Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them

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Secrets of a Sissy Boy: A Gay Grimoire of Modern Magic for Men Who Love Men and the Hags Who Worship Them Page 10

by Carolina Dean

  Another option is to make a poppet. A poppet is made from two pieces of cloth which are cut in the shape of the human body. This cloth can also be something that the individual has worn, or simply a colored piece of cloth that matches your goal. The pieces are sewn together, turned inside out, and stuffed with things like cotton, herbs, straw, and gems. If you have a link to the individual, add that to the poppet, as well. Finish by sewing up the opening. Next, personalize the doll by giving it the features of the person it is intended to represent. When you have finished, wrap the doll in a clean cloth until the spell or ritual is to be performed.

  Once you have the doll of yourself, simply wrap it up in a clean, white handkerchief that has been soaked in salt water and allowed to dry. The salt will act as a natural shield against black magick, hexes, and the evil eye. Keep the doll in a safe place.

  Anti-Candle Magick

  Do you suspect that someone is burning candles on your name for the purpose of bringing you harm? If so, here is a spell adapted from the Hyatt material which, when performed correctly, will force them to stop and leave you alone. Mark your name on a red candle and anoint it with Uncrossing Oil. Stick three pins in the candle and make your prayer or petition as you sprinkle salt over the flame saying:

  With God's blessing, may my enemy stop his evil work against me and let me be. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  Light the candle and let it go to work for you. This spell should put an end to the enemy's work. If you wish to stop your work at this point, you may do so. However, if your enemy is a particularly strong one or has been particularly harsh with you, then you may wish to take a more aggressive approach with him or her and perform the second part of this spell which will render him or her sick and take away their strength.

  Write their name on a piece of paper nine times. If you don't know the name of the person then simply write “my enemy.” Next, take three pinches of salt in your palm and say the following over it:

  With God's blessings, may the enemy who is working against me leave me alone. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  Spit in the salt and then wrap this up in your name-paper and place this under an overturned saucer.

  Now, take a purple candle (for strength and power) and cut off its tip; turn it upside down and dig a new wick out of its foot. Mark the candle with their name or simply "my enemy" as before and dress it with Crossing Oil. Place the candle on top of the overturned saucer with the name-paper underneath.

  Light the purple candle and say:

  With God's blessings, may the enemy who is working against me now let me be; and if they refuse, may their strength and vitality decrease as this candle burns down. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  Let your candles burn down and watch them for signs and messages. When they are consumed, inspect any leftovers for signs of success or failure of your work and then dispose of the ritual remains. Thereafter, burn salt and sulfur three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will act as a powerful incense to drive away your enemy and his or her evil messes. However, it should be noted that burning sulfur is highly toxic; therefore, you may wish to burn a very small amount of sulfur (just a pinch) in a well-ventilated area. Alternately, lay a line of the powder down at all the entrances to your house and simply burn the salt and sugar alone.

  Uncrossing: How to Lift a Hex, Jinx, or Curse

  Shortly before sunrise, prepare a spiritual bath which includes Hyssop. Set two candles on either side of your shower or tub and light them. Soak in the bath for at least ten minutes as you contemplate that which you feel is separating you from God and keeping you from the gifts that He has to offer you. You may wish to read the 51st Psalm (see Appendix A) as you meditate.

  When you are ready, begin pouring the water over your head as you say “Cleanse me with Hyssop and I will be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow.” When you are done, stand up and step backwards out of the tub and pass between the two lit candles, saying: “In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  Before allowing the water to run down the drain, save a cupful which you will dispose of at a crossroads by throwing it towards the East over your left shoulder and walking away without looking back.

  Write Psalm 7 verses 8-10 on a square of paper. Turn the paper one-quarter turn and write your name over the scripture seven times. Dress the four corners and center of the paper with Uncrossing Oil and fold the paper away from you three times, 3

  set it aside.

  Butt a black candle and mark it with your name. Dress the candle with Uncrossing Oil stroking your finger over your name seven times saying:

  With God’s blessings, may this evil be removed from me so that I may enjoy all the good that I am due and more. In Jesus name, Amen.

  Set the candle in a holder and place the petition underneath. Arrange three votive candles around the black candle so as to form a equilateral triangle. Put a drop of Uncrossing Oil on each votive and light them one at a time in the name of The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Light the black candle and pray the 27th Psalm seven times (see Appendix K). When the candle is spent, dispose of any wax remains away from your property.

  Reverse the Curse

  Reversing is exactly what it sounds like, it is the act of sending evil back to the one who sent it to you. The evil may take the form of curses, hexes, spells, gossip, or backbiting. Reversing candles are a special type of candle which are used to send evil, curses, and general negativity back to the sender. They are comprised of two layers of wax. The inner layer is red, while the outer layer is black. However, they are just as often sold commercially in the form of what appears to be two joined candles. The top portion is red while the bottom portion is black.

  When utilized, the top portion of the candle is cut off, turned upside down, and a new wick is carved out of the bottom portion. This process is called butting the candle. Next, the enemy's name is carved on the candle so that the letters are reversed. It is then dressed with Reversing Oil and burned on top of a mirror under which the name-paper or photograph of the enemy is placed face down.

  Lastly, the candle is lit with fervent prayer that all the evil that has been sent to you may now be sent back to the enemy. When burned, the black wax melts down on the red wax symbolically overcoming the evil.

  Folks who make their own reversing candles often purchase red candles and black ones. They cut up the black candles into small pieces and remove the wicks. The black wax is slowly melted over low heat and then herbs for reversing such as Bay leaves, Ginger, Knotweed, Devil's Shoestring, and Red Pepper are sprinkled over the wax. Finally, the red candles are rolled through the black wax so that it adheres to the red candle resulting in a candle that is black on the outside and red on the inside.

  Some folks may find this a messy process and, in some ways, I agree. The method I am about to share with you now was taught to me by one of my mentors early on in my spiritual journey. It utilizes a plain white candle, red yarn, and white yarn. Start with a plain, white candle. Cut the tip off the top of the candle, turn it upside down and dig a new wick out of the bottom as previously described. Next, using a sharp knife, divide the candle in half by carving a groove all the way around the candle at its center.

  Cut a length of black yarn, put a bit of Reversing Oil on both your thumb and forefinger and run the yarn between them transferring the oil to the yarn. Now, tie the black yarn around the center of the candle and wrap it away from you moving up the candle and secure this with a pin. Cut a length of red yarn and dress it with the Reversing Oil as before. Tie it around the center of the candle just under where the black yarn begins and wrap around the candle towards you towards the bottom of the candle. This can then be secured with another pin or placed in the candle holder in such as way that it holds the yarn in place.

  Finally, place the candle on top of a mirror with your written petition or photograph face down on top of the mirror (but also under the candle). The candle may then be lit as you make your prayer or petition and the candle is allowed to burn
out as usual.

  Box Fix Honey Jar

  Perhaps you feel that your boss doesn’t have your back in the way that they could or should and you would like to improve your working relationship with him or her in order to make your job more secure. Boss Fix is an old Hoodoo Formula used to make your boss your ally rather than your enemy, to put an end to problems on the job with your boss or supervisor, and the promote your own success in the workplace. It is sold by various retailers in the form of oils, powders, and incense. To construct your jar, you will need the following items:

  A jar with a metal lid


  White taper candle

  Three tea lights

  Boss Fix Oil

  Promotion Oil

  Peaceful Home Oil

  Licorice root

  Five Finger Grass

  Devil’s Shoestring

  Pen and paper

  Begin your working on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. If you are able to get your boss's signature off of a piece of paper and are computer savvy, then you can create a name-paper simply by scanning the signature into your computer and pasting into a text box nine times. The petition can then be printed out and the lines of the text box can be used as a guide for tearing out the name-paper by hand.

  Next, you can cross and cover your boss's name with your own name. Finally, you would write your specific wish in a circle around the two names without lifting your pencil from the paper. For example, you might write "support and favor me" over and over around the names until it forms a complete circle.

  If you have your boss's personal concerns, such as a hair, nail clipping, or footprint, place this in the center of the paper and fold it towards you three times saying: "[Name] support and favor me in all our workings!" If you do not have any personal concerns, then place a little bit each of the Licorice root, Five-finger Grass, and Devil's Shoestring in the petition and fold it as described.

  Place the name-paper in the honey. Then, either using your finger or a spoon, taste a bit of this honey and say:

  (Name) as this honey is sweet to me, so will you be sweet to me so that you will support and favor me above all others in the workplace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  Place three drops each of the Boss Fix, Promotion, and Peaceful Home Oil in the Honey Jar and then seal the jar. Mark the white candle with your Boss' name on one side and your name on the opposite side. Anoint the candle with the Boss Fix Oil and make your petition once again. Affix the candle to the lid of the Honey Jar and then surround the jar on three sides with the three tea lights.

  Place three drops each of the Boss Fix, Promotion, and Peaceful Home Oils on the tea lights and then light them in the name of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." Finally, light the candle that is fixed on top of the Honey Jar and pray:

  (Name), with God's blessings may you support and favor me above all others in all our undertakings so that we have a healthy and productive working relationship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Follow up your prayer with a reading of Psalm 27 (see Appendix K) and then let the candle burn down on its own. Burn a new candle on top of the remains of the old candle each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  For Protection While Sleeping

  In this hectic work-a-day world, many people often find themselves under a great deal of stress. They do not breathe correctly, they do not eat correctly, and they do not get sufficient rest. An easy charm to bring peaceful sleep is as follows: Each night, place a clear glass of water as close to your head as possible to collect negativity as you sleep, ward nightmares, and cleanse your spirit. In addition, place a Holy book beneath your head. For this purpose, I use a small Gideon Bible tucked inside the pillowcase.

  All-Purpose Black-Candle Banishing Spell

  This is a very versatile spell which can be used to banish people, things, or virtually anything that you can name. When the moon is full, carve your enemy's name on a black candle written backwards. Some workers choose to write the name upside down and backwards. The choice, however, is yours.

  Take pins and drive them through the candle between each letter in his or her name. If you can get any personal concerns, wrap them in a written petition and place under the candle. Burn one letter of the name each day as the moon wanes while making your prayer or petition for them to leave. You might say something like:

  Lord, as you made the blind to see, let (N) see that s/he no longer belongs here; as you made the lame to walk, let him/her walk out of our lives forever; as you healed the sick, heal the wounds that (N) has inflicted upon me and my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  As you can see, you can tailor the wording of your prayer to your specific needs. Save each pin and stick it in the written petition and when the candle has burned down, dispose of the written petition, pins, and candle wax by tossing them into running water. Do not look back at the water as you leave. Some might also choose to toss three pennies over their shoulder to keep anything from following them home.

  For Protection from a Violent Lover

  Carry Angelica Root, Peony Root, and Rue in a mojo bag dressed with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil. If you want to go a step further and send your lover away, then cut the tip off of a red candle. Turn it upside down and dig a new wick out of what was the bottom of the candle. Carve your lover’s name on the candle, only reversing the letters so that they appear backwards. Dress the candle with Hot Foot Oil.

  Burn the candle for 15 minutes three times a day at six in the morning, at noon, and six in the evening, while making your prayer or petition.

  Protecting Another from a Bully

  I wrote about bullying and the need for LGBTQ youths to be protected from bullies and episodes of bullying in Chapter 3. A few of the workings in this chapter can be adapted to address bullying, but I wanted to provide a working that specifically addresses bullying in a specific manner.

  This spell can be worked for either yourself, if you are the victim of bullying, or for another individual who is dealing with this issue. For this ritual, you will need the following items:

  Three red candles

  Red male or female figure candle to represent the victim

  Pen and paper

  Crucible of Courage Oil

  Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

  High John the Conqueror Oil

  Holy Bible

  Begin by writing the name of the victim on a piece of paper seven times, then turn the paper a quarter turn and write the word PROTECTION in big bold letters. Dress the four corners and center of the paper with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and set this aside for now. Continue by carving the name of the victim on the human figure candle. Dress this candle with Crucible of Courage Oil (for courage) and High John the Conqueror Oil (for strength). Next, dress the three red candles with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and arrange them around the the human figure candle so that they form an upright triangle. Finally, place your petition paper under the human figure candle.

  Light the three candles dressed with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil and then light the human figure candle. Take out your Bible and read Psalm 35 (see Appendix K) three times over the candles. As you read the words of the psalm, imagine the person is surrounded by a fiery wall that prevents and defends against any attack or onslaught directed at them. Leave the Bible open on your altar at Psalm 35 and allow the candles to burn out. When the candles burn out, dispose of the remains by burying them in your backyard and press your petition paper in the Bible at Psalm 35.

  Chapter 9

  The Secret of Wisdom

  The book of Psalms tells us that “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” but elsewhere in the book of Job it is said that “wisdom has two sides” and that “even God has forgotten a part of your sin.” What this means is that we are often our own worst enemies and judge ourselves much more harshly than what we deserve.

  As humans, we hold within ourselves the capacity for great compassion and forgiveness, an ability that we rarely extend to ourselves. I am
honored to be able to have this opportunity to minister to you, my readers, through this book and share with you all that I have learned in my life. If there are any parting words of advice that I can offer you now it is forgive yourself and love yourself. Happiness is a choice, not a condition. Choose happiness.

  Wisdom of the Elders

  I have always loved the written word and admired those who could turn a phrase. For this reason, I have collected quotes all my life which speak to me on some level and which I would like to share with you now. It is my hope that you, too, will find the wisdom and value in these words.


  Love yourself, whatever makes you different, and use it to make you stand out. Mine is my voice and the fact that I'm gay; well,

  the fact that I'm flamboyantly gay.

  ~Ross Mathews

  Dumbledore was gay.

  ~J.K. Rowling

  If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.

  ~Harvey Milk

  The next time you feel you have to say, “I love you” to someone, say it to yourself – and see if you believe it.

  ~Harvey Feirstein

  Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

  ~Dr. Seuss


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