Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them

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Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them Page 7

by Carolina Dean

  When you are done, you may wish to apply a light coat of glue to the thread to secure it to the bone. Keep the bone charm in a safe place or carry it in a mojo bag and dress it with an appropriate condition oil whenever you want to work on the man’s nature.

  Sex Magick, Sigils, & Social Media, Oh My!

  This spell is specifically for those individuals who use dating sites such as Craigslist or Grindr to meet prospective sexual partners. However, it can also be adapted for use by those who prefer to meet a prospective partner at a social event.

  The process presupposes that you already have a personal ad online or will be creating one. To begin, you are going to create a sigil to attract what you want by using whatever methods you deem appropriate. For our purposes, let's use the example of a man who wishes to attract a casual sexual partner. To make this as simple as possible, I am going to use the same language often found in personal ads.

  S W M I S O F W B

  Single White Male Sigil

  Here, our acronym stands for Single White Male in Search of Friend with Benefits. Next, I created the Single White Male sigil by taking all the letters and rearranging them into an abstract symbol.

  Now, what you will do is take your sigil and using a program such as Paint or Photoshop, hide this sigil behind your photo using a process called layering. The result will be your photo with the sigil hidden behind it which will invisibly help to attract your partner to you.

  To take this process a step further, you might want to print your sigil on a square of paper. On the back of the paper, you can write a brief description of what you desire, then turn this ¼ turn and write your name over this description nine times.

  Next, anoint the four corners and center of the sigil with an appropriate oil such as Adam and Eve Oil, if you are straight or Lavender Lust Drops if you are gay. Fold the paper around one of your hairs and smoke it in incense while making your prayer or petition and set it aside.

  Mark a red candle with your name and anoint it with your chosen oil. Stroke the candle towards yourself saying something such as:

  With God’s blessings, may my lover come to me now as quickly as possible. May he yearn for me as hard as, or harder than, I yearn for him. May he want me as I want him; need me as I need him; desire me as I desire him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Place your sigil under the candle and set it to burn.

  Let's say that you're old-fashioned and you'd prefer to meet your partner in a social setting such as a bar, club, or concert. In this case, simply create your sigil as before and perform the candle rite portion of this working. However, you will set your candle to burn while you are out of the house and actively searching for a date or sexual partner. In addition, you will anoint yourself with your chosen oil (some folks even find it helpful to add a bit of their sexual fluids to their oil).

  Come to Me Candle Spell

  At one point in my life, I was friends with a prostitute who also happened to be a witch. She taught me a great deal about sex magick including a number of spells and rites to call a lover to you, to seduce a man, and to drive away a love. The following is one of my favorite spells for calling your lover to you.

  Magick Square of Venus

  Since this spell was given to me by a straight female and I am a gay male it is designed to call a male love to you; however, with a few adjustments it can be tailored to draw a female lover. To cast this spell, you will need:

  Candle (substitute a red candle, if needed)

  Magick Square of Venus (see Figure 3)

  Haitian Love Oil


  Red pen

  Create a blank Square of Venus beforehand by drawing a large square divided into seven columns and seven rows for a total of 49 squares (see Figure 3). Lightly draw the numbers in each square using a pencil. Begin the working by taking a red pen and drawing the numbers in the Square of Venus. As you do this focus on your desire to have your lover come to you. When you are done, anoint the four corners and center of the square with Haitian Love Oil. Fold the paper towards you three times, rotating it clockwise between each fold saying:

  With God's blessings, as I fold this paper towards me so may (name) come to me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Mark the red candle with the name of your lover. Place some Haitian Lover oil on your fingertip and holding the candle in the palm of one hand stroke the candle towards yourself with the oil saying:

  With God's blessings, as I stroke this candle towards myself, so may (name) come to me now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  Set the candle in a holder with your petition underneath. Place the candle in front of a mirror and then sexually stimulate yourself by masturbating to orgasm while thinking of your lover and calling him to you. When you have reached orgasm, go to your front door and anoint your outside doorknob with your sexual fluids by marking it with an "X" and saying: "(Name), in the name of Jesus, I command you to come to me at once!"

  Next, go to your bed and anoint your four bedposts with your sexual fluids by marking them with an "X" and saying at each one: "(Name), in the name of Jesus, I command you to come to me at once!" Let the candle burn down to nothing and inspect the wax remains for signs of success or failure of your work.

  Stone Spell for Male Potency

  In the Hoodoo tradition, crystals, gems and stones are not generally used except for minerals such as lodestone and pyrite, for example. Nonetheless, that is not to say that the use of stones cannot be incorporated into the practice of Hoodoo.

  Hoodoo came out of the practices of Africans brought to America as slaves. Here, their beliefs and traditions blended with Native American herbalism and European magickal practices within the context of Christian cosmology. Within that cosmology there are an array of sacred stories and practices which can be adopted and followed by modern spiritual practitioners in the Hoodoo tradition.

  For instance, in the Book of Genesis 28, Jacob fled his brother Esau, whom he had tricked out of his inheritance, and came to rest in the city of Luz. There, Jacob laid his head on a stone and had a dream of a ladder connecting Heaven and Earth. In his dream, he saw angels coming and going up and down the ladder. At the top, he saw a vision of God who told him that the land upon which he slept is now his and God would make him and his descendants prosper and spread out in all directions and that God would be with him until he fulfilled every promise made to Jacob.

  When he awoke, Jacob set up the stone as a sacred pillar. He poured oil over the stone. He named the land around him Bethel (meaning "House of God") and made a covenant with God that so long as God is with him and makes him prosper, Jacob will return 10% to God. It is thought that Jacob believed that the stone held the spirit and power of God.

  In other instances, pillars of stone were set up to commemorate a place where God appeared, spoke with people and performed miracles.

  In Exodus 24:4, after receiving the Ten Commandments, Moses set up 12 stone pillars (massebah) representing the 12 tribes of Israel.

  In the Book of Genesis 31:43–45, Laban set up a pillar of stones to serve as a witness to an agreement between them.

  In the Book of 2 Samuel, Absalom set up a stone pillar and named it after himself because he did not have a son to carry forth his name.

  Again in Genesis 35:20, Jacob sets a stone over the tomb of Rachael to mark her grave. Even today when Jews visit the graves of loved ones, they often leave a small stone on the grave of the deceased to as a remembrance (although some folks believe it is to keep the soul down and prevent it from wandering).

  Finally, in the New Testament Jesus is quoted as saying to Peter, "And I say unto you that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not overcome it." What most folks don't realize is that the name Peter means rock, and Peter went on to become the first Pope and leader of the Catholic Church.

  Just like Absalom named a stone after himself, you can name a stone after an individual and use it in the manner of a doll baby. In and of itse
lf this concept is not entirely new. During the witch trials, an accused witch named Goody Glover used stones in place of dolls to (allegedly) torment her victims by wetting her finger with her own spit and rubbing the stone.

  To make a spell to give a man potency, find a stone similar to his body type. For example, choose a little round stone for an overweight person or a long, slender stone for a skinny, tall person. Name the stone after the man in question and then dress it with High John the Conqueror Oil. Hold the stone in your hands as you make your prayer or petition that the man is as “hard as the stone.” If you desire, you can find a stone that resembles yourself and keep both in a nice little box. I prefer those little heart-shaped boxes that you find in stores around Valentine’s Day and which candy comes in. Include love-drawing and strengthening herbs such as Lavender buds, Dragon’s Blood, and those herbs such as Juniper berries and Damiana which enhance sex and sexuality.

  Ganesha, Opener of the Way

  The Hindu God Ganesha is a deity whose devotion and worship has crossed cultural barriers. He is venerated by both devout Hindus, Buddhists, as well as Hoodoos who mainly identify as Christians. It is only fitting that he is known in various traditions for removing obstacles and opening the way.

  In Hindu mythology, Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati. He is often depicted with the head of an elephant owing to a legend that his father once destroyed his original head in anger and quickly replaced it with that of an elephant. Ganesha is believed to have been the scribe for the Mahabharata and thus, is associated with teachers, students, and writers.

  Common symbols associated with Ganesha include swastikas, his large rotund belly, books, his vehicle the rat - who is sometimes seen stealing offerings of sweets left for the God - and the elephant goad (noose).

  Ganesha is associated with a class of spirits who are known for removing obstacles and opening-the-way, as well as for success in worldly endeavors. For this reason, he is often petitioned for success at the outset of any venture or undertaking.

  Petitioning Ganesha for Sex

  As you can see, the image of Ganesha is rich in symbolism and the truth of the matter is that the process that I am sharing with you now is not traditional; rather, it is an extension of older practices. Personally, I see Ganesha as power personified, but more than that, he is power balanced by compassion. Hard on the outside, and soft on the inside he is a strong protector who is also loving, gentle, and kind. In this respect, I see him as more than a remover of obstacles but rather the essence of maleness and male sexuality. That said, Ganesha’s trunk makes the perfect phallic symbol (especially for those who are trying to disguise their work) and therefore an object of devotion and worship by size-queens or really just anyone who appreciates and loves the male member. The trunk may be dressed with a condition oil, stroked, kissed, washed, and so forth as appropriate to express your love and devotion for not only Ganesha, but for everything he represents.

  Ganesha may also be petitioned, as the opener of the way, to draw a partner for engaging in anal sex (including analingus), oral sex (fellatio), as well as to make the experience go well and be pleasurable for both parties.

  In fact, if you desire, you can erect an entire altar with Ganesha as the focal point and surround him with obvious and overt symbols of male sexuality such as dildos, pictures of men with erections, or penis art. Alternately, you can surround him with more inconspicuous symbols such as a mortar and pestle (the pestle standing in for a penis), and oblong crystals. With these general guidelines, you can develop a highly personal practice that speaks to your desire for man to man love in its many forms.

  Chapter 6

  The Secret to Prosperity

  An African proverb states that “money knows no house in which it is not welcome,” and herein lies the secret to prosperity. Before I explain this in greater detail, however, let us define prosperity. Further, how is prosperity measured? When you think of prosperity, when you wish for prosperity, you must know in your heart and in your mind exactly what prosperity means to you.

  According to Webster’s Dictionary, prosperity is defined as “the condition of being successful or thriving; especially economic well-being.” Again, we ask the question: how is prosperity measured? To one person it may mean owning your own home, to another, it may mean having $10,000.00 in the bank. To another, it may mean earning enough money each month to pay your bills with enough left over to pursue your interests. In another time and place, prosperity was measured by the amount of land or cattle a person owned; how many children and friends they had, or the yield of their crops. So right now, I would like you to grab a pen or pencil and define for yourself what prosperity means to you. Write that definition in the very margin of this book. Read it over several times and let it sink into your consciousness. Imagine your life as being successful, thriving, prosperous. What does it look like? This is very important because in order to achieve it, you must conceive it and believe it; before you can claim it, you must name it!

  Now that you have defined what prosperity means to you, the next step is to examine and heal your relationship with money. What is your relationship with money? Is your money your side piece, seeing it only occasionally? Or, is money your lover seeking you out at every opportunity to tease you and please you? Do you chase money or does money chase you? Do you love money more than money loves you? Do you resent money? Your feelings about money have a direct effect on how much money you attract as well as how much you keep! To have more money, and therefore more prosperity, you can start to change the way you think and feel about money. For example, the late Reverend Ike once said that you should never use the word “spend” when referring to money. Instead, he suggests using the word “circulate” in place of “spend.” When you say you spent money, there’s this connotation that it is gone. That’s it; there’s no more. However, when you say “circulate” money, it is implied that it will come back to you.

  Your thoughts and feelings are connected. When you change the way you think about something it can, and does, affect your feelings about that subject - and vice versa. I think that it is important to think of money as a tangible force, such as an attentive lover who always seeks you out to be with you and make you happy. Negative thoughts and feelings about money block its access to you. When you change your thoughts about money to reflect a positive relationship with it, and harbor only positive feelings about money on a consistent basis, then you will begin to see an increase in the flow of money into your life.

  Once money starts flowing into your life, you must make a permanent place for it in your home. Most folks who practice rootwork find it helpful to build an altar to their own success in their homes. Such an altar usually houses several objects related to wealth, prosperity, and success. For example, items may include a statue of St. Joseph for success in one's occupation, Hotei Buddha, the luck-bringing demigod, and a Maneki Neko, who beckons wealth and prosperity. In addition, there may be green candles and a large lodestone resting on top of a bowl full of change and paper money to draw in more wealth and prosperity. Other items may include a piggy bank, an offering bowl, or an incense burner, just to name a few.

  In our electronic age, we have moved further away from money to the point that it no longer seems real but merely numbers on our computer screens. By keeping money near us, in a special place, it makes the idea of prosperity more real. When we move closer to money, money comes closer to us. Moreover, herein lies the secret to prosperity: you must define prosperity so that you can recognize it when it appears, you must welcome money to you by building a positive relationship with it, and you must make a permanent place for it in your life.

  The Money Prayer

  To begin changing your thoughts and feelings about money to reflect a positive relationship with it, say the following prayer upon rising each morning and again before retiring to bed each night.

  For this I am truly grateful and release these words to the Supreme Power that provides all go
od things. For I believe with all my heart and all my mind that God wants me to have money. Money to meet my needs and certainly money to enjoy. I think right about money, I speak right about money, and I do right about money. I love money, and I enjoy money, but I do not serve money, money serves me. I am a money magnet! For this reason, money flows to me now in a continuous stream from sources known and unknown. And so it is!

  This Little Piggy Went to the Altar of Success and Prosperity

  The author’s piggy bank he named "Kevin Bacon."

  Photo courtesy of the author.

  According to Wikipedia,

  In English, the word 'pig' can refer to two things: the animal and earthenware, which is used to make crockery. People often saved money in kitchen pots and jars made of pig, called "pig jars." By the 18th century, the term "pig jar" had evolved to "pig bank.” As earthenware was supplanted by other materials, such as glass, plaster, and plastic, the name gradually began to refer specifically to the shape of the bank, instead of what was used to make it.

  In the old days, folks didn't quite trust brick and mortar banks, which could be and often were robbed. So, they saved their money in little banks such as the one pictured or jars buried in the backyard close to home where they can be protected and guarded. They were also often given to children to teach them the importance of saving for the future. These types of banks can be further divided into still banks and mechanical ones, which are both decorative and perform a mechanical function when a coin is inserted.


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