Witness Protection 2: The Return of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

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Witness Protection 2: The Return of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Page 10

by Holly Copella

  The man with the dog nodded and commanded the dog from the porch with him. Once they were out of sight, Gil turned toward the wanted man behind him. Jericho zapped him on the side with a stun gun. Gil immediately dropped to his knees while twitching slightly, although handling the sudden surge of electrical current better than most men would. It obviously wasn’t his first time being tased. He attempted to gather his strength for retaliation, but it was too late. Jericho punched him in the face, driving him the rest of the way to the floor, allowing him no chance to fight back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lee leaned on the second floor railing, carved from an actual tree trunk, and overlooked the rustic lobby below. The five men from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot were standing near the check-in desk while having a serious discussion. Lee was unable to hear their conversation, which didn’t actually bother her. Bogart was conveniently left out of their meeting, which obviously bothered him, judging by the way that he paced the opposite end of the lobby. Tonya appeared from the second floor corridor, joined Lee by the sturdy railing, and leaned on it alongside her. Both women had finally changed out of their hastily thrown together outfits from their night of hell and into some clothes Jackie had donated to their cause. Tonya watched the men with moderate fascination then smiled her approval.

  “So,” Tonya announced while slyly raising her brows. “Which one do you want?”

  Lee glanced at her friend and shamed her with a disapproving look. “I’m not interested, Tonya,” she announced. “We were nearly killed last night.”

  “I know that,” Tonya huffed. “But we weren’t. We’re safe here.”

  “I remember those famous last words at Monroe’s house too,” Lee muttered.

  “That was different,” her friend remarked. “Mac sold us out. Now she’s out of the picture. No one’s going to find us here. Hell, I’m not even sure where here is. This seems like a pretty good place to relax and forget about our problems for a while.” Tonya indicated the men in the lobby below. “There are some pretty fine specimens of manliness down there. I assume we’re going to be here a while, so we may as well make the best of it and enjoy ourselves.”

  “You’re seriously thinking about hooking up with those guys?” Lee demanded.

  “Well, one of them,” Tonya replied and stared at her friend with astonishment at her tone. “Are you seriously telling me you’re not?”

  “I’d think you know me by now,” Lee replied and looked away with disinterest.

  “Yeah, I don’t suppose any of them qualify as a cowboy,” Tonya teased then turned to face Lee. “Come on; make the best of a bad, dull situation. What else is there to do around here? Have you noticed? No television. No computer. No internet. No phones. I’m shocked we have electric and indoor plumbing.” Tonya flopped on the railing and groaned while holding her chin in her hand. “Did you see the books and magazines in the lobby? Unless you’re into fishing, birdwatching, and improvised booby traps, there isn’t even anything decent to read around here.”

  Lee shook her head but didn’t have the energy to engage in another sexual debate with her love-starved friend.

  “I’ll pass, thank you.”

  “I know our situation sucks,” Tonya announced while looking at her friend. “I’m just trying to find a way to make the best of it. What’s the big deal?”

  Lee sighed and hung heavily on the railing. “I’m sorry,” she announced with a soft groan. “You’re right; we’re going to be here a while. You should entertain yourself, if it’s what makes you happy. I suspect the guys won’t mind.”

  “I know what we can do,” Tonya suddenly chirped and straightened with enthusiasm. “Let’s pretend we’re at the nightclub. I’ll pick out overnight company, and you tell me what’s wrong with each of them. Help me choose the right one. It’ll be just like a typical Friday night.”

  “Except it’s not night and it’s not Friday,” Lee casually informed her.

  “Just play along.”

  “Okay,” Lee reluctantly announced and straightened. “Who’s up first?”

  Tonya gave a nod to Bogart across the room. “What about that one? Bogart. He’s sort of dashing. A little talkative for my taste, but he looks like he’d be energetic in bed.”

  “He’s almost certainly a womanizer,” Lee replied. “I don’t know that you’ll find enough condoms around here to want to play with that one.”

  “Hmm, good point,” Tonya replied. “We’ll add him to the ‘cuddle list’.” She looked across the room to the five members of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot and indicated Kirk while smiling lustfully. “What about that one? Mr. Big and Brawny.”

  “Kirk?” Lee practically gasped. “Can you imagine a guy with no emotions in the sack? What would that be like?”

  Tonya sank into thought, grimaced, and shook her head. “Oh, you’re right. It’d be like wild kingdom. Three seconds of heaven for him and then he’d roll over and fall asleep.” Tonya studied the men and indicated Zack. “Can we both agree we need to avoid that one in all situations?”

  “That’s a safe assumption,” Lee replied in a low tone. “There’s something not right with that guy. Probably sniffed too much napalm back in the day.”

  Tonya held back her laugh then indicated Beck. “Okay, now that one has some potential.”

  “Has a bit of an attitude; possibly slightly unstable, but he seemed nice enough toward us,” Lee replied. “I’d put him in the ‘potential’ column.”

  “Ross has that whole ‘man in charge’ thing going,” Tonya announced. “He’s a little too serious for my taste.”

  “Yeah, he’s pretty serious,” Lee replied. “He’s also a little old for you. Even if he’s not too old for you, you’re too young for him. I don’t think he’d warm up that fast.”

  “He’d probably turn all gentlemanly,” Tonya remarked then suddenly frowned. “Or fatherly. Oh, that kills that fantasy. That just leaves Monroe.”

  “Monroe is descent enough,” Lee informed her and studied him by the desk. “I mean, he’s cute and dresses nice.”

  “Definitely not gay,” Tonya added then considered her own comment. “Although, he’s oddly attached to his personal possessions. Kind of spoiled that way.”

  “So which one will it be? Monroe or Beck?”

  “I don’t know,” Tonya announced. “I think it’ll be fun letting fate decide. Shall we get to know our captures?”

  “Sure, why not,” Lee announced with a bored sigh.

  They headed down the opens stairs and into the lobby. As they approached, the five men immediately broke up their meeting. Ross was the first to engage them. He offered a pleasant smile and made them feel comfortable among the intimidating men.

  “I trust your quarters are suitable,” Ross announced to both women.

  “They’re fine,” Lee replied and returned the smile.

  “We were hoping someone would show us around our prison away from home,” Tonya announced teasingly, although only Zack seemed humored. She then looked at Beck and smiled sweetly. “Since this is your home, we thought maybe you’d want to give us the tour personally.”

  Beck seemed unusually tense by Tonya’s seductive grin but managed a weak smile. “Uh, yeah, sure.”


  Gil slowly woke and attempted to focus on the bland, dimly lit room. The German shepherd dog stared into his face and snarled softly while exposing sharp teeth. Gil slowly lifted his head and looked around what was clearly a room within the basement, although its resemblance to an interrogation room was uncanny. He immediately pulled on the handcuffs wrapped around the arm of the heavy chair. Jericho stood from where he sat on an old desk toward the opposite side of the room. He casually approached Gil and grinned.

  “I see you’re awake,” Jericho announced. “I was worried I’d killed you for a minute there.”

  “I appreciate your concern,” Gil replied dryly.

  “Let’s skip the pleasantries,” Jericho snapped. “Who are you and what are you doing here?

  “I’m with the landscapers,” Gil announced.

  “I prefer if you don’t lie to me,” he said sternly. “There are five landscapers. Five signed in, and five signed out. Are you with the police?”

  “Did you find a badge or a gun?”


  “Then I’m not with the police.”

  Jericho grinned and nodded. “Oh, so you want to play that way,” he replied. “Well, I’d love to stay and chat with you all evening, but I have other plans. We can continue this conversation in the morning. Until then, feel free to scream your head off. No one will hear you, and even if they did, they wouldn’t care. Have a nice night.” Jericho looked at the dog. “Darth,” he announced and then spoke in German.

  The dog stared at Gil and snarled.

  “Don’t worry; Darth will keep you company,” Jericho announced then grinned. “I, uh, wouldn’t make any sudden movements…or any movements for that matter. He’s hungry, and it wouldn’t take much for him to tear your leg off.”

  Jericho left the room, locking the door behind him. The dog stared at Gil and continued to snarl. Gil studied the dog.

  “Darth, huh?”

  The dog snarled viciously.

  “Is that mean man starving you, so you’ll obey him?” he asked in a coddling tone.

  Gil tilted his head, stared back at the dog with soulful eyes, and whimpered softly. Darth tilted his head and listened to the sound Gil made.

  “I’ll bet you’d love something to eat,” Gil baby-talked the dog. “Puppy want something to eat?”

  Darth again tilted his head while staring at Gil. Gil said something in German. The dog suddenly leaped to his feet and licked his muzzle. He said something else in German and stuck out his booted foot. The dog grabbed his boot by the heel and tugged on it. Gil continued to repeat the word. The dog tugged harder until the boot came off. He pulled the boot closer to him with his foot and repeated the command to the dog. Darth grabbed Gil’s foot, causing him to cry out.


  The dog pulled his sock off.

  “Good boy.”

  Gil used his toe to pull a thin piece of metal from his boot liner, although it took a little effort. He held it up between his toes, and raised it to his awaiting, cuffed hand. He began working on the handcuff lock and looked at the curious dog. He said something in German. The dog barked excitedly. Gil laughed softly.

  “Such a good boy!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Despite only being a little before ten o’clock that evening, Lee was still exhausted from last night and their long morning. Eluding Mac, witnessing Monroe’s house blowing up, and several hours of flying and lengthy car rides up treacherous canyon passes had taken its toll on her. Several of the guys had called it a day, being most were up before dawn themselves, leaving Lee and Tonya comfortably seated in the lobby with Beck, Zack, and Bogart. Tonya was attempting to flirt with Beck, but Bogart seemed to be an interested party and continually thwarted her plans by asserting himself into the conversation. Beck was clearly annoyed with the interloper; although Lee didn’t think it was over the battle for Tonya’s affections. On the contrary, Lee was fairly certain Beck had little interest in her friend. Although outwardly friendly, he seemed to be keeping his emotions in check around them. Was he just maintaining a certain level of professionalism? Or was he hiding a dark, mysterious past? Perhaps some woman had broken his heart many years ago.

  Lee knew Tonya would never forgive her if she didn’t stay up and create a buffer between her and Bogart. Eventually, Tonya would have to give up her sexual quest for Beck. Zack, on the other hand, was a mystery all to himself. He sat comfortably in an overstuffed chair while sipping tea from a delicate china cup. He held the teacup daintily in one hand and the saucer in the other. He seemed interested in the current conversation. Zack projected a regal, gentlemanly appearance, yet Lee somehow doubted he was much of a gentleman. His earlier actions and an uncomfortable five-hour drive to the lodge seated alongside him told her there was something creepy about the mousy looking man. He certainly wasn’t much to look at. Physically, he was much shorter than the other guys were and certainly built less muscular. She wondered what he offered to their group. Was he some sort of computer genius?

  The fact that Zack hadn’t spoken much since dinner successfully freaked Lee. He reminded her of a serial killer rather than a Navy SEAL, not that she’d met any Navy SEALs prior to meeting Monroe. She actually found it difficult to believe Monroe had been a Navy SEAL as well, let alone someone non-impressive like Zack. Zack finally leaned forward and set down his delicate teacup and saucer on the coffee table.

  “You know,” Zack finally announced, startling everyone by finally speaking, and looked at Tonya. “It would probably speed things along if you just conveyed your interest in fornication so Beck can turn you down and be done with it.”

  All eyes were on Zack. Lee and Tonya stared at him with their mouths hanging open, while Beck and Bogart appeared mildly embarrassed by the unfiltered comment. Beck placed his hand over his eyes and groaned softly.

  “Or, if you’d like to make it more entertaining for those of us watching this train wreck, you could simply throw yourself at him, so that the rest of us will have something interesting to think about in the shower.”

  “Enough, Zack,” Beck finally growled while glaring at him with disapproval.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Tonya suddenly lashed out at Zack with horror and embarrassment clearly on her reddened face as she bolted up from her seat near Lee.

  He stared back at her with an innocent look and appeared almost offended. “Not a damned thing, my dear. I’ve just never seen a ship take so long to sink before. Had you been paying attention, you’d realize Beck hasn’t shown any interest in your flirtatious exploits, but Bogart has been writhing in his seat prepared to pounce since you sat down and batted your lashes.”

  “You’re disgusting!” Tonya practically shouted.

  “Can we not wake Ross,” Beck muttered softly and gently rubbed his temple while casting stray looks between the irate Tonya and Zack.

  “I’m not disgusting,” Zack announced calmly and with little reaction to her outburst. “I’m merely stating the obvious. Beck, although not entirely opposed to meaningless sex, has grown out of that phase of his life, unlike Bogart, who seems eager to take you on his magic carpet ride.”

  Lee stared at Zack, almost wondering if he was for real. If it hadn’t been so degrading to her friend, she would have found his comment slightly humorous.

  “I’m sorry,” Beck announced to Lee and Tonya as he fidgeted and shook his head. “I’m afraid Zack has seen a lot of action over the years. The filter between his brain and mouth stopped working a long time ago.”

  Zack glared at Beck and appeared irritated. “Did I say something that wasn’t true?”

  “That’s not the point, Zack,” Beck nearly shouted them smiled meekly and attempted to remain calm. “That’s not how you talk in front of mixed company.”

  “So you’re saying I should just be quiet and die a slow, painful death waiting for one of you to put an end to her pointless flirting?” Zack demanded.

  “I don’t need to take this,” Tonya bellowed out. “I’m going to bed!”

  Tonya stormed for the stairs. Bogart turned on the loveseat and watched her walk away, clearly disappointed at the loss.

  “I don’t share any of Zack’s crude comments,” Bogart called after her. He now resembled a mutt in heat. “Can’t we at least discuss this?”

  She stopped near the stairs, glared at Bogart with a look of annoyance, and then groaned.

  “Fine,” Tonya scoffed then headed up the steps.

  Bogart appeared surprised by her response. He dove over the back of the loveseat and hurried after her. Beck shook his head, sank into his seat, and attempted a weak smile at Lee.

  “I’m really sorry,” Beck announced and gave a slight nod to Zack. “Zack operates out of his ow
n world.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with my world,” Zack responded hotly to his friend.

  “No, you’re just scaring the straights,” Beck snapped. He groaned and stood. “I’m going to bed. Don’t destroy the place, okay?” He then turned to Lee. “Would you like me to walk you to your room?”

  Lee gave a slight nod, indicating Zack in the nearby chair. “Is he dangerous?”

  Beck eyed Zack and appeared to hesitate, taking a little too long to consider the comment before responding. Zack stared at Beck and grinned in response. It was hard to tell what devious thoughts were circulating in his demented mind. Beck looked back at Lee and slowly shook his head.

  “Nah, not to you,” Beck replied. “He’s just demented in a mad genius sort of way.”

  “In that case, I think I’d like to give Tonya and Bogart a head start before I go to my room,” Lee announced then cringed at the thought. “I don’t know if the walls are soundproof, and I certainly don’t need to hear them going at it.”

  “Yeah, I understand,” Beck replied while holding back his chuckle. “Shout if you need anything.” He then hesitated and gave her a stern, serious look. “Just remember, the louder your scream, the more guns you’ll see.”

  She hid her smile, nodded, and watched Beck head for the steps. Lee suddenly felt uncomfortable as if she were being watched. She uncertainly turned her head and realized Zack was staring at her from where he sat casually reclined in his chair.

  “I’m not demented,” he scoffed.

  “Maybe not,” she replied simply, “but you’re a long way from normal.”

  There was an awkward silence, and she immediately cursed herself for making the comment aloud. It probably wasn’t wise to offend the man, especially while alone with him.

  “I’ll give you that,” he replied simply, surprising her. “But in my defense, I did nearly die six times.”

  Stunned by his admission, Lee suddenly proclaimed, “That’s terrible!”

  “Add that to the four times I actually did die--” He grinned and chuckled softly. “Let’s just say there’s a lot of wiggle room for fuck-ups.”


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