hell do you suggest? We leave him down here to…” Summer gave Sabrina a squeeze and hoisted her higher on her hip, then glared at Gavin. “Take him up to the house and put him in the back room. We’ll follow right behind.”

  Gavin hesitated momentarily before slinging Dean’s arm over his shoulder and dragging his staggering body from the boathouse. “He’s lost a fucking shitload of blood already and he’ll lose even more trying to climb those stairs.”

  “Then I suggest you carry him.” Summer followed behind Gavin and Dean, watching the trail of blood droplets that were splattered on the wooden planks. “That is, if you’re capable.”

  “I’m capable. Don’t you worry about that?” Gavin scooped up Dean when they reached the bottom of the stairs and stumbled to get his balance, then started up the steps toward the beach house.

  Summer stopped on the first landing and shifted Sabrina to her other side, refusing to let her go for any reason—even excruciating pain and exhaustion. Summer stared at Sabrina’s image against the backdrop of the turbulent waves racing to the shore. She saw the glimmer in her beautiful tea coloured eyes and it brought such joy to her heart. She hadn’t noticed it for the last months, but it’d always been there. Summer didn’t think she’d ever be able to let Sabrina go again in her lifetime. She had been there for Sabrina in body, but not totally there in her heart. But after such a trying experience today, she realized how precious Sabrina was. Glancing at the slumping form in Gavin’s arms, she knew Dean truly did care about Sabrina—and her, too.

  The way Gavin was struggling up the last few steps, Summer wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make it to the house at all. His breathing was laboured and his legs were quivering with each step he took. When Gavin stepped onto the upper platform, he dropped to his knees, setting Dean on the cold hard cement.

  “I… I can’t… anymore.”

  Summer knew exactly how Gavin felt, her legs were throbbing from carrying Sabrina and they felt like rubber, ready to bend and fold to the ground at any moment.

  “That’s okay, just leave him there for a minute and rest.” Summer set Sabrina down and held tight to her hand, nudging her away from the side of the cliff.

  There was a distant wail of sirens every time the wind relented, bringing a nervous anxiety to her body, wondering if the ambulance would arrive in time. Summer bent beside Dean and noticed he was still conscious and breathing. The bleeding had slowed since they’d set him down, but she still wanted him inside the house, that much closer to the ambulance.

  “Gavin…” Summer said, turning around and seeing the top of his head disappear down the staircase. “Where the hell are you going?”

  Gavin didn’t stop or even take the time to respond. He continued down the stairs toward the boathouse—and Percy’s body.

  Summer let go of Sabrina’s hand. “Hold onto Mommy’s coat and don’t let go for anything.” She hoisted Dean’s arm over her shoulder and strained to lift him from the ground. It took everything she had, but she managed to get him back to his feet. S
he could hear the wail of the ambulance growing louder with each step she took as they struggled toward the patio doors. The warmth of blood coated her side and she realized that she was only making Dean’s injury worse, but she had no choice. She had to keep him moving. She couldn’t sit like a duck, waiting to be rescued.

  Ten feet from the patio doors and Summer felt her stomach churn. The ambulance had arrived, but not at this house. It was over at Percy’s grandmother’s place. She could see the lights flashing on the hilltop just off the road.

  “Damn it!” She stepped through the doorway and dropped Dean to the ceramic tiled floor, then rummaged through her pocket for the cell phone she’d confiscated from Percy. She opened it and was about to dial 911 when she saw the last number dialled was still displayed. She pressed down on the selection button, highlighting the number, then pressed the connect button.

  The phone rang, but not just in her ear. She heard the receiving phone ringing somewhere over the edge of the cliff.

  “Gavin? Gavin’s behind all this?” The ringing stopped, cut short by the receiving phone. He must have gone down there looking for Percy’s phone. The only thing tying him to the crime. But now he knows I’m onto him—and he’s still got the gun.

  Hurrying, Summer dragged Dean across the floor, smearing blood in his wake toward the side garage door. She had to get out. Had to get away from Gavin. It wasn’t until they were halfway to the mudroom that her gun slipped free from Dean’s waistband. It sat there in the middle of the bloodstained floor like a treasure waiting to be taken by the worthy.

  Summer hit the redial button a second time and heard the ringing even louder as Gavin raced up the last steps onto the top platform. His face was red with anger. His brown eyes narrowed and beady as he stared right at Summer.

  “Couldn’t fucking leave it alone?” He stood bent over, gasping for breath. “Couldn’t fucking walk away and let it be, now could you!”

  “Run Sabrina! Go through the garage. Get out of the house!”

  “Mommy, I can’t. I don’t want to—”

  “Go! Now!”

  Sabrina ran through the mudroom into the garage and a moment later Summer heard the garage door open. She felt better knowing that at least her little girl would survive this day.

  “I was only trying to help you, Summer. They ordered a hit on John Scott and I was more than willing to take the job. It should’ve been easy. Should’ve been all taken care of in the jail, but no, your buddies decided to break up the fight before Seth could finish the job. Honest, I was only trying to help you.”

  Summer took a step toward the patio doors. “You hired Percy to kill Dean?”

  “I did what had to be done to get John Scott out in the open. Besides, Percy was a total fuckup. He was only supposed to get Dean out of the way.” Gavin forced a smile and tried his best to look happy. “Summer, don’t you feel better knowing that John Scott finally paid the price for what he did to you?”

  “Don’t give me that shit. Percy knew where John Scott had held me.” Summer took another step toward the patio door. “That means you did, too. You know who’s behind this.”

  “No—No. You got this all wrong. They gave me the information with the orders.” Gavin stood and started walking slowly toward the house. “The deal was simple. Silence John Scott and collect the money.”

  “Money! Is that what all this is about? Money!” Summer couldn’t believe her ears. Dean’s own flesh and blood was willing to sacrifice Dean’s life just to make a profit. “Why not let Sabrina go after you had John Scott killed?”

  “That’s what was supposed to happen until Percy went all rouge on me, but now I’m stuck cleaning up his fucking mess.” Gavin glanced over at the ambulance on the hill. “I hate to do this. Well, not really hate. You did put me away for eight years of my life, so I do owe you something. I just never thought it’d cost you so much.”

  Summer saw the gun twitch and knew what was coming. She dropped to the ground as the bullet ripped past her head, slamming into the wall behind. She sprang toward the gun on the floor, grasping it quickly between her fingers like she’d practised so many times on the firing range and rolled, taking aim as she stopped, then fired every last bullet in the clip.

  Chapter 24

  Summer counted all fifteen bullets as they zipped through the air, striking Gavin’s body with such intensity that he staggered backwards with each impact. He stood there against the bright blue sky, weaving to and fro in the gusting wind as blood began appearing in patches all across his chest. He staggered a few steps toward the house before collapsing to his knees and dropping the gun. His mouth was moving, but no sound came out as he appeared to be choking on his own blood.

  Summer quickly clambered to her feet then ran out the doorway, straight to Gavin. She knew by the amount of shots that had ripped through his body that he wouldn’t make it to the hospital—and she had to find out what he was trying to say. If Gavin thought he was dying, he might be more willing to name names than he was before.

  Collapsing to the side, Gavin landed with his fingers inches away from the gun, but Summer wasn’t concerned. She knew with his injuries that he’d never be able to pick the gun from the ground, let alone lift it and fire a shot, because she’d hit each mark she’d aimed for, not missing one shot.

  “Gavin,” Summer said, dropping to his side and lifting his head, hopeful that she would divert the blood away from his windpipe long enough to get him to answer a few questions. “Who put you up to this? Who ordered my attack?”

  “Eight years. Eight… fucking years I waited.” Gavin took a huge breath and the blood gurgled in his throat, causing him to choke. He spit a mouthful of blood down his chest, then clenched his eyes tightly closed. “Dean’s… a lucky man. You… you were good that night. ”

  Summer pulled back, letting Gavin’s head drop to the ground as he drew his last breath before falling silent. She felt dirty, so dirty after trusting this man to be so close to her family. She heard the sirens as loud as ever and turned to see the paramedics racing around the side of the house, pushing the stretcher toward her.

  “No! Inside the house.” She turned back to Gavin and shook her head. “It’s too late for him.”

  Immediately the paramedics ran inside the back room and began lifting Dean onto the stretcher. Summer walked slowly back to the house, fearing the worst with every step. It wasn’t until she stepped inside the doorway that she drew a full breath. She didn’t know what she’d do if Dean didn’t make it through this. If he died right here, surviving John Scott would’ve been for nothing.

  “Dean?” She apprehensively approached the paramedics, fearing the worst. “Dean, can you hear me?”

  “He’s alive—barely. He’s lost a lot of blood, but his vitals are still strong.” The paramedic turned to Summer. “What the hell happened to him?”

  “He came for me.” Summer felt her chest heave and realized that Dean had never given up on her. Never forgot about her for a split second. “And he saved me… this time.”

  Dean’s eyes flickered open and met Summer’s, and she was never so happy to see those chocolate eyes gazing at her. It was almost as if everything bad that had happened between them was gone. How could she have been so stupid to force him away from her life—and Sabrina’s?

  “Sabrina,” Summer said, dashing out the mudroom door, into the garage. “Sabrina!”

  “Settle down there, partner,” Nate said, holding tight to Sabrina’s hand. “Anybody know who this angel belongs to?”

  “Nate? But… how?”

  Nate bent down and lifted Sabrina in his good arm. “You know how hard it is to find an ambulance out here? Shit, I had to wait a half hour for this one. And besides, there’s no way I’d leave you all by yourself with that maniac on the loose.”

  Summer walked to Nate’s side and kissed his cheek, then plucked Sabrina from his arm. “Thanks. I knew I could count on you.”

  “So, where’s that bastard at?” Nate pulled his g
un out and walked ahead of Summer. “Cause if you didn’t kill him, then I will.”

  “Percy’s already dead.”

  “Makes the trial a lot shorter that way.”

  “Gavin killed him.”

  “Son of a bitch! I never should’ve told them where you were headed.”

  “It’s okay, Nate. He would’ve found him sooner or later. Percy was working for him.”

  Nate stopped and spun around on her. “That little fucker! What did I tell you?”

  “Gavin’s dead, too.”

  Nate placed his good arm around her shoulder and escorted her into the garage. “I’m sorry. I knew he was dirty, but I would never have suspected that he’d be in this deep.”

  “Me neither.” Summer stepped through the mudroom and into the kitchen where Dean was being hooked up to an IV drip. His colour was returning and he was starting to look a little better.

  “Gavin admitted to contracting out John Scott’s hit and he was behind the kidnapping too.”

  “But why?” Nate furrowed his brow and shook his head. “Why his own flesh and blood?”

  “He was bad.” Summer set Sabrina down on the side of the stretcher and watched as she touched Dean’s cheek, bringing a bright smile to both their faces. “Bad enough to sacrifice his family to get ahead in life.”

  Nate tipped his head to the dark shape outside on the walkway. “That Gavin?”

  Summer nodded and watched as Nate followed the bloodstained pathway to the lifeless body. He bent before him, feeling for a pulse—a nasty habit that cops and paramedics couldn’t break even when they knew there would be no chance of survival—then searched through Gavin’s pockets, retrieving his phone and wallet.

  She knew what would happen next and wasn’t disappointed when the phone vibrated in her pocket, then began to ring. The ringing stopped almost as fast as it had started. Nate punched a few more buttons on the phone, then dropped it into his pocket and made his way back into the kitchen.


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