The Storm Before the Storm

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by Michael Duncan

  Claudius Pulcher, Appius, 18, 24–25, 27, 32, 40

  Cleon, 45–46

  client-patron networks, 4, 26, 91


  of cavalry, 114

  of Italians, 154

  from maniple to larger, 136

  of populares, 134

  of slaves, 263

  Sulla in Athens with, 214

  Colline Gate, xiv, 241–242, 245, 248


  military, x, xii, 85–86, 140–142

  in North Africa, 72–73, 74, 199

  role of, 201

  for Roman citizens, 71–72, 78

  commerce, publicani with, 50–52, 56

  Concord. See Temple of Concord

  Conflict of the Orders, 3, 10, 44


  land and, 22, 113–114

  Punic Wars and, 19–20

  Spain and, 21–22


  Aemilianus and, 13, 26

  Antonius and, 156

  Carbo and, 235–237

  Cinna and, xiii, xiv, 203–205, 215–217

  Crassus and, 164, 169

  discrimination with, 10–11

  elections, xiii, 156–157, 190–191, 203–205, 215

  Flaccus (cos. 100) and, 152

  Gaius Marius and, xi, xii, xiii, 127, 136, 139, 151–153, 155–157, 215

  loss of, 23

  Mummius and, 13

  Norbanus and, 227–228

  novus homo with, 13

  Octavius and, 204–205, 206

  Opimius and, 73–77

  Pius Metellus and, 189, 256–258

  Pompeius Rufus and, xiii, 190–191

  Pompeius Strabo and, 178–180

  Scaurus and, 91

  Sulla and, xiii, 190–193, 203–205, 256

  Sulpicius Rufus and, 190–191


  for publicani, 50–51, 69–70, 84, 91

  tax-farming, 69, 132, 163

  Corfinium, xii, 172

  Corinth, fall of, ix, 1–2, 14, 63

  corruption, xi, 105–106

  election fraud, 90–91

  graft, 47

  publicani and, 165–166

  See also bribery


  grain prices, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

  land, rent-free, 73

  military, 69

  Cotta, Gaius Aurelius, 169, 173

  Cotta, Lucius Aurelius, 259

  Crassus, Lucius Licinius (the Orator)

  consulship of, 164, 169

  death and legacy, 169–170

  oration and, 83–84, 86, 120–121

  trial of Caepio and, 78

  Crassus, Marcus Licinius (Dives), 211, 213

  Crassus, Marcus Licinius (the Triumvir)

  Battle of the Colline Gate, 241–242

  First Triumvirate, 263–264

  joins Sulla, 230–231

  proscriptions and, 248

  Cretans, 176

  culture, salons, 79

  curses, on treasure, 121

  cursus honorum (“path of honors”), 10–11, 103, 254

  Cynoscephalae, 5

  death, Cicero on, 169


  canceled, 189, 216–217

  crisis, 3, 181–182

  governors and, 47–48

  democracy, 3, 8, 9, 145, 260

  Denmark, 99

  deposition bill, voting on, 30–31

  Diana. See Temple of Diana


  parameters of, 8–9

  Sulla with, xiv, 251–257

  Dio, Cassius

  on Roman citizenship, 262

  on Sulla, 242–243


  on the Cimbri, 100

  on despots, 39

  on inequality, 20

  on Saturninus, 137

  on slavery in state mines, 51


  with consulship, 10–11

  against novus homo, 10, 11, 13, 83, 92, 117, 125

  Drusus, Marcus Livius (the Elder)

  defeats Scordisci tribe, 102

  opposition to Gaius Gracchus, 71–72, 73, 78, 167

  Drusus, Marcus Livius (the Younger)

  Italian citizenship and, xii, 161–162

  murder of, xii, 171

  tribunate of, xii, 167–171, 231

  eagles, 135, 199


  with commerce and publicani, 50–52, 56

  debt crisis, 3, 181–182

  debt laws, 216–217

  grain prices and, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

  inequality, 20, 24

  quaestors with provincial treasury, 47

  Rome with cash, 43

  slaves and, 20, 45

  elders. See mos maiorum


  consulship, xiii, 156–157, 190–191, 203–205, 215

  fraud, 90–91

  reforms, 22, 42

  rules, 127

  tribunate, 3, 9, 22, 65–66, 70–71, 73

  elephants, 94, 108


  with land ownership, 20, 27

  against Lex Agraria, 30

  employment. See unemployment, social reform and; wage labor

  enemies of the state

  Gaius Marius as, 197–202

  Sulla as, 211–213

  Sulpicius as, 197–198, 199

  See also proscriptions

  Equestrian class

  Anti-Senate and, 192

  cavalry and, 50

  Extortion Court with jurors from, 48, 69–70, 78, 153, 158, 165–167, 254

  Italians as, 262

  Mamilian Commission and, xi, 105–106

  optimates and, 152

  with power rolled back, 120–121, 168

  priesthood and, 158

  proscriptions and, 250

  publicani, 50–52, 56, 69–70, 84, 91, 132, 165–166, 168–169, 181–182, 216

  wealth of, 261

  Eryx, 201

  Esquiline Gate, 196

  Etruria, 68, 180, 209, 234

  Eunus (Antiochus), 45–46, 131, 133

  Euripides, on ambition, 115

  expansion, of borders, 85–86


  of foreigners, 62

  of Italians from Rome, 164, 229

  of Marians, 211

  Extortion Court (quaestio de repetundis)

  with jurors from Equestrian Court, 48, 69–70, 78, 153, 158, 165–167, 254

  publicani and, 69–70

  revolts and, 48, 78, 153


  with citizen-farmers and Lex Agraria, 24–25

  with tax-farming contracts, 69, 132, 163

  tenant-farmers, 20–21

  feriae (holiday), 193

  Fides. See Temple of Fides

  Fimbria, Gaius Flavius

  death of, xiv, 220

  mutiny of, xiii, 218

  Samnites and, 208

  First Servile War, ix, 44–46, 131–132

  First Triumvirate, 264

  Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos. 86)

  death of, 218

  debt cancellation and, 216

  eastern command, 217–218

  Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos. 100), consulship of, 152

  Flaccus, Marcus Fulvius

  attack on Scipio Nasica, 40

  citizenship reform and, x, 61–62, 67, 71–72, 163

  fall of, 75–77, 95

  land commission and, 53, 55

  as tribune, 70, 72–74

  Flaccus, Quintus Fulvius, 76, 77

  Florus, on Social War, 161

  foederati, 53


  security, 44

  shortages, 68, 181, 210


  expulsion of, 62

  provincials as noncitizens, 262

  Fortuna (goddess), 191, 195, 242, 256, 257

  Forum, 29, 76, 212


  in elections, 90–91

and, 258

  freedmen, 43, 182

  Fregellae, revolt, x, 62–63, 65, 105, 163

  Further Spain, 6, 11, 47, 91

  Gallia Narbonensis, 86, 119

  Gauda (future King of Numidia), 110


  expansion into, 62, 85–86

  with treasure, cursed, 121

  See also Cimbri tribe; Cisalpine Gaul

  geese, sacred, 50

  Glaucia, Gaius Servilius

  under arrest, 157

  Cicero on, 145–146

  as praetor, 152, 156–158

  Saturninus, 146–147, 155–158

  gold, 90

  bounty for heads, 76, 77

  conquered, 19, 121

  Tolosa, xi, 121, 124, 134

  torture with, 202

  government, classical forms of, 8

  governors, 47–48, 226, 253–254

  Graccha, Sempronia, 18, 55, 146

  Gracchus, Fake Son of Tiberius, 146, 147, 152, 155–156

  Gracchus, Gaius

  Cicero on, 60

  colonies and, 68

  early years, 17–18

  Extortion Court reform and, 69–70

  grain and, 68–69, 261

  killing of, 73, 75–77, 95

  as land commissioner, 32, 40, 53, 55

  legacy, 167, 229, 261

  with magistrates and abuse of power, 162–163

  as martyr, 78–79, 146

  rise of, x, 59–61

  in Sardinia, 63–65

  in Spain, 26

  theatrical oratory and, 60, 64–65

  with Tiberius Gracchus, 20, 59–61, 66–67

  as tribune, 65–75

  Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius (the Elder), 17, 19, 23, 33, 36

  Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius (the Younger)

  Appian on, 30, 36

  legacy, 39–40, 42, 61, 67, 79, 146–148, 261

  as martyr, 78–79, 146

  murder of, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 75, 95

  Numantine Affair, 22–23

  rise of, ix, 17–20

  social reform and, 20, 25, 27–34

  graffiti, 80

  graft, 47

  grain, 137

  prices, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

  shortages, 56, 181

  from Sicily, 44–45, 226

  subsidies, 153–154

  Gratidianus, Marcus Marius, 217, 249


  Aemilianus and, 6–7

  annexation of, 13–14

  Cinna (cos. 87–84) and, 215

  hostages from, 7

  initial contact with, 5–6

  navy, 189

  Pontic invasion of, 208–209

  Scordisci invasion of, 14

  slaves from, 7

  Sulla’s campaign in, 208–209, 213–214, 217–220

  Hadrianus, 226

  Hannibal, 5, 63, 88


  gold bounty for, 76, 77

  on posts, 212, 213, 242, 251

  proscriptions and, 248, 250

  Heliopolis, 48, 49

  Hellespont, 218, 220

  Herennius, Gaius, 91

  Hiempsal (King of Numidia), x, 89, 97, 124

  Hirpini, 181, 234

  holiday (feriae), 193

  Homer, 15, 41

  horsemanship, Numidians and, 88, 107

  hostages, from Greece, 7

  Iberia, 21, 263

  indictment, of Sulla, 205–206

  Isère River, x, 86


  citizenship reform and, x, 61–63, 67, 71–72, 161–165, 178–179, 229

  as Equestrians, 262

  expulsion from Rome, 164, 229

  massacre of, x, xiii, 93–94, 202

  migration, 162

  in military, 131

  as noncitizens, 25, 43, 71, 162–165, 168, 229

  Roman citizenship for, 178–179, 225–226, 229, 255

  social reform and, 28, 154

  Italy, xii

  land distribution and, 161–162

  roads, 68, 86

  Social War and, 171–173, 181–182

  judicial assemblies, secret ballots, ix, 22

  Jugurtha (King of Numidia)

  adopted by Micipsa, 89

  attacks Adherbal, x, 89, 92

  Bocchus and, xi, 112, 118–119

  bribes senators, 90

  campaigns of, xi, 89, 103–105, 107–108, 110–112, 117–119

  death of, 128

  fall of, xi, 122–124

  massacre of Italians, x, 93

  murders Adherbal, x, 93

  murders Hiempsal, x, 89

  Opimius and, x, 88–89

  in Rome, xi, 96–97

  Scaurus and, xi, 93–94

  Scipio Aemilianus on, 88–89

  at siege of Numantia, 88

  Jupiter. See Temple of Jupiter

  Justin, 121

  killings, political

  assassinations, 169, 177, 186

  of citizens seeking regal power, 9

  murders, xii, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 75, 93, 95, 97, 152, 156, 158, 171, 182, 205, 211–213, 223, 237–238, 264

  in Numidia, 93–94, 97

  proscriptions, xiv, 247–250, 259, 263, 264

  sanctioned, 75–80, 95, 157–158

  as triggers for upheaval, 74–75

  See also heads

  Laenas, Publius Popilius, 39, 67


  ager publicus, 24, 27, 29, 54, 68–69

  conscription and, 22, 113–114

  disputed, 53–54

  elite with ownership of, 20, 27

  Latin Rights with, 53

  redistribution, 134, 154, 161–162, 168–170

  rent-free, 73

  Roman citizenship in exchange for, 163

  slaves to work, 20–21

  social reform and, ix, 20–21, 24–25, 27–34, 40, 54–57, 67–68, 154

  for veterans, 138, 139

  See also Lex Agraria

  landlords, tenant-farmers and, 20–21

  Laodice (Queen of Pontus), 186

  Latin Rights, 52–53, 71–72, 163–164, 179

  See also citizens, Latin

  Latium, 52, 173, 255

  Law of the Twelve Tables, 39


  debt, 216–217

  deposition, 30–31

  flouting of, 39–40

  Lex Agraria, ix, 24–25, 27–34, 40, 55, 60, 78

  Roman citizenship, xiii, 178–179, 182, 206

  tribunals, 67

  weapons, 35

  See also mos maiorum

  leadership, military, 109–111, 129, 190, 193

  legati, 47, 94

  legislative assemblies, secret ballots for, x, 42

  Lepidus, 259, 263

  Lesbos, 189

  Lex Agraria

  amendments, 78

  elite against, 30

  enforcement of, 32–34

  social reform and, ix, 24–25, 27–34, 40, 55, 60

  Lex Julia, xiii, 178, 182, 206

  Lex Plautia Papiria, 179

  Lex Pompeia, 179

  libertas (civil liberty), 52

  Livy, on Tiberius Gracchus, 17

  locusts, 68

  Longinus, Lucius Cassius (cos. 107), 119

  Longinus, Lucius Cassius (trib. 104), 133–134, 137

  Lucullus, Lucius Licinius (the Elder)

  exile, 140

  Second Servile War and, 139–140

  Lucullus, Lucius Licinius (the Younger)

  lets Mithridates escape, 218–219

  as quaestor who marches with Sulla, 195

  in search of a navy, 209

  Lupus, Publius Rutilius, 174, 176

  Lusitanians, 11

  Macedon, 47

  annexation of, 14

  fall of, 5–6, 7

  Macedonia, 85

  borders, 101–102

  creation of, 14

  Scordisci tribe in, 102

  Macedonicus, Metellus. See Metellus, Quintus Ca
ecilius (Macedonicus)

  magistrates, 47, 153

  with abuse of power, 162–163

  junior and senior, 9, 11

  Magnus, Gnaeus Pompeius. See Pompeius Magnus, Gnaeus (Pompey the Great)

  Mamilian Commission, xi, 105–106

  Mamilius, Gaius, 105

  Mancinus, Gaius Hostilius, 22–23

  maniple, 136

  Marius, Gaius

  with barbarians, 129–130

  with citizenship reform, 163–164

  as conqueror of Rome, 210–213

  consulships of, xi, xii, xiii, 127, 136, 139, 151–153, 155–157, 215

  as enemy of state, 197–202

  fall of, 158–159, 200–202, 213

  influence of, x, 116, 125, 175, 216, 263–264

  military and, 81–82, 84–86, 108–111, 113, 117–118, 129–131, 135–137, 140–141, 148–150, 176–178, 189–190, 193–195, 209–213

  Mithridates VI and, xii, 186–187

  plebs urbana and, 70, 87, 152, 157, 261

  as praetor, 90–92, 122, 123

  rise of, 106, 112–113, 117

  slave revolts and, 132–133

  Sulla and, 116, 118, 122, 128, 131, 149, 175–176, 193, 195–197, 199–200, 214

  as tribune, 86–87

  triumph of, 127–128, 151

  Marius, Gaius (the Younger)

  death of, 242, 251

  military and, 239

  political killings and, 237–238

  against Sulla, 199–200, 235–237

  market days, voting and, 27–28

  Marsi tribe, 172

  Marsic War, 172

  See also Social War

  martyrs, 78–79, 146

  Masinissa (King of Numidia), 88


  of Gracchans, 35–36, 77

  of Italians, x, xiii, 93–94, 202

  proscriptions and, 247, 250

  of Samnites, 237, 242, 246

  Spiked Boots, 211–213

  Massilia, 62, 85, 121

  Massiva (King of Numidia), xi, 97

  Mauretania, 112, 119, 122–123

  See also Bocchus

  Maximus, Gnaeus Mallius, 125–126, 138

  Maximus, Quintus Fabius, 136

  Memmius, Gaius, xi, 95–96, 133, 156

  Merula, 206, 211, 212

  Metelli family, 82–87

  Metellus, Lucius Caecilius, 82

  Metellus, Quintus Caecilius (Macedonicus), 14, 82

  Metellus, Quintus Caecilius (Numidicus)

  as censor, 146–147

  consulship of, 103

  exile of, xii, 152, 155, 158

  Gaius Marius and, 108–113, 117–118, 155

  military campaign in Numidia, xi, 103–112, 117–118

  with Saturninus, 146–147, 152, 155, 158

  with title Numidicus, 117

  Metellus, Quintus Caecilius (Pius)

  Cinna (cos. 87–84) and, 211, 230

  consulship of, 189, 256–258

  with exile of father, 158

  military and, 183, 207–208, 230, 232, 239–240

  Samnites and, 207–208, 210

  Sertorius and, 263

  with Sulla, xiv, 230, 232, 239–240, 256–258

  violence and, 174

  Metrobius, 115

  Micipsa (King of Numidia), x, 88–89

  middle class. See Equestrian class


  of Cimbri tribe, x, 99–101, 106–107, 131


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