Pride x Familiar

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Pride x Familiar Page 17

by Albert Ruckholdt

  “Familiars have only one role, and that is to serve the Aventis.”

  “Is that so? So now you’re re-writing history?”


  I crossed my arms. “Have you forgotten the reason why the Aventis won the conflict for survival against humanity?”

  He fell silent but it only lasted a few moments. “You don’t believe that farcical reason, do you?”

  “Of course I do.” I indicated Desanto seated in the interrogation room. “His family bloodline runs all the way back two hundred years to the Familiars that sided with the Aventis. You and I are having this conversation because of the decision his ancestors and many others made the decision to side against humanity. Of course, we all know they did it to bring a quick end to the conflict. But then again, they could have helped humanity rather than us and still brought about a quick resolution to the war.”

  Christian had a bitter look on his face.

  I added, “They sided with us, probably expecting a better future for their kind. They even disarmed themselves of the Artifacts they used in the war. And what did it get them? A life of servitude to the Prides for them and their descendants. An existence where they’re treated as a lower caste in our society, barely one step above the Regulars.” I crossed my arms. “Aventis and Regulars see them as freaks. How demeaning.”

  Christian looked incensed. “You would put them above us?”

  “Why not? We all know they can do things we can’t. If it comes down to the superior species, why is it only they can operate the Fragments and Artifacts?”

  “I’m not going to have this debate with you here.” He turned to face me fully. “What I will have is your co-operation. We’re taking him into custody, and we’ll be conducting the questioning.”

  “On whose authority?”

  “Mine. I’m the senior investigator for Island Three. I have the authority.”

  “Then I will make a request to our Primatriarch that she veto your authority.” I shook my head. “You’re not getting your hands on him.”

  “Why are you protecting him?”

  I couldn’t help raising my voice. “What kind of stupid question is that, Christian? We know all too well how the Ventiss Family looks after its Familiars. I have no doubt your Family’s attitude toward them drove that girl to attempted murder.”

  “That was a personal matter between Steiner and Peligree. That had nothing to do with the Ventiss Family.”

  “Bullshit!” Now I was seriously pissed. “Every Familiar that has served the Ventiss Family has ended up with issues, and more than a few have taken their own lives. More than a few have defected to Crimson Crescent. You are driving them into the welcoming arms of our enemy.”

  “Peligree was not instructed to take down Steiner. Don’t blame that on the Ventiss Family. As for the others, they simply weren’t fit to serve my family.”

  “I already stated my stance on the matter. I have to admit, I feel sorry for that girl.”

  “You would feel sorry for a Familiar?”

  “Yes. And I feel sorry for your niece as well, trapped in a family like yours. She’s becoming as twisted and biased as you are.”

  “Take care with your next words, Alessandro.”

  I tapped the one way window. “He stays here. Don’t even think of taking him away.”

  My palm-slate rang and I was spared having to listen to his retort. I fished it out of my jacket’s inner pocket. I answered the call, and listened to a subordinate on the other end of the line. “I see. Please show her in.”

  Ending the call I looked at Christian. “Arisa Imreh Lanfear and her people are here. Would you like to have a few words with her?”

  He almost sneered at mention of Arisa’s name. “That would be a complete waste of time.”

  I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  Then I walked away, heading for the vehicle’s exit. I opened the door and when I looked out, Arisa was standing at the foot of the retractable stairs.

  Her emerald green eyes met my hazel ones.

  I watched her fiery red hair catch the breeze and remembered better times between us. Pushing down the hurt in my heart, I greeted her with a polite smile.

  “Lady Imreh, if you’ll come this way….”



  When I woke up, I knew I was in a hospital room.

  I could hear the soft beeps of the equipment around me, and I could smell the scent of antiseptics in the air.

  Then of course there was the white washed ceiling and walls surrounding me.

  My chest ached. For a moment I wondered why until I remembered I’d been stabbed by Constance Peligree.

  I remembered seeing Caelum’s shield-blade slice through her skinsuit like it was paper and then send her flying through the air.

  Was she still alive?

  Well, if I was alive, then it stood to reason Constance had most probably survived.

  I closed my eyes.

  How long had I been unconscious? Was it still Saturday? How the Hell had things turned out this way?

  I replayed the events in my mind as best I remembered them.

  I had no doubt Constance hated me now more than ever.

  But now Caelum had made an enemy of her.

  I remembered the look of rage on his face, and I opened my eyes.

  No, she had made an enemy of Caelum.

  I lifted a hand and rubbed my eyes.

  Truly a horrible way to end the day.

  I frowned inwardly, wondering once again if it was still Saturday.

  Then I heard movement to my right. When I turned my head on the pillow, I saw a young girl dozing on a cushioned chair. She wasn’t quite drooling yet, but she was getting close. There was a large data-slate on resting on her lap. It looked like she’d been reading something on it. Her head rolled slightly and she startled herself awake.

  “Damn…fell asleep,” she muttered. She wiped her lips as she blinked the sleep from her eyes.

  Her eyes met mine, and I saw her break into a gentle smile.

  “Ara ara, you’re awake. Took your time, though.”

  I looked at Simone Alucard, and couldn’t help wondering why she was here watching over me. I swallowed a few times but my voice was no better than a hoarse whisper.


  “Oh, why am I here? Hmm….” Simone shifted her posture on the chair. “Well, you could say I’m watching over since it’s my responsibility to do so.”

  “I don’t understand….”

  She took a deep breath and released a despondent sigh. “It was my fault you were injured. My fault you had to face off against Constance. I should have just let things be. After all, what damage could Prissila have done? If she told him the truth, would Caelum really react badly against us?” She shook her head. “I just don’t know him well, so I panicked. We need him to be a part of the Student Council’s plan to oppose Crescent. I didn’t want Prissila jeopardizing his involvement.” She pursed her lips together in a pout. “Maybe our plans are all wrong. Maybe getting in Crimson Crescent’s way is a bad idea….”

  I studied her forlorn expression, then shook my head but it was barely noticeable.

  If I moved too much my chest really did hurt.

  Good gods, how much damage had Constance done with her blade.

  I chose to change the subject. “Countess…how did I…survive?”

  The girl blinked a few times then broke into a sheepish smile. “Ara ara, well that’s simple. I sliced my wrist and poured my blood down your throat. I forced you to drink it no matter what. After that, all we could do was hope the Symbiote healed your injury.”

  She gave me a curious look.

  “You’re body reacted quite well to my blood. I know Lanfear and Raynar blood is very close, but to think it could have this kind of healing property on you.”

  The Countess sagged back in the chair while wrapping her arms about herself.

  “But it’s all good. You didn’t die,
though you came close a few times, and that was even with my blood inside you.”

  I swallowed a couple of times.

  I was really thirsty, not to mention my throat was parched.

  Simone appeared to notice. She operated the bed’s controls in order to raise me to a semi-seated position. Then she filled a plastic cup with water and gently handed it to me. I sipped the water carefully. It felt good as it slid down my throat, but a dull ache bloomed into fresh pain as it travelled down the length of my chest.

  I grimaced against the pain.

  Simone noticed and said, “You had a nasty stab wound. I’m afraid it’s going to leave a scar. You’re going to have choose your bikini’s carefully for the next few years.”

  I gave her a sour look.

  Her words made me feel depressed, as did the thought of disappointing Caelum if he ever saw me in a bikini.

  How would he react if he saw me in a swimsuit?

  Oh my gods! I forgot all about Caelum!

  I looked at Simone and winced as I turned my head a little too quickly. “Countess, what happened to Caelum? Where is he?”

  Simone looked pained and didn’t respond right away. “He’s…he’s in custody.”


  The Countess folded her hands on her lap. “Because Constance Peligree almost died. In fact she flat-lined several times. Her injuries were much more severe than yours. Caelum sliced her body almost in half. They had to inject Prissila’s blood into Constance in an absolute hurry.”

  I remembered a fountain of blood jetting out of Constance the moment Caelum swung his shield-blade upwards. The piercer-field generated by his Fragment had ripped through Constance’s barrier-field like a knife through paper.

  The Countess continued softly. “You could say the Ventiss Family are royally pissed. Not only at Caelum, but Prissila as well. They hold her partly responsible for what happened yesterday. But Caelum’s ability shocked everyone. The fact he could so easily dispatch Constance has set more than a few hairs on end.”

  The girl looked down at her hands then folded them neatly on her lap.

  “So Caelum has been kept in custody while my family and the Lanfears petition for his release. Last I heard, the Primatriarchs of both Prides were involved in the disagreement.” She gave me yet another despondent look. “There’s also the problem of hiding what happened from the public. So many people witnessed and recorded the encounter that it’s been impossible to cover up. Believe me when I say the Prides are trying, but the holovids keep popping up all over the cynet.”

  I frowned at her. “Countess, are you saying—are you saying everyone knows about what happened?”

  The Countess exhaled loudly. “Not everyone, but certainly a large percentage of Pharos’s population.” She gave me a smile full of mixed feelings. “I’m afraid that you, Constance and Caelum have become quite infamous.”

  I raised my head off the pillow. “People…know about me?”

  Simone let out a very heavy sigh. “Oh, they certainly do. It didn’t take them long to figure out who you were. There was even a reward posted on the cynet boards to anyone who could identify all three of you.”

  I lay back and stared at the line where the ceiling met the far wall.


  The Countess stood up slowly and stretched her body. “Damn, I need a shower….”

  I couldn’t help looking at her. She was dressed in a black blouse, and black slacks. I was ashamed to admit she had an excellent figure, though I thought her breasts were a little too large for her. Actually, they were too damn large.

  No wonder Caelum was so interested in them.

  Her breasts had felt quite firm against my back when I carried her.

  I reached up and touched my chest where the pain lay.

  Not fair. It really wasn’t fair. I was proud of my body, except for my inadequate chest.

  And now there was this scar to consider.

  I felt like crying.

  “Hey, hey, Caprice—what’s wrong?”

  Simone was standing close to the bed, leaning over me with a concerned look.

  “I’m sorry?” I asked.

  “Why are you crying? Does it hurt? I can call the nurse.”

  “I’m…I’m crying?”

  I reached up and touched my cheeks, feeling the moisture there.

  Simone sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked like she wanted to reach out and comfort me but didn’t know how much pain that would cause me.

  Again it was impossible to ignore her voluptuous figure.

  Gods, even if it was wrong I still envied her.

  The Countess swallowed and spoke in a firm, confident tone. “Caprice, Caelum will be fine. We’ll have him released soon, and I won’t allow his Fragment to be taken from him.”

  Huh? She misunderstood the reason for my tears.

  But when she mentioned Caelum I felt truly ashamed over my reasons for crying.

  My lack of decent breasts was the least of my problems.

  The Countess pressed on. “My family won’t allow Constance’s actions to bear on him. She tried to kill you and for that the Ventiss Family is already on the back foot. And as I said before, Prissila is in hot water for giving Constance the order to keep me from interfering. But the fact Constance tried to kill you will drive a resolution firmly in Caelum’s favor.”

  I wiped at my tears with my fingertips. “What about me?”

  “You’re in the clear. You were defending me and yourself. You don’t have to worry.”

  “Would they really take Caelum’s Fragment from him?”

  “I’m sure they’ll try.” The Countess paused for a long moment. “I have to admit, after seeing its power as a Fragment, maybe it’s a good thing it’s not an Artifact.”

  I tried not to frown.

  If it was an Artifact and Caelum was slowly drawing out its full potential, then did that mean the Lanfears had lied to us all this time?

  Or were they simply unable to tell whether it was a Fragment or an Artifact?

  Something the Countess had said earlier came back to mind.

  “Countess, how long was I asleep?”

  She blinked in mild surprise. “Ara ara, I forgot to mention its Sunday evening.”

  It was my turn to blink quickly. I stared at her with a disbelieving face.

  The Countess patted my arm. “Don’t worry. You’re almost healed. The doctors say you’ll be fine in a few days. However, they aren’t expecting to discharge you until Wednesday. So for now just rest.” She gave me a conspiratorial look. “Say, can I get you anything to read?”

  I mulled her offer over. “Okay….”

  She smiled then laughed mysteriously before saying, “I have a lot you might find interesting.” She leaned close to me. “But you have to keep it a secret. Promise?”

  I regarded her warily for a moment, then gave her a nod. “Promise….”

  The Countess sat back in her chair then bent down. I heard the rustle of fabric.

  I realized she had a bag at the foot of her chair.

  When she straightened, Simone had a second data-slate in her hands. She hummed to herself as she worked through the various menus. After a few moments she handed the slate to me.

  I looked at the reading material she had downloaded into the device.

  I read the titles, then I turned and regarded Simone critically. “Romance novels?”

  Simone’s smile grew slightly nervous. “You—you could call them that.”

  I blinked a few times. “Countess, these books—”

  She laughed quickly and waved a hand. “Ah well—just don’t tell my mother.”

  I looked at the selection of books presented on the slate’s screen.

  Hesitantly and with great trepidation, I picked a title.

  Little did I know what I was getting into.



  “Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

; I looked at Severin Kell’s holovid image projected on the wall unit in my office.

  He was quiet and thoughtful for a moment. “So an agreement has been reached between the Primatriarchs?”

  “Not exactly. There’s still some debate going on. However, it’s been agreed unanimously that if we allow the Galatea Academy Student Council to continue with its own plans, they will undoubtedly unravel Commander Alucard’s preparations for Crimson Crescent.”

  “And what preparations would those be?”

  “Severin, you’re not really expecting me to tell you.”

  He nodded. “It is within my purview to ask.”

  “Then my answer is, you are not in a position to expect an answer.”

  “I see. As expected of the Powers-that-be. Consummate arrogance.” He smiled thinly. “So the fate of the academy is in the hands of Simone’s mother. I’m considerably reassured we’ll at least see the end of the school year.”

  “If you do as you’re told, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to graduate at the end of the year as well.” I relaxed a little a more in my high backed leather chair. “Now, to put it simply, the Student Council will work with Commander Alucard’s personnel. You will follow the instructions to the letter. You will not deviate from them, and you will not question them. You are children who chose to play in an adult’s world. And this is how adults treat children who trespass into that world.”

  His smile grew. “I see. Anything else?”

  “Keep in line those Familiars you’ve recruited to your cause. For now, nothing more.”

  Severin Kell looked amused. “So the Student Council is now a puppet of Selena Alucard. Correct?”

  “The Student Council is under Commander Alucard’s authority.”

  “So you’re not going to tell us what measures she has in place against Crescent.”

  “Don’t ask the same question again, Kell.”

  I watched him nod faintly.

  His amused look was beginning to irritate me.

  “In that case, Captain Alucard, would you mind telling me when Desanto will be released?”

  “He’s been released into the custody of Arisa Imreh Lanfear.”

  “With or without his Fragment?”


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