OMEGA Conscript

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OMEGA Conscript Page 14

by Stephen Arseneault

  I opened a comm channel. "Jack, please tell me that is you!"

  The comm was silent for several seconds. "Wow, I was starting to believe you wouldn't make it back through. We've been patrolling the space between here and Doomlight for a month. I'm sure you already know who it was that was conscripted. Were you able to persuade the Saltons that this was a mistake?"

  I replied, "Let's just say that things are worse than we thought. How about my people? Where are they?"

  Jack's image smiled over the comm. "They are safe. It took some convincing of the fleet captains, but I had enough video footage from the Garmon to make them question their mission. After that, I had to hard sell them on what we knew."

  We soon landed the Jess in the docking bay of the Garmon. I stepped out onto the deck and stretched.

  Jack laughed as the others came out. "How many of you are on there?"

  I replied, "We've been carrying six. We have the Grotus with us as well. He's strapped to the wall in the cabin. If you could have him moved back to a holding room, I would appreciate it. Have your people use extreme caution though. He's been playing nice, but I think it's all an act to get us to lower our guard. Even only having a single arm, he could easily best anyone on this ship in a fight, excluding me. And have them escort Mr. Mont to his prior room as well."

  "Jack," I said, "tell me about the Grunta. Is everyone OK?"

  Jack nodded. "Your family is safe. I briefly met with your wife. Impressive. You have a strong woman there, Knog. And your kids are all almost as big as I am. Not a bunch I would like to tangle with, but they're all in good health."

  My family was alive and safe. It was the news I had longed to hear. The Green was transferred to the room he had previously occupied. I followed Jack to the ship's cafeteria for a real cooked meal as we talked.

  Jack sipped on a drink as we sat. "So Harden Salton is trying to expand, and at the same time take over the six galaxies. I do have to give him credit for having the guts to try. If what you found out about his invasion of Doomlight is true, he will be in for a rude awakening when his ships come through and there is no second fleet there waiting to assist."

  I half smiled. "You said you have found allies out here?"

  Jack nodded. "I've been on a sales campaign since I came back through. I went back to that planet where you and Garrett led the battlecruiser. It's called Odenta. It seems the people there were in a bad way. They set off those nukes in their atmosphere to take out the battlecruiser, only it took them out as well. All their power systems on the main continent, and most on their second continent, were knocked out from the EMP.

  "I showed up and offered them assistance that they sorely needed. In return, they have offered us temporary shelter there. They despise the Grumar and Grotus now for their unprovoked attack. We’re enemies of the Grumar and Grotus, so our presence is acceptable."

  I replied, "You do realize that by returning we may be dooming those people. If the Grotus come back, they won't make the same mistakes again. Two of those battlecruisers could easily wipe out that entire planet. We should leave as soon as we are able."

  Jack nodded. "I have scout ships out looking at six candidates in this area."

  I held up my arm pad and holo-display. "I'm sending you the star maps we have of this galaxy. We downloaded them from the Salton network. They show the location of the Grumar world and the Moddle Empire."

  Jack accepted the file transfer and forwarded it to his nav officer. "You know, we still have the AI on that teardrop ship running. Using materials from our stores, it was able to construct a laser pistol that rivals our hand blasters for power output. Your Talisans have been working non-stop on trying to scale it up. I wouldn't mind having one or two of those here on the Garmon."

  Jack turned toward Go as the young Human devoured a Borak steak. "What's with the funky white suit?"

  Go looked at me. "Can I show him?"

  I nodded. "No one else though. And, Jack, this is a secret that we need to keep. You can't reveal this to any of your people, no matter how much you trust them."

  Jack tilted his head. "I think I can manage that. What is it? Resistive to blaster fire?"

  Go set down his fork and donned his helmet. "Prepare to be wowed."

  In an instant the skinny, seventy-kilogram Human disappeared.

  Jack reached out and waved his hand in the space Go had previously occupied. "What the ... what just happened?"

  I replied, "You might want to withdraw your hand."

  As soon as he had done so, Go blinked in. After removing his helmet, the fork returned to his mouth with a small chunk of borak.

  Jack scratched his chin. "What was that? Some sort of dimensional gate or something?"

  Garrett raised his eyebrows. "That's actually a decent description of it. From what we know, the skin of the suit absorbs everything physical in its space. Anything coming into that space is passed around to the other side where it is emitted. Go was still there, it's just that, well, there wasn't there. It was being passed around him."

  Go said as he chewed, "I can go through walls, it has a built-in propulsion system and a powerful kinetic weapon. Oh, and if I had a food pack that clipped onto this belt, I could go for months without eating. In fact, if I had enough replacement packs, I would never have to eat again."

  Jack sat back and crossed his arms. "Where did you get this suit? I've never seen or heard of anything like it."

  I replied, "It's a Human artifact from before the AMP. This was a suit the Humans used to defeat the Duke. We came across it in the OMEGA sector."

  Go spoke up excitedly. "Tell him about Megiddo!"

  "We believe we found the planet Megiddo where the War of Wars was fought. There were fields of debris from a great battle that dated back to that time. Your Human history, pre-AMP, ends in the Triangulum. If we ever make it back there, we will have to see to it that the area is thoroughly explored and excavated. There may be other secrets there that could be of great value to us."

  By the time we landed on Odenta, Jack was up to speed on all that had happened during our short stay back in the Triangulum. I rushed down the landing ramp and hopped a shuttle heading for the Grunta camps. Fourteen million of my people were housed in cramped transports.

  The locals had given up a large section of farmland, and my people had immediately gotten to work at preparing the soil for crops. Animal pens had been constructed with the promise of local livestock to fill them. In return, much of the power infrastructure of the planet had been returned to a moderately operational condition.

  As the shuttle landed in a field next to a transport that held my family, nervousness began to build inside me. Would I be chastised for not being there when the conscription happened? Or would I be praised for keeping my people from war? The charge of eighteen young Gruntas toward my position brought all negative thoughts to an immediate end.

  I was knocked to the ground and soon covered with the mass of my offspring as every spot of exposed skin was covered with wet, sloppy tongues. I was immediately transported to a place of happiness—a place I had not been in a long time.

  As the commotion of the greeting settled, I stood to take in the view of my wife. She stood in a strong stance, wearing the battle-suit given to her by the New Alliance. In keeping with our customs, the suit had been modified to portray a Grunta female who was prepared for battle. Sharp spikes adorned the shoulders. A double row of blades ran from the forehead of the helmet around each side to the back. On top of the helmet, four spiked horns jutted from a short central staff, with one protruding in each direction. Gold medallions, symbolizing the Grunta training she had received, covered her chest.

  I rose to my feet and stepped forward, kneeling before her. "Colonel Beutcher, it is my honor to serve you."

  Getta reached down, taking me by the throat and pulling me to my feet. Her forehead bumped mine. The cooing sound came forth as I began to sweat in anticipation of the fierce beating that was coming. Sparks began to fly as
the metal arm bracers of her Alliance battle-suit clanged against my Grotus suit. When the beating ended, my heart was racing. I had tears in my eyes as my wife reached her arm around my shoulder. For the first time in a long while, I felt safe and secure. My heart was home.

  Chapter 14

  * * *

  Getta stepped back to look over my garb. "What is this suit you are wearing?"

  I sighed. "I guess Jack didn't tell you?"

  We turned to walk back toward the transport. "This suit, it came from a Green."

  Getta stopped, holding me out at arm’s length. "What?"

  I nodded. "The legend is true. The Greens exist, and they are here in this galaxy. The Saltons would have had you fighting them if Jack hadn't stopped you."

  Getta turned and walked quickly toward the transport. "Come quickly, the Council must hear this!"

  My parade of young Gruntas was directed to return to their station on the transport. After a short shuttle ride, Getta led me to the forward decks of the Council's transport, stopping only as two guards stepped into her way.

  "What business do you have with the Council?" a female guard said in a gruff tone.

  Getta put her face dangerously close to the Grunta guard, a certain sign of aggressive behavior. "I have news that is of utmost importance to the Council. News for all of our people. I would advise you to step back and to let me pass before I tear off your face!"

  The Grunta guard slowly stepped back as she growled. Getta stepped forward into the council chamber, where three other guards stepped into her way. I stayed behind.

  A councilwoman stood. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?"

  Getta knelt, bowing her head slightly before looking up. "I have news of the legend of the Greens, news of their existence. They are real, they are here, they reside in this galaxy!"

  The rest of the Council stood. "What proof do you have of this?"

  I stepped forward. "Forgive me for my intrusion. We have a Green as a prisoner. If you so desire, I can bring him before you here in this chamber."

  The Council erupted in discussion. Getta looked back, gesturing for me to get the Green. I turned and headed back to the Garmon. When I returned, the discussion had quieted. I entered the room with the Green just behind, covered in a large sheet.

  The Council again stood. "Unveil it."

  The Green threw off the sheet with his remaining arm. "I am not an it! My name is Balt Mergus and I am a Grotus! Flesh and blood and bone, just like you, the butchers of my ancestors!"

  The room again erupted, only this time voices were raised, anger dominating.

  I stepped forward. "Members of the Council, I urge you to ask questions in a civil manner!"

  The room went silent. My remark was unwelcome. Getta lowered her head, taking a step back.

  I continued. "Hear what this Grotus has to say. Some of it may be true, some propaganda. Either way, you should reserve your judgment until all the information has been brought into the open."

  One of the councilwomen spoke over the rumble of the others. "Are you offering yourself as council for this Grotus?"

  I replied, "If you are asking if I would be willing to offer my assistance during this discussion, then my answer is yes. This, however, is not a trial."

  I stepped up beside the Green. "Since I was a child I was taught the stories of the Greens. I was taught how they were ruthless butchers. How they pushed our people toward extinction. Now, for the first time in our lives, we have a Green standing before us. The history he was taught differs from ours. Ask him questions, evaluate his answers, but above all, open your minds to what the truth might be.

  "The Grotus are out here. They are armed and they are strong. It seems we have many enemies in this galaxy. The Moddle, our New Alliance conscripts fight them on their home worlds. We are the aggressors. The Grumar and the Grotus, the Saltons would have you fighting them. And then we have the real enemy, Harden Salton. His lies about a war in Andromeda brought you to where you are. As I am sure you have learned, this is not Andromeda.

  "Take this opportunity to educate yourselves on what is truly happening out here. Ask the Grotus and ask me. You have the fate of our people in your hands."

  The Council sat in quiet discussion with one another.

  After a short time, the lead councilwoman stood. "All those who are not of the Council, excluding the Grotus and Mr. Beutcher, please leave the room. That includes the Council guard."

  When the chamber doors closed, the councilwoman sat. "Proceed."

  I began by giving a brief history of how I had come to be in the possession of a Grotus. I then began to ask Balt Mergus many of the same questions I had asked before. The Council remained silent for more than two hours as questions were asked and answers brought to light.

  "There you have it," I said. "You have my version, you have his version, you know the version we were all taught. Ask any question you have of me and I will do my best to offer you an informative answer."

  The lead councilwomen stood. "For a man, you are strong, Knog Beutcher. Your fair efforts will be known to our people. Do you believe this Grotus to be telling the truth?"

  I replied, "I believe it is a possibility that we should not exclude. Our teachings differ, but our teachings are based on word of mouth from the early days of the AMP. We must all realize how easy it would be to change one's oral history in an attempt to rally one's people. Remember, when the War of Wars came to an end, we had been defeated.

  "I have no doubt that our ancestors fought valiantly, and were only fighting for their lives, but we have no evidence to say that what the Grotus says isn't true, that our ancestors weren't the aggressors, that we had nearly conquered and exterminated the Grotus when the Duke swept our people away. Until we know the truth, we cannot exclude the possibility of a barbaric ancestry."

  The councilwomen mumbled in discontent.

  The lead ordered, "Quiet! For the rest of you, this may be hard to believe. It is not easy to question one's faith, one's beginnings, especially if one finds those beginnings may be unsavory."

  I continued, "If I may, there is a strong possibility that neither account is the whole truth. The android known as the Duke, his method of operation was to pit one species against another in a game of survival. It would also be possible that our ancestors were manipulated into fighting one another by the Duke. His goal was to bring the strongest species into his War of Wars. The possibility exists that our peoples were once peaceful."

  The Grotus nodded. "That is what our history teaches as well. We were peaceful neighbors, living on the same planet, having evolved from the same ancestors. Our fight only began when exploring other star systems. In our history, after you destroyed our home world, we were indeed struggling to survive. In our darkest hour, your people vanished, never to be heard from again, until now."

  I said, "What is before this council today is: how do we take this information, and how do we proceed? We have secretly prepared for war since the fall of AMP. That preparation is what put us on the Salton's list of the rebellious, even if we were no threat. Here today, I have laid out the facts before you. I have also laid out the possibilities. You must now confer and decide on a course of action."

  I hesitated before holding up my hand. "Oh, I do have one more bit of information for you to consider. With the realization that the Greens are here in this galaxy, it has to also be apparent that our home world, the original Grunta home world, our beginnings ... they are somewhere in this galaxy as well."

  After several minutes of quiet discussion, the lead again stood. "Mr. Beutcher, it is unusual for this council to ask for an opinion. This however, is an unusual circumstance. If you have given this thought, how would you proceed?"

  It was a question I was not prepared for. "Forgive me, I haven't put together a plan on what I would do, but I will offer this: if it's at all possible, I would have us ally with the Moddle, and the Grumar and Grotus, against the Saltons. Harden Salton has a dual-pronged strategy f
or his expansion efforts. Out here, he plans to build a powerful army. Back home, he plans to overthrow the other families through the use of his portal gateway. From here we cannot stop the overthrow. We can, however, stop his building of a powerful army."

  I continued my speech for several minutes until the Council lead ordered me to stop. "We thank you for your time here today, Mr. Beutcher. We will take all the information you have brought before us into consideration. You may go now."

  As I stepped out into the hallway, it was as if a cool breeze swept over me. I let out a deep sigh.

  Getta approached. "I have never said this before, but I am proud of you. I am happy to have married such a strong male."

  I replied, "It's I who has married strong. You are the foundation on which I stand. It's from your strength that I draw my own."

  Getta threw her arm around my shoulder and squeezed. "When we were first married, my parents hated that I did not select a traditional mate. You were unusual to them, out of the norm because of your outspokenness. When you left for work off-world, they could not have been happier to see you go. I cannot wait to laud it over them that you just stood in front of the Council."

  I shook my head. "I would not be so quick to discard those traditions. It was those that brought me to desire you as a mate. You were the rock and the pillar that I was in need of. The foundation upon which you stand is the traditions of your parents. I would not want our children to get wind of the disrespect that would blow for their elders if they overheard you having such a conversation with their grandparents."

  Getta stopped, drew back her fist and punched me hard in the back, knocking me forward nearly a meter. "I love you, Knog Beutcher!"

  I grinned as I attempted to loosen up my strained neck muscles.

  Balt Mergus was returned to confinement. Gasau Mont was ordered before the Council the following day. After a thorough round of questioning, the Council closed their doors for discussion. Deliberations lasted for most of a week. When they emerged, an announcement was made.


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