Microsoft Word - LadyPendragon

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by test

  It had never been a role that she had ever aspired for…and now…she definitely didn’t want it.

  “Nonsense,” Gwen’s voice choked up; her eyes darted behind Molly, obviously seeking out Arthur.

  “He will not come, and even if my father were able to be here, he wouldn’t condone the actions you are taking. You have broken one of his laws! He would forgive you anything.

  Even, I suspect, this most heinous crime, if you begged him enough, and once he found out that it wasn’t even you in Lancelot’s bed, he would be even more willing to forgive and forget. But even though my father might forgive you…he would not condone this…he would have already put an end to it!”


  “They weren’t in bed,” Gwen’s voice had become dull. “They were on the bearskin rug on the floor. “

  Molly wasn’t surprised by that admission though she didn’t see the relevance. Why was Gwen so concerned about Lancelot anyway? If she didn’t know better, she’d have thought Gwen had feelings for Lancelot herself.

  “You must put this behind you. So they did the hankie panky. No harm done. Well, not really,” Molly muttered. “Of course that image of them going at it like rabbits, might be burned into your mind, but given time you can get over it. “

  “I cannot. She did that reprehensible act in my body. She has always wanted to be better than me. From the first moment my mother sent her to be one of my ladies, I knew what Elyzabel was plotting. Elyzabel has always been insanely jealous of me. She’s always taken what is mine. She has been hankering after Arthur for quite some time, but bless the man, he’s as honorable and true as everyone believes him to be. Despite her advances, and his lack of love for me, he stayed faithful until the very end. So, when this ‘accident’ happened to us, she did the only other thing that she could think of to ruin me. She destroyed every sense of moral respect I could ever command. She lowered me to the ranks of an adulteress. I shall not tolerate her blatant slandering of me. I no longer want my body. As far as I’m concerned it is dirty. “

  “And you think that Elyzabel’s body is much cleaner?” Molly scoffed, shaking her head.

  “Aye. Elyzabel always knew that she would be worth nothing as a bride if she sacrificed her maidenhood. She had ways of protecting it…ways I cannot speak of!”

  Molly could not believe what she was hearing. They were facing the most powerful dark wizard of their age, and yet Gwen was seeking revenge against her own cousin. In the grand scheme of things, this seemed fairly petty. Didn’t Gwen realize that she had an evil twin lurking in the shadows, waiting to bring them all to their doom?

  “Then you feel nothing for my father? You never wish to return to his bed or his life?

  Gwen, think of what you will be giving up…as Elyzabel you will no longer be…” Gwen gave her an intent stare. She was still referring to her father in the present tense when she had just told Gwen that Arthur was dead.

  “Nay. Your father has never loved me. He has been kind and sympathetic toward me, but we have never achieved that burning passionate love that he has for your mother. And besides, this is irrelevant, now. You said so yourself that your father had…shed his earthly body.

  In this, I shall have my satisfaction of knowing that Elyzabel will not steal my place as the High Queen of all of Britain. “

  Molly stared at Gwen dumbly. She couldn’t believe her ears. Gwen definitely was a real piece of work.

  “Do not deny it, Molly. I am not as ignorant as everyone suspects me to be. I would like to spend the rest of my days as a Bride of Christ, if they will have me at Glastonbury Abbey. “

  “You can’t be serious?” Molly knew that dawdling was not helping Elyzabel, but she wasn’t about to allow the woman to burn, and Gwen was being as open with her as she’d ever been.

  “This has always been what I’ve wanted, but I was a Princess of Wales. I was my father’s only daughter. He desperately wanted to align himself with the great High King of Britain, and sought to achieve it through me. I do not know why Arthur chose to marry me, or why he pursued me the way he did. I had no romantic notions, and I do not believe that he had any for me. We were ill matched from the beginning. “


  “Merlin. “ Molly only needed to say the great white wizard’s name. It was all coming together. Merlin had set everything up from the very beginning. He was a crafty man. “You will no longer have the luxury of being a former High Queen once you enter Glastonbury. “

  “I know. I do not lust after riches, or the flesh of a man. I only desire one vocation in life. Please, Molly, I beg of you…allow me this one boon. “ Gwen’s eyes had softened. No maniacal gleam remained.

  “Aye, I know. If I promise that you will never have to return to your own body, will you be at peace with what I am about to do?” This could only work if she had Gwen’s compliance.

  “Aye. If you propose that, then I will do anything. It shall serve Elyzabel right for trying to tarnish my name. But is it possible?”

  “Anything is possible, when there is magic involved, my old friend. “

  “Do you realize that is the first time that you have ever called me your friend?” Gwen seemed almost hopeful. Yet again, Gwen had baffled Molly. But then, Gwen never ceased to amaze her.

  “Mayhap, that is because I did not understand you before this moment. “ Molly pressed Gwen’s hand gently. “Upon the morrow, I shall ensure that you are transported safely to Glastonbury. You will have your true heart’s desire. We women cannot allow each other to be the pawns in a man’s game of chess. I am your protector…I have sworn to keep you safe. I think that an abbey is about as safe as you can get, don’t you?” Gwen nodded her head.

  “You shall forever have my gratitude, dearest Molly,” Gwen said, her eyes sparkling with tears.

  “Are you quite sure that you will be at peace living in Elyzabel’s body for the rest of your days?”

  “As long as I still have my eternal soul, I shall be forever at peace. Besides,” Gwen said winking. “I’ve always realized deep down inside, that you and your kind do not practice black magic. I shall pray fervently for you, once I reach Glastonbury. May you be blessed your whole life through. “

  “I thank you, Gwen. “ Molly cleared her throat. “Or should I say Lady Elyzabel?”

  Gwen laughed, and said, “I do think that I shall take on another name entirely before I enter Glastonbury. I have a fondness for the name of Mary. “ Gwen gave her a knowing wink.

  “I shall miss you. “ Molly couldn’t believe she’d said those words…but somehow she knew they came straight from the heart.

  “And I shall miss you. “ Gwen quickly kissed her on the cheek. “But this is not our final farewell…we may still meet sometime in the future. “ Molly remained silent. She knew that if Gwen left Camelot, they would never again meet.

  Elyzabel, or rather Gwen, was by now screaming at the top of her lungs. “Might we not leave her there to sweat a little longer, before you cut her down?” Gwen asked eagerly.

  “Of course we can’t,” Molly muttered, though there was a twinkle in her eye. “Lancelot has already fought his way through the crowd. Now, I’m going to get one hell of a headache. “

  She stared at Gwen’s pursed lips. “Before you say anything, I know, I know. Language, Molly.

  “ They both laughed in unison.

  Molly moved away from Gwen, and walked toward Elyzabel. She still hadn’t grown accustomed to the fact that they had switched yet, since she could innately tell who was who despite their outer appearance.

  She peeked out of the corner of her eye at Morganna, and saw a mingled expression of loathing and hurt stream across her aunt’s features. She felt for Morganna. She could only LADY PENDRAGON MARLEY MATHEWS 131

  imagine how much her heart would ache if her love for Collin was not reciprocated. It would eat away at her, day after day. Knowing that Lancelot was fooling around with another woman after Mo
rganna had kept a bedside vigil, made Molly want to punch him in the face…or in his family jewels. Maybe if she did that…he’d behave himself for a little while.

  “Lancelot,” she tapped Lancelot on his shoulder, and was unprepared for the defensive blow that he shot her way once he had whirled around. She ducked just in time, and heard Collin’s oath as he came running toward her. Collin punched Lancelot and blood spattered from Lancelot’s mouth, as he was sent flying off of his feet.

  “Hey, I could have taken care of him myself!” she cried. Collin gave her a stern glance.

  She stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” Collin growled. Molly raised one eyebrow, and if she hadn’t been so bone weary tired, she might have told Collin to cease his male strutting. But as it was, she was kind of impressed by his display. A startled gasp rang through the crowd though no one moved an inch, not even Galahad.

  “Untie Lady Gwen,” Molly spoke in a clearly powerful voice that rang with the same conviction her father’s voice had intoned. Several women moved forward to hastily unbind Gwen. The torchbearer that was about to light the fire around the stake stared at his torch; he looked about ready to ball his eyes out, his lower lip quivered. She’d forgotten how macabre some of the people of this time could be. But this was Camelot…the land of happy endings.

  “Lady Gwen is under my protection. She is not to be harmed in any manner. Is that understood?” She smiled, as shouts of ‘ayes’ rang through the crowd.

  Feeling a chord of inspiration run through her body, she turned to the leprechauns that surrounded her, and addressed Lachlan.

  “Lachlan, I would be much obliged if you would take Sir Lancelot and Lady Gwen up to the North tower. If you would be so kind as to imprison them up there until I see fit to release them, I would be very delighted. “ A mischievous gleam entered her eye, as she marveled at her genius. Elyzabel would no doubt have had enough of Lancelot by the second day, and it would be fitting punishment for both of them. She wouldn’t be able to use the magic that Morgause had been teaching her, because the leprechaun magic guarding her would keep it under control.

  “You cannot do this to me, Molly,” Elyzabel implored, as jeers ran up from the crowd.

  “I’d warrant she’ll be walking funny in a few days time,” one of the ladies observed, sticking her nose up in the air as if to say that Elyzabel stank.

  “The sooner the better, Lachlan,” she muttered, leaning against Collin.

  “You can trust me with this. I shall put the rest of my leprechauns on watch around Tintagel,” Lachlan said, as he clamped his one hand on Elyzabel and the other hand on Lancelot.

  Lancelot tried to free himself, but gave up after a few attempts. His struggling would get him nowhere, for Leprechauns were very strong and hearty. Lancelot looked toward Galahad, expecting him to run to his defense, but Galahad merely stood his ground, and looked away.

  Lachlan walked away, and Molly turned as Branden came toward her, pulling Vivienne gently behind him. Adria was keeping a watchful eye on Branden, and Molly smiled softly.

  “I shall return in a few days time, or sooner if I’m able. I do not think that it would be fruitful for me to leave Vivienne here. You have enough to be concerned about. I shall take her to Avalon where we will be able to ascertain whether or not she has redeemed herself. “

  “Your presence will be missed,” Molly admitted. Branden smiled.

  “I shall return,” Branden said.


  The mob slowly dispersed and people went about their business. Branden smiled again, and in a flash he was gone.

  “He’s very brave,” Collin murmured. “I wish I could be more like him. “

  “Why?” she asked. “I wouldn’t be so hard on myself, if I were you. From what I’ve seen, you’re doing just fine in the bravery department. “

  “Yes, but still…I’d like to be more like him. Because I know I believe what he said. I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’ve been through enough with you, to realize that Branden could indeed be my grandfather. Besides, he walks like me, he has the same gait. “

  “And talks like you,” she added. As he pulled her to him, she let out a sigh resembling that of a purr. Her father’s knights had either filed back to the knights’ barracks or had gone back into Tintagel. Her Light Bearers were still awaiting instructions.

  “We shall stay up for the rest of the night and keep watch,” Millicent offered, as Morganna nodded.

  “Right. That would be the wisest choice, as long as the two of you are up to it. We must prepare ourselves for an attack, for we already know that Lord Cardan is preparing one. “ Molly wiped the sweat from her brow and sighed.

  “Sleep well, my Light Bearers,” she murmured. She smiled as Collin’s arm wrapped around her. “I would love a bath. A hot, lavender scented bath. “ She sighed. With the running water of the future she would have been able to be pampered…but now…well she’d have to conjure herself up the hot water.

  “Then I shall ask someone to draw you one,” Collin said, as people stared at them curiously, as they passed by. It would be dawn soon, and there were people who started their day, even this early.

  “Nay, I think I shall conjure myself one. But thanks for the thought. “ She winked conspiratorially at Collin as he laughed.

  “I should have guessed. “

  They entered Ewanghen and Collin began to pull away from her.

  “I’m only going to retire to my bedchamber if you come with me. “ Her words hung in the air, like the promise of spring. He frowned, and then his frown blossomed into a smile. He looked as if she’d just made his day.

  Then, Collin’s mouth gaped open, and he stared at her in wonderment, as if his ears had betrayed him.

  “Allow me to go up to my bedchamber and then make yourself scarce from prying eyes.

  As soon as I get into my room, I shall magically summon you. “ Molly grinned at him. She watched with satisfaction as his eyes began to dance.

  “You are quite sure about this,” he asked, his voice becoming husky.

  A thrill coursed through her, and she wanted to jump for joy, but she had to remain calm.

  There were too many people watching her. Didn’t he know that she never made a decision without being one hundred percent sure of it? He’d have to learn to anticipate her actions a bit more in the future.

  “Of course I am. I never give out an invitation unless it’s been sent straight from the heart,” she said, tossing her head haughtily. “Besides, I need someone to scrub my back. “ She laughed and darted out of his grasp. She could still hear him growling low in his throat, as she dashed up the steps.

  She closed her bedchamber door firmly behind her, counted to three, shut her eyes, and pointed her finger at the bed.


  Collin appeared in the outfit that she had conjured up for him to wear.

  He stalked toward her, and caught her in his arms, and God help her, she giggled.

  “Why did you dress me to resemble Brendan?” he asked. His soft breath caressed her face, eliciting the strangest sensations within her. What was she thinking? She shouldn’t be entertaining such torrid thoughts of Collin. Much had happened over the course of twenty-four hours. Her father had fallen in battle…and Merlin had left her.

  A dry prickly feeling grazed the back of her throat. She shook her head, hoping to drive away the morbidity that threatened to consume her. Why couldn’t she indulge herself with Collin? He was the bright light in her life. Her father had always believed in the healing power of love…so maybe spending some quality time with Collin would help to heal her emotional lashes. Besides, deep down in the core of her being, she knew that there was still hope. Hope for her father, and hope for Merlin.

  “Because I thought you’d look very handsome in it. “ She tilted her head to the side, expectantly awaiting his reaction. He frowned, glancing once more down at h
is attire.

  “I always knew you had a strange sense of humor,” he teased, bringing her close so that her body was plastered against every nuance and curve of his body.

  A titillating thrill rushed through her. She let out a surprised gasp when he slid his hands down her back, and cupped her buttocks gently. Despite the cloth that existed between their naked bodies, she could still feel every contour of his body. Wetting her lips, she caught his gaze and held it.

  “You sir, are distracting me from my bath!” she declared.

  He gave her another teasing look. His eyes swirled with heat and desire. They had each been anticipating this moment from their very first meeting. She could still see him in that posh Giorgio Armani suit. He had lost some of his arrogance, but still…most of it lingered within his tumultuous gaze. They had always been meant to be…despite how strange it sounded.

  As his lips descended toward hers, she blinked back an incoming vision. Her balance faltered as blackness enveloped her eyesight. As her vision cleared, she saw the outline of a man kneeling by a warrior’s tomb. Focusing her eyesight, she had just begun to read the inscription on the tomb, when she heard Collin’s voice commanding her to return to the waking world. The ground gave way beneath her as she was jarred out of her vision. Before she could fall to the floor, Collin gathered her in his arms.


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