Hope Is Love

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Hope Is Love Page 24

by Hubbard, Sylvia

  “Then let’s see what Mandingo can pull up. Tell him to get his ass down from moping in his fucking room and get up to speed. Let’s keep this off of Lethal’s desk. He might burst a brain cell at even the mention of Sharlie Costello.”

  “Yes cousin.” Treasure said. “But you know it’s Monday and Mandingo ain’t gonna leave 'til the next morning. You know where he goes.”

  When the call was disconnected, James said, “You don’t want it on your brother’s desk because he might have some explaining to do about Shadow?”

  Onyx glanced back at him as if she forgot he was back there with Nicole. “He and Sharlie kicked it when he was in Chicago a few times here and there when he attended some private academy undercover for my dad. She was on him like white on rice back in the day and then when she couldn’t get him to love her back, she made sure everyone knew he was nothing but a cold ass prick. I think in so many words, my brother told her if she uttered his name even in a whisper he’d come back with a lot of vengeance. I almost kicked her ass a couple of times and all I need is the word and I’ll gladly rip her tongue out with my bare hands and break every one of her fingers so she can’t write or speak for the rest of her life.”

  “Aww, Onyx’s just jealous cuz Sharlie usually takes the queen bitch title more than she does,” Sheriff said with a guffaw.

  “Keep talking big boy and I’ll crack another rib again.”

  Sheriff grumbled something about being a bitch again under his breath.

  “How’d you get the case, Onyx?” Nicole questioned.

  “I told you how I got the case.”

  “But from whom? Who had the case?”

  Onyx looked cruelly at Nicole. “Maybe it’s none of your business right about now, Nicole.”

  “Maybe it should be when I know you most likely are trying to cause more trouble than we need right now.”

  “You called me remember.”

  “I regret that,” Nicole shoot back. “And now I see why Ethan never wanted to use you in the first place.”

  “Let’s get the married chick home, honky,” Onyx said using Shadow’s callus tone, looking at James. “Then I’ll be back to get you tonight about ten.”

  James liked this plan. He needed to get his Hope back and convince her that she needed him more than she needed the streets. Unfortunately, he didn’t know how to go about getting her to believe him.

  Frustration set as his gut churned.

  Chapter 30

  The club’s parking lot was already full and Sheriff dropped them off saying he didn’t need that type of “entertainment” in the shape he was in.

  “Suit yourself,” Onyx teased, slamming the door and walking up to the doorman holding back the long line of crowd trying to come in.

  James had changed into some dark blue dress pants and a light silk dress shirt without the tie, but a matching dark blue vest. Onyx chuckled when she saw him and made a snide remark that he looked like an important white man trying not to look like one.

  “Your big handsome ass stands out in a crowd like a sore thumb,” she said when she saw his grimace at her cruel remark as they stood waiting for the doorman to give them some attention.

  He looked down at her in his attempt to try to tell her to shut up, but the glare from his deep green eyes did nothing to sway her or even make her look away. “Was that some type of compliment?” he questioned.

  She squished the sides of her lip as if suppressing a laugh. James had a feeling if Onyx did find something funny, she wasn’t laughing with him, but at him. Her middle name should have been Loki’s daughter or devil’s advocate, because Onyx knew how to cause more trouble with her mouth than her dangerous body could.

  “I’ll talk to the doorman for a second. Stand here and look like you belong,” she said before moving away.

  She was dressed just the same, but he did notice she had on a fresh shirt and had the audacity to wear onyx earrings and a large onyx ring. Poetic to her name, unfortunately her eyes seemed much blacker in the cold night and her soul was darker.

  James had thought her coming inside the gentleman’s club would clearly give someone warning he’d entered, but he noticed almost just as many women were in line to come into the club as there was men. So many, he checked the name of the club to make sure they were in the right place.

  Usually there were a handful of lesbians and bi-sexual women that visited clubs such as this in Detroit, but tonight seem to be something special.

  Onyx returned and motioned for James to follow her. “Give him a bill,” she ordered.

  James didn’t hesitate to take a hundred dollars out of his pocket, fold it up before handing it to the doorman who tipped an imaginary hat as he allowed them to pass through the barrier.

  “Why a hundred?” he asked.

  “Oh he was fine and good letting me in, but he didn’t trust your ass and he’s a racist motherfucker.” She shrugged. “I could have broken his jaw and got us in, but I figured you didn’t want the attention and if Jona is in here, she’s most likely on high alert. She’d be notified and leave out any one of these passageways to head out of dodge.”

  It was an hour before show time, but the club was packed and not a seat to sit in, except a dark corner of the VIP section where Onyx seemed to be headed and James followed closely.

  “This is rather crowded for a gentleman’s club on a Monday night,” James commented.

  “According to the doorman, this has been happening since the new girl’s been working here for the past three months. They call her Heaven cause she makes you feel like you’re there; Been making the owner enough money in one night that she only has to dance one day. This used to be their slow day, but now look.” Onyx snorted. “I fail to see if that’s even possible, but while the crowd is amazed, get in the back and find your Jona.”

  She stopped suddenly and frowned at the dark corner they were heading in. A huge man sat taking up over half a booth. The light that had been pointing down into the booth was shifted upwards so James couldn’t see the man’s face.

  “Ohh goody!” Onyx said delighted. “We have seats.”

  If Onyx looked ominous this man was malefic in presence, not just because of his size but the fact that James had a feeling no one needed to get more than arms length close.

  Despite his own wariness to touch Onyx, he held her shoulder gently to stop her from sitting down. “I don’t think that man wants us to sit with him, which is why no one else wants to sit next to him.”

  “It’s the only seats left in the house,” Onyx said obviously and then looked at the dark figure. “So this is where your ugly ass has been hiding, Mandingo Heart? If I knew you were prone to go sneaking at odder attractions than yourself, I’d have found something long ago to keep you entertained.”

  The man shot up to his feet and everyone in the vicinity took a step back, except Onyx. He was so tall the top of his head brush up against the low hanging light and when the light swung back towards his face, James mouth almost fell open at the horror he saw.

  On the right side of his face, the large black man looked normal except his eye was white instead of an ordinary color. Yet this wasn’t what made a chill run up and down James spine. On the left side of this man’s face, It looked as if some kind of animal had tried to rip off the skin. James had no doubt the scars on this man ran deep, not only physically but emotionally.

  Onyx only brushed James’ hand away on her shoulder and plopped herself next to the large figure, putting her feet on the table. James actually heard the figure growl.

  “Oh please, Mandingo just looks ugly, but he’s harmless when no one’s bothering him.” Onyx pointed to the space on the other side of Mandingo. “Sit James Black before he gets perturbed by your staring and it really doesn’t take long for Mandingo to get pissed about anything.”

  James slid into the booth next to the large man who was back to sitting himself with his face clearly away from the light.

  “You’re bothering me, Onyx,�
�� the giant growled under his breath and if James wasn’t near enough he wouldn’t have heard it.

  Onyx cackled unladylike and slapped her thigh as if someone had just told her a joke. “Are you working or playing Manny?” she asked.

  “None of your fucking business, Onyx,” he sneered under his breath.

  Onyx had to lean forward to look past Mandingo to see James. “Mandingo has been on a personal case for the past couple of weeks. Says he saw this girl and was bothered by the fact that no one else saw her.” She made the crazy symbol with her index finger as if Mandingo couldn’t see her. “So he’s intent on proving he’s not crazy.” She made the circular motion around her ear again and even crossed her pitch black eyes.

  James couldn’t believe Onyx’s audacity in making fun of her cousin right in front of his face - literally.

  Mandingo took a long swig of his beer and then slammed it down twice on the table making everyone jump - except Onyx and James.

  The waitress immediately came over to the table looking nervous and Mandingo pushed the bottle forward.

  “I’ll take one of those too,” Onyx told the waitress. “Want one, James?”

  To quell his own wariness for the big guy, he nodded and asked as Onyx sent the waitress away. “So that is your real name, Mandingo?”

  “Oh yes,” Onyx answered for her cousin. “According to the story, his Daddy took one look at the biggest black baby in the world and named him properly. Almost split his mother in two coming into this world.”

  “Do you often speak for Mandingo and refer to him in front of him in third person?” James questioned.

  “As you can see, Mandingo doesn’t have a face for public consumption and likes to be invisible. Matter of fact, as big as he is, you won’t know he’s coming until he’s up on you. Amazing I find for a guy his size. He’s always been light on his feet despite his size. We always refer to Manny in third person and he’ll answer if he’s interested. Most times he’s never interested because Mandingo is never interested in anything.” Even though Onyx was talking, her eyes were busy scanning the club and often nodded at odd things like the bartender and then a strange woman entering the front door, covered from head to toe and then going into the back where the dancer’s dressing room was.

  There was entertainment on the stage, but nothing really to make the crowd pay attention enough to even hear the music.

  “Manny did you get my instructions about Sharlie Costello?” Onyx questioned.

  Mandingo only grunted.

  “Can you do a favor and not mention this to my brother? You know how upset he gets at her.”

  Mandingo grunted again.

  James wasn’t sure whether the man agreed to the subject or not. The waitress returned and anxiously hurried and put the beers down before getting away from the table.

  “After your beer why don’t you head over to the other side of the bar, James?” Onyx suggested.

  James guzzled his beer fast, while Onyx continued to scope out the room.

  The crowd was twice the size since they’d come in where there was standing room only.

  Soon as the lights dimmed and sensuous music began to play, James got close to the door but then his eyes were drawn to the stage as a deep caramel leg with toes perfectly pointed slipped out sensuously against the dark red curtain.

  Soon a woman's body followed and even James gasped at the beauty that seemed to entice and enrage his sexual drive immediately. Every move she made to the beat of the music that pulsed, vibrated and pumped out of the speaker made one's heart quicken faster and faster. There was not a sound except the music in the crowd and James now understood why there were so many people here.

  On the stage was a woman of indescribable beauty and though her body she could make one feel like.... Heaven.

  Somehow he tore his eyes away from there as he backed into the door and then went through. He had to take a deep breath because he realized he'd been holding on to air for a while as he had watched her dance.

  Whoever this woman was, she certainly knew how to use her beauty and strength to arouse and mesmerize a crowd. James looked around the empty dressing room. Just as Shadow had said, no one would know he was there and James assumed anyone who was supposed to be in this room was out side watching "Heaven."

  This was his first time behind the scenes of an establishment like this and he looked around to see tables filled with makeup and skimpy clothes, mirrors of every size and shape hung on walls and about two sinks and a shower around. The space was pretty open so he figured most of the women dressed in the open and that was understandable.

  He looked all around the place but to his disappointment he didn't see Jona. Yet, he didn't want to go back out to give Onyx the disappointing news so he wandered toward the tables where the women. Not finding Jona had clearly frustrated him and the fact that he couldn't think of anything to make Jona stay with him. Sitting in a chair by a table full of scarves, James rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes briefly.

  When he opened them, he could swear he was dreaming because the woman on stage was now standing in front of him.... smiling. She wasn't dressed in the costume that she had worn on stage, but was only in robe, which she now opened slightly to tease his eyes. James' senses were in the grip of sexual heat yet even though this woman was powerfully arousing all he could think about was Jona and wishing she was there and wishing this was her.

  "James Black," the woman's melodic voice barely whispered, but carried over to him like a powerful kiss. "You're nothing like your description, but I must say you are a very handsome man."

  She started to walk to him so sensuously James was hypnotized completely almost forgetting his original purpose for being here. She was even more beautiful up close. An exotic intoxicating beautiful black woman that made a man really know and understand that he was powerless against the wiles of a female.

  "H-How do you know my name?" he questioned when he could get his thoughts somewhat together.

  She licked her lips wickedly as she visually stood in between his legs caressing his body with honey brown eyes. "I know a lot about you, Mr. James Black, but my curiosity lies mainly on your lips." Her index finger went over his bottom lip. "I've heard what you can do with them and my body would be honored to have your kiss."

  James knew any man in the world would be honored to have this woman say those words to him.

  With her being closer, he saw that she was a mixed beauty of unequalled beauty. She raised her arms to let loose dark flowing brown hair and leaned over so her robe fell open slightly and James eyes graced breast so perfect he knew the hand of God had designed them personally.

  She leaned over him and whispered, "Please say you want to kiss me, James."

  The begging was music so beautiful he knew any man would be honored to be in his place.

  Reaching up, James touched her cheek and moaned as her face leaned in his palm. She was accepting and willing and he knew her lips would taste just like her nickname.

  What man could refuse this beauty? She was Aphrodite in the flesh - This woman was a siren of unbelievable sexuality emanating from every pore of her body. And she was giving this to him. Right now! This minute.

  Yet, all James could do was wish Jona were here, loving his touch, wanting his kiss and looking down on him with the promise for more.

  His other hand came up and pulled her face closer. James saw the triumph in her eyes and he knew this was a trap.

  Chapter 31

  "You want to feel my lips?" he asked.

  Breathlessly, she said, "Yes, James. Please! Please kiss me!"

  The pressure on her face in his palm created an unbelievable power that he had over this woman’s willingness and she was willing to do anything he asked in order to make him forget Jona.

  To test how far she would allow him to go with her, James gently eased his finger between her soft supple lips. He watched in fascination as this beautiful woman suckled deeply and firmly, gripping her lips aro
und the base of his finger. A sense of power as a man overwhelmed him, yet still his heart cried out for his Jona.

  He guided the beauty down to her knees between him and felt no resistance in her body. She was willing to do anything to make him forget about Jona and he had to know why.

  Leaning just close enough to feel her breath on his lips, he whispered. “And after? What else do I get to feel?”

  She smiled seductively to imply anything, yet he knew her game. This temptress knew exactly what to do, say and give to a man in order to get him wrapped around her fingers. She was more deadly than an evil siren luring men to their deaths with a song.

  There was no fear in her eyes as he firmly gripped her shoulder. "You'd do anything to make me forget my Hope, won't you?" he sneered angry by her deceit, yet knowing he'd done this so many times to women, he wasn't angry enough to hurt her.

  Yet, wariness was evident in her eyes as her plan was revealed clearly.

  "How did she get you to seduce me?" James demanded to know.

  She tried to stand up, but with his hand still on her shoulders and a steady pressure kept her from getting to her feet.

  "Let me up," she ordered.

  "I wasn't easily pliable when you were being seductive and I certainly won't do as you want with demands," he said. "Now tell me where is she, how she got you to do this and how can I tell her that no matter what she tries I won't stop coming after her to have her in my life."

  The woman narrowed her seductive eyes and James swore no matter what this woman did to her face, she was always going to look beautiful. "Jona doesn't want to see you or be with you,” the woman said obviously and he could see she had a large chip on her shoulder.

  He found it almost amusing how she had gotten the upper hand in all of this even when she knew her plan had not work. She was definitely some earth goddess with the power over men unknown to humans. “Why are you so damn beautiful?” He couldn't help to ask.

  Her blush was genuine and she leaned up to him with a smile that could melt ice.


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