OMEGA Conscript

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OMEGA Conscript Page 3

by Stephen Arseneault

  I shook my head. "Harden Salton knew about the demise of Governor Marcos. I don't think he cared until he also found out I was involved. My concern now is, once he moves his cronies out here we will see the Talisan or the Feldons conscripted in short order."

  Jallis replied, "We'll fight them then. We're done being slaves to anyone."

  I placed my hand on Jallis' shoulder. "Fighting at this time would be a bad move on our part. We don't have the means to sustain a fight. While the Feldons and the Talisan would be willing to take up arms, the other colonies in this sector would not. The Saltons just sent a fleet of a thousand destroyers through the portal to the war they are fighting. We only have a few dozen that the Talisan have constructed. Even if we were to put all our resources toward building more, we could not keep pace with whatever shipyards Harden Salton has working for him. We would be overwhelmed in a matter of months."

  Jallis shook his head. "Well, we can't sit idle. We would be allowing it to happen."

  I nodded. "Agreed. What we need is time to plan a response. If Jack was able to stop that fleet from moving off to war, all we need to do is bring them back through the portal. That would give us a fleet and an army that was more than big enough to overthrow the Saltons. The Gruntas, I am certain, would be more than willing to take on that fight."

  Jallis frowned. "While that all sounds good, we don't know if Mr. Carson will be successful."

  I replied, "This is true, but first we must get through that gate to find out."

  Jallis made reference to the Talisan ships in orbit. "Why don't we take those two dozen destroyers out there and take that portal gate? Your data shows there are only fifteen Salton destroyers guarding it. The Talisan fleet would be more than enough firepower for that."

  I nodded. "It would, but we not only have to take the gate, we have to hold it. What if the fleet is not sitting on the other side? And if they are, what if they all can't make it through before the portal closes? If what Jack told us is true, it takes time between portal openings. That might be three hours or it might be three months. We don't know. If we take the gate, we need to hold it until all of our business in that other galaxy is finished. We can't just leave our other people out there. The Moddle worlds are at least six months travel from the portal opening. It may take us a year to recover everyone who is there."

  We followed Jallis and Layda into their new administration building. The lobby had once been covered with ornate marble and finely finished woods. Salvagers had seen to it that most had been stripped away. After a short ride on the elevator to the third floor, we walked into their new offices. Jallis led us into a conference room with a makeshift table and a variety of different office chairs.

  After sitting, I turned to face Layda. "Were you able to retrieve the artifacts as I had asked?"

  Layda nodded. "I was. They are boxed up in the room two down from here. It looked like some really old gear. Did you have something in mind for it?"

  I replied, "There are pieces of a suit in there that we want to find a helmet for. We think it might give us an advantage if we can get the helmet. It could make the suit fully functional."

  Jallis asked, "What would be so important about an old battle-suit?"

  I pursed my lips. "I'd rather not say at this time. Garrett and I will need to leave for Novesta tomorrow. All I can tell you is, it's important that we find that helmet."

  Our discussions over what our options might be ran late into the Effica night. The Grumar was confined in a concrete basement room. The Green was moved to a similar room and secured before the door was closed, locked, and guards posted. Go was placed in charge of their continued confinement.

  With our prisoners secure, I was directed to an office on the fourth floor that had a four meter long couch running down one wall. I was exhausted. I slept hard through the rest of the Effica night.

  Chapter 3

  * * *

  Go protested being left behind during our AMP technology hunt. I placed him again in charge of the Talisans and their efforts to set up science and engineering labs. The farming was left fully to the Talisan experts. It was thought that within one growing season's time the farms could produce enough food to sustain our population. The years following that would see produce ready for export to other worlds.

  As we walked up the ramp onto the Jess, Garrett said, "Novesta is four days travel from here. That means eight days minimum before we get back. You said the ride from SS241 to the portal is almost six weeks. I would think we want to get out there as soon as we can. Once they assemble a new fleet, it will be almost impossible for us to get that portal open."

  I replied, "With my escape, it's likely the portal gate is now heavily guarded. If this AMP suit works as we believe, it might be our only option. With it, we could send Go in to open the portal without ever being seen. We would still have to manage passing through it, but I am less concerned with that than with getting the portal to open when we need it open."

  We arrived at Novesta four days later. After a comm call from Jallis, the administration on Novesta provided us with the registration information they had on the trader. We traveled by air taxi from the government section of the capital city of Bogwa, to a small out-of-the-way town nestled in the foothills of an ancient mountain range. I soon found myself knocking on the door of a modest villa on the outskirts of town. Garrett grasped his blaster pistol as he looked around for signs of trouble.

  A squeaky voice came through the door. "I don't know you. What do you want?"

  I replied, "We are here concerning an artifact we purchased from you about a year ago. My associate conducted the transaction. We would be interested in discussing that deal with you further. And we can make it well worth your while."

  The trader opened a small peephole in his door. "Two hundred credits."

  I titled my head to one side. "What?"

  The trader fidgeted behind the door. "Give me two hundred credits and I'll talk."

  I held up my credit store for a transfer.

  When the transaction was complete, the trader again stuck his eye up to the peephole. "I changed my mind. I'll need another two hundred credits to continue."

  I rolled my eyes. "Here's five hundred, just to show our level of interest."

  The eye bobbed up and down in the peephole, signaling approval of the transaction. I again held up my credit store and watched as five hundred additional credits drained away.

  The eye moved back from the door and the sound of a lock opening could be heard. "Wait fifteen seconds and then come in."

  I opened the door and stepped through into a small anti-room. Garrett followed. As the door closed behind us, the lock flipped shut.

  A peephole opened in an inner door. "Another five hundred credits."

  I sighed. "Look, we can make it well worth your while if you would just talk to us."

  The voice replied, "Five hundred credits, or we are finished."

  Garrett raised his blaster. "Look, we aren't here to play. Open the door or I start blasting!"

  The voice giggled. "A blaster won't do you any good in there! Inhibitors make it ineffective. The walls are eight inches of concrete reinforced with two ten millimeter steel plates. Now, five hundred credits or I gas you!"

  I stepped closer to the peephole. "I have a third option. Want to make five thousand credits? Look through the hole and down at my store."

  The eyeball moved close, attempting to see my lowered right hand. With a lightning fast move, I raised my left hand shoved my finger through the hole. A scream of pain came through the door.

  "You poked me in the eye!"

  A second voice could be heard yelling from the background. "Dokell! What is going on out there!"

  Dokell yelled back, "They poked me in the eye!"

  The owner of the second voice angrily spoke through the door. "Who are you? What do you want?"

  Garrett stepped forward. "I made a trade with you for some items about a year ago."

  The voice
replied, "Mr. Williams … I remember it. Go on."

  Garrett replied, "We would like to enlist your services again if we could. We came here to discuss a possible new arrangement."

  The voice snarled back. "And you think poking my son in the eye is a good way to do business?"

  I replied, "I must apologize, that was my idea. He was extorting credits under the threat of gassing us."

  The eye turned away from the door. "Dokell? Were you cheating these men?"

  Dokell replied, "I was just having fun. I was going to give it back."

  The father shook his head as he turned to unlock the door. "I'll deal with you later. We don't cheat people and we don't shake them down. It's bad business. The kind of business that will get you killed."

  Garrett added, "Or get your eye poked out."

  The door swung open. "Mollis Cathos. Please come in. Dokell! Go have your mother look at your eye. And when you return, you will compensate these gentlemen for their loss, plus 10 percent."

  I waved my hand. "That won't be necessary. When he thinks about it later, he probably won't find to be as funny as he first thought."

  Mollis bowed. "And you are?"

  I replied, "Mr. Bogg."

  Mollis sat on a couch. "So, Mr. Williams, Mr. Bogg, what can I help you with?"

  Garrett replied, "There's a helmet that fits the suit I purchased from you. Would you know its whereabouts? Would it be for sale?"

  Mollis half smiled. "I have a few connections I can check with. I don't know if that item is available, but I can find out."

  I motioned toward my arm pad. "Expediency is also of great value to us. We are in immediate need of the item in question. If it's available, we are more than willing to pay extra for prompt service."

  Mollis opened a comm channel. "Mr. Druitt, I have a pair of gentlemen here who are interested in ancient AMP artifacts, specifically a helmet. You provided me with a suit and gloves. My associates would be very interested in a helmet that matches that suit. Would you have knowledge of the availability of such? And, I would like to add, this is a priority purchase. The need for this object is immediate."

  Balma Druitt replied, "Give me half an hour and I'll see what I can do."

  Mollis repeated the conversation with two other traders of possible importance. An hour after the solicitations went out, the first comm came in.

  Mollis replied, "Jaden, what were you able to find?"

  The trader named Jaden transferred an image. "I believe this to be a kinetic weapon of sorts. It shoots steel jacketed projectiles using a chemical reaction cartridge. My source says he believes it to be from the War of Wars. He believes it to be authentic."

  I shook my head. "While we might be interested in where the item was found, we have no need of it at this time."

  A second comm came in fifteen minutes later. "Mollis, I have a possible lead; however, they are in travel and will not be available for another two days."

  Mollis replied, "Thank you, Hobbry. Please contact me when you have more information. Our buyer's desire to have this is urgent. If you have any other leads, please don't hesitate to call."

  A comm came in from Balma Druitt. "I have word of a helmet in a collection on Ankor. They have expressed no desire to part with it, but I believe we might be able to shake it loose from them with a firm offer. I will need to know what we have available."

  I looked at Mollis. "How far is Ankor?"

  Mollis replied, "Two days’ flight. If you would like to make the trip, I will make arrangements for accommodations when you arrive. Balma will meet you there."

  I nodded. "Please do so. And please have no worries about your fee for all of this, it will be more than fair."

  Two days later we were standing in front of Balma Druitt. "Welcome to Ankor. I have arranged for a trip to visit with the collector who owns the artifact."

  After a short air taxi ride we settled on a landing deck for a large private residence. The Ankor were small in stature, with a deep green amphibian-looking skin.

  Kerba Skol, the owner, came out to greet us. "Welcome, Mr. Druitt. Did you say you are a collector as well?"

  Balma gestured toward me. "These two gentlemen are. I am merely a facilitator. They are interested in seeing the helmet artifact you have in your collection. Is it available for viewing?"

  Kerba smiled. "Certainly. I am always interested in sharing with fellow AMP collectors. If I might ask, how many pieces do you have in your collection?"

  I replied, "We have close to thirty."

  Kerba stopped. "Thirty! Goodness! My collection comprises only eleven. I'm afraid you might be disappointed in what I have to show. Although the helmet is my favorite piece."

  We were guided to a room with a number of display cases. The helmet sat in a glass case in the center of the room. My heart raced as it came into view. The color and shape were identical to the images we had available to us through the suit's tutorial. As we continued into the room, coming up to the case, my heart sank.

  Kerba gestured. "This is fabulous! A full quarter of the back of the helmet was blown away by a blast. See the scorch marks! There is trace evidence of Human tissue inside. Whomever was wearing this was assuredly killed by that blast."

  I sighed. "It's a wonderful piece, Mr. Skol. Would you happen to know where it originated from?"

  Kerba smiled. "I have been attempting to trace all of my artifacts to their origin. It's possible the planet that hosted the War of Wars was in this sector. I've narrowed my search to eight planets. I believe Megiddo to be one of those eight. Once I have the funds available I will make an expedition of it."

  I replied, "What if the funds were available today?"

  Kerba thought for a moment. "I suppose I would make arrangements and leave as soon as possible. Finding Megiddo has been a life-long dream of mine."

  I held out my credit store. "It looks like this is your lucky day, Kerba. The funds are now available. Make whatever arrangements you need. We would like to leave here as soon as possible.

  Kerba Skol was an Ankor of modest wealth. Years of owning successful businesses had afforded him the luxury of a personal ship almost the size of the Jess. We would need a larger ship. After an hour on the comm, a vessel was leased and was ready for pickup within hours.

  Balma Druitt said, "I wish you luck on your adventure. I have other business to attend to. If you should need anything further from me, you have my comm."

  After Balma left we took a trip to the local shipyard to pick up our lease. There were guest quarters for four, as well as a luxury living space, and a sizable cargo hold. Garrett declined to ride along and instead followed us in the Jess. The Pockna almost matched the Jess in speed, but far outdid her in comfort. I enjoyed the increased leg and head room.

  We arrived at the first of eight planets after two days of travel. Deep scans were performed. It was determined that the planet didn't have the large extent of flatlands that were so often described as the Plains of Megiddo. The second world, although located in the temperate zone, had little atmosphere and an absence of liquid water. Our third stop showed promise.

  Kerba pointed at the visual data from our latest scan. "There! That area fits the descriptions perfectly!"

  I replied, "Why was this planet never settled? It doesn't seem to be that far from other colonies. It has oceans, mountains, rivers. There is greenery, so it supports life. The oxygen levels, although on the low side, would support a number of the Alliance species."

  Garrett joined the conversation over his comm. "I'm showing an unusually high level of gamma radiation. From the looks of it, that would be toxic to most species over time. Nothing like having your insides slow-cooked."

  Kerba piloted the Pockna down to a position that was a kilometer above the center of the plains. Deep scans of the terrain and the sub-terrain were run repeatedly.

  Garrett said, "I'm picking up some unusual materials down there. Anyone else see the reflections on the beta scans? I'm heading down there to have a look

  Kerba replied, "We'll continue our scans for anything else that looks unusual. Let us know what you find."

  I turned toward Kerba. "Could you put me down there with Garrett as well?"

  Kerba nodded. "I can do that. The texts I have studied mentioned a central fort. I will be looking for evidence of a wall."

  After a quick set-down, I stepped out through the hatch onto the grassy plains of Megiddo. As the Pockna moved away, I was pleasantly surprised by the quiet, gentle breeze that blew across the fields. The smell of fresh air filled my large nostrils. I walked around the Jess to where Garrett was standing.

  "What is it?" I said.

  Garrett was holding up a piece of what appeared to be a dark metal alloy. "This field is covered with this stuff. It looks to be lying in a plain about forty centimeters under the surface. It isn't a natural metal I'm familiar with. The density of it is insane, and yet it's lightweight."

  I replied, "If it's all located at the same depth, that would suggest that it all came from a single period in time. Does it appear to be man-made?"

  After a short dig, Garrett retrieved a fist-sized sample of the material.

  Garrett nodded. "Oh, it's definitely man-made. You can see it by the uniformity of the layers. It has a slight radioactivity to it, but that's probably just from being on this planet. Here, look at this piece, it looks like some kind of glass or gemstone layer. Curious."

  I gestured toward the Jess. "Do you have anything on the Jess that will analyze it further?"

  Garrett again nodded. "Well, I can hold it directly in front of one of the scanner pods. It should give us all the information we need as to its makeup."

  After a quick scan, Garrett pulled the resulting data up on his arm pad holo-display. "Hmm. It looks like Tantric ore, only the molecules are all aligned in the same direction."

  I replied, "Tantric?"

  Garrett swiped at his displays. "Yeah, Tantric. It's a soft ore, fairly rare. I've never heard of a use for it. You can smelt it, but the resulting metal tends to crack apart and crumble. This, however, isn't normal. Somehow they have all the molecules lined up and tightly packed together. The scanner says this embedded material is aquamarine. I can't even guess as to what its purpose would be."


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