Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them

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Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them Page 5

by Carolina Dean

  Be available. To find love, people must be available; instead, they often shut out the world. Except for going out to buy groceries, run errands, or the occasional outing to eat with friends, they may rarely leave the house. If you are going to meet a man, you are not likely to find him in the produce section of your local grocer or sorting his underwear at the laundromat, although I would not discount the possibility entirely. At any rate, you already came out of the closet, so now it is time to get out of the house.

  Honor love. Everywhere you look, you see happy couples. They are holding hands, kissing, hugging, posing for pictures, and in general, they are affectionate with one another. For the person who does not have a relationship like this in their life, it can literally hurt. When they see these kinds of displays, it can be a painful reminder of their aloneness, a reaffirmation of the belief that they will never find love. They deny love. They tell themselves that love is just hormones playing tricks on the mind and the body. You cannot simultaneously deny love and attempt to manifest love at the same time. To have love, you must honor love. To honor love, be happy for those who have been lucky enough to find it, who can express it and enjoy it, and allow for the possibility that you too, can have love for yourself.

  Hey, Don’t Look Me Over

  This spell is used to draw the attention, interest, and admiration of others so that they don't look you over (i.e. fail to notice you). To perform this spell, you will need the following:

  A red human figure candle (male or female depending on your gender)

  Third Pentacle of Venus

  Red ink pen

  In addition to the above, you will need a condition oil such as Bewitching, Cleopatra, Follow Me Boy, Follow Me Girl, or Chuparosa.

  To begin, write your name nine times on the back of the 3rd Pentacle of Venus with a red ink pen. When you are done, dress the four corners and center with your chosen oil and fold it towards you three times saying:

  With God's blessings, as I fold this paper towards myself I now attract the attention, interest, and admiration of (here you may insert the name of a specific person or type of person(s) you wish to attract). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Set the petition aside. Next, mark the red human figure candle with your name. If you like, you may dig a little hole in the base and load this with your personal concerns before resealing the hole with wax. When you are done, anoint the candle with your chosen oil, stroking it towards yourself and saying:

  With God's blessings, as I stroke this candle towards myself, I now draw the attention, interest, and admiration of (here you may insert the name of a specific person or type of person you wish to attract). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Set your candle in a holder and place the Third Pentacle of Venus underneath the candle holder. Light the candle and repeat your petition followed by the 23rd Psalm (see Appendix E). When the candle is spent, remove the pentacle from underneath the candle holder and place this in your right shoe.

  New Love Honey Jar

  Honey Jars are among a family of spells which have been coined Sweetener Spells, and they are used to sweeten someone to you, to get them to like you, to favor your petition, and generally help you. Suffice it to say that Honey Jars have a wide range of applications from getting your boss to treat you with respect, to getting a judge to rule in your favor, to enticing a straying lover to return to you, and so forth. What these Honey Jars have in common is that they are used to have a sweetening effect on a person or person.

  This spell is designed to draw a new, unknown love to you. You will need the following ingredients:


  Coriander seeds

  Lavender buds

  Lemon balm


  Magnetic sand

  Pen and paper

  Love-drawing oil of your choice

  Red candle

  Begin this spell on a Friday when the moon is waxing and when both hands on the clock are rising (between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm). Pour your honey into a jar that has a metal lid and set it aside. Write down all the qualities that you desire in your lover. Be as specific as possible and include both physical (e.g. tall, dark skin, good hygiene) as well as nonphysical (e.g. nonsmoker, good sense of humor) qualities. When your list is complete, turn it ¼ turn and sign your name across the list nine times.

  Next, dress the four corners and center of the petition with your chosen oil. If you are gay, you may wish to use Lavender Lust Drops, if you are straight you may wish to use Come to Me Oil. Place your lodestone in the center of your petition and dress it with a few drops of the oil as well. Feed it some magnetic sand and say:

  As I feed you, so will you feed me and draw my love to me just as this sand is drawn to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Fold the petition paper around the lodestone and place it in the Honey Jar. Next, place your herbs in the jar calling on their individual spirits to help you with your goal. For example, you might say, "Coriander Seed which draws new love, draw a new love to me. Amen." All the while you are doing this your thoughts should be on the qualities that you wrote on that paper and the wo/man that will possess them.

  When you are done, seal the lid on the jar. Now, mark the red candle with your name and the words "new love" and anoint it with your chosen oil. Affix it to the top of the lid by melting the bottom of the candle and holding it to the lid until it hardens. When you are ready, hold your hands over the candle and focus on the qualities that you wish your new love to possess. Say:

  With God's blessings, drawn to me, new love, is what I wish for you to be, new love; and drawn to me, new love, is now what you are, new love.

  Make the Sign of the Cross over the candle three times saying: "In the name of God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit. Amen."

  Finally, light the candle and Pray the 23rd Psalm (see Appendix E) or a prayer of your own design. Let the candle burn out on its own and inspect any remains for signs when it has done so. Repeat the candle burning procedure each successive Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  “Adam and Steve” Trio Mojo Hand for Love

  A trio hand is a type of mojo hand that is comprised of three packets of three herbs/roots each and which are prayed over three times. The three packets may be placed into the mojo bags separately, or alternately each packet may be made up of the one which was created before it in the same manner as nesting dolls. To create this mojo hand you will need the following:

  Flannel and red thread


  Red pen and white or pink paper

  Red or pink candle

  Love-drawing incense

  Adam and Eve Oil

  Haitian Lover Oil

  Amor Oil

  Come to Me Oil

  Hair from your head

  Hair from your pubes

  Hair from your underarm

  Adam and Eve Root

  Coriander seeds

  Sampson Snake Root



  High John Root

  Queen Elizabeth Root

  Rose petals

  Begin this work by dressing a red or pink candle with Come to Me Oil and light some love-drawing incense. Next, take out your Bible and turn to the book of Genesis. Using your pen, write down the verses which describe the creation of man (“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul”). As you write these words, think about the type of man that you would like to attract.

  When you are done, anoint the four corners and center of the paper with Adam and Eve Oil. Place some hair from your head in the center of the paper and fold it towards you three times saying:

  As I fold this paper towards myself, so may my lover come to me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Place the paper on a rectangular length of red flannel. Dress the Adam Root with Adam & Eve Oil and place this on top of the petition. Then, anoint the (St)Eve Root with the oil and place it next to the A
dam Root. Finally, sprinkle some Coriander seeds over the roots. Fold the flannel towards yourself creating a little packet and secure it with red thread. Anoint the packet with Adam and Eve Oil (or Lavender Lust Oil) and smoke it in your incense as you make your prayer or petition saying:

  With God’s blessings, as (St)Eve was created for Adam in like fashion so may my lover manifest for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Set the packet aside and take out your Bible again. This time, turn to the Song of Solomon and write down the verses wherein the bridegroom’s handsomeness is praised (see Appendix I). Again, as you write these words, picture your ideal mate and imagine your life together.

  When you are done, anoint the four corners and center of the paper with Haitian Lover Oil. Place some hair from your pubic area in the center of the paper and fold it towards you three times saying:

  As I fold this paper towards myself, so may my lover come to me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Place the paper on a rectangular length of red flannel. Anoint the Sampson Snake Root with Haitian Lover Oil and place this on top of the petition, then sprinkle some Catnip and Damiana over the roots. Fold the flannel towards yourself creating a little packet and secure it with red thread. Anoint the packet with Haitian Lover Oil and smoke it in your incense as you make your prayer or petition saying:

  With God’s blessings, as David loved Jonathan and Jehu loved Jehonadab, in like fashion so may my man love and desire me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Set the packet aside and take out your Bible again. This time, write down the verses found in Chapter 8: 6-7 of the Song of Solomon. As you write these words, picture your ideal mate and imagine your life together.

  When you are done, anoint the four corners and center of the paper with Amor Oil. Place some hair from your left armpit (which is close to your heart) in the center of the paper and fold it towards you three times saying:

  As I fold this paper towards myself, so may my lover come to me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Place the paper on a rectangular length of red flannel. Anoint the High John Root with Amor Oil and place this on top of the petition, then anoint the Queen Elizabeth Root with your oil and place it next to the High John Root. Finally, place a few dried rose petals over the roots. Fold the flannel towards yourself creating a little packet and secure it with red thread. Anoint the packet with Amor Oil and smoke it in your incense as you make your prayer or petition saying:

  With God’s blessings, as every King must find his Prince, as every Top must find his bottom, and every pot its lid, in like fashion so may my lover find me and make me his. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Place this packet in a red or pink mojo bag and dress it with Come to Me Oil. Smoke it in the incense and make your prayer or petition saying:

  With God’s blessings, and by all the powers of attraction and desire which are His to command, I now grant life and strength to this mojo bag so that it may serve to draw unto me a man who loves me as I love him, who needs me as I need him, who desires me as I desire him. Grant me the wisdom to recognize him when he appears and the courage to allow him into my life and into my heart when he does. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Leave the mojo next to the candle until it burns down to nothing. Thereafter, carry your mojo with you next to your skin for at least a week. Feed your mojo bag each week to keep it strong and working for you.

  Moving Candle Spell to Draw a Lover Closer

  During the operation of most candle spells, the candle remains stationary on the altar. However, there exists a class of spells called moving candle spells in which a candle or candles move across the altar during the operation of the spell.

  Typically, these types of spells are used to bring people together or drive them apart. They can be performed with a votive candle, tapers, or even human figure candles. I have not seen them performed with Vigil Lights nor have I done this myself, however.

  The following example is for a gay male couple. Beforehand, gather the following materials:

  Male figure candle #1

  Male figure candle #2

  An appropriate love-drawing oil (Attraction, Come to Me, Lavender Lust, etc.)


  When the Moon is New on a Friday, begin your ritual by marking the candle which represents you with your name and the candle which represents the one you desire with his name. If you don’t have a specific person in mind, then simply write the words “my lover.”

  Dress both candles with your oil and have them face each other about seven inches apart on top of a metal tray. Place some of your condition oil on the tip of your finger and draw a line, or path, from the other person’s candle toward your own. Light the candles and say:

  With God’s blessings, may my lover come to me now as quickly as possible and in a natural way. Grant me the wisdom to recognize him/her when s/he appears and the courage to allow him into my life when s/he does. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Move the candle representing your lover a little closer to yours. Next, take out your Bible and read the first Chapter of the Songs of Solomon (see Appendix I). When the candle has burned down one-seventh of the way, snuff it out.

  The following night and each night after that for a total of seven nights, relight your candle repeating your prayer and moving your lover’s candle closer to yours. Read a chapter from the Song of Solomon while doing so (second chapter on the second night, third chapter on the third night, etc.).

  On the 7th and final night, do not snuff out the candle. Instead, let it burn out on its own, then collect any remains and bury them in your backyard.

  Note: The same process can be used in reverse to move someone, such as an unwanted lover, away from you. Simply replace the red candles with black ones and place them in the center of the tray back to back. Move them further and further apart from one another as the moon wanes.

  Devotion Potion

  More commonly known as Yarrow, Achille millefolium, has a long history in medicine, as well as magick. Herbalists have used yarrow to promote bleeding as well as to stop the flow of blood from wounds, to heal bruises, bring up phlegm, and treat skin disorders, to name a few. It should be noted that contact with Yarrow can cause allergic skin rashes.

  In magick, Yarrow has several uses, most of which center around drawing love and fostering psychic abilities. According to Scott Cunningham in his book, Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs, Yarrow attracts "love, friendship, and distant relations." He also states that a tea made of Yarrow flowers will improve a person's psychic abilities. In his book, Ozark Magic and Folklore, Vance Randolph states that Yarrow is used by women in the Ozarks to make love potions most likely delivered in the form of a tea or coffee.

  Personally, I would not recommend anyone slip Yarrow into another person's food or drink for this purpose unless they are absolutely sure that: 1) the herb is Yarrow, 2) the herb was thoroughly cleaned of any possible pesticides, 3) the Yarrow was properly dried, and 4) they want this person to be devoted to them.

  All ethics aside, love is a fickle thing. Many a person has cast a spell to gain the love and affections of someone only to find that once they got their wo/man they no longer wanted him or her. Not to mention how easily love can turn deadly. In addition, once you have your wo/man, you may find it hard to rid yourself of him or her as the grimoires and receipt books provide no antidote to the potion.

  Aiguillette: The Love Knot

  The aiguillette, or ligature as it is more commonly called, is a tool used by women (and gay men) to tie up a man's nature. In other words, it is used to prevent him from straying by making him incapable of achieving an erection with anyone but you, to make him want you, and to make him want to be with you only.

  To make the aiguillette, measure his penis from base to head along the shaft with a piece of red yarn or string. Whether you do this covertly or with his knowledge is up to you. Next, you must have sex with him in such a way that he achieves an orgasm and you do not. Collect his semen and anoint the string with it and tie a
knot in the string to tie up his nature.

  The semen-anointed string tied in knots is the symbolic act which ties up the man's nature and will make him always want to be yours. The fact that you were able to harvest the man's semen presupposes that he achieved orgasm and therefore enjoyed the act. The fact that you have been directed NOT to have an orgasm yourself when engaging in intercourse for the purpose of obtaining his semen to anoint the string is to capture his nature and not your own. Such a tool is usually kept in a special type of mojo bag called a Nation Sack.

  The Nation Sack

  The Nation Sack is a special type of mojo bag utilized by women (and sometimes by gay men) to dominate and control men and keep him faithful. When you prepare this mojo bag, you are doing so with intent. Your intent is to tie up this man's nature, make him faithful and loving to you, and prevent him from being able to have relations with any person other than yourself.

  When a woman creates a Nation Sack, she will typically anoint certain items (roots, dimes, candles) with her menstrual blood (or sexual fluids) because these bodily fluids are believed to capture a straight man's sexual interest and attention. A woman's menstrual blood has chemicals in it, called pheromones, which attract (straight) males. For the gay man wishing to create a Nation Sack, I recommend substituting the sweat from your underarms, which contains your own pheromones.


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