Immortal Sleepers

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Immortal Sleepers Page 6

by Miranda Nichols

  His gentle weight covered her, pressing her securely into the heavy layers of silk and chiffon, making it seem as if they lay on a cloud. The soft light of the streetlamp outside the window danced over his tanned skin, giving his tawny complexion a faint glow, offset by the glimmer in his shadowed, verdant eyes. The promise in that hungry gaze sent a shiver of anticipation from her scalp to the tips of her toes. She parted her rosy lips in a ragged gasp as that heady stare stole the air from her tortured lungs.

  * * * *

  Totally lost in the moment, Tyrian had needed nearly all of his willpower to keep from tossing her onto the bed and immediately having his way with her. As her dress had slid entirely too slowly down over her dulcet curves, he’d nearly stuttered to a stop at the sight of the small, circular birthmark on her left shoulder. In exactly the same place as his own marking, it carried a weight of meaning he had neither the strength nor resolve to attend to at the moment. At the possible risk of damning him, it would have to wait until he’d slaked the rampant passion she’d awoken within him. He’d tried so hard to keep the shaking in his hands to a minimum. Now, he finally reached out to do what he had fantasized about since first seeing her in that tease of a cocktail dress.

  He wanted nothing more than to continue where they left off, but gazing down into her passion-filled orbs reminded him of the uncomfortable tightness growing in his lower regions. He lowered lids over slightly unfocused emerald eyes at the soft brush of tiny fingers as Kaelyn worked her way around the clasp of his belt. She tugged the offending contraption open before pulling it violently from the confines of the belt loops. It ended up somewhere in the vicinity of their other discarded articles of clothing, neither occupant of the spacious bedroom paying it much heed.

  Kaelyn’s hands showed her lack of patience for his leisurely pace; she worked now at the clasp holding his pants closed. He held back a hiss as she brushed the backs of her knuckles softly against his exposed lower abdomen, sending a rush of heat directly to the source of his discomfort. With suddenly nimble fingers, she snapped the clasp on his pants open, and he heard the echo of every little snick of metal as she dragged the zipper down torturously slowly. His breath entered and escaped his lungs in short, heavy gasps as she raised her knees on either side of his hips, increasing the contact between their middles.

  Surely by now, Kaelyn felt Tyrian’s evident arousal pressing against the confines of his undergarments. The knowing glint in her hazel stare told him that she would not make this any easier on him than he had on her. He nearly whined as she adjusted her position, rolling her hips against his. No doubt taking pity on his suffering, she curled her toes under the edges of his loosened ebony slacks and slowly dragged them down over the curve of his rear, over his powerful thighs and sculpted calves. Unable to take any more of her languid torture, he quickly kicked the obnoxious article of clothing as far away as possible.

  A soft tinkling sound hit Tyrian’s ears as his companion let a giggle slip past her swollen pink lips. Gentle tremors wracked her body as peals of laughter threatened to break free. He couldn’t help the sigh that escaped him at Kaelyn’s obvious enjoyment of his discomfort, a hint of a smile ghosting over his features at the release of tension that the heady atmosphere of the open room afforded.

  Tyrian closed his sharp teeth over the softened skin of Kaelyn’s previously abused peak, bringing her amusement to a brisk end. The tiniest of moans snaked past her parted lips as he used his warm and wet tongue to soothe the abused area before continuing where they had left off in the bedroom entryway. He fanned his hot breath over the glowing skin of her taut stomach, then placed feather-light kisses along the indent of her abdominal muscles, tracing downward to the hem of her black lace panties encased in black pantyhose.

  Darkened emerald eyes lifted to meet lust-induced chocolate in a silent question, answered only by the slight parting of her lips and a light dusting of thick eyelashes over tinted cheeks. He hooked his steady fingers into the edges of the sheer cloth, then paused a moment to inhale her scent, dispelling his nerves with his outward breath. Slowly, he peeled the flimsy material away from her body, trailing down over her shapely thighs. Pausing at her suede ankle-boots, he carefully slipped each boot off her narrow feet before depositing the entire ensemble somewhere on the other side of the room.

  With keen eyes, Tyrian took in the sight of Kaelyn splayed before him in avid wonder. Beyond beautiful, she surpassed even his wildest expectations. As she lay there in her full and untamed glory, he could not imagine anything more captivating or breathtakingly beautiful in the entire world. Every dip and curve, every color, every scent, every touch, every taste called to a primal instinct that demanded he take this evanescent beauty and make it his. To never let another view the splendor that lay before his eyes. A wave of possessiveness like he had never known spiraled through him, throwing his caution to the wind as he covered her knees with large, calloused hands, and spread her legs farther apart to reveal the full splendor of her womanly facets.

  She smelled of morning dew, the musky scent of the lower levels of the Brazilian rain forest, fresh and intoxicating. Every breath he drew in created a comfortable haze in the back of his mind, causing his heavy-lidded eyes to drift that dangerous fraction between open and closed. He wanted so badly to taste her, to run his tongue over her moist lips, and drink in the essence of that oh-so-intoxicating smell. It had been driving him insane since the car ride from the restaurant to the house. The musky scent of sex, once barely a hint on the air, now hit him full force, filling his senses with nothing but the heady tingle of lust, and he finally gave in to the temptation.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn fought the sudden urge to snap her legs closed, to shield herself in some way from Tyrian’s suddenly frightening gaze. She felt horribly exposed, and the way he stared at her, that lust-filled gleam in his darkened jade orbs, told her to run away to the farthest corner of the room and hide from that predatory gleam. But she held her ground. She would not be afraid of this. She would not run. Not tonight. She had resolved to give herself to him completely this night, and she would not go back on that now, not after they’d come this far.

  She couldn’t help the startled gasp that escaped her when he ducked his head, his soft, dark tresses brushing against the insides of her thighs and sending electric shivers down her bare legs. He took in her scent, then exhaled a heavy, heated breath against her exposed sex. The dampness accumulating since the car ride gleamed in the soft light; even she saw it from her comfortable position amidst the downy bed coverings.

  Tyrian brought his tongue into contact with Kaelyn’s inflamed center for the very first time. Her back arched at an almost painful angle. Sensations rocketed through her body, like nothing she’d ever experienced, and she could not help the cries that spilled forth from deep within her. He lapped at her center, dipping his skillful tongue halfway inside her, before drawing back out to tease the carefully concealed nub nestled between her now-soaked nether lips. Where he’d learned to administer such mind-blowing pleasure she had no idea, but whatever he did, she did not want him to stop.

  * * * *

  Luckily, they had the whole floor to themselves, as Tyrian knew that had he not invested in soundproofing, Caleb would have heard her cries in his basement apartment, two floors below. He could never have imagined anything tasting better than her mouth, until he sampled her essence. He couldn’t get enough. It was not so much the taste as the texture, the smell, the overall experience of being so close to the very core of her being, and driving her to the peak of awareness with nothing but his mouth. But he would not end there. Once the initial rush of excitement wore off, it was time for business. And the Vampire Hunter did not mess around when it came to business.

  After releasing his hold on her leg, Tyrian trailed his nimble fingers down the inside of her right thigh, delighting in the tiny tremors his feather-light touch induced. He had left her far beyond reason, he could tell, lost in the pleasure he’d alit within
her with his previous ministrations, but she would receive much more than a few teasing licks here and there. Tyrian was by no means a small man, and Kaelyn, though quite sturdy, was nothing if not petite. He would have to work her out completely before she was ready for him; he just hoped he could hold out until then.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn jumped slightly at the foreign sensation of fingers pressing against her entrance. She let out a breathy moan as a single digit slipped inside. The sweep of his tongue against her hardened nub distracted her, sending a combination of entirely new sensations cascading through her body. As he gently removed the invading finger, then slid it back in again, she snapped her head back. He repeated this action several times, eliciting gasps and arrested moans from the female beneath him.

  All of the sudden, it seemed, she crested. A sudden burst of white-hot pleasure shot through her entire being, her inner muscles clamping down on his finger as she came with a startled cry. Her vision swept sharply out of focus.

  * * * *

  Tyrian started slightly as Kaelyn’s muscles closed down on the finger still buried in her velvety warmth. He looked up into her pleasure-laden orbs, her body asking for more of what he had just let her taste. He felt a slight twitch in his nether regions at the look of absolute euphoria etched across her face. Her pleasure-filled moans filled his ears with nothing but promises of even greater noises he could derive from her abused lips.

  Unable to take much more himself, Tyrian quickly added another digit to the one currently playing merry hob with her senses. He scissored them back and forth, inside and out, as he danced his tongue along her tiny nub, trying to prepare her before he completely lost control. Somewhere in the hazy fog of his single-minded venture, he began to register her cries as actual words, his name calling him back to the present. Her eyes pleaded with him as her mouth spilled the words he had so longed to hear.

  “T-Tyrian…please! I...I can’t—I…I need you…”

  It took only those few simple words, coupled with the absolutely pleading gaze she’d trapped him in, to loosen his hold on his resolve. His undergarments soon joined hers on the other side of the room as he covered her with his comfortable weight. She raised shaky hands to tangle in his dark brown tresses; he bent knobby knees as she lifted shapely legs to caress the sides of his hips in a silent invitation. Her unreadable hazel orbs regarded his unspoken question with open acquiescence, and he almost released a sigh of relief as he positioned himself at her entrance.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn tried not to tense as she felt Tyrian gently probe her. She logically knew what would follow, and she had mentally prepared herself for the inevitable pain that would accompany his entry into her most forbidden depths. However, that still didn’t stop her dull trepidation. For all of her fantasizing, she’d never felt comfortable sharing her most hidden treasure with a man. And so she remained frustratingly virgin at the ripe age of twenty-three.

  She clutched at his shoulders, bracing herself for the worst that still, for some reason, had not come. Pulling back slightly and releasing the ragged breath she had held in anticipation, she regarded him with curiosity. His own eyes closed, he breathed deeply as he held himself completely still above her. He still had not moved; he seemed to wait for something.

  He slowly slid his eyes open, then gazed into her anxious hazel orbs with a look of profound patience and slight annoyance. She realized: he waited for her. A flush of embarrassment crept over her as she turned her eyes away, refusing to meet his knowing gaze.


  The soft, dulcet tones of his all-too-familiar voice drifted over her, pulling her eyes back to his for a moment, as he brushed the backs of his knuckles softly against her flushed cheek. That look, that ineffable flame alit within his gaze, held her captive in its all-encompassing view, and she felt herself relax. Her fears and anxieties flitted away as she concentrated entirely on the soft, even rhythm of his breathing. The strong, steady pulse of his heart beating so close to her own lulled her into a deep state of complete content.

  Here, lying in his arms, Kaelyn came to the realization that this man would absolutely never let her come to harm. Whatever it cost him, he would always come to her if she should call. She’d never felt as safe as she did right now, wrapped up in his strong, comfortable embrace. She melted into his touch, relaxing completely under the flickering light of his gaze, nestled amidst the soft chiffon beneath her and the hard, yielding man above her. She gave herself entirely to his touch, and this time, she did not falter as she felt the soft push of his hardened member into her velvety folds.

  * * * *

  Never, in all his battles as a Hunter, had Tyrian experienced panic like what he’d felt when she tensed as he touched her. He’d checked his forward motion with willpower he had not even known he possessed, and waited. It didn’t take long for her to realize why he’d stopped, her embarrassment showing as she turned away from him, afraid that he would ridicule her candid insecurities. However, the look of absolute trust that shone through her hazel pools when he’d said her name shook him to the very core.

  His hesitation vanished, finally replaced by satisfaction that she would proceed to the next level of their night together. He slowly pressed inside, hissing slightly at the searing heat that awaited him inside her petite body. The tightness of her virgin walls stretched to accommodate him, coupled with the intense, radiating warmth that stemmed from her very core, tested his resolve to the limit, pulling at the fine cords of his already taut control, threatening to unravel him completely.

  His senses crashed back to him all at once as he encountered the first signs of resistance.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn met his eyes with hers in silent admission for him to continue. She didn’t think he could even possibly turn back now, with him settled so deep inside her core. She couldn’t imagine ever being separated from him again. He dropped his head to her shoulder, and she held her breath as he slowly withdrew, holding her hips steady with his right hand as he braced himself against her.

  She’d tried to prepare herself for the sudden intrusion. After his slow, easy initial entry, she did not expect the sharp downward thrust, accompanied by piercing pain as he filled her completely. She clutched desperately at his shoulders, legs clamped tightly against his sides, as the agony forced a shocked, pained cry from her already strained vocal chords.

  * * * *

  He didn’t move, held entirely too still within her as he waited patiently for her to adjust to the foreign sensations racking her body. Soon enough, she loosened the death hold of her legs on his hips, retracted her fingernails from his shoulders, and slowly, slowly relaxed in his arms. He placed feather-light kisses of apology along the line of her neck and up over her jaw, before capturing her lips in a heated lock of unspoken passion and unbridled need.

  While he had remained still, waiting for her to adjust, he’d guiltily enjoyed the intense sheath encasing him. He could not have ignored the pull of her feminine muscles, the languid heat that caressed him so intimately; one might as well invite a starving man at a banquet and then tell him he couldn’t eat. It was torturous, but oh-so-bittersweet, awaiting the moment that he could dine to his heart’s content. As her tensed muscles slowly relaxed, he couldn’t help the sudden surge of anticipation for what would surely follow.

  Feeling confident that she had adjusted well to the new and unfamiliar fullness, he slowly withdrew from the sheltered warmth of her center. Relishing the moan of dissent his absence wrought from her, he then steadily pushed back in, earning a surprised gasp of pleasure from her rosy lips. He had waited for this: the complete and utter knowledge that she was his, and his alone. The dream he had chased all week had arrived now, writhing in absolute pleasure beneath him as he worked her frazzled nerves into a frenzy with every subsequent motion he made in and out of her body.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn curled her toes at the sensations that shot through her with every move he made into her. She c
ould not even compare it to what he had done with his fingers earlier in the night. The absolute fullness she felt from being one with him shook her to the very core. Cry after cry of absolute rapture reverberated off the walls as Tyrian thoroughly pleasured the woman beneath him. Before long, she screamed her release for the silent walls to hear. But this night had far from ended.

  * * * *

  Not even giving her time to come down from her peak, Tyrian shifted her in his grasp. After reaching down to bring one leg up over his shoulder, he leaned into her with his body weight and drove even deeper into her molten core. Pure, unadulterated pleasure coursed through every nerve ending in his body, reaching for a height just out of his grasp. His thrusts, furious in their intensity, sank deeper with every stroke, as he searched desperately for release from the torment of fragmented pleasure.

  It crashed down on them in a tidal wave of unexpected sensation, the insistent drag of her inner muscles pulling him over the edge with her as they both voiced their pleasure to the silent room. She slipped her leg from his shoulder and he collapsed against her, barely managing to catch his weight on his forearms to keep from crushing the delicate creature beneath him.

  * * * *

  Kaelyn’s slightly drowsy gaze drank in the vision of her lover, lightly tanned skin glowing in the dim lighting, with a glistening sheen of perspiration as he drew in ragged breaths.


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