Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon

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by test

  Tears stung Molly’s eyes. “I will give her your message. “

  “You may also tell her that if she wants…we can commune here on this plane…but only if she wishes it. She must give into the sensations…she must will herself to commune with the spirits of the other side. “

  “I understand. I will tell her everything you have told me. “ Molly unfurled her legs and stood up.

  “Oh, and Molly?”

  “Yes…” Molly caught the look of determination in Adria’s mother’s eyes.

  “Trust in your heart. It will never lead you astray. We witches sometimes…sometimes we do what we think is right because we follow the logic of our minds…but you Molly, you must learn to listen to the song your heart sings. “


  Molly bit her lip. “Thank you. “ Branden’s voice boomed across the landscape again.

  “Yes…my Adria will follow her heart in due course…and you must do the same, Molly.

  But you must go now…before Branden decides to forcibly pull you out. As an Ardaran Elf…he does wield that power. Farewell, Molly. “

  “Farewell…” She paused. “I don’t believe I know your name…. “

  “My name is Celestia. We shall meet again, I feel it in my heart. “ Celestia stared at the ground in front of Molly. A butterfly flittered in front of her. “Go now, before Branden enters our realm…. “

  Molly turned away from Celestia and willed herself back into her own physical body.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she let out a long rush of pent up air.

  Branden’s dark blue eyes held her gaze. “How do you feel?” He looked worried.

  Perhaps, he knew how close she had come to just…passing over. She smiled.

  “I feel as if I died and went to heaven. “ His eyes clouded with confusion. She patted his hand reassuringly. “I feel wonderful. Thank you, Branden. “ There was still the lingering pain from the Black Rider’s blade but she doubted that would ever fade away. For as long as she lived she suspected she would always bear the cross of that injury.

  “Amazing. Simply astonishing. I never dreamt that such magic could exist. “ Collin’s voice was awe-struck. She closed her eyes. “What’s the matter, Molly? Are you still in pain?”

  Collin shot Branden an accusatory stare.

  “No. I’m relishing the feeling of being free of pain, though I still…” she trailed off. She didn’t like the way that Collin and Branden were staring at her. They didn’t need to know that she still had the phantom pain from the Black Rider’s sword. That had to be kept as her own little secret. She’d never tell anyone. She wouldn’t breathe a word of it even to her nearest and dearest.

  “Still, what?” Collin prompted. He squeezed her hand. She squeezed it back. The look in his eyes made goose pimples break out along her exposed flesh. She shivered. In one quick movement he pulled off his cloak and slung it around her shoulders. Rubbing her back briskly, he breathed against the nape of her neck.

  “Nothing. “ She closed her mouth and breathed in deeply. Branden watched her thoughtfully, but remained silent.

  “What about Avalbane? Will she need some of your potions or do you need to give her your healing touch? I mean isn’t the poison leaching away her powers too?” Collin stared down at her and their gazes met.

  “She is your familiar. Familiars are endowed with powers that cannot be touched by the poison. The poison only acted as a sedative on Avalbane. She never felt the sort of pain you felt. I suspect she was more concerned over you than she had concern for herself. “ Branden’s eyes filled with warmth. She wondered if he could guess at her thoughts, but she had to try and let it all be. If Branden did know of the burden that plagued her…he would never reveal her secret to anyone. Elves were the best secret keepers in all of the magical realms.

  “Good old, Avalbane,” Molly murmured. Avalbane lifted her head off her haunches at that moment, and gave Molly a happy bark. “Thanks. “ Molly smiled, instantly interpreting what Avalbane expressed.

  “You are very skilled with a bow and arrow, Prince Collin,” Branden said, as Molly tried to gather her thoughts.

  “I took archery when I was young, and then Merlin made sure that my skills were up to snuff,” Collin explained. Molly’s head whirled. Branden continued to peruse Collin with his LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 82

  glittering eyes. Molly knew that Branden had either heard her say he was Collin’s grandfather or he had heard her thoughts. Either way, she suspected the secret was loose.

  Nonetheless, if Branden hadn’t heard her say he was Collin’s grandfather, Elves were innately intuitive, and even if Branden hadn’t been probing her thoughts, in her condition he’d probably heard her thoughts loud and clear. Since she wasn’t in control of her magic, she was more than likely broadcasting, to any intuitive being, and since Elves and Faeries were known for their second sight, she was pretty much screwed. Branden wasn’t supposed to know that Collin was his grandson. She might have just made the most monumental mistake ever, by voicing her thoughts earlier. Then, when Branden healed her, he must have heard some of her thoughts. It couldn’t have been helped. If she’d been broadcasting, and she had a sneaky suspicion that she was, Branden couldn’t help but hear it. He’d have to be deaf telepathically in order to not hear it. It was done, and now there was no way to correct it.

  ‘My grandson, eh? Ah, so that is why I felt such a kinship to the upstart. Ah what a tangled web we weave. Do not worry, Molly. I will take this knowledge all in my great stride.

  Though, I might have to reveal what you have told me to my grandson…I must say I am quite eager in getting to know him a little better. But tell me ... who might his grandmother be?’

  Branden’s voice carried into her head, causing Molly’s heart to fall right down into the pit of her stomach.

  Molly had to stand up. Maybe if she walked around a bit her lethargy would start to wear off. Collin helped her to her feet and then watched her curiously as she began pacing back and forth.

  ‘I’m sorry, Branden. You’ll have to work all of that out for yourself. I can’t tell you who Collin’s grandmother is. I’m surprised you’d even ask me such a question. ’

  A thoughtful expression covered Branden’s face. He rubbed his chin. ‘And yet…I can tell that Collin’s grandmother is close to your heart…it is certainly not you…for you would not look at Collin in such a…passionate way if he was of your blood. No…I must only ascertain that his grandmother can be found among one of your Lady Knights. ’

  Molly tried to resurrect a shield around her memories. She had to let Branden and Adria find their own way to each other…if she helped…it could poison the timeline. No, she had to keep closed-mouthed on this one.

  ‘I understand your reluctance to reveal too much knowledge to me. I do realize the full implications of what might happen if I find out too much too soon. So rest easy, Molly. I will not pry any further. But I will find the woman that is meant for me. ’ Branden gave her a soft smile.

  Collin folded his arms across his chest, and stared at them impatiently. “Would you kindly stop talking between yourselves? And don’t deny it. I’ve been around Merlin for three years now… I know telepathic talk when I see it!” Molly snapped her head up at Collin’s question. He had become awfully sensitive to what went on around him.

  “Collin, I don’t know what you mean,” Molly lied, hoping that he wouldn’t press the issue. Why couldn’t he just be like the man she’d first met? But oh no, Merlin had taken him under his guiding wing, and now there was no telling what Collin could do or couldn’t do.

  “Molly, there isn’t any sense in dancing around the issue. Collin isn’t an idiot. I can see that now. We must listen to him…he is right. We were being unforgivably rude…I must admit I sometimes forget that others around me cannot simply listen in. Though it puzzles me as to why you cannot listen to our telepathic exchange. “ Collin formed his lips into an unreadable line and remained
silent. “Ah…so am I right in believing that your powers are on the fritz? I myself have LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 83

  never heard of such a thing happening to a pure-blooded elf, unless they’ve been traumatized…but since you might not be a pure blood…your magical powers might be vulnerable to other things. “ Branden scrutinized Collin. Molly could see him trying to catch a glimpse of Collin’s ears. Branden was just about to conjure up a breath of fresh air to move Collin’s wayward hair back when Molly gave him a hard look. Branden stopped with his hand in mid-air.

  ‘Branden, it’s no use…Collin’s powers have been bound for the time being. ’

  Branden quirked a questioning eyebrow but remained silent. He didn’t have to voice his question either telepathically or verbally. She knew what he wanted to ask. If she were in his position she’d want to know why her grandson had been denied the use of his birthright as well.

  Branden’s eyes narrowed into an expression that she recognized. She’d seen it many times before on his face. It plainly said that the issue of Collin’s powers or lack thereof was not over.

  When Branden could have a private word with Molly, that issue would be the first thing on the tip of his tongue. And for some reason, Molly actually didn’t dread that discussion. Maybe having someone in the know with her wouldn’t be so bad after all. Even though Collin knew that she’d lost the Avalon Diaries and he knew that they had traveled back from the future, there were still many secrets that lay between the two of them, secrets that could ultimately destroy their burgeoning relationship.

  “Molly, I don’t know if I told you already but this elf is quite mental. He takes going crackers to a whole new level,” Collin muttered. She rolled her eyes.

  “Now then,” Branden remarked. “As I was saying…we were simply discussing your relationship to me,” Branden said. “I should chastise you for using your barbed tongue in such a disrespectful manner. In the future you will need to learn some dignified manners. “

  Molly snorted. Ha. Branden obviously didn’t know the irony of his words.

  “Great. He’s a royal Elf that’s gone wacko. I’m telling you, he’s got one big screw loose! Just what we need. “ Collin snorted, wrapping his arm protectively around Molly. Molly was feeling increasingly uneasy. This wasn’t an everyday situation. Here she was stuck between grandfather and grandson, and each was just as bad as the other. How was she going to tiptoe around both of them without starting one hell of a fight between the two of them?

  “I am your grandfather, and you should learn to show some respect to your elders!”

  Branden insisted, moving toward Collin. Collin backed away toward his horse. Arlen stood ready for Collin and neighed affectionately, as Collin assisted Molly up into the saddle.

  “Yes, and I’m a monkey’s uncle,” he said, eying Brandon warily. “You know what Molly? He reminds me of that elf in that blockbuster movie. “

  Molly couldn’t help but agree with Collin. She’d never made the connection before but Branden really did resemble that certain warrior Elf with his white blond hair, and his bright blue eyes. His hair was pulled back in an Elvin barrette and he was dressed in the richest green velvet, and Faerie silk. He carried an Elvin sword, and had a quiver and bow strung across his back. She raised her eyebrow. The similarity was almost uncanny. If she hadn’t seen such strange and extraordinary things in her life she never would have believed it. As it was…well she believed it, that’s for sure. But then, there were a lot of books and movies made in the human world that strangely mirrored people and events in the magical realms.

  “Thanks for the save,” she murmured to Collin. “I’ll remember in the future that you’re a skilled marksman. “

  “Yes; and the coolest part about my quiver is that it’s magical. When it’s empty it automatically refills with more arrows. “


  “Clever,” she laughed. Had she wanted to, she could have told Collin that every Elvin made quiver had a magical refill. That’s one of the things that gave them an advantage when they were in the heat of battle.

  “Aye; and it was a gift from my mother, The Elvin Queen of Ardara,” Branden interrupted.

  “Are you still here? Why don’t you run back to your forest?” Collin asked. He swung up behind Molly, and pulled her back against him. Reaching for the reins he moved the horse into a slow canter. Molly let out a shocked gasp and closed her eyes. Collin was walking on thin ice…if he pushed Branden too far there was no telling what the Elvin prince might decide to do.

  Collin had to remember that you couldn’t play with magical creatures without getting a surprise in return. Why, Branden could turn Collin back into a five-year-old boy if he fancied and since Branden knew what he now knew about Collin she could probably bet that Branden was thinking about it. After all…Collin would be much easier to deal with as a mini-me. She suddenly wondered what Collin had been like as a little boy. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending upon which way you looked at it…Molly had never had any contact with Collin as a child. She hadn’t been particularly fond of Collin’s mother. Oh, she’d been an okay sort of person…but she didn’t have the backbone that Molly admired in people. Plus, she’d been more than a little vain…the mirror held more interest for her than almost anything else. When Collin’s mother had found out that Adrian had been an elf…why she’d flipped her lid. Adria and she had been forced to sedate the woman until she could digest the rather extraordinary news. Coupled with the knowledge that Adrian had been killed in battle against dark magical creatures…why there were a few moments where Molly had thought they’d have to commit Collin’s mother. But she’d finally come round, and when she did she’d been willing to listen to Adria and Branden’s side of the story. They had wanted her to come to Ardara to raise Collin…but she had refused. Molly had believed that they would eventually convince Collin’s mother to see reason but when Adria had fallen in battle and Branden had lost his hope…Collin’s mother had succeeded in getting her own way. The High Order had bound Collin’s powers, only to be released when he committed a selfless act.

  Collin’s breath brushed against Molly’s ear. Had they made the right decision? If Collin had his powers, fully developed at his disposal; Molly’s task of reclaiming the Diaries would have been that much easier. But she couldn’t cry over spilt milk. The cards had already been dealt…and now they had to play the hand fate had given them. Her thoughts were wrenched back to the present by the sound of Branden’s melodious voice.

  “I’m not going anywhere now that I know what I know. Besides, Princess Mildred sent me here, and I shall safeguard Princess Mary until she is well again. “ Branden’s Elvin horse kept pace with Collin’s. Avalbane had by now regained her full strength and she was running beside them. For the first time in hours, Molly actually felt safe again. She’d thought that it would make her feel helpless to be helped by Collin and Branden…but for some strange reason it gave her comfort to know that she could call upon the two men whenever she was in need. And her growing attraction to Collin smoothed her path and deadened her pride. God help her, but she was falling in love with Collin…and she was falling hard. She only hoped he felt the same way.

  “I can protect Molly all by myself. I don’t need your help, Your Highness,” Collin said, a caustic edge reeking into his voice. Molly flinched.


  “Might I just remind the both of you that I do not need protection? I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. “ She lifted her head, and stared dead ahead. These two men were getting far too big for their britches.

  “Of course you are,” Collin said, kissing her head reassuringly.

  “I know that you do not need us to protect you per se, but in some instances even the best of warriors require a helping hand,” Branden said, winking at her.

  Men. Sometimes their need to humor women could gall the hell out of her. In another time and place, Branden would never have
humored her in such a way. He respected and admired her skill as a warrior. But now…well he’d never seen her prove her worth in battle.

  Female Elves became highly respected and cherished warriors of their kingdoms…and yet the Branden that rode beside her was much different from the Branden that met and fell in love with Adria. She didn’t even want to imagine how Adria would react to this Branden. If he treated her the way he’d just treated Molly, Adria would probably end up knocking him onto his ass.

  Molly sighed. Why in the name of God did she have to be surrounded by two men that were almost exactly alike? Branden was riding closely beside them on his beautiful white horse.

  Horses from Ardara were said to be the fastest and most talented horses in all of the realms, magical or otherwise. Legend had it that they were cousins of the unicorn. By the looks of Branden’s horse, she wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly sprouted a magical healing horn, or better yet, a pair of angelic looking wings.

  “How did Gwynne manage to smuggle me out of Tintagel without anyone noticing?”


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