Notes on a Century: Reflections of A Middle East Historian

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Notes on a Century: Reflections of A Middle East Historian Page 37

by Bernard Lewis

  “The Ottoman Archives as a Source for the History of the Arab Lands,” JRAS (1951): 139–55.

  “Population and Revenue in Palestine in the 16th Century, according to Turkish Documents,” Jerusalem iv (1952): 133–37.

  “Islamic Revival in Turkey,” International Affairs xviii (1952): 38–48.

  “The Privilege Granted by Mehmed II to His Physician,” BSOAS xiv (1952): 550–63.

  “The Sources for the History of the Syrian Assassins,” Speculum xvii (1952): 475–89.

  “Saladin and the Assassins,” BSOAS xv (1952): 239–45.

  “Some Observations on the Significance of Heresy in the History of Islam,” Studia Islamica i (1952): 43–63.

  “The Impact of the French Revolution on Turkey,” Journal of World History i (1952): 105–25. Revised version in G. S. Metraux and F. Crouzet (eds.), The New Asia: Readings in the History of Mankind, New York, 1965, 31–59.

  “Three Biographies from Kamal ad-Din,” in Melanges Fuad Köprülü, Istanbul, 1953, 325–44.

  “Izlanda’da Türkler,” Türkiyat Mecmuası x (1953): 277–84.

  “Europe and the Turks,” History To-Day, October 1953, 673–80.

  “An Arabic Account of the Province of Safed,” BSOAS xi (1953): 477–88.

  “The Fatimids and the Route to India,” Review of the Faculty of Economics (Istanbul) xi (1950–53): 1–5.

  “History Writing and National Revival in Turkey,” Middle Eastern Affairs iv (1953): 218–27.

  “Communism and Islam,” International Affairs xxx (1954): 1–12.

  “Nationalism and Patriotism in the Middle East,” World Affairs Interpreter, 1954, 208–12.

  “Ägypten von der Eroberung durch die Araber bis zur Besetzung durch die Osmanen,” in A. Randa (ed.), Handbuch der Weltgeschichte, I. Olten, 1954, 1001–16.

  “Studies in the Ottoman Archives I,” BSOAS xvi (1954): 469–501.

  “Islam,” D. Sinor (ed.), Orientalism and History, Cambridge, 1954; reprinted Bloomington, 1970, 16–33.

  “Early Educational Reforms by Middle Eastern Government,” Yearbook of Education (1954): 446–51.

  “A Note on Some Danish Material in the Turkish Archives in Istanbul,” Acta Orientalia xxii (1955): 75–76.

  “An Historical Document in the Responsa of R. Samuel de Medina,” Melilah v (1955): 169–76. (In Hebrew.)

  “Constantinople and the Arabs,” in The Fall of Constantinople, London, SOAS, 1955, 12–17.

  “The Concept of an Islamic Republic,” Die Welt des Islams, n.s., iv (1955): 1–9.

  “Democracy in the Middle East,” Middle Eastern Affairs vi (1955): 101–8.

  “Jerusalem in the XVIth Century,” Jerusalem v (1955): 117–27.

  “The Isma‘ilites and the Assassins,” in K. M. Setton (editor-in-chief), A History of the Crusades, i, M. W. Baldwin (ed.), The First Hundred Years, Philadelphia, 1955; 2nd ed. Madison, 1969, 98–132.

  “Some Danish-Tatar Exchanges in the 17th Century,” in Symbolae in Honorem Z. V. Togan, Istanbul, 1955, 137–46.

  “Turkey: Westernization,” in G. E. von Grunebaum (ed.), Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilization, Chicago, 1956, 311–31.

  “The Middle Eastern Reaction to Soviet Pressures,” Middle East Journal x (1956): 125–37.

  “The Ottoman Archives, a Source for European History,” Supplement to Research Bibliography, Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C.

  “The Muslim Discovery of Europe,” BSOAS xx (1957): 409–16.

  “A Karaite Itinerary through Turkey in 1641–42,” Vakıflar Dergisi (Ankara), iii (1957): 97–106 and 315–25.

  “The Islamic Middle East,” in W. Burmeister (ed.), Democratic Institutions in the World Today, London, 1958, 45–61.

  “The Middle East in World Affairs,” in P. W. Thayer (ed.), Tensions in the Middle East, Baltimore, 1958, 50–60.

  “On Writing the Modern History of the Middle East,” Middle East Forum (Beirut), June 1958, 15–17.

  “An Islamic Mosque,” in Walter James (ed.), Temples and Faiths, London, 1958, 47–50.

  “Some Reflections on the Decline of the Ottoman Empire,” Studia Islamica ix (1958): 111–27.

  “The Mughals and the Ottomans,” Pakistan Quarterly, Summer 1958, 4–9.

  “Der Islam im Osten: Vorderasien, Agypten, Balkan,” Historia Mundi, vi, Berne, 1958, 474–510.

  “Men, Women and Traditions in Turkey,” The Geographical Magazine, December 1959, 346–54.

  “The Near and Middle East and North Africa,” The New Cambridge Modern History xii (1960): 207–12.

  “The Ottoman Archives, a source for European History,” Archives iv (1960): 226–30.

  “The Political Ideas of the Young Ottomans,” International Islamic Colloquium Papers, December 29, 1957–January 8, 1958, Lahore, 1960, 97–99.

  “Ibn Dihya’s Account of the Embassy of Al-Ghazal,” In W. E. D. Allen, The Poet and the Spae-Wife, Dublin, 1960, 19–25.

  “Mas‘udi on the Kings of the Franks,” Al-Mas‘udi Millenary Commemoration Volume, Aligarh, 1960, 7–10.

  “The Invading Crescent,” in The Dawn of African History, Oxford, 1961, 30–36.

  “The Use by Muslim Historians of Non-Muslim Sources,” B. Lewis and P. M. Holt (eds.), Historians of the Middle East, London, 1962, 180–91.

  “Contribution to Constantine Porphyrogenitus,” De administrando imperio, ii, Commentary (ed. R. J. H. Jenkins), London, 1962.

  “Islam Devlet Müessese ve telakkileri üzerinde bozkir ahalisinin tesiri,” Review of the Institute of Islamic Studies (Istanbul) ii (1962): 209–30.

  “Approaches to Islamic History in Europe and America,” Colloque sur la Sociologie musulmane 11–14 September 1961, Correspondance d’Orient, no. 5, Brussels, 1962, 103–17.

  “Quelques themes andalous de la litterature turque au xixe siecle,” in Études d’Orientalisme dédiées a la memoire de Levi-Provençal, Paris, 1962, 185–90.

  “Ottoman Observers of Ottoman Decline,” Islamic Studies (Karachi), i (1962): 71–87.

  “Maimonides, Lionheart, and Saladin,” Eretz-Israel, vii (L. A. Mayer Memorial Volume), Jerusalem, 1963, 70–75.

  “Registers on Iran and Adharbayjan in the Ottoman Defter-i Khaqani,” Melanges Massé, Tehran, 1963, 259–63.

  “Problems as the Outcome of Changing Social Values in Developing Countries,” Social Aspects of Economic Development, Istanbul, 1964, 109–24.

  “Orta Şarkın Tarihi Hüviyeti,” Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi vii (1964): 75–81.

  “Islah al-anzima al-baladiyya fi cahd al-imbaraturiyya al-cuthmaniyya,” Takhtit al-mudun fi’l-‘alam al-‘arabi, Cairo, 1964, 99–108.

  “The Ottoman Empire in the mid-nineteenth Century: a Review,” Middle Eastern Studies i (1965): 283–95.

  “Arabic Dawn Poetry” (with S. M. Stern), in A. T. Hatto (ed.), Eos, The Hague (1965): 215–43.

  “Nazareth in the Sixteenth Century According to the Ottoman Tapu Registers,” Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A. R. Gibb, Leiden (1965): 416–23.

  “Government, Society and Economic Life under the Abbasids and Fatimids,” Cambridge Mediaeval History (new ed.), iv (1966): 638–61.

  “Kamal al-Din’s Biography of Rašid al-Din Sinan,” Arabica xiii (1966): 225–67.

  “Turkey,” in Dustur: A Survey of the Constitutions of the Arab and Muslim States, Leiden (1966): 6–24.

  “The Sources for the History of Iran,” Rahnema-ye Ketab (1967): 228–32.

  “Paltiel: a note,” BSOAS xxx (1967): 177–81.

  “The Consequences of Defeat,” Foreign Affairs (1968): 321–35.

  “Friends and Enemies—Reflections after a War,” Encounter (February 1968): 3–7.

  “Some English Travellers in the East,” Middle Eastern Studies iv (1968): 296–315.

  “The Pro-Islamic Jews,” Judaism (New York), xvii (1968): 391–404.

  “Jaffa in the Sixteenth Century, According to the Ottoman Tahrir Registers,” Necati Lugal Armaganı
, Ankara, 1968, 435–45.

  “The Mongols, the Turks and the Muslim Polity,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, vol. 18, 1968, 49–68.

  “The Regnal Titles of the First Abbasid Caliphs,” Dr. Zakir Husain Presentation Volume, New Delhi, 1968, 13–22.

  “The Great Powers, the Arabs and the Israelis,” Foreign Affairs (1969): 642–52.

  “Sources for the Economic History of the Middle East,” M. S. Cook (ed.), Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East from the Rise of Islam to the Present Day, London (1970): 78–92.

  “Race and Colour in Islam,” Encounter xxxv (1970): 18–36.

  “Russia in the Middle East,” The Round Table (1970): 257–63.

  Joseph Schacht (obituary), BSOAS, xxxiii (1970): 378–81.

  “On the Revolutions in Early Islam,” Studia Islamica xxxii (1970): 215–31.

  “Semites and Anti-Semites,” Survey 2, no. 79 (1971): 169–84.

  “Small Print of the Soviet-Egyptian Treaty,” The Times, October 8, 1971, 16.

  “The Contribution to Islam,” The Legacy of Egypt, Oxford (1971): 456–77.

  “Assassins of Syria and Isma‘ilis of Persia,” La Persia nel Medioevo, Rome (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) (1971): 573–80.

  “The Study of Islam,” Encounter (1972): 31–41.

  “An Interpretation of Fatimid History,” Colloque international sur l’histoire du Caire, Cairo (1972): 287–97.

  “Islamic Concepts of Revolution,” P. J. Vatikiotis (ed.), Revolution in the Middle East (1972): 30–40.

  “Corsairs in Iceland,” Revue de l’Occident Musulman et de la Mediterranée (1973): 139–44.

  “Fatimids,” Encyclopaedia Britannica (1974): 193–94.

  “On That Day, a Jewish Apocalyptic Poem on the Arab Conquests,” Mélanges d’Islamologie, volume dedié à la memoire de Armand Abel, Leiden (1974): 197–200.

  “Politics and War (in Islam),” in J. Schacht and C. E. Bosworth, The Legacy of Islam, 2nd ed., New York, Oxford University Press, 1974, 156–208.

  “On Some Modern Arabic Political Terms,” Orientalia Hispanica, ed. J. M. Barral, vol. 1, Arabica-Islamica, E. J. Brill (1974): 465–71.

  “Ali Pasha on Nationalism,” Middle Eastern Studies 10, no.1 (January 1974): 77–79.

  “An Anti-Jewish Ode: The Qasida of Abu Ishaq Against Joseph Ibn Nagrella,” Salo Wittmayer Baron Jubilee Volume, American Academy for Jewish Research, Jerusalem (1975): 657–68.

  “Gibbon on Muhammad,” Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 105, no. 3 (Summer 1976): 89–101.

  “The Anti-Zionist Resolution,” Foreign Affairs 55, no. 1 (October 1976): 54–64.

  “The African Diaspora and the Civilization of Islam,” The African Diaspora: Interpretive Essays, edited by M. L. Kilson and Robert A. Rotberg. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976.

  “The Palestinians and the PLO,” Commentary (January 1975): 32–48.

  “Return of Islam,” Commentary (January 1976): 39–49.

  “Cold War and Detente in the 16th Century,” Survey, nos. 3/4 (100/101) (Summer/Autumn 1976): 95–96.

  “Settling the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” Commentary 63, no. 6 (June 1977): 50–56.

  “Right and Left in Lebanon,” The New Republic 177, no. 11 (September 1977): 20–23.

  “Turkey,” The Washington Review 1, no. 1 (January 1978): 103–6.

  “Turkey Turns Away,” The New Republic (February 18, 1978): 18–21.

  “Turkey—A Loyal United States and NATO Ally,” NATO, Turkey and United States Interests, American Foreign Policy Institute (1978): 22–27.

  “The Egyptian Perspective,” Commentary 66, no. 1 (July 1978).

  “The State of Middle Eastern Studies,” The American Scholar 48, no. 3 (Summer 1979): 365–81.

  “Ottoman Land Tenure and Taxation in Syria,” Studia Islamica, Fasc. 50 (1979):109–24.

  “Palestine: On the history and Geography of a Name,” The International History Review 11, no. 1 (January 1980): 1–12.

  “Translation from Arabic,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 124, no. 1 (February 1980): 41–47.

  “The Ottoman Empire and its Aftermath,” Journal of Contemporary History 15 (1980): 27–36.

  Türkiye’nin Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Tarihi (1071–1920), Ankara (1980): 215–26.

  “Some Statistical Surveys of 16th Century Palestine,” Middle East Studies and Libraries, A Felicitation Volume for Professor J. D. Pearson, edited by B. C. Bloomfield, London (1980): 115–22.

  “The Bases of Political Power and Perceptions in the Middle East,” The Political Economy of the Middle East: 1973–78, A Compendium of Papers Submitted to the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States, Washington, D.C. (April 21, 1980): 503–20.

  “L’Islam et les non-musulmans,” Annales, nos. 3–4 (May–August 1980): 784–800.

  “The United States, Turkey and Iran,” Haim Shaked and Itamar Rabinovitch, eds., The Middle East and the United States: Perceptions and Policies. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980, 165–80.

  “Acre in the Sixteenth Century According to the Ottoman Tapu Registers,” Bibliothèque de l’Institut français d’études anatoliennes d’Istanbul, Memorial Ömer Lutfi Barkan, Paris (1980), xxviii, 135–39.

  “A Letter from Little Menahem,” Studies in Judaism and Islam, in honor of Professor S. D. Goitein’s eightieth birthday, Jerusalem (1981): 181–84.

  “Panarabismo,” Enciclopedia del Novecento, Rome (1981): 67–78.

  Loyalties to Community, Nation and State,” George S. Wise and Charles Issawi (eds.), Middle East Perspectives: The Next Twenty Years, Princeton (1981): 13–33.

  “Assassins,” Dictionary of the Middle Ages. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981, 2–5.

  “Kimlik ve Politika,” Türkiye ve Müttefiklerinin Güvenliği, Ankara, 1982, 19–33.

  “The Question of Orientalism,” New York Review of Books, New York, 1982, 44–48.

  “Meşveret,” Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi xii, Istanbul (1981–82): 775–782.

  “The Tanzimat and Social Equality,” Economie et Sociétés dans l’Empire Ottoman, Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont and Paul Dumont (eds.), Paris (1982): 47–54.

  “Hûkumet and Devlet,” Belleten xlvi, Ankara (1982).

  “Judaeo-Osmanica,” Thought and Action, Essays in Memory of Simon Rawidowicz, Haifa (1983): i–viii.

  “The Revolt of Islam,” New York Review of Books, New York, 1983, 35–38.

  “Comment l’Islam regardait l’Occident,” L’Histoire, no. 56 (May 1983): 44–55.

  “The Judaeo-Islamic Tradition,” Pe’amim (1984): 3–13.

  “The Ottoman Obsession,” FMR (1984): 89–99.

  “Islamic Political Movements,” Middle East Insight (1984): 12–17.

  “Usurpers and Tyrants: Notes on Some Islamic Political Terms,” Logos Islamikos, Studia Islamica in honorem Georgii Michaelis Wickens, Roger M. Savory and Dionisius A. Agius (eds.), Papers in Mediaeval Studies 6 (Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies) (1984): 259–67.

  “The Impact of the Exotic,” New York Times Book Review, December 1984, 15–16. (Review of The Oriental Renaissance by Raymond Schwab.)

  “The Egyptian Murder Case,” New York Review of Books, May 1984, 21-25. (Review of Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat by Mohamed Heikal.)

  “How Khomeini Made It,” New York Review of Books, January 1985, 10–13. (Review of The Reign of the Ayatollahs: Iran and the Islamic Revolution by Shaul Bakhash.)

  “The Search for Symmetry,” New York Times Book Review, April 1985, 10. (Review of The Blood of Abraham by Jimmy Carter.)

  “Serbestiyet,” Ömer Lûtfi Barkan Memorial Volume, Journal of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Istanbul 41, 47–52.

  “The Crows of the Arabs,” Critical Inquiry xii (Autumn 1985): 88–97.

  “The Shiites,” New York Review of Books, 32, no. 13, August 15, 1985.

In Quest of an Islamic Humanism, Arabic and Islamic Studies in Memory of Mohamed al-Nowaihi, A. H. Green (ed.), The American University in Cairo Press, 1986.

  “On the Quietist and Activist Traditions in Islamic Political Writing,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies xlix (1986): 141–47.

  “The Ras Burqa Affair,” The New Republic, March 1986, 18.

  “The New Anti-Semitism,” New York Review of Books, March 1986, 28.

  “Ibn Khaldun in Turkey,” Studies in Islamic History and Civilization in Honour of Professor David Ayalon, edited by M. Sharon. Jerusalem: Cana and Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986, 527–30.

  “State, Nation & Religion in Islam,” Nationalism and Modernity: a Mediterranean Perspective, edited by Joseph Alpher. New York, Westport, CT, and London: Praeger, 1986, 30–46.

  “Islam and the West,” in National and International Politics in the Middle East, Essays in Honour of Elie Kedourie, edited by Edward Ingram. London: Frank Cass, 1986, 16–30.

  “The Shi‘a in Islamic History,” in Shi‘ism, Resistance and Revolution, edited by Martin Kramer. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, and London: Mansell Publishing Company, 1987, 21–30.

  “Some Notes on Land, Money and Power in Medieval Islam,” in Varia Turcica IX: Türkische Miszellen, Robert Anhegger Festschrift, edited by Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont, Barbara Flemming, Macit Gokberk, and Ilber Ortayli. Istanbul: Editions Divit Press, 1987, 237–42.

  “Slade on the Turkish Navy,” Raiyyet Rusumu, Essays Presented to Halil Inalcık . . . , Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Harvard University Press, 1987): 1–10.

  “The Central Ottoman Archives as a Source for Arab History,” Revue d’Histoire Maghrebine, nos. 45–46 (Tunis, June 1987): 77–90.

  “Malik,” Cahiers de Tunisie, University of Tunis, Tome XXXV, nos. 139–40 (Tunis, 1987): 101–9.

  “Islamic Revolution,” New York Review of Books, January 21, 1988, 46–50.

  “Islamic Revolution: An Exchange,” New York Review of Books, April 28, 1988, 58–60.

  “The Secret Temple by Ömer Seyfettin,” Die Welt des Islams, xxviii, 1988 (translation), 301–8.

  “Europa und der Islam,” Europa und die Folgen, IWM Castelgandolfo-Gespräche, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1988, 256–83.


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