Playing for Hearts

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Playing for Hearts Page 46

by Debra Kayn

  The room pressed in on her. She forced a swallow over the pressure in her chest. She’d learned a long time ago there was no pleasing her father when it came to business. His drive to success outweighed anything his children could do. For Dad, business came first and family second or third, she wasn’t sure, because he enjoyed playing golf and would often miss birthdays and holidays because he had an eighteen hole to shoot.

  “Maybe.” She glanced at Juan. “But I’m okay with what I do. I’m proud of myself. I don’t need someone else patting me on the head and telling me I did a good job.”

  “Are you content to continue working at Reese? You’re not just selling ski equipment; you’re running the whole damn company from a hotel room. I imagine your dad has other salesmen or women, using up company expenses traveling to every ski resort and lodge in the world doing what you’re doing here.” He linked his finger through hers. “What’s your dream?”

  She shook her head. “No dreams. I have a life schedule. Working for Daddy is just a way to finance my life. If you want to know what I’ll be doing in five, ten, twenty years, I can tell you.”

  She hoped he wouldn’t ask. Right now, her life schedule was off course.

  “Tell me what you’re going to be doing in five years,” he said.

  Dammit. She looked away, and debated whether to lie or shrug off his question. He squeezed his finger, tightening their bond.

  So she told him the truth.

  “In five years, I’ll be married and trying to get pregnant with my first child. My husband will be so in love with me, he’ll work from home because he can’t stand to be away from me. Together, we’ll spend our days traveling, visiting ski resorts, and selling ski equipment that exceeds the durability of any competitors around, including the Reese company.” She blinked back the tears blurring her vision.

  “Do you have a product?” Juan kissed the tip of her nose.

  She nodded. “Prototypes. No one has seen them. I’m biding my time. I refuse to show my dad. He doesn’t have a clue I want to give him a run for his money in the same market he made a name for himself in.”

  “What’s stopping you from going out on your own now?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s not time … my life — ”

  “Ah, your schedule.” He kissed her again. “Go to work, babe. I need to go practice.”

  The rest of the day she tried to shake of her melancholy attitude, but she kept going back to what Juan said after she told him about her life schedule. He didn’t ask her who she’d be married to or laugh about her dream of a love that lasts forever. He didn’t acknowledge that their marriage was a farce, and she’d planned to quickly forget about her time spent with him.

  It was time to face the fact that Juan wasn’t going to be the man loving her in five years. The thought hurt her heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two days before the flight to Germany, Juan eased out of the hot tub determined to make the most of his time with Dana. He’d put in a full day of skiing on top of having a physical, going through the lab work to verify he still qualified to compete, and having the physical therapist look at his shoulder.

  Dana was out shopping for the trip, and he wished she were here now. He threw the towel around his neck and let the cold air lower his body temperature. It’d do no good to go inside and fall asleep when he’d looked forward to spending tonight with his wife.

  He walked inside and quickly showered. As he stepped out, Dana rushed into the bathroom.

  “Oh, good.” She smiled, fairly bouncing in excitement. “You need to hurry and get dressed.”

  “Why?” He shook out his hair, ran his fingers through, and swept it off his forehead.

  “Because I have the biggest surprise for you. Like the coolest thing ever happened to me when I was downstairs.” Her eyes grew round. “You will not believe who I met today.”

  His breath hitched and the first thought that entered his head was that she’d discovered someone else who would slide into her life schedule and kick him out. He turned around and put on his deodorant. He had no desire to walk out of the room.

  “Must be someone special to get you this excited.” Hell, he was even jealous of whoever put the smile on her face today. It wasn’t him. He’d been busy, and regretted the time away from her.

  “He is!” She bit down on her lip and rocked forward on her feet. “He’s going to blow you away.

  He growled. He. So it is a man. Shit.

  “Hurry.” She stepped over and threw her arms around his waist. “We don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  In the mirror, he took in her flushed cheeks, her excitement, her energy. He wanted to be the one to thrill her beyond words. He hadn’t said anything, because it wasn’t his place to discourage her, she had enough people holding her back, but he’d like to take her damn life schedule and throw it out the fucking window.

  He was her husband. What happened to her getting excited over seeing him? Hell, he was standing here without any clothes on, and she’d barely noticed him.

  “Please.” She pulled on his arm. “You look gorgeous.”

  About time she paid attention. He hooked her neck, pulling her closer, and kissed her.

  She planted her hands on his stomach and pressed into him, kissing him back. With her focus on him again, he calmed. He pulled back and gazed down at her. “Missed you, babe.”

  “I missed you too,” she said. “Now hurry, get dressed.”

  “Okay, okay.” He walked out to the bedroom, pulled on a pair of jeans and sweatshirt, and sat down to put on his socks and shoes. “This better not be a joke and Maria talked you into dragging me out of the room only to have her and Mom here for the evening. We had plans … alone.”

  “Of course not. Your mom and Maria are already on their way to Germany. They left an hour ago, didn’t they say goodbye to you?” She frowned.

  He shook his head. “I was busy … ”

  “Oh, well we’ll catch up with them when we arrive for the Games.” She bounced back into her excitement. “This surprise is … well, you’ll have to see. It’s huge.”

  Dana led him into the living room. He held her hips, not wanting her far away from him. He’d gone all day without her, and wanted her more than he needed to see her big surprise.

  In the living room, Gary Satchel lounged on the couch. Juan grinned and lifted his chin at his good friend. Damn. He’d forgotten all about Gary coming to visit.

  “Juan — ” Dana turned and beamed at him before swinging both arms toward the couch “ — meet Gary Satchal, only the best NFL football player ever. He also plays on my favorite team, the Seattle Seahawks.”

  Gary pushed all six-foot-four inches and two-hundred-and-fifty pounds off the couch and stood. The smile on Gary’s face was a reflection on how much amusement he was getting from Dana’s obvious fangirl moment. Juan would’ve decked him if he weren’t so happy to see his friend himself.

  Juan stepped forward and held out his hand. “Gary Fatchel?”

  “Satchel.” Gary shook Juan’s hand, squeezing harder than normal. “You’re that guy … um … John … ”

  “Juan.” He held his laughter inside.

  “Oh my God.” Dana wrapped her arms around Juan’s waist. “I was downstairs and I spotted him right away. How could I not? Even without the Seahawk sweatshirt, I would’ve known him anywhere. He’s a ton of muscle. So, I told him all about you, seeing how you’re both athletes, and begged him to come to our suite and meet you in person. Isn’t this great?”

  “I guess.” Juan shrugged. “Not much of a football fan, babe.”

  Gary cleared his throat. “And … uh … I’ve never skied.”

  “Seriously?” Dana shook her head. “What planet do you both live on?”

  “Relax.” Juan moved around Dana. “You sit and talk with Fatch — ”

  “Satchel,” she said.

  “Right. Satchel … the football player from Pittsburgh — ”

e.” Dana groaned. “Really, Juan. He was recently traded to the Cowboys. I can’t believe you’re not a football fan.”

  “Don’t need to be, babe. I’m a skier.” He kissed her. “Go ahead and act all silly and have your moment. I’ll grab him a beer, ’kay?”

  Dana broke out in a smile and nodded. “Thanks.”

  Juan waited until Dana turned her back to him, and flipped Gary the middle finger. Son of a bitch was enjoying every moment of his wife fawning over him. Gary raised his brows and all but ignored him.

  Juan walked into the kitchen and retrieved a beer. It was too close to competition for him to drink, but he sure could use one to get him through the evening. First chance he got, he’d slap Gary on the back for stopping by, tell him he’d catch up later, and then show him the door.

  Best friend or not, he wanted nothing to come between him and his wife. He was running out of time with her.

  He returned to the room, passed Gary a beer, and because his wife sat beside Gary — who took up half the couch — Juan resigned himself to the chair across from them.

  Dana handed Gary a pen and paper, and mentioned her stepbrothers’ names. Juan stretched out his legs and clasped his hands behind his head. He learned something new about his wife every day. He had no idea she was a football fan. Maybe he should mention that he had a connection and could take her to a few of the Seahawk games once he was finished with the Olympics.

  “Thank you so much.” Dana set the paper on the coffee table. “The boys are going to freak. Oh! Can I get a picture too?”

  Dana dug her phone out of her pocket, stood, and passed it to Juan, and plopped back down on the couch, practically sitting in Gary’s lap. He growled, took the picture, and relaxed when Dana scooted a few inches away from Gary.

  An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Juan enjoyed every minute of it.

  “So, Fa-Satchel, tell me. Does being a big football star get you many women?” Juan resumed his bored sitting position.

  “Juan!” Dana threw him a death stare.

  “What?” He looked at Gary. “It’s an honest question. You came with my wife to our room, and I wonder why. Do you normally have women stroking your … ego wherever you go?”

  Gary laid his arm behind Dana on the couch. “Actually. Yes. I do.”

  Dana blushed and continued to stare bug-eyed at Juan, willing him to stop. He couldn’t help himself. This was the most fun he’d had all day.

  “Was that your plan with Dana?” Juan sat forward, bracing his elbows on his knees.

  Gary looked between Dana and him, read the situation right, and stood. “Still is my plan. She’s a sexy woman, and I have free time before I fly out for the game. I don’t see her hanging off you, so — ” Gary patted his chest, “ — she’s fair game for a man like me.”

  Juan flew out of the chair and dove across the coffee table. Dana screamed and, thank God, Gary caught him and they tumbled to the couch. He faked a punch to Gary’s stomach, and then exaggerated the painful cry when he received a punch to his back.

  “Stop it!” Dana pulled on Gary’s arm. “Don’t hurt his shoulder.”

  He buried his face in Gary’s back, laughing his head off while holding Gary in a headlock as he was tossed and rolled onto the floor. A pillow smacked him in the head.

  “You can’t fight. You’ll get kicked off the team.” She kicked out, and Gary grunted.

  Juan couldn’t go on. He let go of Gary and collapsed onto his back on the floor. He could barely keep his eyes open, he was laughing so hard.

  “She’s something else, bro.” Gary heaved himself off the floor and stuck his hand out.

  Juan grasped his wrist, and sprang to his feet. “Gary, meet my wife, Dana … the avenging angel, powerful enough to kick a linebacker’s ass.”

  “What?” Dana’s jaw dropped opened. “Are you kidding me? You know him … like know, know him?”

  Juan stepped over and looped his arm around Dana’s shoulders, drawing her to his side. “Gary’s one of my best friends, babe. I’ve known him forever … along with Crista, Bruce, Grayson, and Dominic. Remember, I told you who my friends were.”

  “Dude. You never said it was Gary freaking Satchel.” She hurled the pillow at his head. “I can’t believe you let me go on and make a fool of myself.”

  Gary tossed his head back. “I’m going to have that name put on my jersey. Gary Freaking Satchel. I love it.”

  Dana glared at her idol. “I hate you.”

  Not intimidated in the least, Gary strolled right over, picked Dana up in one of his famous bear hugs, and smacked a huge kiss to her cheek. “Congratulations on your marriage. You’ve captured one of the best men I know.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I hate him right now too.”

  Gary laughed and set her back on her feet. Juan moved in and nuzzled her neck. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. You were too excited over seeing another man. I had to prove I was worth being married to by protecting my woman.”

  She snorted, but found his hand. Together they walked over to the couch. He planned to catch up on all the news back home with Gary and send him on his way. This could be the last chance he had with his wife, and then he’d focus on winning the gold.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The tender, perfect touch of Juan’s lips caressed her breast. Dana arched against him as he moved back and forth between her mouth, her neck, and her breasts, eliciting a thrill through her.

  He settled his hand on her stomach. The warmth penetrated clear through her body and she squirmed underneath him. He kissed the sensitive spot at the base of her neck, blew on the area, and she quivered. She wanted him to touch her where she needed him most, but he never moved his hand.

  His tongue swept inside her mouth. She moaned. And finally his hand trailed further down, burning a path from her stomach to between her legs. Every nerve jumped and settled in her core as his hand found her sex.

  The intimacy aroused her. She clasped his hair in her fist, holding herself back. She floated on her arousal. The warm, wet, heat from mouth followed his hand. She gasped for breath as he situated himself between her thighs.

  Electricity shot through her as he found her sweet spot. Her hips shot off the bed, while her legs fell open. Pleasure built inside of her, and she grabbed onto the bedspread, urging him for more.

  He added his finger, moving slowly, filling her, without taking his mouth off her. The tension of leaving today faded to something unbelievably delicious, and she lost track of time.

  She stretched, pulled, and moved against him, caught up in what he was doing to her. Yet, in the back of her mind, she knew it would be their last time together in bed, having sex. The moment was bittersweet, but she promised herself she’d be strong for Juan.

  He’d gone back on his theory of having no sex a week before a competition, and changed it to no sex in Germany in the hopes that it’d make him more aware, stronger, and boost his endurance. She warmed, knowing she had the power to relax him to the point where he needed her more than she needed him.

  Deep down, she wanted to believe she meant more to him than his saving grace to stay on the team. They’d become friends. They’d taken their flirtationship all the way to the top, and she knew that once she walked away, her life would never be the same again.

  Juan crawled up her body and hovered above her. He gazed into her eyes. “I lost you for a moment.”

  She cocked her head to the side, and stroked his face. “I’m here.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  His heart beat against her chest. For him, she’d do what must be done. “Imagining you winning the gold.”

  He frowned. “Babe … ”

  “Do it for me, honey. Give me right now and tonight. Then put your heart and soul into winning. Make everything we’ve gone through together mean something. Let me have the memories of being with the man everyone will talk about for years.” She inhaled deeply, and forced a grin. “I want you on the side of a Wheaties box.” />
  He smiled tenderly and kissed the tip of her nose. She swallowed hard. God, she was going to miss the nose kissing.

  “Let’s both win the gold.” He slipped inside of her. “Together.”

  The intense buildup of pressure filling her was her undoing. Her chest heaved in a sob, and she used the emotion to give everything to Juan. In sync, souls touching, she never took her gaze off him. The moment was so powerful it rocked her right off her life schedule, and she reached out and grasped what he offered.

  Greedily, she held him, moved him, stroked him. She’d remember every second and play it back in her head for the rest of her life. Although she’d tried to deny her attraction, her flirting, her lies that she was faking their relationship, she’d somehow fallen in love with her husband.

  “That’s it, babe.” Juan plunged deeper, harder, taking her higher. “Come for me.”

  Her muscles constricted and as if to hold him inside of her forever, she screamed out his name, bucking against him as he held her. He shuddered in her arms, and laid his head against her neck. Locked together, legs entwined, arms holding one another, they breathed in rhythm of their hearts.

  Long after she’d gathered air into her lungs, and Juan’s heartbeat slowed until she could no longer separate it from her own, she lay there silently, afraid to cry for the finalization of the act. For if she cried, she was afraid she’d never be able to stop.

  “Dana,” he whispered. “We’ll be okay.”

  She nodded, and whispered back. “I know.”

  Juan rolled off her, and this time he kept moving and got out of bed. She shivered, missing his warmth, his body, him.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower and then I need to go out. Photographers are here, and they want team photos before we leave for the airport.” He paused at the bathroom door. “I’ll send someone up to carry our luggage when it’s time to head out. Do you need me to do anything for you before I’m pulled away with team stuff?”

  She shook her head. “No, I think I’m all set. I shipped most of my things yesterday to my dad’s house, and only kept two pieces of luggage for our trip. Someone from Reese is coming to close the shop tomorrow, so if I run into anything I forgot to send on, I’ll go ahead and let them take it back for me.”


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