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Lucas Page 17

by D. B. Reynolds

  She laughed with pure joy at the sensation.

  Lucas surged to his feet, his fingers still buried inside her, pumping in and out, her wetness growing hot and slick, drenching his hand. He lowered his mouth to hers, and they kissed again, hungry, full of desire and need. It was an almost frantic kiss, as if they couldn’t get enough of each other, couldn’t meet fast enough.

  “Bed,” Lucas gasped against her mouth. He started backing Kathryn toward the bedroom, stopping every other step as their kiss deepened, making them forget everything else. Finally he growled and lifted her against his body until his erection was nestled in the perfect V of her legs. Kathryn responded instinctively, wrapped her legs around his hips for balance and to get closer to the thing she wanted, his cock buried inside her.

  Lucas kept walking, carrying her into the bedroom as if she weighed nothing. Kathryn felt delicate and feminine and oh so sensuous.

  He dropped one knee onto the bed, laying her down and stripping away the triangle of silken thong. It was soaking wet. Kathryn could feel the moisture as he dragged it down her leg, could smell her own arousal. She stretched on the bed, hands above her head, arching her back and lifting her breasts in offering.

  Lucas’s eyes were fixed on her like a giant jungle cat’s, not moving at all, a predator sizing up his prey. Kathryn’s heart began to pound as some primitive part of her brain registered the danger and went into fight or flight mode. She pressed a hand against her chest, telling her stupid heart to calm down, because this was what she wanted, and she wasn’t going anywhere. She stroked her hand downward, scraping over a swollen nipple, smoothing over her flat belly and dipping between her legs.

  Lucas’s predator’s gaze watched her hand every inch of the way, flaring with a gold light when she spread her legs and slid her finger between the swollen lips of her pussy.

  “Take off your pants,” Kathryn ordered. He grinned viciously as his gaze shot up to her face.

  Kathryn didn’t trust that grin, but she watched eagerly as Lucas stood away from the bed and stripped down to reveal nothing but luscious, naked male. He was commando beneath all that leather, and Kathryn wanted to cheer. His cock sprang forward, hard, long and thick. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it as he stalked toward her. She felt even more like a tasty gazelle frozen under the gaze of a big cat, about to be gobbled up.

  Yum. She could hardly wait.

  Lucas crawled onto the bed, covering her body and pushing her knees up and out, pressing her legs wide with his hips, as he began a teasing sort of thrust with his cock. She could feel the hard length of his shaft sliding in her wetness, pressing her plumped folds open until he was rubbing against the very place she most wanted him.

  “I’m going to fuck you first, a cuisle,” he said, pressing his erection against her until her pussy began clenching in desperate need.

  She almost shrieked in denial when he sat back suddenly, then groaned as he plunged two fingers into her vagina, pumping in and out while rubbing her clit until she was so wet, she could feel the moisture coating the inside of her thighs. Lucas licked his lips hungrily, his eyes half-lidded until they were twin slices of gold fire watching his fingers slide in and out of her dripping folds, his thumb circling her clit. Kathryn moaned, pinching her nipples and squeezing her thighs around his hips in a desperate bid to relieve the ache.

  “We’ll make love after,” Lucas said in a low voice, as he licked his fingers, then stretched out above her. She was swamped with lust and had to concentrate to understand the words. “But first . . .”

  He reached down and positioned his cock between her thighs. She could feel the firm tip barely nudging into her eager pussy and immediately lifted her hips, trying to force it deeper. Lucas chuckled, then flexed his perfect ass and slid into her with a slow, irresistible push. His shaft was long and thick, filling her more completely than any lover she’d had before, stretching her inner walls until every nerve was bare, singing with the velvet brush of his cock as he went deeper and deeper, until she felt the slap of his balls against her ass, the tap of his cock against her cervix.

  Kathryn closed her eyes against an overwhelming wave of pleasure, the delicious sensation of his erection filling every inch of her. She gripped his ass and opened her eyes to find him watching her. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, and then they went wild.

  Their mouths met in a clash of teeth and tongues as Lucas began pumping furiously, fucking her fast and hard as Kathryn rose up to meet every stroke. Her breasts were crushed against his chest, her nipples so sensitized that it was almost too much, streaks of desire racing from her breasts, over her belly and down between her legs, where they crashed against the exquisite pulse of her swollen clit, against the slide of Lucas’s thrusting cock, then raced back up again to torment her breasts in a never-ending cycle.

  Lucas’s hands were beneath her hips, lifting her up, opening her even further to his invasion. His cock moved impossibly faster with every stroke, his hips pushing harder, as if he couldn’t fuck fast enough, hard enough, deep enough.

  He tore his mouth away from hers and buried his face against her neck. His teeth closed gently over the taut tendon there, and Kathryn bit into his shoulder to swallow her scream. Lucas growled against her flushed skin, then stroked his tongue over the skin of her neck, a slow, deliberate gliding of wet heat.

  “Tell me it’s okay, Kathryn,” he panted, his hips never stopping their motion. “Jesus, tell me I can taste you.”

  Kathryn’s heart kicked in doubt, in fear. She could barely think, too overcome with desires she’d never felt before, with a raw lust she’d never known she was capable of. Her brain wanted to think about it, but the rest of her body knew what it ached for, what it wanted now. She hesitated for a breath, and then in a flash of insight, she decided. She’d known whom she was going to bed with, known what he was. And she wanted him. All of him.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Lucas lifted his head and howled, then lowered his mouth once more. He sucked hard on the swell of her jugular vein below her ear, and she felt the rigid edge of his fangs. Her breath froze in her lungs, and then he was biting her, his fangs puncturing her vein with a sharp pinch, and then . . . she screamed as the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced swept over her without warning. It was like a seizure, her back arching, her skin shivering with need as her womb convulsed, and her pussy clenched like a tight fist around Lucas’s cock.

  Lucas groaned as her inner walls squeezed his shaft, the sound a deep vibration against her throat that sent fresh waves of sensation trembling along every nerve. He lifted his head, his fangs sliding out of her vein smoothly, like a cool kiss against her hot skin. She felt the quick rasp of his tongue, and then he was fucking her again, pulling his cock out of the embrace of her clutching vagina and slamming it back in, in and out, the friction of his motion heating her inside and out, his hips slamming into hers.

  Kathryn dug her blunt nails into his firm ass, spreading her legs wide and thrusting upward, meeting his every stroke until he snarled at her. And then he was coming, his cock bucking inside her, his climax a hot splash against her womb as he lifted his head and shouted her name.

  * * * *

  Lucas collapsed on top of Kathryn, his face buried against her neck where he could still smell the delicious scent of her blood. He was waiting for her to explode, to be furious that he’d taken her vein while she was in the throes of her climax. But even if she did, it was worth it. He’d had hundreds, thousands of lovers over his long life, but he couldn’t recall a single one who could match the heat, the urgency of what he and Kathryn had just shared. Even so, he hadn’t intended to take her blood like that. He’d thought they would have a fast round of fucking to get the initial hunger out of the way, and then have a slow, romantic bout of lovemaking, during which he would seduce her into accepting the true experience of a vampire lover. Instead, he’d been so desperate in the frantic passion of their coupling that he�
��d all but begged. He’d seen the indecision in her expression and known how close she’d come to saying no, but then everything had shifted as some wild something had lit up her eyes, and, amazingly, she’d said yes. More than once, as he recalled.

  But now, in the calm aftermath, with her brain returning to its normal sober and rules-following self, she was no doubt cursing herself and him, too. And so he was surprised again when she ran a caressing hand down his back, when she entwined one of her legs with his, her foot massaging his calf absently.

  He pressed his lips against her neck and rose up on his elbows so he could see her face. She gave him a lazy half smile, then tugged his head down and kissed him thoroughly.

  “Everything you advertised and more, Lord Donlon,” she said, her husky voice the stuff of a man’s fantasies, especially when the woman it belonged to was naked beneath him.

  “Happy to oblige, Special Agent.”

  Kathryn laughed softly. “Hmmm. Tell me, is it true what they say about vampires?”

  “I don’t know. What do they say?”

  She lifted her hips against his, and his cock, still buried deep inside her, jumped happily. Kathryn made an appreciative noise, and it was Lucas’s turn to laugh.

  “Oh, that,” he murmured, and flexed his hips, causing his rapidly growing erection to glide in and out of her soaking wet pussy. “Yes, a cuisle, it’s true.”

  “Excellent,” she purred, and wrapped her leg around his hips. She began to move beneath him, her body rippling along his like warm satin.

  Desire coursed through Lucas’s bloodstream once more. Her core was already heated and wet, her inner walls still trembling and so sensitive that she was already on the verge of an orgasm. He watched her face as he plunged deep inside her once more, her eyes closed, skin flushed and glowing with moisture. He lowered his mouth to hers and licked the seam of her lips. Kathryn tightened her hold on his neck and pulled him closer, her mouth opening as his lips met hers, their tongues curling in a slow, erotic dance. They knew each other better now, knew the rhythm of the other’s body, the taste of the other’s mouth.

  Lucas felt his gums split as his fangs emerged, lusting after another taste of her blood. The sharp points scraped along Kathryn’s tongue in the midst of their kiss, and her eyes flashed open, going wide with surprise. He knew what she was seeing, knew his eyes had gone completely gold with desire, with hunger. He nearly lost it when her tongue reached up to explore his now fully distended fangs, twining around the hard enamel, pressing the flat of her tongue against one sharp point until it nicked her flesh. A tiny drop of blood swelled, filling his senses with the honeyed taste of Kathryn. Lucas growled.

  Her nipples went rock hard against his chest, and her abdomen flexed beneath his as she moaned softly. “Lucas,” she whispered. “I can’t . . . oh God, I don’t know if I . . .” And then she cried out, thrusting against him frantically as her womb contracted in another climax, her pussy trembling as it squeezed around him.

  Lucas smiled against her soft cheek, smugly satisfied with himself as he continued to pump his cock in and out. Her body was so hot, so wet and soft. He wanted to fuck her for hours. He wanted to make her scream in ecstasy until she had no voice left.

  He kissed her again, forcing her lips to part beneath his, her breath coming in pants as she groaned over and over, the sounds coming from deep in her chest. Lucas flicked his tongue up and stabbed one of his fangs deep enough into his own flesh that blood welled up instantly. Not the tiny drop that Kathryn had bled, but a steady flow. He coated her mouth and tongue with his blood, giving her no choice but to drink. Not that she fought it. Kathryn got that first tiny taste of his blood and began to swallow greedily, her tongue twisting around his, sucking hard, then sweeping every drop of it from her mouth, and pushing into his to claim the rest.

  Her moans became a needy keen as his blood hit her throat and was absorbed into her bloodstream. She began bucking beneath him, murmuring his name over and over again like a mantra . . . or a prayer. Lucas growled and slammed his hips into hers, his cock growing impossibly hard as her body closed around him, as she scraped her dull nails up his back and dug strong fingers into his shoulders.

  Lucas licked the side of her neck, wanting another taste of her blood, waiting for . . .

  “Do it,” she whispered, her voice a rasp of need. “Do it, do it, do it, damn it!”

  Lucas sank his fangs into her neck with no further warning. With the first hit of the euphoric in his bite, Kathryn’s entire body seized around him, her back arching to press her beautiful breasts against his chest, thighs tightening around his hips as her pussy grabbed hold of his cock and didn’t let go.

  Lucas snarled against the skin of her neck, his fangs still buried in her vein. His cock bucked, trying to dig deeper into her body. His balls tightened, pressure building as his own climax roared down upon him, irresistible, hot, demanding. He shoved his cock past the trembling grip of her vaginal walls, burying himself inside her until he could go no further, and then he was coming, pumping almost mindlessly as he filled Kathryn’s womb with his hot release, searing his claim to her inside and out. And God save anyone who tried to take her from him.

  * * * *

  Kathryn was becoming one with the mattress. She couldn’t move. Didn’t want to. Had she ever in her life felt so satisfied, so utterly sated? Something twitched deep inside her, sending a fresh ripple of pleasure out to tweak her clit one more time. She bit back a groan. Is this what having sex with a vampire did to a woman? Turned her into a sex machine? She almost groaned again, but this time the groan was because she’d even thought the words sex machine. Next she’d be hearing cheesy background music in her head.

  So she’d had sex with a beautiful man, and it had been terrific. Okay, more than terrific. Life altering. She should be thanking her lucky stars instead of bemoaning the fact that she’d climaxed three times in one night, which was probably more times than in all of the last five years combined, not counting her trusty vibrator. And Lucas was far, far better than her vibrator. The man was a god. No, actually, he was a vampire. No wonder all those women at the club were squealing like hungry pigs when those big, bad boys had walked in. Not, she was sure, that any of them could hold a candle to her Lucas.

  Her Lucas? When had be become her Lucas?

  Good thing she was leaving tomorrow, or rather later this morning. She couldn’t afford to get tangled up with a man or a vampire, especially not one who lived in South Dakota and currently had an insufferably smug look on his face.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but he just grinned back at her and flexed his perfect ass one more time. She couldn’t help it. Her body responded, squeezing his cock and making her nipples harden like puffy, pink pearls.

  “Insufferable,” she muttered.

  “At least,” he agreed readily.

  Kathryn fought it, but she laughed, then slapped his butt. “Get off of me. You weigh a ton.”

  Lucas rolled away cheerfully, wrapping his arms around her so she came with him. He patted her ass in turn and kissed her swollen lips.

  “You’re delicious, Kathryn Hunter.”

  Kathryn lowered her head so he wouldn’t see her blush of pleasure. No one had ever told her she was delicious. For that matter, she’d never even felt delicious before. But at this moment, she did. Lucas had done that.

  Time to change the subject.

  She raised her head from his chest and met his steady gaze. “What is it with your eyes?” she asked. “They go completely gold sometimes, and I think they actually give off light.”

  “They do,” he agreed. “It’s a vampire thing. When our power comes up, or when we see something we lust after,” he added, lifting his hips so she could feel the still-hard length of his cock against her thigh, “our eyes change. The greater the power, or the desire, the brighter they glow.”

  “It’s pretty.”

  Lucas smiled.

  “Are everyone’s eyes the same color? Or does it
depend? I mean, your eyes are kind of a goldish hazel all the time anyhow. But what if they were blue instead?”

  Lucas shrugged. “It’s different for everyone, although most vampires, the rank and file, so to speak, simply gleam red. Those of us with greater power are more unique.”

  Kathryn rolled her eyes, although she had to agree that Lucas was unique. “So pretty eyes go with being a vampire lord, then,” she said.

  “Among other things, yes.”

  She studied him for a moment, then said seriously, “Lucas.”

  “Kathryn,” he mimicked, matching her tone.

  “Where did all that blood come from on your pants earlier? And what happened to Nicholas?”

  Lucas stared back at her for a long moment, his hand growing still against the skin of her back. She thought he wouldn’t answer, or that he’d come up with another lie, but then he surprised her by saying, “Vampires are territorial, Kathryn. Viciously, obsessively territorial. Vampire lords even more so than others. And we’re violent. It’s in our blood. Whatever it is that makes us Vampire amplifies aggression until it’s a constant thing, something we have to work hard to discipline, so we can function in our day-to-day lives.

  “As a vampire lord, I rule a territory. To every side of me, there is another territory, another vampire lord. These territorial boundaries are old and well-established, but occasionally, someone decides he wants more. When that happens, we go to war.”

  “War?” she repeated, frowning. “You mean like shooting and killing?”

  “Killing, yes. But there’s very little shooting involved. Vampires are capable of using weapons of all sorts. I’m sure you noticed the MP5s used by my gate security, along with several other guns or knives you probably didn’t see. This is mostly to impress humans who might think to test my security. But the truth is that our best weapon, the one we use against each other, is ourselves. Vampires are strong, fast and deadly. As I said, we’re a violent people.”


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