Loving a Sinner

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Loving a Sinner Page 23

by D. B. Webb

“What?” I asked—all innocence. I loved driving him wild.

  “I won’t leave my house if I have you looking at me like that. And while talking to Benjamin sounds about as fun as chewing off my own arm, it needs to be done.” He looked me up and down. His eyes resting on my breasts a moment longer than the rest of me. “So stop.”

  I yawned, stretching my arms above my head one last time. “I’ll see you when you get home.”

  “You’re an evil woman,” He chided, leaning down to kiss me. It was chaste, and if I knew any better, he was trying very hard to control himself.

  “You love me.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You’ve got me there.” He turned from me and made his way back to the door. “I’ll see you soon. Try to rest some more. We didn’t get a lot of sleep.”

  I gave him a smile. One that I hoped conveyed my gratitude towards his constant concern and care for me. “Will do, Mr. Bossy.”

  “That’s Sir Bossy to you, Patterson.”

  I rolled my eyes and scoffed, “Get outta here, weirdo.”

  As he left, he turned to look over his shoulder. His smile was that of love, his eyes full of life. It was a look I couldn’t wait to see for the rest of my life.


  It’s too damn hot in here, was all I could think as I sat and waited for my father to return to his office. Whether I was sweating because Benjamin kept his office at the temperature of Hell or if it had more to do with the fact that I would soon be face to face with Satan himself was up for debate.

  I pulled at the collar of my shirt and tried to relax against the hard back of the chair I was currently sitting in, but nothing worked. I was too anxious to calm my nerves at this point. While I had tried to pull off suave in front of Ryan, I was honestly worried about this meeting with my dad. But I wouldn’t back down. He wasn’t going to get the best of me.

  Not this time. Not ever again.

  So I counted the pencils that were gathered in a cup on the desk, and waited.

  It took thirty minutes before the bastard decided to show up. He walked in like he had no care in the world, and for a moment I wondered how he even slept knowing the terrible things he had done in his life.

  “Son,” he acknowledged me before sitting. His voice was clipped, and I could tell he knew this wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have. “What brings you to my side of town?”

  I wanted to punch him and tell him that “his side of town” was also my side of town. We both owned businesses on the same damn street for chrissakes, but he would take any chance he got to belittle me and everything I had built for myself.

  “I’m staying with Ryan,” I told him without a second thought. No reason to beat around the bush.

  He didn’t look surprised, but he did look angry. When he spoke it was low and quiet. “That seems unwise, don’t you think?”

  He pretended to think about it for a second before returning, “Not in the slightest.”

  “Considering the… history… of the two of you? That doesn’t seem unwise, at all?”

  “She knows, Dad. I told her.”

  I watched as Benjamin leaned back and pressed his lips together. He was angry—I knew the look well. When I was a child it was the same look that would send me running for a room to lock myself in to escape his punishment. But that look held no power over me anymore. He must have realized that because he let out a breath and spoke steadily, “Such a shame for your mother, however. I won’t continue to support her after this.”

  I had seen that coming, so I shrugged. “I have plenty of money. I’ll take care of mom if it comes to that.”

  “I won’t break my business contract with you, but other than that, you will never see another dime from me again, Jackson,” he warned.

  Again I shrugged and smiled. It was the first genuine smile I had ever directed at my father. “That all you got?” I asked.

  His face was red, and I knew he was trying to keep his cool.

  “I think we’re done here, you can leave or be escorted out. Your choice,” was his reply before he turned his attention toward his computer screen. With that, I was dismissed. From his office. From his life. From his power over me.

  I could breathe.

  I stood, bowed dramatically, and exited his office.

  And I never looked back.

  I spent the day lounging around Jackson’s place, making a mental note that I would need to bring some of my own stuff over if I was going to be spending the night often. I called Kayla, who was relieved to find we were figuring everything out. She also complained about her intern for what seemed like the millionth time. We hung up after promising to meet for lunch soon.

  I spent the rest of the day dozing off in Jackson’s warm bed, wondering when he would be home. I was worried that the meeting would go drastically wrong. I knew that Jackson loved me, and he had told me not to worry, but with everything we had been through, I couldn’t help but feel that knot of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. A little voice inside of me whispering, what if…

  When I heard the heavy footsteps ascending the staircase, I woke from whatever sleepy haze I had been in to find Jackson smiling down at me.

  “At least you rested like you were told.”

  He plopped down beside me and brushed some of my loose hair away from my face.

  I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, “Where’s my coffee, you liar?”

  He looked around the room before answering, “Liar? Me?”

  “You said you’d bring me coffee, and I don’t see coffee.”

  “Maybe I forgot in my sudden rush to get home to a hot blonde in my bed?”

  “And maybe this hot blonde will refuse to put out because she’s lacking proper energy due to her missing coffee.”

  He laughed, and I watched as he threw his head back. When he looked back at me, I memorized the lines around his eyes. They hadn’t been there when we first met. It reminded me how much time we had missed. But they also reminded me that we were happy. I loved the way his face looked when he smiled.

  “What?” he softly asked before dipping to kiss me tenderly.

  “I was just thinking… You look happy.”

  He studied me for a moment before placing another kiss.

  “That’s because I am happy,” he whispered across my lips. His breath was warm, and it sent goosebumps down my arms.

  “Me too,” I told him before leaning in, capturing his soft lips against my hungry ones.

  Eventually I broke out kiss and asked the question I had been avoiding. “How was the meeting with Benjamin?”

  He sighed and laid down on the bed next to me. “Well,” he started with a drawn out breath, “Not great. But I told him what I needed to tell him. As for how he chooses to handle the news? I guess we’ll see, but either way I’m glad it’s over.”

  His answer made the tension in my stomach ease.

  “It’s for the best,” I agreed quietly before curling next to him.

  “Mmm,” was his tired reply. He pulled me against him, and in that moment I felt peace that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  Things weren’t perfect, but when we they ever?

  Alone we were broken. We were messy.

  But together, we were everything—two broken souls that came together to make one masterpiece.

  I laugh as I look into my camera, trying to capture the moment that was unfolding in front of me. Jackson holds his fingers in a pinching position, but he’s way off.

  “Down a little,” I instruct.

  He attempts to move his fingers down, but the dimensions are still off. I snort and take the shot regardless. It was hopeless anyway. We aren’t ever going to get it right.

  “Did you get it?” He asks me with an excitement he usually doesn’t show. I just nod, lying.


  I let the camera settle around my neck, and take Jackson’s outstretched hand in my own gloved hand. It’s cold. Winter in Paris is much colder than winter in California, but not nea
rly as cold as New York City. I lean against him, reveling in the heat his body gives me, as we stare at the Eiffel Tower.

  Jackson surprised me with a gift to Paris for our one year anniversary, though Kayla insisted it was more like our eleventh, but who was counting.

  Still, being here with him was a dream come true. All those years ago when we shared our secrets, I wouldn’t have ever imagined that we would be here together.

  “It’s better than I imagined,” I tell him with a hushed voice. He merely nods in agreement. I look up to see that his face is much more serious than it had been just a minute ago. The change in his mood sets me off a bit, but I try not to focus on it and focus my attention back on the beautiful scenery around us.

  He had been wrong, of course. I loved Paris, though he had once tried to convince me I wouldn’t. But like he had promised eleven years ago, he was the one to take me.

  “Ryan,” he says suddenly, breaking me from my thoughts. He turns me in his arms so that my chest is pressed against him, but he doesn’t loosen his grip.


  “I’ve loved you for eleven years, even if many of those years we spent apart. But I never want to spend another moment without you.”

  My heart begins to race with the knowledge of where this is leading. Kayla had predicted this before we got on the plane, but I brushed her off, thinking she was being her usual dramatic self. But as Jackson lets go of me and reaches behind him and pulls a small velvet box out of his back pocket, one that I had no idea was there, I realize she was right.

  Holy shit.

  “Ryan?” His voice shakes with nerves? Or perhaps he’s excited? Maybe both. I can’t read him.

  “Yes?” I ask just as uncertain as he sounds.

  He bends down and I know what is coming, and I want to shout my answer before he even has a chance to ask his question.

  “Will you marry me?” he asks before popping the top off of the box, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring. It’s a solitaire and simple and perfect.

  “Yes!” I practically shout. I don’t wait for his reply, because my mouth is on his. Showing him the best way that I can how much I love him. How much I need him.

  When we part, I realize that we have attracted a crowd. Some clap, some smile, others cheer us on as they pat Jackson on the back. Most of us don’t speak the same language, but I’m sure that the love between Jackson and me can be universally interpreted.

  The past year together has had its ups and downs, but I wouldn’t change our story even if I wanted to. Well, perhaps I would have gone up to him at the restaurant when I saw him in New York. I wouldn’t wish being separated from your love for tens years on my greatest enemy. But we’re together now. We’re stronger than ever, and even Kayla can’t help but admire what we share.

  Jackson pulls off my glove and slips on the ring, and I admire it as it glimmers in the sunlight.

  “Do you like it?” he asks in my ear. The heat of his breath causes goosebumps to dance across my cold skin.

  “It’s perfect,” I tell him.

  “You’re perfect.”

  I roll my eyes at his response, but he doesn’t let me get away with it. Instead, he kisses me passionately, in front of God and everyone.

  I blush as we pull apart, but I can’t help but feel a little giddy too.

  “So fiancée,” he smiles. “Where to?”

  “Fiancée,” I say, playing with the way it sounds on my tongue, “I think I like the sound of that.”

  Jackson steals another kiss before he tugs me away from our view. “I think I need some rest… Maybe we should go back to the hotel?”

  I laugh and quirk an eyebrow knowingly, “Tired, huh?”

  “Wiped out,” he concurs.

  “I guess we should head back. The bed is awfully nice and big.”

  “Mmm…” he replies, kissing my hand that is still uncovered and now donning a new diamond ring.

  We walk, hand in hand down the streets of Paris.

  And I can’t help but thinking, having my soul on fire has never felt so nice.

  Where do I even begin? There are so many people I would like to thank, and ultimately I know I’ll end up forgetting someone. So if you have been a part of this process, I thank you.

  To my best friends, Tiff and Kayla. You guys are the support system I don’t deserve. You have stuck with me from the very first sentence. You told me when I was being stupid (because that’s what friends do). You cheered me on when I was actually getting shit done. You are my ride and die bitches and I wouldn’t be here without you guys.

  To Alena. I wouldn’t have even known about the magical world of New Adult Romance if it hadn’t been for you. You are my best book friend who I am now lucky to call my friend. I love our conversations, and I appreciate you listening to my plotting problems and character issues and everything in between. You are so appreciated. Now let’s co-write that book we’ve talked about a million times!

  To Karen and Beth. You guys have so much book world knowledge I wouldn’t have even known what to do first when it came to this whole book thing. I would have had a story, but not a book. I don’t think people understand how much goes into actually making a BOOK. So for your knowledge and overwhelming support and wisdom, I thank you guys. You have been the kinds of people I hope and aspire to be.

  To Dominique. Girl. I have leaned on you, depended on you, and probably annoyed you with my persistent friendship, but you have gotten me here. Again, without your knowledge and help, I wouldn’t have an edited book (guys, don’t blame her for any grammar mistakes in this part… This is all me, ha!). You are kind and a wonderful listener. I’m so blessed to have you.

  To my family, my husband and mother-in-law. You guys have stuck with this crazy idea to publish a book. You’ve listened to my rambling (and the clicks of my keyboard) for over a year now and have never complained. When I doubted myself, you told me that I was good enough. When I wanted to pull my hair out, you listened to my frustrated rants. You guys are my support and my life, and I love you both.

  To the bloggers who took a chance on this new writer, THANK YOU! I started out as a blogger, and I know what hard work you put in. I know the hours you dedicated toward me and my book, and so I really and truly appreciate each and every one of you. If I had a million dollars I would go take everyone on a trip to the Bahamas (but alas, I am a indie writer so…). Your hard work and dedication has been noticed and appreciated.

  Finally, to the reader. You are why I do this thing. I write in hopes I can put a smile on someone’s face. In hopes that I can make someone’s day brighter. In hopes that my little book could inspire and bring joy. So thank you for taking a chance on my Ryan and Jackson. I couldn’t do this without you.

  A small town girl with big city dreams, author D.B. Webb has dreamed of being an author since she was old enough to read her first book. Inspired by the likes of Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Anne Rice, and more; her taste in books ranges from romance to horror. With Loving a Sinner under her belt, she has finally accomplished one of her dreams: being published. She has a husband who puts up with her crazy antics, and together they have a cat named Cat who keeps them entertained. You’ll find her sipping caramel macchiatos at her local coffee shop while reading the latest contemporary romance novel. She also has a blog, Minor Details, where you can find her thoughts and other writings.

  Follow her at:

  Blog: https://dbwebbwrites.wordpress.com/

  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dbwebbwrites/

  Goodreads: https://goodreads.com/DBWebbWrites

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 14
  Chapter 15



  Meet D.B. Webb




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