Caputo, Jennifer
Carey, Harry
Carino, Stacey
Carpenter, John
Carpool (movie, 1996)
car stunts: 1970s
Charlie’s Angels
silent films
stunt safety
Carter, Helena Bonham
Carter, Lynda
Castle, Danny
Castle, Karen
Cat from Outer Space, The (movie, 1978)
Caulfield, Deborah
Celebrity and Stuntwomen’s Awards
Champlin, Charles
Chan, Jackie
Changeling (movie, 2008)
Channing, Carol
Charge of the Light Brigade, The (movie, 1936)
Charles, Jeanette
Charlie’s Angels (movie, 2000)
Charlie’s Angels (TV show, 1970s)
car stunts
drug use
Johnson lawsuit
Charmed (TV show, 1998–2006)
Chase, Janet
Chayefsky, Paddy
Cherry 2000 (movie, 1987)
Chicago Tribune
CHiPs (TV show, 1970s)
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (movie, 1989)
Christine (movie, 1983)
Cieply, Michael
civil rights movement
Clark, Roydon
Cliffhangers (TV show, 1979)
Clift, Eleanor
Cline, Eddie
Clique, The (movie, 2008)
Close, Glenn
Clotiaux, Terry
Clouse, Robert
cocaine. See also drug use
Coffy (movie, 1973)
Colbert, Claudette
Coleman, Eliza
Color Purple, The (movie, 1985)
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures Television
Combs, Holly Marie
computer graphics
Connolly, Norma
Convoy (movie, 1978)
Coolidge, Martha
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Jackie
Corday, Barbara
Cosby, Bill
Coulter, Jean
Charlie’s Angels
stuntwomen organizing and
Craven, Wes
Crawford, Sophia
Creach, Laurie
Crisis in Midair (movie, 1979)
Crossing Jordan (TV show, 2000s)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (movie, 2000)
Croughwell, Charles
Cruise, Tom
Crystal, Billy
Cuffee, Evelyn
Cullen, Kerri
Cunard, Grace
Cupone, Vince
Curtis, Howard
Curtis, Jamie Lee
Daily Variety
Daly, Richard J.
Daniels, Carol
Danko, Betty
Darby, Kim
Darcel, Denise
Dark Knight Rises, The (movie, 2012)
Dark Victory (movie, 1939)
Dashnaw, Jeff
Dashnaw, Tracy Keehn
David, Jadie
doubling Pam Grier
stuntwomen organizing
David, Saul
Davis, Bette
Davis, Mike
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Davis, Sonja
Day, Carolyn
Day, Doris
Deadman’s Curve (movie, 1978)
Deadrick, Vince, Jr.
Death Proof (movie, 2007)
Deathsport (movie, 1978)
De Carlo, Yvonne
Dee, Ruby
Dee, Sandra
Deep, The (movie, 1977)
Deep Impact (movie, 1998)
Deep Throat (movie, 1972)
DeFreest, Babe
De Laurentiis, Dino
Dell, Paula
Delrayne, Ted
DeMille, Cecil B.
Denton, Frances
dePasse, Suzanne
Destry Rides Again (movie, 1939)
DeVito, Danny
Diamond in the Raw
Diaz, Cameron
Dietrich, Marlene
DiNovi Pictures
directors: stunt safety
Directors Guild of America (DGA)
disaster movies
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (movie, 2002)
Donahue, Troy
Double Dare (documentary, 2004)
Double Jeopardy (movie, 1999)
Douglas, Kirk
Dressler, Marie
Drew, William
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (TV show, 1990s)
drug use
Charlie’s Angels
lawsuit against Spelling
Duggins, Shauna
car stunts
as stunt coordinator
Duke, Daryl
Dukes of Hazzard, The (TV show, 1980s)
Duvall, Robert
Dynasty (TV show, 1980s)
Earth 2 (TV show, 1990s)
Earthquake (movie, 1974)
Eason, “Breezy”
Eastwood, Clint
Edison Company
Egleston, Rita
Elam, Greg Wayne
Elder, Patty
Ellis, Annie
Ellis, David
Ellis, Richard
Emerson, Hope
Emmerich, Roland
Epper, Eurlyne
Epper, Frances
Epper, Gary
Epper, Jeannie
Charlie’s Angels
Double Dare documentary
stunt coordinating
stunt safety
stuntwomen organizing
Taurus World Stunt Lifetime Achievement Award
as Wonder Woman
Epper, John
Epper, Richard
Epper, Stephanie
Epper, Tony
Epstein, Jon
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Evans, David
Evans, Debbie
motorcycle stunts
Evans, Donna
car stunts
stunt coordinating
Evans, Linda
Everything’s Ducky (movie, 1960)
Fairchild, Morgan
Fall Guy, The (TV show, 1980s)
falling stunts
backward high falls
falling down stairs
high falls, 1960s
high falls, 1970s
high falls, 1980s
high falls, 1990s
high falls, 2000s
Fantasy Island (TV show, 1977–1984)
Farber, Stephen
Farnsworth, Diamond
Fatal Attraction (movie, 1987)
Fatal Beauty (movie, 1987)
Fawcett, Farrah
Fawcett, Jimmy
Fawcett, Sean
Feldman, Marty
Fellner, Kim
Ferges, Darryl
Ferrell, Conchata
Fetters-Howard, Linda
Field, Sally
Finley, Evelyn
Finn, Lila
Hurricane movie
stuntwomen organizing
stuntwomen survey
Unconquered movie
Finochio, Stephanie
Fioramonti, Glory
Fisher King, The (movie, 1991)
Five of Me, The (TV movie, 1981)
Flamingo Road (TV show, 1979)
Foley v. Interactive Data Corporation
Folkerson, Cindy
Folsey, George, Jr.
Ford, Francis
Ford, Janet
Ford, John
Forever Young (movie, 1992)
Foster, Gloria
Foster, Jodie
nbsp; Fox, Vivica A.
Fox Studios
Foxy Brown (movie, 1974)
Freaks and Geeks (TV show, 1999)
Freeman, Morgan
From Reverence to Rape (Haskell)
Fuller, Mary
Gable, Clark
gaffers. See also stunt coordinators
Garbo, Greta
Gardner, Ava
Garner, James
Garner, Jennifer
Garrett, Donna
Gasnier, Louis
Geary, Dick
Gellar, Sarah Michelle
Get Christie Love (TV show, 1970s)
Gibbs, Alan
Gibson, Helen
Gibson, Hoot
Gibson, Mel
Gifford, Frances
G.I. Joe (movie, 2009)
Gilbert, Blair
Gilbert, Mickey
Gimpel, Sandra Lee
stunt coordinating
Girl and the Game, The (movie, 1915)
Gloria (movie, 1999)
Goddard, Paulette
Godzilla (movie, 1998)
Goldberg, Leonard
Goldberg, Whoopi
Golden, Olive Fuller
Goldwyn, Samuel
Gone with the West (movie, 1968)
Gone with the Wind (movie, 1939)
Goodwin, Aline
Gordon, Dennie
Gossett, Louis, Jr.
Gould, Diana
Grand Theft Auto (movie, 1977)
Grant, Cary
Grauman, Walter
Graves, Teresa
Great Train Robbery, The (movie, 1903)
Green, Marc
Green, Marian
Grey, Richard
Grey’s Anatomy (TV show, 2000s)
Grier, Pam
Griffith, Dick
Griffith, D. W.
Grindhouse (movies, 2007)
Habberstad, Jeff
Hackett, Buddy
Hall, Donna
Halty, James
Hambleton, Duffy
Hamilton, Linda
Hancock (movie, 2008)
Hannah, Daryl
Happy, Bonnie
Happy, Clifford
Happy, Don
Happy, Edith
Happy, Marguerite
Harris, Rosemary
Harrison, Roy
Hart to Hart (TV show, 1980s)
Hash, Hazel
Haskell, Molly
Hathaway, Henry
Hawks, Howard
Hayes, James A.
Hays, Will “Deacon”
Hays Commission. See Motion Picture Production Code
Hayward, Little Chuck
Hazards of Helen, The (movie serial, 1915)
Hellhole (movie, 1985)
Hendry, Gloria
Hennessy, Leigh
Henreid, Paul
Henry, Norm
Hepburn, Katharine
Heston, Charlton
Hewitt, Jennifer
Hice, Eddie
Hill, Jack
Hill, Leslie
Hindenburg, The (movie, 1975)
Hines, Chester
Hi-Riders (movie, 1978)
Hoffman, Leslie
as stunt coordinator
stuntwomen survey
Hollywood. See also drug use
Hollywood Reporter
“Hollywood Ten”
Holmes, Helen
Hondo (movie, 1967)
Honey West (TV show, 1960s)
Hong Kong
Honky Tonk Freeway (movie, 1981)
Hooker, Buddy Joe
Hooper (movie, 1978)
Hopkins, Natascha
horror movies
horse-riding stunts
1980s and 1990s
early stuntwomen and
Hot Pursuit (movie, 1987)
House, Lucille
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Howell, Chris
Hoyle, Lisa
Hulk (movie, 2003)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (movie, 1939)
Hurd, Gale Anne
Hurricane, The (movie, 1937)
Hutton, Betty
I Am Legend (movie, 2007)
Independence Day (movie, 1996)
In God We Tru$t (movie, 1980)
Inside Stunts
Inspector Gadget (movie, 1999)
International Stunt Association (ISA)
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (movie, 1999)
Invasion, The (movie, 2007)
Invasion USA (movie, 1985)
I Spy (TV show, 1960s)
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (movie, 1963)
Izzolena, Sonia Jo
Jackson, Kate
Jagged Edge (movie, 1985)
Janes, Loren
Jaws (movie, 1975)
Jaws 2 (movie, 1978)
Jennings, Claudia
Jerk, The (movie, 1979)
Jet magazine
Jing, Li
Johnson, Anne-Marie
Johnson, Julie Ann
car stunts
Charlie’s Angels
lawsuit against Spelling
as stunt coordinator
stunt safety
stuntwomen organizing
Johnson, Louise
Jones, Jennifer
Jones, Joyce
Jones, Peaches
Jones, Sam
Jordan, Barbara
Jordan, Jewell
Joy, Michael
Joy Ride (movie, 2001)
Julie Ann Johnson v. Spelling-Goldberg Productions
Julien, Isaac
Jungle Girl (movie serial, 1941)
Jupiter’s Darling (movie, 1954)
Kahana, Kim
Kalem Company
Kearns, Desiree
Keaton, Buster
Keegan, Donna
Keith, Brian
Kelley, David
Kelly, Jim
Kennedy, Beth
Kennedy, Robert
Keystone Company
Khouri, Callie
Kiley, Richard
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (movie, 2003)
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (movie, 2004)
Kincaid, Sandy
King, Billie Jean
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Stephen
King, Wayne
King, Wayne, Jr.
Kingi, Henry
Kingi, Henry, Jr.
King Kong (movie, 1933)
King Kong (movie, 1976)
Kings of the Sun (movie, 1963)
Klevins, Max
Knights (movie, 1993)
Koerner, Gretchen
Koska, William
Kramer, Stanley
Kravitz, Zoe
Ladd, Cheryl
Ladies World
Lady Forgets, The (movie, 1989)
L.A. Law (TV show, 1986–1994)
Lamb, Jennifer
Lamothe, Irene
Lamour, Dorothy
Lancer (TV show, late 1960s)
Landis, John
Lane, Bill
Lange, Jessica
Langenkamp, Heather
Lansing, Sherry
Lasky, Jesse L.
Last of the Great Survivors (movie, 1984)
Last Samurai, The (movie, 2003)
Lauzen, Martha
Law and Order (TV show, 1990s)
Lawless, Lucy
League of Their Own, A (movie, 1992)
Lee, Ang
Legend of Nigger Charley, The (movie, 1972)
Leigh, Vivien
Leo and Liz in Beverly Hills (TV show, 1986)
Leonard, Terry
Leoni, Téa
Life magazine
Life of Pi, The (movie, 2012)
Linda Lovelace for President (movie, 1975)
Little, Ann
Littlest Rebel, The (movie, 1935)
Liu, Lucy
Live and Let Die (movie, 1973)
Living on Love (movie, 1937)
Lofton, Cary
Logan’s Run (movie, 1976)
London, Michael
Long, Kathy
Longwell, Tod
Look magazine
Lopez, Victor
Los Angeles Police Department
Los Angeles Times
Lovelace, Linda
Lucas, Sharon
Lucille Love, Girl of Mystery (movie serial, 1914)
Lucky Devils (movie, 1933)
Lydecker, Stephen
Lynch, Kelly
Lyons, Cliff
MacLaren, Mary
Madalone, Dennis
Magnum P.I. (TV show, 1980s)
Mahoney, Jock
Main, Marjorie
Manners, Kim
Mapes, Ted
Margulies, Stan
Marshall, George
Marshall, Penny
Marta, Bob
martial arts
Martin, Lori
Martin, Steve
Mary Tyler Moore Show, The (TV show, 1970s)
Mateschitz, Dietrich
Matrix, The (movie, 1999)
Matrix Reloaded, The (movie, 2003)
Matrix Revolutions, The (movie, 2003)
Matt Houston (TV show, 1980s)
Maxwell, Max
Mayer, Bill
Mayer, Louis B.
McClure Publishing
McCreary, Bill
McCullough, Colleen
McDaniel, Hattie
McGee, Dwayne
McGowan, J. P.
McGrail, Walter
McLarty, Gary
McLintock! (movie, 1963)
McQueen, Steve
McWilliams, Carey
Menzer, Russell
Merkel, Una
Meryl, Angela
Meteor (movie, 1979)
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM)
Micheaux, Oscar
Micheli, Amanda
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (TV show, 1990s)
Miles, Frances
Millea, Holly
Miller Brothers
Mills, Donna
Minor, Bob
Mitchell, Rodney
Mitchum, Robert
Mix, Tom
Mod Squad (TV show, 1968–1973)
Moe, Marilyn
Moody, Paula
Moore, Clayton
Moore, Dorenda
Moore, Katherine
Moore, Mary
Moore, Roger
Morga, Tom
Morgan, Bob
Morrow, Vic
Moss, Carrie-Anne
Motion Picture Production Code
pre-Code movies
Motown Productions
Mower, Caryn
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (movie, 2005)
Mr. Deeds (movie, 2002)
Mrs. Columbo (TV show, 1979–1980)
Muir, Florabel
Mulligans! (TV show, 1997)
Murder, She Wrote (TV show, 1984–1996)
Murphy, Brianne
Murphy, Eddie
Murphy, Kimberly Shannon
Murphy, Mary
Myers, Stevie
My Name Is Earl (TV show, 2000s)
Mystery Men (movie, 1999)
Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad, The (movie, 1988)
Nash Bridges (TV show, 1990s)
National Velvet (TV show, 1960s)
nondescript (ND) work
Needham, Hal
Network (movie, 1976)
Nevada Smith (movie, 1966)
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