Lost In Dreamland

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Lost In Dreamland Page 7

by Dragon, Cheryl

  Her dad’s eyes locked on hers and she felt he was hiding something. “What?” she asked. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “You need to understand it’s top secret. I can’t risk you telling anyone or freaking you out.” Her dad shook his head.

  “Dad, tell me the truth. I went through the memory thing. I’ve tried to get along here. If you’re honest with me, I’ll stay here until it’s safe to leave. No more stunts. You also have to make sure the rent is paid on my apartment so my stuff is safe while I can’t be out there working. And just to be clear, I’m not giving up my guys no matter what.” She wagged a finger at him.

  “I taught you how to negotiate too well.” He smiled slightly. “Fine. I’ll tell you the truth. Your instincts have always been too good.”

  “What does that mean?” She got a chill.

  “First, understand, I can move the hybrid where you can’t get to her. Another base, anywhere. No trying to see her again without permission. It won’t help her at all.” His voice was calm and deliberate, like when he told her what boys wanted before her first date. He could make anything sound painful and scary.

  “I get it. You’re powerful, and you don’t want me talking to her. I didn’t tell her she was a hybrid. That’s a shock I don’t want to give her if I can’t back it up with information about her real parents and how it all happened. It’s not fair to her.” Bonnie wasn’t interested in hurting people just to throw the truth out there. “I think she deserves to know the truth.”

  “That’s something we have to control. Right now, her not knowing the truth is safer for her, trust me. I don’t want to hurt her anymore than you do. I’m as concerned for her as I am for you.”

  He sounded sincere, but Bonnie didn’t understand it. “That’s nice, I guess. I am your daughter so maybe that’s why I’m getting more freedom.”

  “No, you’re getting more freedoms because you’re a human. You’re both my daughters.” Hastings looked to the guys.

  Bonnie blinked and looked around the room. The men looked as surprised as she was. Focusing on her father, Bonnie shook her head. “Look at me, Dad.”

  He finally stared her straight in the eye. “It’s not a joke. Shannon is my daughter. That’s the connection.”

  “You cheated on Mom with an alien chick?” Bonnie held her head. “You’re serious?”

  “I was on lockdown for six months. You were barely three months old. Your mother hated me because I wasn’t there to help, but we had a female alien refugee. That’s never happened since,” he explained.

  “So you had to sleep with her?” Bonnie stood and wanted to hit something. Violence was an urge she’d so rarely had that it made her shake. “You’re telling me Shannon is my little sister?”

  “Half sister, yes.” Hastings nodded. “And yes, your mother knows about it. We had a bit of a separation when you were two, but we worked it out. Our lives have never been normal. We’ve all sacrificed for our security.”

  “What a sacrifice!” she rolled her eyes.

  Zane got up and hugged her. “Hey, give it a little time. Process it.”

  Hastings tapped his fingers on the desk nervously. “I’m sure it’s a shock. Your mother had the odd misstep too but no other siblings.”

  “That explains the connection. You’re related.” Adonis smiled at her.

  Bonnie nodded absently. “My parents cheated on each other. I have a half sister I never knew about, but you sent us to the same college. So, you’re just going to keep her there for her own protection? Not let her talk to people? She’ll go crazy.”

  “There aren’t many alternatives.” Hastings shook his head.

  “Let her have friends. Tell her the truth so she doesn’t snap. I tried to escape after a few days, and I’ve got three men who love me, and I know the man holding me hostage. She might be scared now, but she’ll get mad and find a way out of that pod. If she and I are related at all, she won’t accept being a prisoner.”

  “You’re not clones.” He chuckled.

  “We’re your daughters. Would you tolerate the aliens taking you hostage for long?” she asked him.

  Her dad leaned back. “I’ll think about it. We’ll have her checked out and see if she can handle that level of shock and function here.”

  “So you trusted my ability to function?” Bonnie laughed.

  “I trusted that you and your men are a good group. You have the support you need.” He nodded.

  “Fine, so let Shannon have friends and family. We’re right here. Give her a chance for support. Where’s her mother?” Bonnie found it easier to focus on Shannon’s needs instead of her own shock.

  “Shannon’s mother is at another secure location. Shannon was raised by an adoptive couple like a normal human child. They knew she was special and protected her secret. I’m not going to make any decisions right now.” He looked at her sternly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you before, but you can’t tell Shannon about this. Any of it.”

  Finally, Bonnie saw a glimmer of hope. “Does that mean I can see her? We can chat about men and clothes?”

  He nodded with a sigh. “You two making friends isn’t a terrible idea as long as you can control yourself. No more escaping.”

  She smiled. “No, I promise. I panicked, and I knew the guys would come after me this time. No matter where I ended up. Now, I have a reason to stay. I can’t help fight aliens or protect anyone, but I can help my sister deal with this place. I want to get to know her.” It felt weird to say and weirder to have a sister.

  “Good. Give it time and get used to it before you rush in and spend time with her. You tend to blurt out things.” He winked at her.

  “I know.” No matter how much they annoyed each other, Bonnie knew her dad understood her and her habits like few people did. “Once this is all over, you assign the guys wherever they want to go, no arguments.”

  “Fine. Now, get out. There’s nothing more to say, and I’ve got to go to New Mexico for a day or two. Don’t try to go in the pod until I get back. You need to come to terms with this first.”

  She walked over and hugged her dad. Leaving, she knew the guys were behind her, and it was a good thing. Pierce wrapped an arm around her waist, and she caught her breath. She needed to let the information overload sink in.

  Chapter Eight

  Back in their quarters, Pierce poured her a shot of tequila. Bonnie sat on the couch with Adonis and Zane on either side of her.

  Pierce handed her the glass, and she downed the alcohol. “Thanks. You guys don’t want any?”

  “Alcohol is sort of a truth serum for us. Makes aliens a little loose.” Adonis kissed her temple. “You don’t need us to get too wild.”

  “Guess not, not yet anyway. Good to know.” She pointed at the bottle, and Pierce brought it over. Bonnie took a swig and coughed.

  “Easy, it’ll be fine. We’re not going anywhere.” Zane patted her back.

  “I don’t drink much, but I needed it.” She handed the bottle back. “I wonder if a human woman can get pregnant by alien men. We know it works the other way around.”

  Pierce shook his head. “I don’t think you want to test that theory yet.”

  “No way. Just curious. I’m not one of those brainy chicks in that lab. I don’t know how all the cells work, but if it was safe, I’d have a baby with you guys.”

  “That sounds pretty serious.” Zane kissed her cheek.

  “I think we are. Now that my dad finally came clean, it explains so much. I feel like I’m not missing something and waiting for the truth to come anymore. It’s freeing.”

  “You’re a very intuitive person. Being half-sisters, no doubt you and Shannon are alike in a lot of ways,” Adonis said.

  Bonnie smiled. “It’s not just that. I always knew he was keeping more things from me. Not just the military secrets or aliens but personal stuff. Like he was holding back somehow. There was a distance in the family. My mother acted like a single mom until he came home and took over.�

  “He didn’t want to confuse you. No kid needs that trauma.” Pierce sat on the other side of Zane.

  “But children know when something is wrong in their family. Clearly, Bonnie sensed the trouble, and it made her distrust her father. Not ideal,” Zane said.

  She started to giggle and leaned on Zane. “That’s so dumb.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “Not you, me. I’m complaining about my childhood and secret siblings. You guys crashed on a strange planet and were raised by the military. That can’t be loving and supportive. Away from your parents and friends.” She hugged Zane tight.

  “Keelon males are taken from their parents young and put into bonded groups. We had each other. Believe me, the military here was better than Keelon training.” Adonis hugged her from the other side.

  “Seriously?” she asked Pierce.

  He nodded. “It’s all true. Don’t feel sorry for us. We’re much better off here, and we have you. We’ll fight the Keelons to stay here. The crash was the best thing that happened to us.”

  Bonnie took a deep breath. “Well, I’m sure glad you’re here. Are you guys going to move in here permanently? All your stuff?”

  “If you want us to, we’ll move it all in now.” Pierce smiled.

  “Now, please. Then get some limes and salt. I want to do shots right. All of us.” She smiled.

  “Bonnie, you want us to get drunk?” Zane knew none of them had indulged at all since college. They didn’t like being out of control.

  “One shot each. Come on. I’ll let you lick the salt off my naked body. Anywhere you want. Suck the tequila out of my belly button.”

  “You sure know how to tempt us.” Adonis kissed her and stood up. “Let’s get moved so we can have some fun.”

  “Wait, all your stuff is in your place. Isn’t it better to just move my stuff there?” she asked.

  “No, you’ve got more space here. This is an upgrade.” Zane kissed her then dragged Pierce by the hand.

  * * * *

  By the time the men returned, Bonnie was naked on the bed with the bottle of tequila next to her. She’d seen them drunk in college. It was fun! Once in a while, it wouldn’t hurt them.

  Adonis got busy cutting up the limes, and Zane licked a few spots on her body and added salt. She shivered as the grains covered her breast. They were such men, aliens or not. The shot had taken the edge off her stress. Now her world made more sense than it ever had. She didn’t have to like the alien threats or the abduction, but it brought her back to the men she knew truly loved her. It was worth it.

  The men stripped off their clothes and stretched out on the bed. Pierce poured tequila in her belly button while Zane scattered condoms and lube packets around her.

  “Shots first then the real fun. Who wants to go first?” She grabbed a lime wedge.

  Pierce licked a patch of salt off her hip, sucked the tequila out of her belly button until Bonnie giggled from the tickling of his tongue then finally he moved up to snatch the lime wedge from her hand.

  Afterward, she got a lime-flavored kiss. Bonnie gave herself to the unique feelings as Zane poured more tequila and Adonis licked salt off her breast. There was tickling again as he sucked the tequila and something dripped on her other breast. Nudging Pierce back, she saw the lime juice being squeezed on her then Adonis licking it up.

  “One more?” She looked at Zane.

  “Hell, yes.” He shook the salt between her breasts and lapped it up.

  Adonis refilled the tequila and Zane sucked it up before biting a lime from between her lips. Sitting up, she pushed Zane onto his back and grabbed the bottle. Pouring tequila on his chest, she got some in his belly button. Shaking salt on his chest, she licked her way down and sucked the tequila off his stomach. By the time she got a piece of lime from Adonis’ teasing mouth, Pierce was pouring himself a shot on Zane’s body.

  “Okay, enough liquor.” She put the bottle aside as Pierce and Zane shared a lime.

  Watching them kiss made Bonnie’s arousal flip to overdrive. Straddling Adonis, she slid a condom on his hard cock and lowered herself onto him fully. Rotating her hips, she leaned forward and kissed him. Adonis lifted, and she rode him playfully as she watched Zane and Pierce making out.

  Bonnie laughed. “I thought liquor made you wild not turned you into teenagers at a make-out party.”

  Pierce looked at her and smiled. Leading Zane over to stand in front of her, Pierce grabbed lube and protection. Bonnie watched as he lubed Zane and filled that tight ass while standing. Their control impressed her. Zane leaned forward just enough and his hands settle on her shoulders.

  He was so close she could suck his balls. Zane moaned and pressed closer. She watched the rocking of his hips and listened to his groans as Pierce fucked his ass. Sucking Zane’s cock, Bonnie bounced on Adonis. It felt so good to be free and have her men so close. As Adonis fucked her, she sucked Zane more and more.

  Zane trembled, and she watched his face as he gave in and thrust back harder and harder. Pierce grunted first and Zane’s hands pressed down on her shoulders. Then he stood up and craned his neck, Zane kissed Pierce as the men came together. Zane was still hard, but she let him go so Pierce could have the fun.

  Slipping between their legs, she kissed Adonis as their hips worked for their own release.

  “They love showing off for you,” Adonis said.

  “We’re not done. Things are just getting started.” Pierce eased from Zane, and the men moved quickly.

  Lost in the pleasure as Adonis rubbed her clit and she rode his erection, she barely noticed Zane rubbing lube to her rear. When he pressed to her, she shuddered and let him in. It was so good to be pressed between hard men and feeling safe with them. When Zane’s hips snapped faster as he moaned, she looked over her shoulder and saw Pierce behind Zane, but couldn’t see his face.

  “I think Zane’s getting licked,” she whispered to Adonis.

  “He loves it,” Adonis replied.

  “Hell, yes.” Zane held still.

  “Hold on.” She wiggled to get them all going together. Squeezing them deep inside of her, she felt her orgasm start. The guys took over, fucking her faster than her hips could move. Bonnie’s body opened, but her cries were drowned out by Zane’s.

  Adonis held out the longest, but his hips lifted her off the floor as he bounced her to his release. Smiling, she grabbed the last lime wedge and squeezed it over her breasts and along Adonis’ chest. He licked her clean then Zane helped her lick the juice off Adonis.

  “Maybe you want to try it like in your abduction memory? Everyone takes a turn?” Pierce asked.

  “No, that’s so boring. I love watching you guys together. If I want more, I’m not shy about demanding attention.” She rolled off Adonis and licked her lime-flavored lips.

  “You keep up this game, and we’ll need another bottle of tequila.” Zane grabbed the bottle and took a sip.

  Her phone beeped, and Bonnie groaned. Sitting up, she reached for her device on the nightstand. Tapping the screen, she couldn’t believe the message.

  “Are you guys getting this?” she asked.

  Pierce checked his phone. “What message? I’ve got nothing.”

  “It’s from Liz. She’s pregnant! I guess we got the answer to if alien men can impregnate human women. I thought she knew better.” Bonnie reread the message three times.

  The other phones began to ding with an alert. “Here we go. Hybrid notification.” Pierce focused on the screen.

  “Nothing is foolproof. No matter how careful we are.” Zane hugged her.

  “I know, but I’m really glad I’m on the pill now. Let’s keep plenty of protection around because I’m not ready for that yet.” Bonnie kissed Zane, Adonis, and Pierce. “I love you guys, but babies can wait.”

  “You’re here. That’s all we need.” Adonis hugged her.

  About the Author

  A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with s
infully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels.

  Cheryl can be found at: www.cheryldragon.com.

  Also Available from

  Resplendence Publishing

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