Bitten by the Beast

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Bitten by the Beast Page 1

by Alexa Riley

  Bitten By The Beast

  Virgin Blood Series

  Alexa Riley


  Bitten by the Beast

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Fairytale Shifter Book 1

  Stalk the Author

  Bitten by the Beast

  by Alexa Riley

  Juliet Simon gets herself into all kinds of situations, but breaking into the scary mansion near her college campus has got to take the cake. When she finds more than she bargains for behind closed doors, will her fear take over, or will she fall for the beast?

  Kane Viscardi is unlike other vampires. He’s spent most of his time hiding away and is alone in the world without a mate. Until one night when there’s an unexpected knock at the door. Suddenly something awakens inside of him for the first time in a century.

  Warning: It’s the first time we’ve written vampires, so go easy on us. Enjoy this brand new series that features a coven of five and read about how all of them find love.

  Copyright © 2017 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover Photo by Sara Eirew

  Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations

  To Lb and Samantha…

  A sunny day on the beach brought this series to life, and we are ashamed at how much we love it.

  Let’s wear silk forever.



  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I mumble to myself as I look around at the three other girls.

  Join a sorority, they said. It will be fun, they said. So far, I haven’t found any part of this fun. In fact, I’m about to jump out of my skin.

  “Come on, it’s not like the place is haunted. It doesn't even look like anyone’s home.”

  Kelly’s words don’t sound convincing. My eyes go to the iron gate we’re standing in front of. On the other side is a mansion that’s completely dark. I wrap my fingers around the black bars and wonder if the gate is to keep people out or to keep them in. Either way, none of this is a good idea.

  “How do you know no one is home?” I whisper back.

  It’s not like anyone can hear us, so I don’t know why I’m whispering. The giant stone compound is almost a half mile from the front gate up a long hill. I’ve seen the place in daylight and know it’s beautiful, but at night it’s eerie in the creepiest way. It catches my eye every time I pass it, and I find myself wanting to know about its history. It has to be hundreds of years old. Still, I’ve never seen anyone coming or going, but someone is maintaining it. The grass is cut and the outside is pristine. I’m guessing a place this old would take a lot of maintenance. I bet it has all kinds of secrets behind the front doors. As I stare up at it right now all I can think is that it looks like something out of a movie. A scary movie.

  “There aren't any lights on,” she responds, but no lights doesn’t mean it’s empty.

  “Maybe they’re asleep,” I offer up, trying to stay positive. “All we have to do is knock on the door,” I remind them. All three of the girls look over at me with wide eyes. “And grab something that proves we did it.” Somehow their eyes get even bigger, as if they didn't already know what our instructions were.

  “Trespassing is against the law,” one of the girls chimes in. I can't remember her name. Something with a C, I think. Cindy, Candy, Clare maybe?

  “Who cares about trespassing? Worry about what might be on the other side of that gate,” Kelly squeaks.

  “Let’s just get this over with,” I say and grip the bars.

  I grab onto the gate and pull myself up. I wedge my feet into the bars and I start climbing. I grit my teeth as I feel something scratch my arm, but I ignore it and focus on getting my fat ass over this stupid thing. Jesus, I should have paid attention in gym. This fence would be beautiful if I wasn't so scared at the moment. The only shape I’m in is round, but fear and determination are helping me get through this.

  When I get to the top I look down, and my stomach drops. I close my eyes for a moment, willing myself to get it together. I hate heights almost as much as I hate spiders. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to summon all my courage. When I open my eyes I swing one leg over then the other. Slowly, I make my descent, being careful not to slip.

  My feet hit the ground and I breathe a sigh of relief. Until I realize that now I’m on this side of the gate and all the girls are still standing there looking at me through the bars. Fuck.

  “Come on.” I motion for them to come over, but as my gut told me, none of them move. I’m really regretting this whole sorority thing right now.

  “Maybe you could just do it for us. Go grab something and we’ll wait here,” the girl whose name I can’t remember suggests.

  Sisterhood my ass.

  All I wanted to do was make friends and have fun. I wanted to feel like I was a part of something. Maybe even feel like I actually had a family. This was supposed to be a fun team-building exercise, but none of this is going how I hoped. Then again, has my life ever gone the way I thought it would? I should have known, but I didn’t come this far just to quit.

  I feel a throb in my arm and look down to see a long gash there.

  “Gross.” Kelly’s face scrunches.

  “Aren't you a nursing student?” I remind her as she looks at my arm with disgust. Yeah, that’s going to be a promising job for her.

  “Come on, Julie, just do it for us.” She doesn't have to push hard and I’m agreeing.

  The last social worker I had when I was in the foster system told me this was both a good and bad quality. I’m always willing to help and do things for others, but sometimes that puts me at risk. It also ends up making my life a whole lot harder. She told me to focus more on myself, but that’s hard when you grow up like I did. There were so many other kids around me needing a hand even when I didn’t have one to give. I still had to try.

  “Fine.” I take off the long-sleeved shirt I have tied around my waist to wipe the blood off my arm as best as I can. Maybe when I knock on the door I can pretend I got hurt and need help. That is, if someone actually answers the door. I pray no one does. Maybe I don’t even need to knock. How would anyone actually know if I didn’t?

  Wait. What if the girls in the sorority know whoever lives here and they will report back to them? Or what if I knock and I’m kidnapped and murdered? There are lots of possibilities. They told all four of us that this was the key to initiation, and if I want in then I need to do it.

  “We’ll wait right here,” Kelly says, breaking into my thoughts.

  She nods as she says it, but I notice all of them take a step or two back from the gate. They are going to leave me. I know it. I turn towards
the house, not wanting to look at them anymore. It’s the story of my life. I’m not going to watch them screw me over if I don’t have to. What I am going to do is prove that I can do this. With or without them.

  Like everything in my life, I have to do it alone. I only hope this time I haven't bitten off more than I can chew.



  I feel the shift when the sun sets. It’s the same every time for the last one hundred years. That’s the way it is when you’re a vampire. Your body is automatically honed to protect and hide in the light of day, but I would do that even if the light didn’t turn me to ash.

  Pushing out of bed, I walk to the window and draw back the thick blackout curtains. There’s pink in the sky along the horizon, but the stars aren’t far behind. I can’t see a reflection of myself against the glass and turn away. I’m always careful to avoid mirrors, but sometimes it can’t be helped.

  Vampires are seen as the most beautiful creatures. It’s how we lure our prey. But I never expected the scars from my previous life to follow me into this one. I was hiking in the Rockies and fell to what would have been my death, but a vampire came along and saved me. My body healed and became stronger than I ever dreamed possible. But the damage to my face was too much for even the venom to erase.

  I peel off my boxer briefs and step into the shower. I run my hands along the ridges of my stomach and the dip between my hip bone and thigh. The weight of my cock fills my hand and I begin to wash myself. I haven’t gotten hard in one hundred years and I’ve pretty much forgotten what it’s like. It won’t happen again unless I find my mate. But with the way my face is scarred, I don’t have high hopes.

  The staff is cleaning up the kitchen and leaving for the day. I can hear them even as the water sprays in my face. It’s one of the many benefits to being a vampire. This place requires a lot of people to run it, and humans are the best for it. They all think I work nights because I manage businesses in Tokyo. They’re not completely wrong. I have businesses all over the world, but that’s definitely not why I don’t go out during the day. If they suspect anything, they’ve never asked. But I like to think the pay is what keeps their lips tight and their questions few.

  When I get out of the shower I dress in a suit. I’m planning on going into the city tonight. There’s a play my sister wants to see, and I’ve got box seats. This is a benefit for the both of us. She gets to be up close to the stage and I get to sit in the back and hide my face. She tells me it’s not as bad as I think it is, but she’s just trying to get me to stop being such a recluse. Another reason she’s making me go tonight.

  I walk downstairs and check in with the head housekeeper, Mora. She’s an older woman with gray curly hair she wears pinned up and a round rosy face. She’s used to my scars by now, but still her eyes always move to my cheek and down my neck. They healed some after I was changed, but the red lines won’t ever fade. She’s been with me a long time and I like that she’s never asked me about them.

  “Your breakfast is on the counter in the kitchen. And I saw your note about not needing dinner tonight. Are you going out?” she asks as she smiles brightly.

  “I’m going to the city with Ravana,” I say and follow her to the front door.

  “Tell your sister I said hello, and I hope you have a nice night. Looks like it might rain.”

  She’s met Ravana on several occasions and seems to talk up a storm with her. But my sister is always careful with how much she reveals about her own past so that it doesn't give away inconsistencies with my own. She’s my sister because we were made by the same vampire—the leader of our coven. But in actuality, Ravana is about seventy years younger than me.

  We make small talk until we walk outside and she gets in the back of the car. I nod to the driver and tell her goodnight. It’s Friday, she’s the only staff allowed to come and go on the weekends. My other staff is off on the weekends. I prefer the solitude as much as possible.

  I go to my office and meet with my security and groundskeeper. When they’re finished updating me, they leave for home. I watch out the window as they all drive away and watch the sun fully set. When I’m sure I’m alone I go to the kitchen and put the food Mora made me down the disposal.

  Vampires are nothing like in the movies. Even now when a vampire movie comes out, Ravana and I like going just so we can laugh at what people have come up with. Some of the rumors are true, like not going out in the daylight. But others are blatantly made up. We don’t have fangs or sleep in coffins. Although I do have razor-sharp incisors and like a good nap just as much as the next guy. But the biggest misconception is that we need blood to survive.

  When I was changed I was given all the venom I needed to live for two hundred years. That’s the lifespan of an unmated vampire. The only thing we need to keep us immortal is the venom of our true mate. Once we have that, we can both live forever. But if we never find the one in two hundred years, then we die.

  I walk out of the kitchen and into the formal living room. From there is a set of French doors that lead onto a balcony. It overlooks the pristine rose garden that I’ve heard is beautiful in the light of day. Maybe I’m making excuses, but I love the way they look at night. The dark reds and pinks glow in the moonlight. It’s so fragrant and inviting that it’s probably my favorite part of living here. But the thought of who will be here after I’m gone makes me sad. Will they love it as I do?

  I hear a car pull up in the distance and check my watch. Ravana must be early.

  I turn and walk towards the front of the house, but I hear more than one set of feet and stop. I close my eyes and listen carefully to the sounds of people coming towards the gate. I can make out what I think are four people, so I slowly move from the window and stare out into the darkness. It’s too far for me to clearly see what they’re doing, but I can hear their conversation.

  I let out a frustrated sound when I hear them talk about a sorority and this being part of their initiation. There’s a college nearby and every few years they get a wild hair up their ass and think this is the place to prove their worth. I’m exhausted with humans lately, and this is just icing on the proverbial shit cake. I’m not putting up with this anymore.

  I can hear one of them begin to scale the gate as I walk into my office and check the security screens. It’s a young woman, and her face is turned away from the camera so I can’t see what she looks like. I pick up my phone to call the police when I see her friends back away from the gate. They’re leaving her? I put down the phone as I watch the young woman clench her fists and turn towards the house. She walks up the hill as her friends scurry back to their car parked on the other side of the road and I hear an engine start.

  “Cowards,” I say to myself and decide against calling the cops.

  I’ll tell the girl to leave and that I’m going to press charges if she comes back. If she’s like the rest of the people who try to come on my property, a little threat goes a long way.

  When I hear her footsteps on the front porch, I walk out of my office and to the front door. The scent of roses overwhelms me and my legs become heavy. I must have left the balcony doors open and the wind has blown the scent in. But it’s never affected me like this before. My head is dizzy and it’s like someone just turned on the heat. I can feel my skin getting hotter and with every step I take towards the front door, all of my senses heighten.

  I should probably sit down or call my sister. But the only thing going through my mind is that I have to open the front door. If I can only open the door, I’ll be okay. It’s an instinct like I’ve never felt and the only thing I can do is follow the scent of roses.

  My hand reaches for the knob just as her fingers knock on the door. When I pull it open her hand is still raised and I’m utterly assaulted by the scent of her.

  “Hi, um. Sorry to bother you.” She slowly lowers her hand to reveal stunning green eyes surrounded by dark lashes.

  The sound of her heartbeat is like a drum in my ears, and my teet
h ache. I’ve never had the need to bite someone before, but my whole jaw is painful for it. With all of my strength I step back into the shadows to hide my face. I don’t want to scare her away. My mind begins to work on how I can entice her inside and keep her here. Forever.

  “So, here’s the thing. I’m just going to be honest with you. I’m pledging a sorority and the dare was to knock on your door. But I think the other pledges have bailed on me and now I’m stuck here, and I think I might be injured.”

  She tucks a lock of glossy auburn hair behind one ear then bites her juicy, wet bottom lip. I’ve never wanted to taste something so sweet and delicate before in my life. The urge to lie on top of her is so strong I nearly pounce on her.

  “Again, I’m sorry. I actually didn’t think anyone would be home. Do you have maybe a paper towel or something?”

  She holds out her arm for me to see, and I have to put my hand over my mouth at the sight of the blood. It’s a small scratch, but it has dripped down her arm and made a trail of blood that’s the exact color of the roses in my garden. I swallow the warm liquid that’s in my mouth and realize I’m drooling for a taste of her.

  “Or not, that’s okay, too.” She begins to take a step back, and I reach out and snatch her wrist so quickly it surprises both of us.

  “Come in,” I say softly, keeping my face in the shadows.

  “It’s okay. I can go. I’m really sorry.” I can smell the fear in her blood, and I hate it. I want the sweet innocence back. That’s what I ache for.


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