The bar is lively on a Saturday night when abruptly the television system suddenly switches to the news. Disgusted, the bartender proceeds to flick through the channels – but finds the same news on every channel. Momentarily, expectations started to mount amongst the crowd that they had won the war. The bar falls silent and people now waited with baited breath for the imminent announcement.
“The Human Rights Law Society and the Prisons Association have both confirmed that two Realm Secret Service agents, captured while performing a daring raid against a prison in the Prison District, are due to be executed at dawn. Although this action is completely illegal, it seems now that the President himself has called in the army and declared martial law in the Prison District. Army shuttles are making their way to the prison district as we speak to restore law and order....”
“The agents, whose names have been confirmed as Peta and Michael, supposedly infiltrated the prison disguised as engineers and subsequently engaged in a gunfight that left 30 guards and 3 fellow agents dead.”
“Although it is still not known the exact reason for the attack, it is believed that they had surrendered while performing the strange act of disconnecting another existing POW, and also suspected to be a secret service agent, from a life support system.”
“Human rights lawyers, however, are quick to point out that the POW in question was never meant to be on life support in the first place, citing the government's assertion that she had been involved in a near-fatal altercation with a follow inmate as absurd. The government's counter-position is that the attempt by Secret Services to kill their own agent is proof indicative that her life was already in danger by fellow inmates at the prison.”
The news switches to the head of the Law Society.
“Martial law is illegal. Executions are illegal. Furthermore, Peta and Michael have not had access to any legal representation, member of the media or the Corruption Commission – which, we believe, in this instance is completely unjustified considering the circumstances.”
The news switches to the President.
“Citizens, we take these regrettable actions due to a situation that is not of our making. The terrorists in question have voluntarily confessed a great revelation – that our enemy has been designing nano-machines that are capable of eating through the very materials that are used to construct our Domes. Under most special and unprecedented circumstances, your government has been forced to send a strong signal to enemy. If should be apparent in the extreme now that violence is the only language they understand!”
The stunned audience is speechless.
“Our government has gone insane!” yells a man at the center of the room.
“Don't worry – the Distributed Party will get in,” interjected another.
“Bollocks! There will be a civil war!”
Later, at the Presidential Offices, the President receives a call from the opposition.
“Hey Buddy!!” chimes the President, “Did you see the proposal I sent to you?”
“Yes, I did see it,” the opposition leader replies sternly.
“With your support we can pass it through parliament. Obviously, this will imbue a great deal of gratitude on behalf....”
“We are not passing your Retrospective Laws Amendment Bill, president. I will see you at the election.”
The president already knew that he was doomed to an election loss. He could only hope that he still had enough credibility to pass the corruption hearings and already there was a great deal of buzz about a civil war.
The mood on the streets had changed.
Nobody was talking to each other anymore.
The War of Civlar Page 14