Auctioned to Protect [The Spectrum Auctions 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Auctioned to Protect [The Spectrum Auctions 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 5

by Doris O'Connor

  The use of his name jarred him and he brought his head up and glared at her.

  “There you are. I love how responsive you are to being restrained, big boy, but I still expect an answer.”

  She grasped his chin hard enough for her fingernails to dig into his jaw. Pinpricks of pain, they focused his attention on her, and he scrambled through his fuzz for brains for the answer she sought.

  “I didn’t realize it was.” He paused and shook his head. “Rather, I didn’t realize you’d want to use one on me, My Lady.”

  The title slipped out without a moment’s hesitation and Scarlett’s grip on him turned into a caress. Balanced on a step ladder as she was, she was the same height as him. They stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime, before she leant in and kissed him. Mike groaned under his breath when she slipped her tongue past his lips, and her taste exploded in his mouth. She wrapped her tongue around his and deepened the kiss, whilst she pressed her breasts into his chest. Her cat suit felt cool on his overheated skin, the slight abrasion of her zip another sensation to add to the myriad of others bombarding him. He shifted his head to take command of the kiss, and she yielded to his temporary dominance with a feminine whimper that almost made him come on the spot. She just smelled so damn good. The sultry perfume she wore mixed in with the heady scent of her arousal, and Mike yanked on his restraints, desperate to touch her.

  When she finally withdrew, the heat in her gaze scorched his skin and he knew that he would damn well take anything for her, just to keep that slightly unfocused look in her eyes and to keep that fine sheen of arousal on her alabaster skin.

  He grunted his annoyance when she pulled away, and Scarlett smiled and brought the forgotten knife back into view.

  “I did promise you an orgasm you’d never forget, right?”

  When he was going to respond she put one finger on his lips to stop him from speaking.

  “Shhh, trust me. Let me show you how good this can be.”

  * * * *

  Scarlett’s heart beat so fast in her chest she felt faint. To have this big lout of a man so utterly responsive to the rope bondage blew her away, and lord the man could kiss. Try as she might her usual aloofness escaped her. This wasn’t about bringing Laura’s brother down a notch anymore. No, this went far deeper and raised the fiercely protective Domme in her. Nothing brought her more pleasure than seeing a sub fly when she tapped into his innermost needs, and she saw the absolute surrender in his eyes.

  Mike’s eyes had that glazed look, which told her he was drifting in and out of subspace, and her heart gave several suspicious little bumps. Mike did not surrender easily or gracefully. There would be hell to pay after this scene when he came back to his usual overbearing senses, but for now she had him eating out her hand. He shut his eyes and groaned—a deep almost growl that trembled from deep within—a sound she was pretty sure he didn’t know he was emitting, but one that had her pussy clench in desperate need to be filled by his cock. And Mike had a beautiful cock. Long and thick, the broad mushroom tip leaked copious amount of pre-cum, and she indulged herself by taking him deep inside her mouth again. His cock swelled even more. The thick vein underneath his dick pulsed, and his balls tightened when she scraped her teeth along his length before she released him.


  Head thrown back and eyes closed, the veins on his thick neck bulged with the strain, and she stood back to give him time to pull back from the brink. He froze when she held the flat of the knife against his balls, and his breathing grew labored. She left the knife there, watching his reaction closely and when his breaths evened out and he opened his eyes to look at her, she moved the knife again. He tensed, but he held her gaze and the trust she saw reflected back at her settled deep inside her heart.

  With infinite slowness she ran the knife up his hip bones, dug into his deep V, and then scraped it higher to encompass the old scar. Mike tensed and then relaxed, and she ran her tongue over the faint red line left behind by the tip of the knife. Gooseflesh broke out along the path she walked with her lips, and she sensed Mike slipping deeper and deeper. His breathing slowed in tune with his heartbeat as she continued to map out his torso with the knife, until she once again reached his cock. Swollen and hot, it looked ready to burst and she grasped his heavy dick in one hand and ran the tip of his blade across his foreskin repeatedly.

  His balls drew tight and he let out a long drawn-out groan. When she dug the tip of the knife into his slit, he called her name. Deep and guttural, his voice wrapped itself around her, and she let the knife clatter to the floor and kissed the deep ridges of his abdomen. Using his own slickness she moistened one finger and exerted gentle pressure on his anus. He clenched around that invasion and his cock jerked up toward his navel. Scarlett blew across his slit and deep-throated him at the same time as she pushed her finger past the tight ring of muscle and found her target.

  Thick drops of his cum coated her tongue and she swallowed around his head.

  “Fuuuuuuck…Fuck…I’m …”

  She smiled around his heavy shaft, hollowed out her cheeks and sucked in earnest as jet after jet of hot cum filled her mouth. Despite his restraints Mike’s body shook and his shouts of completion rung in her ears. Scarlett milked every last drop until he grew flaccid in her mouth and only then did she withdraw. Mike winced when she pulled her finger out, but that was the only response she got from him.

  Using the motorized suspension kit, she lowered him down onto the mats and cut him free of his ropes in record time. She threw a blanket over his clammy body and cradled his head in her lap.

  When he finally opened his eyes she smiled at him.

  “Welcome back, big boy.”

  Chapter Six

  Surrounded by soft woman, Mike pulled Scarlett’s intoxicating scent deep into his lungs. Part of him was itching to wipe that smug grin off her face, but the thoroughly fucked-over part won out. He crunched his jaw in disgust at being held like a fucking baby, but try as he might he couldn’t get his limbs to work. Blood rushed in his ears, and he heard Scarlett from far away.

  “Easy there, Mike. You went deep. Give yourself time to adjust, and drink this.”

  Cool liquid touched his lips, and he swallowed it down greedily. It soothed his parched throat, and with no choice in the matter he settled back down. Scarlett’s cool fingers traced the lines of his tats in soothing circles, and her steady heartbeat under his ear pulled him back into the present. She released him when he struggled to sit up, and Mike squirmed inside under her steady regard.

  He was expecting ridicule and smugness, but he only read concern in her expression and the cocky comeback he’d been ready to utter died on his tongue. This was important to her, and in truth his body was still humming from the most incredible high he’d ever experienced.

  Fuck, if this is what happened then maybe he could understand why folks went in for this shit.

  “How are you feeling?” Scarlett asked, and Mike yanked the damn blanket off his shoulders.

  “Fine, I guess.” He grunted the words and the ghost of a smile turned Scarlett’s lips up before she got up and turned her back on him.

  Mike glared at the delectable ass swaying away from him, and he cursed under his breath when his cock responded. How he could be up for action again was beyond him, but there was something about Scarlett that made him behave like a horny teenager. He bunched the blanket around his midriff and stood up. That was better. At least he could use his height to his advantage—maybe. She needn’t know that one look from her made him feel as though he were a midget, until he wanted to sink to his knees to see her green eyes blaze in approval again. What the fuck was that about? He sure as hell wasn’t going to analyze it now.

  “You keep that up and I’ll have to think of something else to get you out of your head again.”

  Her cool voice brought his maudlin thought to an abrupt stop, and he flinched when she tapped his hand, holding the blanket against his groin in a tight
grip, with a riding crop.

  “For starters drop that. I like to see what’s mine.”

  “I’m not—”

  Pain raced up his fingers when she brought the crop down hard, and then tapped her foot impatiently.

  “You are, at least while we’re here at the club. We’ve already had this discussion and I’m getting tired of hearing my own voice. Drop that blanket or get the fuck out.”

  His gut churned in answer and he let go of the blanket. Not because she ordered him to, but because he caught that hint of disappointment in her voice. Fuck it, that did something to him. Mike dropped his gaze and got to his knees, feeling a fool for doing so, but if she chucked him out on his ear, then his cover was blown. He never shrunk away from a job, dammit, and that’s all this was. He ignored the smirking voice in his head that told him he’d enjoyed himself too much for this to be merely about the job.

  “Better, brass, much better. I’ll ignore the sloppy posture for now, but I can see that you haven’t learned a thing. Maybe…” Her voice trailed off and she stepped away. Unease settled over him as she rummaged around in the toy drawers. Lord knew what she’d pull out to torture him with now. Mike wanted to look, to challenge her, but he kept his gaze fixed on the floor. She was right, after all. He had to act the part or he would never sniff out the asshole intent in causing trouble.

  By the time her stilettos appeared in his vision, he was so hard again he ached. A psychiatrist would have a field day with him right now. Why the fuck did this turn him on so much?

  “Look at me, brass.”

  The whip-like command made his head shoot up and he swallowed hard when he saw the contraption in her hand.

  “You’re kidding me.”

  Scarlett laughed and ran the cock harness and leash through her fingers.

  “I was just going to put a collar on you, but this will serve much better to keep your mind focused on serving me, wouldn’t you agree, boy?”

  Mike shook his head.

  “That really won’t be necessary, My Lady.” The words sounded hoarse, and his damn body betrayed him again when she brushed the leash across his junk. His cock bounced to full attention like an overeager puppy. Scarlett bent over to drag her nails across his slit, and Mike groaned under his breath. Still sensitive from his earlier orgasm, pleasure surged through him. The view of her ample breasts almost falling out of her cat suit didn’t help his state of arousal at all. Visions of his cock buried between her tits invaded his mind, and he screwed his eyes shut and balled his hands into fists. He highly doubted Scarlett would ever allow him to take such liberties.

  “Oh yes, it is.” Her breathless whisper into his ear had him surge into her hand and she cupped his balls in a surprisingly gentle grasp. “It’s necessary, because it will please me, and it lets everyone else know that you’re my toy, and mine alone.”

  The possessive words should have made him rear away from her, but they had the opposite effect. That sounded far too good. He must still be high from the earlier scene. The damn woman was like a drug, and she knew just which buttons to press.

  “It will also serve as a reminder that no one else is allowed to touch you. Unless you don’t mind Pedro making good on his intentions?” She smiled at his sharp intake of breath. “He seems rather fond of taking you on, after all…”

  Scarlett pulled away and Mike yanked the damn harness out of her hands.

  “Fine, have it your way.” She raised an eyebrow and he hastily added, “My Lady.”

  “Better, boy, better. Do you know what to do with that?”

  Mike shot her a glance and cursed inside at the amusement in her emerald eyes.

  “I’ll figure it out. How hard can it be?”

  Mike set to work and mumbled under his breath. Whoever invented this damn thing had torture in mind. It didn’t help that he was too aware of Scarlett’s intense gaze on him. It scorched his skin and he jumped when she put her hands over his fumbling ones.

  “Let me help you. Turn it around. There you go.”

  He batted her hand away, which earned him a swat on his ass, but he couldn’t let her touch him. Not when he was so wired that it took every ounce of his self-control to not simply flip her on her back and fuck her silly.

  As though she’d read his mind, Scarlett cupped his chin and brushed her lips across his. She bit down on his bottom lip when he tried to deepen the kiss and attached the leash to the d-ring nestled at the base of his shaft.

  “How badly do you want to fuck me right now, brass?” she asked and straightened until her cunt was right in front of his face. The crotch of her cat suit was stained with her arousal and Mike’s nostrils flared as her musk invaded his nose.

  He knew better than to reach up and touch her, no matter how much he wanted to bury his nose in all that wet bounty and make her fall apart again.

  Instead he sat back on his haunches and dropped his gaze to her boots. Scarlett nudged his confined balls with the pointed toe of her footwear and tugged on the leash at the same time.

  Beads of perspiration slid down between his shoulder blades, and he ground his teeth together. The ugly sound grated and Scarlett laughed.

  “If you’re a good boy in the club, I might just let you—soon.”

  She dug that lethal tip further into his sac until he squirmed and his breathing became harsh and labored, and then stepped away and pulled him up by his damn cock.

  “Up you come, brass. I have a mind to show you off, and besides, you might learn something by observing others play. Men are visual creatures after all. Eyes down and follow me.”

  His cock jumped in his restraints and Mike followed where she led. Out of the playroom, along the long corridor, and into the main play area, where the heavy bass of the music was interspersed with the sounds and smell of sex, leather, and pain.

  On and on those spiked heels went as though she was searching for something or someone and despite her earlier instruction he looked up when he heard her ask after Master Slade.

  No fucking way. She wouldn’t make him watch a scene between Slade and his sister?

  Pedro’s laugh grated across his nerves and he glared at the man when he put a hand on Scarlett’s arm.

  “It seems your toy doesn’t like something, Scarlett. He’s positively growling at me.”

  Scarlett didn’t even look at him. She just yanked on his dick hard enough to bring tears to his eyes and pointed to the floor.

  Mike swallowed the curse, and he did growl at Pedro when he winked at him. All he achieved was for Scarlett to pull harder until he was forced to his knees, but he was damned if he gave the Spaniard the satisfaction of looking away.

  “Brass, show Master Pedro the respect he deserves or I shall let him dish out the punishment you’re adding up for yourself.”

  “No, he isn’t my Dom and I won’t submit to anyone but you.” Mike ground the words out through clenched teeth. “My Lady.” He added the title for good measure, and continued to stare the other man down.

  Pedro whispered something to her, and then laughed out loud when Scarlett slapped him on the arm.

  “Well it was worth a try. I’d love to get my hands on his ass.”

  Pedro gave him a visual once-over that made his skin crawl, especially as Scarlett seemed to be considering her options.

  “Please, My Lady.”

  Pedro’s grin deepened.

  “He does beg quite nicely, Scarlett, I’ll give you that. Let me know if you change your mind. Slade is over the far side. It seems his pet got herself rather worried over what you might be doing to your toy, so he’s giving her a public flogging. They’re already attracting quite a crowd.”

  * * * *

  The low rumble emanating from Mike’s chest had to be one of the sexiest sounds Scarlett had heard in a long time. If it weren’t a sign of how much he teetered on the edge of his control, she would be prodding that big bear of man some more, but it was the anguish mixed in with the deadly anger in his blue eyes that stopped her f
rom doing so. She had already pushed him far harder than she’d ever pushed another sub, and he’d responded so beautifully it had been a joy to witness.

  Right now, however, despite his cock being literally at her command, he didn’t look very submissive. Even on his knees, he looked every inch the tough alpha cop, ready to go into battle at a moment’s notice. His muscles bunched as though he were getting ready to leap at Pedro, and she stepped between Pedro and Mike and put her hand on Mike’s neck. Letting her fingernails dig into the soft skin of his nape, she forced his head down until he was staring at the floor and some of the tension left his big body.

  “I should imagine they are. They don’t often scene in public these days. We’ll go and watch them, too.”

  “No…Please…She’s my sister…I can’t…”

  Mike kept his head down but there was a wealth of pent-up emotion behind those few words, and Scarlett traced a finger along his jaw until her fingernail dug into his chin with enough pressure to make him look up.

  “I know, which is exactly why you need to see this.”

  Red stained his cheekbones, and he shook his head and pleaded with his eyes. The fact that he didn’t just get up and make a scene showed just how much progress they had already made in a very short space of time.

  “Trust me, Mike.”

  His hands balled into fists but when she stepped away and pulled on his leash, he got up and followed her without a moment’s hesitation.

  Slade’s station was easy to spot. A small crowd of spectators had indeed gathered already, and they parted to let Scarlett and Mike through to the plush seating area that afforded an unrivalled view of the St. Andrew’s Cross, where Slade was just getting started in earnest.

  Scarlett sat down next to Jonas, one of the younger, unattached Doms of the club. The pretty redhead he was playing with for the evening was giving him a rather enthusiastic blow job. Mike tensed even more, even as his cock swelled in the harness and drops of his pre-cum appeared on his broad tip. Scarlett reached across and pulled him close enough so that she could lick the thick drop away, and Mike’s thigh muscles tensed under her hands.


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