Forvever Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 4)

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Forvever Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 4) Page 2

by Harmony Raines

  “If you like that kind of thing,” he said.

  “Don’t you?” she asked lightly, taking off her shoes and leaving them outside. Cal did the same.

  “Not really. I like the simpler things in life.”

  “Me too,” she confided. “I’ll be honest, it’s been a little odd living here on my own. I’ve never had so much space.”

  “Where did you grow up?” he asked, following her across the hallway, leaving a trail of drips on the tiled floor.

  Her body language changed, her shoulders drooping a little, before she said brightly, “Foster care. I lived in a lovely house with an elderly couple who were the nicest people I could ever have wished to have as parents. They made sure I got good grades and didn’t feel like the odd kid at school. They came to every recital, every sports game. I was lucky.”

  “What happened, for you to end up in care?” he asked. They were in the kitchen; she was opening a door leading off it, that housed a laundry room and a shower room.

  “You can strip off here, and I’ll wash your clothes.”

  “And what about you?” he asked his voice low, husky at the thought of her naked, and in the shower with him.

  She pointed upwards. “I’m going to use an upstairs bathroom. I’ll bring some dry clothes down for you to change into. I’m sure Carter won’t mind if I lend you something of his.”

  “Thanks.” He stood and watched her back away from him. Was she expecting him to strip in front of her? Did she want him to strip in front of her?

  Grabbing the hem of his sweater, which was all out of shape thanks to the rain, he peeled it off over his head. She stood there, watching. Cal cast it to one side and then repeated the motion, taking his T-shirt off. Only when he unbuckled his belt, did she turn and run, slipping and grabbing hold of the countertop in the kitchen to keep herself upright.

  Chuckling to himself, he shoved his clothes in the washing machine but didn’t switch it on in case she planned to put her clothes in there too. He could just imagine their wet clothes, tumbling around and around in the machine, while he and his mate tumbled around and around in bed. What else were they to do while they waited for their clothes?

  Maybe he should turn the water temperature down to freezing when he got in the shower. But he doubted anything would help stem his need to claim her, to possess her. He had only been back in Bear Creek for two weeks; he’d never expected to find his woman so soon.

  Now she was here, so close he could still sense her presence, the walls of the mansion not thick enough or strong enough to keep her from him.

  Who knew the mating bond could be so strong?

  A cold shower it is! Cal turned the tap and stepped under the cool cascade, his head filled with images of his mate, naked in a shower somewhere close by. It took all of his self-control not to wander through the house naked, until he found her and claimed her as his own.

  Chapter Three – Teagan

  “What do I do?” Teagan breathed down the phone.

  “Wait, what?” Fern asked. “Slow down and speak louder. Who is he?”

  “I met my mate. I don’t know who he is,” Teagan hissed, her eyes on the door as if expecting him to come barging in and sweep her off her feet. Maybe hoping was more accurate than expecting. Teagan was sure her mate, whom she knew nothing about, other than he drove a truck and had given her the kiss of life, had more self-control than she did.

  “Oh, Teagan, I am so happy for you,” Fern said, a hitch in her voice. When Fern had first arrived in Bear Creek, she had her emotions totally under control. But since meeting her mate, Theo, hands-down one of the nicest guys Teagan had ever met, and then getting pregnant, she was an emotional time bomb.

  “OK, hold it together for me, lady. What do I do?”

  “You are asking me? For advice on men?” Fern asked incredulously.

  “Well, you have one, don’t you?” Teagan asked, her voice rising.

  “I do,” Fern agreed. “All I can say is, just go for it, you are meant to be with him. Isn’t that what the whole shifter mate thing is? Which, as a shifter, you know all about.” Fern was, of course stating the obvious, but Teagan felt completely out of her depth.

  “It’s hard to control. I have these urges,” Teagan confessed.

  “Then act on them.” Fern’s words were straight to the point, and resonated with Teagan’s own thoughts.

  “You mean sleep with him? Like now?” Teagan asked.

  “Oh, maybe wait until you at least know his name?” Fern told her friend, with a muffled giggle.

  “Are you making fun of me, Fern?” Teagan asked.

  “I blame my hormones,” Fern replied, and then her voice sobered. “Teagan, follow your heart. It’s always led you straight and true.”

  “You sound like Fiona.” Fiona was a dragon shifter who had always been around when Teagan was growing up.

  Fiona had always been a constant in Teagan’s life, albeit an infrequent one. But while Teagan was in foster care, Fiona always visited on birthdays and Christmas, with a gift for one of her special charges. What she meant was her shifter charges.

  Working for social services, Fiona always made sure shifter children were placed with foster families who were either shifters themselves, or at least knew how to handle one when the shift first struck around puberty. Not that there were many shifter kids in foster care; the true nature of a shifter meant family always came first.

  Which is what made Teagan an oddity. She wasn’t an orphan, which was how most shifter kids ended up in the system. Teagan’s mom had handed her to social services when she found it impossible to cope after her true mate left her. That was the story Teagan had been told, at least.

  But whatever the reason, all through her life, Teagan had refused to let herself believe no one would ever want her, just because her mom didn’t. She had never been more grateful for this belief than she was at this moment. In her head, there was no raging argument over whether the man downstairs would want her. Teagan had grown into a confident, intelligent woman who always knew her mind.

  “Thanks, Fern. I don’t know why I decided to second-guess myself,” Teagan said.

  “I don’t mind at all. And I’m so happy for you, Teagan. So very happy.” Fern’s voice broke with emotion. “Hormones,” she added apologetically.

  “You are my hero, Fern; you showed me what it is like to open your heart to people around you.”

  “Your heart was never closed off,” Fern replied. “Go get your man.”

  “OK. I should go.” Teagan began to strip off her clothes, becoming aware of the big puddle by her feet where she had begun to drip dry. “I need to shower off this mud.”

  “Why are you covered in mud?” Fern asked.

  “Long story short, I was in the creek.” Teagan paused for drama.

  “You were in the creek? As a bear?”


  “You fell in?”


  “Just tell me, Teagan. I bet this mate of yours thinks you are crazy.”

  “He probably does.” Teagan reached into the shower and turned the knob, putting her hand under the inviting warm jets of water. “There was a cow on the side of the creek, and she was looking in and calling, all distressed…”

  “Oh, Teagan. Her baby was in there?” Fern asked, her voice hitched.

  “She wouldn’t leave it. So neither could I…” Teagan choked back tears too. “Damn it, I can’t blame hormones.”

  “You don’t need to, Teagan.” Fern took a deep breath. “Did you get the calf out?”

  “Not without the help of my savior. He pulled my soggy ass out of there too.”

  “A real hero, you don’t find those every day,” Fern said.

  “No, I just hope he’s as good as he looks.” Teagan recalled his strong arms around her waist, and how he’d pulled her to safety, and then his lips on hers.

  “Only one way to find out,” Fern told her. “Keep me updated.”

  “I will.
Talk to you later.” Teagan ended the call and put her phone down on a wicker chair in the corner of the bathroom, before padding barefoot over to the shower and finally climbing in. The hot water washed the dirt off her skin, and she shampooed her hair three times to make sure it was clean, before smoothing conditioner through her blonde hair. Then she scrubbed her skin until it tingled, Teagan paid special attention to her nails, which had accumulated mud under them.

  Once satisfied, she gave her hair a final rinse and wrung the excess water out before grabbing a towel and getting out of the shower. Surveying her blurry reflection in the steamed-up mirror, she dragged a comb through her wet hair, and figured it would do. She was too eager to go find her man to spend time on applying makeup. What if she had been so long, he’d decided to go on home?

  She pulled on a robe and left the bathroom, going to her closet and taking out some sweatpants and a clean T-shirt. Then she grabbed a hooded sweater and pulled that on too; she didn’t want to catch a chill. Although if she got cold, he could always keep her warm. What was the rule about exchanging body heat in an emergency situation?

  A knock on the door made her jump. “Hello?” Her voice wavered.

  “I thought I’d come check that you were OK,” he said.

  “How did you know which room I was in?” Teagan got up from her stool and walked across the room, yanking the door open, to find him standing there, a towel slung low around his hips.

  “I can feel you.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “I walked along this hallway, and I knew it was this room.”

  “Really?” She let out a shuddering breath and relaxed, allowing her senses to roam out, searching for him. There he was. Teagan focused on the feel of his presence, next time she would be ready, next time she would know he was approaching. “Cool.”

  “It is, very cool.” He looked down at his body. His wonderful toned, tanned body. “I need clothes.”

  “No, you don’t,” Teagan said, raising her eyebrows. “You look good just like that.” She shook her head and sighed. “I would not change a thing.”

  He cracked a grin, looking more relaxed that he had earlier. “If that’s what you want. I won’t argue. But I warn you, this towel might slip at any moment.”

  “Really?” Teagan squeaked, willing the towel to slip from his hips and reveal him in all his naked glory.

  “Really.” He took his hand away from where he had been holding the end of the towel; it was tucked in, but not very tightly.

  Teagan swallowed, disappointed when it didn’t immediately fall to the floor. “Huh, look at that. It did stay in place.”

  He took a couple of steps into her room. “I could dance for you. To test to see if it’s going to hold.”

  “That,” she pointed at him, “That might be a good idea. Because it would be bad if someone came to visit, and your towel did not stay where it should be.”

  “It would be very bad,” he agreed, his voice choked with raw emotion. Teagan looked down, to be greeted by his erect cock, sticking up under the towel. He looked so big, and it was all she could do not to reach out and yank the towel from him. She did, after all, want to see him dance.

  Walking backwards, her knees came into contact with the bed, and she sat down hard, trying to keep her mouth shut so her tongue didn’t hang out like a dog anticipating a treat. And it was a treat. He moved his hips and then wound his body in a hypnotizing rhythm, for which no music was needed. She swallowed as he raised his hands above his head and circled his body around in her direction. He stepped closer, and the end of the towel came away. He moved again, his hips jerking to the side, but the towel stayed in place as if by magic.

  He watched her, his face intent, his groin at eye level, and close, so close she could reach out and touch him if she wanted to. Did she want to? Or would it be better to end this now? Once that towel fell away, he would expect her to go further, he would take it as a sign she wanted him, that they were going to consummate their bond on today, the first day of their lives together.

  Would he stop if she changed her mind? She didn’t know him; he didn’t know her. Is this what had happened with her mom? Did she find her mate and then sleep with him, get pregnant only to find out he wasn’t the kind of man to commit?

  But that could not happen to Teagan. They were both shifters, they both wanted this more than anything. Didn’t they?

  The towel slipped off his hips, and her cheeks turned pink as she looked at him in all his naked magnificence. “Oh my.”

  He stood before her, and then he crouched down and placed his hands on hers. “Do you have those clothes?”

  Her eyes darted up to his. “I thought… Don’t you want to?” she stammered.

  “I do. But I’m not sure you do.”

  “What makes you think that?” she asked, confused.

  “You are trembling like a little bird.”

  “I am?” she asked as her teeth chattered.

  “You are. I’m not sure if it’s me, or your ordeal with the calf. But maybe some food and hot tea might be best.”

  She looked into his eyes, and liked what she saw; his concern was real, there was no pressure. “I like that idea.”

  “Good.” He got up and turned around, shaking his ass at her. “This is all yours. Forever.”

  “What a lucky girl I am.” She giggled. Her mood lightened as she left the room and went to grab some clothes for… “Hey, what’s your name?”

  “Cal,” he called back.

  “Hi, Cal.” Teagan came back into her bedroom, which is how she thought of it, even though it was a guest bedroom. “My name is Teagan.”

  “Good to meet you, Teagan.” His eyes danced as he looked at her. “Is this where we shake hands?”

  “If you want to be formal.” Teagan held out her hand, and he took it, pulling her toward him, until their bodies were pressed tightly together. Had he changed his mind about them taking their time? Her heart hammered in her chest.

  “One kiss,” he whispered. “Just a taste.” His fingers threaded through her hair and then stroked her chin, his thumb caressing the cleft of her chin, before tilting her face up to his as he searched her eyes for her answer.

  Would one kiss be enough? Teagan wondered as she ran the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip, moistening it ready for her first kiss with the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. This one simple fact made this kiss so precious, it would never be repeated.

  Teagan threaded her hands around Cal’s neck, and brought his head down to meet hers, while she rose up on tiptoes. Their lips met, soft, warm, sending a thrill through her body. Teagan pressed herself closer, wanting as much of her body to come into contact with his as was humanly possible. If she could, she would have climbed into his skin and made herself one with him.

  Cal’s tongue quested for entrance, and she opened her mouth and let him in. It was a symbolic moment, their futures entwined, their lives forever linked. She sighed, and he deepened the kiss, his hand on the small of her back, holding her close, not letting go. Strong sensations raged in her body, and she let herself be taken along with them, not fighting, only accepting that this was right. This was fate.

  He pulled back, the kiss broken, leaving them breathless. Teagan placed her fingers to her lips, as she tried to conquer her erratic breathing. If there had been any doubt in her mind that they were mates, it was gone. The earth hadn’t exactly moved, but it had shifted under her feet.

  Chapter Four – Cal

  “Here, this should make you feel better.” Cal passed Teagan a cup of hot tea.

  “Thanks.” In return, Teagan passed Cal a grilled cheese sandwich, heavy on the cheese.

  “Thank you.” He bit into it. “So this is what millionaire movie stars eat.”

  She smiled as she chewed her sandwich, probably not a pretty sight, but oh well, he was going to have to get used to her, warts and all. “Carter isn’t exactly your average movie star. He lived on the mountain for a few years. I’m surpr
ised you haven’t heard the story.”

  “I have only been back in Bear Creek for a couple of weeks,” Cal confessed.

  “Where did you live before?” Teagan pulled up a stool and sat down.

  “A bigger town, Chamberlain. I work for the fire department, and had my eye on working my way up to chief.” Cal sat down next to her, placing his cup on the counter while he ate his food.

  “And did you?” Teagan asked.

  “Make chief?” Cal gave a short laugh. “No, the old chief was there for years, and I worked hard, supported him, and the guy told me I would be his successor, but when he retired, people above our heads had other ideas. An outsider was brought in.”

  “I’m sorry,” Teagan said.

  “So was I.” He leaned back and looked at her. She was the most incredible woman he had ever set eyes on, shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a body to die and go to heaven for. Curves made for holding, and a smile that felt as if the sun shone on your face. There was a warmth, a generosity to her that he had rarely found among people. “But now I’m thinking it’s a good thing.”

  “Wow, you are a charmer.” Teagan’s pale skin flushed pink.

  “Take the compliment,” Cal said.

  “I will.” She sipped her tea. “And you came back to Bear Creek because it is your home?”

  “No, I stuck a pin in a map and decided to move here.” He averted his eyes, but she read his lie all the same. Smart, too. Smart and perceptive.

  “I am glad you did.”

  “My mom and dad have lived here all their lives. So have my brothers and sisters. I am an anomaly, I’m the only one who ever left.”

  “Do you have a big family?” Teagan asked.

  “Two brothers, two sisters. I am the middle child, sandwiched between two older sisters and two younger brothers.” He grinned. “And yes, my sisters did dress me up in a doll’s dress and push me around Bear Creek in a stroller for all the world to see.”

  Teagan nearly sprayed her tea across the kitchen. “That is adorable.”


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