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Love on Landing

Page 3

by Heather Thurmeier

  Tali sprang from the bed. How dare he? Her ass was anything but sorry.

  "I am not a spoiled brat you pompous jerk. Just because I like to stay in a nice hotel and read a trashy tabloid magazine once in a while and go shopping doesn't mean I'm spoiled. And for your information, my ass is fabulous, thank you very much. You'd be lucky to have to follow it around all day."

  She stared up at him, furious he would make her sound like a rich bitch. His dark eyes stared back down at her and his cheek dimple was nowhere to be seen with his jaw clenched tight. Damn he was tall when she wasn't in heels. He towered deliciously over her.

  "My mistake," he started, "that sounds perfectly unspoiled."

  He leaned down toward her and she caught another hint of his cologne in the air. The scent infiltrated her senses arousing her despite her anger. "And I'm well aware," he continued, "of how fabulous your ass is. I may be the pilot, but I always know my cargo. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep."

  "You did not just call my ass fat. My ass is not cargo."

  He smirked and his dimple appeared. She suddenly wanted to lick it. How odd.

  "If the jeans fit, babe." His smirk turned into a full-fledged grin. "Besides, lots of guys like a girl with a little—cargo."

  Tali tried to find words to retort as she stared up at him. She knew she should fight back, but being so close to him, smelling his scent again, her brain malfunctioned. All she could think about were the dark pools staring back at her and the stubble along his jaw that was now thicker than it had been on the plane.

  Stubble that so perfectly outlined his strong jaw, she wondered what it would feel like scratching against the skin of her neck if he were to kiss her at the tender spot behind her ear she loved so much. Was the spiky stubble as scratchy as it looked, or softer?

  She pulled her hand back quickly from where it had been creeping up toward his face like it had a mind of its own. She took a step back from him, bumping into the edge of the bed and falling into a sitting position.

  Her mind cleared now that she wasn't in such close proximity to him and the hurt from his words echoed in her mind. After the last few days of stress and heartache, being called a brat was exactly the last thing she could handle. Defeat settled into her chest, weighing her down until she couldn't get up off the bed if her room were on fire.

  She wasn't a spoiled brat, but a jerk like Gavin would never find out. Maybe Roger thought she was a spoiled brat, too. Well, they could both go to hell.

  Gavin could think whatever he wanted about her. She knew who she was and if he was too ignorant to see the real her, then she wasn't going to bother trying to change his mind. If he thought she was spoiled, she would act spoiled.

  "Just leave. I don't want to keep you from your big plans." She fought back the tears prickling her eyes. She didn't really want to cry again but the last couple of days were too much. The last thing she needed right now was to fight with Gavin. "Think whatever you want to about me, I don't care anymore. Just go."

  Gavin stared at her for a moment as his posture relaxed. He appeared as if he was going to say something, but then decided against it.

  She bit her lip while she waited for him to leave. The tears were on their way and she didn't want to let him see them. No, she wouldn't let him see them. "Please, go." Her voice was shakier than she wanted it to be, but she had no more control over it.

  "Listen," he said, taking a step toward her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you a spoiled brat. I—I didn't mean to make you upset."

  "You didn't. It's nothing. I'm not upset." But the tear trickling down her cheek gave her away before she could hide her emotions.

  "Ah crap. Really. I'm sorry. Don't cry."

  "Leave me alone, Gavin. This has nothing to do with you. I promise I won't bother you again until I'm ready to go home. So thank you. Your bellboy services are no longer needed by this spoiled brat. I'll call you in a few days."

  Gavin's brow creased as he clearly debated about what to do. Finally he strode to the door and opened it. "I'll check on you in the morning."

  He disappeared through the doorway leaving her in silence that was quickly filled with hiccupping gasps as the tears fell uncontrollably.

  Chapter Three

  "Shit, shit, shit." Gavin cursed under his breath as he walked down the hall to the room Tali had set him up with. He hadn't meant to call her spoiled. Even if she was actually unbelievably beyond spoiled, it wasn't his place to call her a brat.

  He wasn't sure what had come over him. He never spoke to women that way. Ever. But there was something about Tali that absolutely infuriated him. Maybe it was her expectation that everything would go the way she wanted it to all the time. Or maybe it was because he found her incredibly attractive when all he really wanted was to find her ugly.

  She certainly wasn't ugly. Damn it. Her dark hair begged to be tangled around his fingers as her tresses fell across her shoulders in long waves. And don't even get him started on her—ahem, cargo. She hadn't been lying when she said her ass was fabulous. He wholeheartedly agreed and it had taken every ounce of strength he'd had not to reach around behind her and grab a handful of her flesh when she'd brought her ass into their fight.

  He wouldn't think about her ass. No matter how nice her butt was and how much it practically begged him to grab it, he would resist. He'd been a toy for far too many women like Tali and he wasn't going to fall into that trap again. He had to remember who she really was and try his best not get caught up in how much her cheeks flushed when she fought with him. She looked really good when she was hot and bothered…

  Nope. He wouldn't go there. He'd sit in his room and rent French pay-per-view movies on her dime until she told him she was ready to go. Then he'd fly her home and try not to get into another fight with her. The silent treatment would be much better than tears.

  He hadn't meant to be so hard on her. He certainly hadn't meant to make her cry. Had she really started to cry because he called her a spoiled brat? That didn't seem right at all. Maybe there was more going on with her than he realized. Maybe there was a bigger reason for her solo trip.

  Tomorrow morning he would check to see how she was doing and once he knew she was okay then his commitment to her would be done until she wanted to go home. That was fair. He wasn't paid to babysit her, but he also couldn't walk away from her until he knew she was okay.

  * * * *

  Gavin rapped on the door to Tali's room and leaned against the doorframe as he waited for her. He didn't even know if she'd still be in bed or if she'd already left her room since he had no idea what kind of schedule the girl liked to keep.

  He'd woken that day at mid-morning, allowing himself the luxury of sleeping in. He didn't usually suffer from jetlag thanks to the many miles he'd logged, but he did enjoy sleeping late the first day in a new time zone whenever possible. There was something refreshing about waking up somewhere new without a schedule. Life didn't get much better than exploring somewhere different and interesting every few days. He couldn't imagine any other way of life.

  A mumbled sounded from inside the room but he couldn't make out the words. "Tali," he called. "You okay in there?"

  Another muffled response answered him through the thick door, yet he still couldn't make out the words. Was she hurt? Still upset? Maybe she really was still sleeping?

  "Tali, I can't come in unless you open the door. Can you just let me know you're okay so I can go get breakfast?"

  He didn't want to be rude, but honestly, he didn't feel like talking to her very much today. He didn't want to get into another argument with her if she was feeling fragile for some reason. And he definitely didn't want to be her impromptu shoulder to cry on. No thanks.

  The lock slipped in the door and an instant later Tali stood on the other side—wrapped in a towel. Her bare shoulders were a warm ivory that looked like they had been perfectly polished by someone with great attention to detail. Her hair hung wet across her collarbone and his eyes
couldn't help but follow the tiny rivers of water running off her tresses as they disappeared into her cleavage.

  His eyes focused on the mounds of her breasts held captive under the tightly wrapped towel. He suddenly prayed the towel would come loose and fall to the floor so he could see the rest of the treasures she kept just out of his view.

  He'd never hated a towel more in his life.

  "Hey, Gavin. What's up?" Tali opened the door wide and pulled him through before letting it close behind him. "It's drafty out in the hallway."

  He saw the goose bumps rise on her flesh and had to stop himself from reaching out to rub them away. They were so tempting. She was so tempting.

  Stop. She's the same spoiled girl she was last night. He nodded unconsciously. She's also naked.

  "I was just checking you out." His gaze flashed back to her face and away from the view clouding his thoughts and tying his tongue. "I—I meant to say I was just checking on you to see if you were okay since you seemed a bit upset last night."

  She smiled and put her hands on her hips. Her towel opened at her side slightly, revealing a glimpse of her milky-white thigh. "I'm fine. It's amazing what a good night's sleep and a hot shower can do for a person."

  And a body.

  "Great. I'm glad to hear that. So I'll leave you alone then." He started toward the door but her hand on his arm stopped him.

  "Could you stay?" Her dark eyes gazed up at him and he wanted to say yes to her request.


  "I thought maybe we could hang out together today. You know, walk around the city a bit. Maybe shop a little. Take in the sights. What do you say?"

  "I say I have better things to do than carry your shopping bags all over the city."

  "Really? Like what? Stay in the hotel and pout?"

  He shrugged. He wasn't going to let her get the better of him again. He wasn't going to let her get him worked up into another bickering match. "Maybe. But whatever I do on my time off is my business, not yours. And I don't pout."

  "You seem awfully pouty," she said, turning away from him to walk back across the room. She grabbed the outfit lying on the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. "You're going to get bored if you stay inside all day," she called through the closed door.

  "I think I'll manage just fine, thanks," he called back.

  He glanced around the room. Her bed was still unmade. A half-full bottle of diet soda and an empty jar of salted cashews lay on the bedside table. The girl obviously didn't feel the need to clean up after herself. And who actually took food from the mini bar? That stuff was always way overpriced. Of course Tali probably didn't even consider prices, ever—of anything—least of all cashews from the mini bar.

  Sure, not spoiled at all.

  "I think you're being silly to miss out on everything Paris has to offer because of me. I'm not that bad, you know."

  The bathroom door opened and Tali strode out looking even more amazing than she had the day before. Her long hair was twisted up into some kind of ponytail, allowing him a clear view of her neck, which was beautifully enticing. She wore a simple T-shirt that hugged her curves and a pair of jeans that looked like they'd been created for her ass alone.

  Hot. Damn.

  Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to follow around a derriere like hers all day. But did he want to be her personal shopping bag holder? Did he want to listen to her whine about something silly while spending mountains of money on things she didn't need?

  Tali turned and bent to slip her feet into a pair of boots, pulling them up to her knees over the skinny-legged jeans. He caught the slightest glimpse of a pink lacy thong peeking out from under the edge of her jeans.

  Yes. Yes he did want to listen to her whine all day. Sign me up.

  "Fine." He sighed. "I'll go."

  "See, I knew you didn't want to stay here all day by yourself. Don't worry. We're going to have so much fun." She slid the zipper of her boot up to her knee and stood. A huge smile played along her lips and Gavin couldn't help but smile too. Tali buzzed around the room collecting her things.

  "I have one condition though."

  Tali stopped, her hand on her hip. "What?" He could hear the suspicion in her voice.

  "I'll go to whatever stores you want, without complaint—"

  "Great. Let's go." Tali took his hand and pulled him in the direction of the door. But he was bigger than her and there was no way he was moving until she agreed to his terms. He may not like shopping, but there was one thing he loved in Paris.

  "I'm not finished." He held his ground and she stopped tugging on him, the warmth of her hand in his momentarily distracting him from his task.

  He didn't want to think about Tali in that way, but he couldn't stop himself from wrapping his hand around her tiny one, trapping her heat. Her hand felt so small and delicate in his, a stark contrast to the huge feisty personality she presented. Her warmth radiated through him as he stood there, struggling to remember what he wanted to say.

  "So… what? What's your big condition?" The edge in her voice broke through his confusion.

  "If I follow you around all day, like a good boy then I get to choose where we go for dinner. No complaints from you."

  Tali stuck out her bottom lip and tilted her head so she peered at him through her lashes. "But I've been looking forward to eating at my favorite restaurant since the moment we landed. I promise you'll love the food as much as I do."

  He knew exactly what she was trying to do and he wasn't going to fall into her trap. She may be able to bend other people to her will with a simple bat of her long eyelashes, but not him. He wasn't falling for her act. She got her way with everything else, he wanted his way with dinner.

  Maybe he wanted his way with her too. No. Not worth the frustration.

  "My choice for dinner or I'm not shopping with you. Deal?"

  He grinned as she narrowed her eyes at him. It felt good to be the one to make her bend a little. Maybe now she wouldn't expect him to do anything and everything she asked. He was her companion for the day and her pilot for the flight, but that did not mean he'd be at her beck and call. Maybe now she'd know where he stood.

  "Fine. I'll eat wherever you say. Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

  "Now what kind of fun would that be?" He laughed at her expression of annoyance. She was fun to tease. "I promise you'll love the food… If you give the restaurant a fair chance."

  "I'm not so sure I like the sound of this."

  This time he was the one pulling her toward the door. "Good. Then we're about even."

  * * * *

  Tali slid her hand along the smooth silk on the hanger. The material was sinfully luxurious and begged her to buy it. How could she refuse?

  She pulled the hanger from the rack and held the dress up to examine the colors. The material of a garment had to be nice, but it was always the colors that made Tali reach for her credit card. This piece had exquisite hues in the delicate fabric—swirls of rich blues and greens intermingling on top of a cream backdrop. The way the colors combined and worked together took her breath.

  "That one's pretty," Gavin said from beside her.

  Pretty? Oh no. This piece was so much more than simply pretty. There wasn't even a word in the English language appropriate enough to describe the beauty of the simple dress.

  "You going to try on the dress at some point?"

  She shook her head. "You don't 'try on' something like this. I don't choose the dress, the dress will have to choose me."

  Gavin choked on a laugh. "Okay. So will the dress be trying you on then because you've been standing here staring at it for about five minutes already and my feet are getting sore? I'm ready to try out the chairs in the waiting area and rate them. Do you think these ones will beat the ones at Dior?"

  Tingles of annoyance sparked to life in her veins at his words. How could he possibly care about chairs when there were so many beautiful clothes to experience? It wasn't right.

>   "Go sit," she said, nodding toward the back of the boutique where the dressing rooms were. "I'll follow you."

  Gavin walked off toward the oversized leather chairs she could see inside the waiting area. She followed, eying his nicely rounded ass for about the hundredth time. Now his was an ass worth following.

  Oh my. A streak of bright red caught her eye, peaking out from amongst a rack of black. Carefully separating the garments, she pulled the red free. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at the gorgeous blouse. She could only cross her fingers and pray this shirt would also choose her.

  A shiver of excitement caused goose bumps to rise along the surface of her skin as she dashed into a dressing room. She tore off her shirt, eager to feel the crimson material wrapped around her body.

  Slipping the blouse over her head, she gently tugged the material down and into place. It felt amazing. Better than amazing. She held her breath as she turned to face the mirror. Would it look as good as it felt?


  She pulled open the dressing room door and cleared her throat to get Gavin's attention. He glanced up from his phone quickly then back down, almost as if he hadn't really looked. Slowly, his head tilted up to really gaze at her, his eyes unblinking.

  "You look beautiful." He smiled dreamily at her.

  "Thank you. Don't you love the cut of this?" She ran her hands over the blouse, smoothing out the material as it hugged her body like a second skin. The design was creative and unique. A plunging neckline created a deep V between her breasts, as small hand-stitched beads shimmered in waves with the light.

  "The detail," she whispered. "These little details—" She couldn't even finish her thought, too distracted with examining every single inch of the blouse.

  She walked back into the dressing room, carefully removing the blouse and hanging it safely on the far wall of the little room. She didn't want to risk accidentally bumping into it and harming it some way. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn't help feeling instantly protective of it.


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