Home > Other > GET LUCKY: GODS OF CHAOS MC (BOOK NINE) > Page 10

by Honey Palomino



  They say the strength of a man is measured by his character.

  By that way of thinking, I must have the character of a temple of monks, because walking away from Lucky, and that kiss, took the strength of an army of men. With a pounding heart, I walked out of Bungalow 5 and closed the door behind me, full of instant regret and sporting a massive erection once again.

  Blade stood guard, throwing a furrowed-brow glance my way as I threw my backpack at his feet.

  “You okay, brother?”

  “Not really,” I sighed.

  “Thought you were crashing with Lucky tonight.”

  “I was going to crash on her couch, but even that is proving to be too much of a challenge. I’m weak, man. So fucking weak.”

  “You want me to go in there?” he asked.

  “No, she’s fine. Stay here with me.”

  He nodded and sat down on a nearby bench, staying quiet for a few moments before he finally spoke up.

  “So, what’s the problem exactly? She likes you, right?”


  “And you like her, right?”


  “And yet, you’re out here, and she’s in there alone?”

  “Blade, you are an expert at stating the obvious.”

  “I’m just saying, man, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why fight it if you’re attracted to each other?”

  “Because I’m here to do a job. Not get laid.”

  “Seems to me, at least by the way you two look at each other, that this is about a lot more than just getting laid.”


  “I’m a hopeless romantic, did you know that?” he asked.

  I laughed and shook my head, “No, I did not.”

  “It’s true. But I don’t think just anyone can fall in love with each other. I think it’s a sort of magic, you know? Kismet!”


  “Yeah, you know. Synchronicity. Fate,” he insisted. “Everything happens for a reason, whether you know it or not. You met Lucky because she needed you, she needed us. Someone up there knew it.”

  “Up where?” I asked. “Dude, are you getting religious on me?”

  “No, not at all,” he said. “I mean, whoever’s in charge of this kind of thing. Cupid, The Universe, Mother Nature. Somebody wanted you two to spend some time together and look at what’s happened. You’re all twisted in knots over this woman.”

  “I am not.”


  “Fine, you’re right,” I admitted. “But I promised Ryder I’d follow the fucking rules. And she’s not making it any easier. I keep slipping up, kissing her, and then it makes it even harder to resist her. Being on the bus together was difficult enough, but the thought of spending the whole night in a hotel room with her is something I don’t know if I can resist the entire night.”

  “So, don’t resist.”


  “Give her everything she wants. Make her feel good. Doesn’t she deserve that? Shit, seems like the woman’s already gone through hell and back. And isn’t that our job, really? To make them feel safe? To help them heal? In addition to keeping them safe?”

  “I’m not sure about that, but it sounds good to me,” I chuckled. “You wanna try your hand at convincing Ryder that sexual healing is included in our services?”

  He shrugged, “Not to be disloyal or anything, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

  “You aren’t helping,” I said.

  “Sure, I am,” he said. “Dude, go back in there. Give the woman what she needs to get through the night. Be a man.”

  “You’re telling me to man up?” I asked, lifting a brow. “That’s brave.”

  “All I did was tell you exactly what you needed to hear.”

  “Shit,” I said, running a hand through my hair and sighing an exasperated sigh.

  “You better hurry your ass up before she goes to sleep and you miss your opportunity at being a healer,” he said, laughing at his own joke.

  “You tell anyone about this, Blade, and I swear —.”

  “— Just fucking go, dude. My lips are sealed.”

  I stood up and took a deep breath, my cock still standing at firm attention.

  “Have a good night, brother,” I said, heading for her door. “And thanks, man.”

  “My pleasure, man,” he said.

  “No, trust me, the pleasure is all mine,” I said, laughing as I walked away.



  The knock on the door startled me, causing my heart to skip a beat as I stared at it, frozen in place on the couch. Cautiously, I stood up and slowly walked over, tentatively looking through the peep hole.

  Ziggy stood there with a sheepish grin on his face.

  He came back, I thought, my heart swelling.

  I flung open the door and without a word, he walked in, slammed the door behind him, and wrapped me in his arms, his lips finding his way to mine and igniting the flame all over again.

  The passion flowing from him was white-hot, leaving me trembling like a leaf on a tree, my knees weak as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down, scooping me up and carrying me to the bedroom, his lips glued to mine in a frenzied, chaotic dance of sensual determination.

  Relief flooded my brain as I realized I was going to get exactly what I wanted — another night in this beautiful man’s arms.

  He placed me on my feet in front of him at the edge of the bed, his eyes a storm of lust and passion that I couldn’t look away from. Reaching down, he pulled my blouse over my head. I hadn’t put on a bra after my show, opting for a simple tee and jeans, and he gasped as my breasts came into view. I smiled as he gazed at them, leaning down and engulfing a nipple in his mouth, his lips hot against my skin. My fingers sunk into his soft hair, pulling his mouth closer. His tongue trailed around it, my body shivering.

  With ample fingers, he unzipped my jeans, falling to his knees as he slipped them over my hips. My stomach fluttered with anticipation. My panties came next, swiftly pulled down and wiggled over my thighs, disappearing in a flash of wispy crimson.

  His mouth brushed against the tender skin of my hips, lightly trailing kisses down the front of my thighs and then back up again, leaving me breathless, my knees weak. I sank back onto the bed, his kisses moving back up my thighs and hips, falling on my belly and sliding up my body until he’d found my lips again, his weight deliciously pressed me down as I whimpered below him, tugging at his clothes. He pulled his shirt over his head quickly, pulling me against him again as he kissed me deeply, his bare skin lusciously caressing mine as I arched my back against him.

  Desperate to feel every inch of his skin, I grasped at the buttons of his Levi’s until they gave way, allowing me to push them off. In seconds, we were naked together at last, our bodies tangled together, writhing in a synchronized dance of lustful desire.

  He pulled his hips back slightly, my thighs falling open as he sank inside of me, every hard inch of him smoothly gliding inside, giving me everything I’d so desperately needed.

  I melted below him, allowing him to do all the work for a moment as I submerged myself in the pleasure of his powerful thrusts, losing all sense of time and space, rising into a heightened awareness of every tiny movement of his body, every twitch of his hard cock, every throbbing slide, every caress of his hands as he held me tightly, every press of his lips against mine, every taste of his tongue.

  For hours, we lost ourselves in each other. His skin became mine, my breath became his, our cries of pleasure mingled together, the melody of our love echoing off the walls, etching a tune in our hearts that would play inside of us forever.



  Walking out of Lucky’s bungalow, I expected to see Blade waiting for me. And Blade was there, but so were the rest of the Gods, with Ryder standing up front, his face a study in disappointment.

  I walked up slo
wly, contemplating what excuse I’d give. What came out of my mouth surprised even me.

  “I’m not going to lie, brother. I won’t make excuses either.”

  “I can respect that, Ziggy, but you’re still breaking the rules.”

  “Isn’t that what rules were made for?” Slade asked, piping up with his smart ass comment, as usual. Ryder glared over at him and he shut-up promptly.

  “I can’t help it. I tried,” I said. “I’m not sorry, either.”

  “Sounds like you’re getting in deeper,” Riot said. “Just be careful, man. We all understand.”

  “You do?” I asked.

  “Yeah, man,” Ryder nodded. “It’s happened to the best of us. Just don’t fuck up. Don’t let your dick cloud your head.”

  “I’m starting to think it’s about a lot more than my dick,” I said, and it was so true. I’d woken up with Lucky in my arms, feeling like I’d finally found something I didn’t even know I was looking for.

  “By that puppy dog look on your face, I’d say so,” Riot quipped.

  “Boys got it bad!” Slade teased, his grin returning. “Who can blame him? Lucky’s the whole package. Looks, talent, tight ass —.”

  “— Shut the hell up!” I barked. The Gods burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but join in.

  “This boy ain’t gonna make any mistakes,” he said. “He ain’t gonna let anyone talk about the woman, let alone get close to her.”

  “Damn fucking straight,” I growled. They laughed again but I didn’t care. Let them laugh. Let them fall on the ground making fun of me. Whatever this was, whatever this was becoming, it was real and it was strong.

  I didn’t give a damn what anyone thought.

  Except for Lucky. I definitely cared what she thought and to be honest, at this point, that’s all that mattered. Sure, I was supposed to be impressing the Gods with my professionalism and skills, and maybe this was putting me at a disadvantage in that area, but I was so far gone now there wasn’t any going back.

  Lucky had me.

  She’d gotten under my skin, she’d wormed her way into my heart.

  “So, what’s on the agenda today?” Slade asked.

  “She’ll be up soon,” I said. “We’ll meet for breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then we’re back in the bus headed to Vegas for two nights of shows and a record signing event.”

  “Fuckin’ love Vegas, man,” Wreck said. “The fuckin’ lights, the nightlife, the gambling —.”

  “— the titties!” Slade crowed.

  “Yeah, those too,” Wreck agreed, hitting him on the back.

  “The only titties you two are going to see are your own,” Ryder said. “Just because we haven’t had any more trouble, doesn’t mean we won’t. You’ll remain professional and do your jobs until I say otherwise.”

  “You mean, till you say titties?” Slade joked, peeling with laughter

  “Shut the hell up, Slade,” Ryder said, shaking his head and suppressing a smile.

  “Yes, boss,” Slade replied, winking at him.

  “Alright, so I’ll see you in a few minutes?” I said, just as Becky walked around the corner. Stiffly, she walked past us, her head held high in the air as we all grew quiet and watched her walk to the door of Lucky’s bungalow.

  “Hello,” she said, her voice tight and polite.

  “Hey there,” Slade said, eyeing her up and down. “Looking good, ma’am.”

  She turned to him with flashing, angry eyes, her words snapping out of her mouth like she was shooting them out of a pistol.

  “I didn’t ask you to comment on my appearance,” she barked. “It’s the year 2018, don’t you realize catcalling women isn’t appropriate?”

  Slade stood stoically listening to her rage, nodding slowly.

  “I’m so sorry, ma’am,” he said. “Honestly, I meant no disrespect.”

  “And don’t call me ma’am!” she cried. “My name is Becky! Becky, dammit! I’m not a sex object! I’m not a ma’am.”

  “I’m confused, Becky, I didn’t realize calling you ma’am was a bad thing.”

  “Why do you have to call me anything? Why are you even talking to me?” she cried.

  With wide eyes, he raised his hands and took a step back.

  “Excuse me, ma— I mean, Becky,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m just a man, responding to the beauty of a woman in my path, no harm intended.”

  “Beauty?” she asked, her mouth dropping. “I — well, I — never mind! Just, just leave me alone!” She stormed off, a blush creeping up her cheeks, her face flustered. She knocked on Lucky’s door and waited without looking back as we all traded bewildered glances with each other. Finally, Lucky opened the door and let her in and when the door closed behind them, we all let out a communal sigh.

  “What the hell was that?” Slade asked, bursting out laughing.

  “I think you need to brush up on your PC skills, dude,” Riot chuckled.

  “I guess so,” Slade replied. “I’ll just be over in the corner keeping my mouth shut from now on.”

  “Brother, I’ve been waiting to hear you say that for years,” Riot said, with a teasing smile.

  “Oh, fuck off,” Slade said, shaking his head and walking towards the elevator. “After that, I need food. Let’s get the hell out of here. There’s gotta be some fucking bacon around here somewhere.”

  “I’m going back inside,” I said. “See y’all down there.”

  “Dude, watch out for Becky,” Slade said. “She’s a man-eater.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll do that,” I said, watching them disappear around the corner. I turned back to the door and couldn’t help but smile. There was never a dull moment with those guys around.

  My hand fell on the doorknob as I heard Becky and Lucky talking. I froze when I heard my name.

  “Ziggy’s a good guy, Becky,” Lucky said.

  “Lucky, come on,” Becky replied. “Listen, the record label said they’ll increase the funding for security. We can hire the best in the business now. It’s too dangerous to risk using such amateurs.”


  I bristled at her words. We’re a far cry from amateurs.

  “I said no, Becky,” Lucky replied, my heart swelling at her insistence.

  “Lucky, you and I both know you’re only doing this because you’re banging him.”

  “Becky, did you just use the word ‘banging’?” Lucky laughed.

  “Bopping, pounding, knocking boots, whatever,” Becky said.

  “It’s called fucking, Becky, say it!” Lucky insisted.

  “That’s not necessary,” she bristled.

  “Come on, Becky, I want to hear you say it,” Lucky said.

  “No, Lucky! You know I don’t curse.”

  “Well, maybe you need to loosen up a little,” she said. “Relax your boundaries. It might do you good. You should make friends with the Gods. You might even get laid yourself.”

  “What!” she cried. “Look, can we get back to my point? You can still go slumming with the bikers, even if we have a top-notch security team.”

  I heard the slap through the door. Then a gasp. Then footsteps running towards me. The door flung open and I jumped to the side to let Becky run past, tears filling her eyes, her hand holding her reddening cheek.

  I walked in the room and closed the door behind me. I found Lucky sitting in the garden, her head in her hands.

  “Babe?” I called.

  She looked up and shook her head.

  “I’m a terrible person,” she said. “I slapped Becky. Becky! What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Sounded like she was being pretty hard on you,” I said.

  She groaned, “You heard all that?”

  “Some of it,” I admitted.

  “Well, she didn’t deserve that, even if she pissed me off.”

  I sat down next to her and took her hand in mine, turning it over until her palm was facing up. Running my thumb along the lines, I looked up at her with a sh
eepish smile.

  “You were defending my honor,” I said. “Thanks for that. I don’t think anyone’s ever done that before.”

  “Oh, shut up, I’m not some knight in shining armor.”

  I laughed and trailed my eyes over her body. She was still in her pajamas, the ones she’d put on after we’d spent most of the morning making love.

  “No, you’re a rockstar in pajamas,” I said, brushing my lips against hers. “But still just as hot.”

  I pushed her back on the lounger, and kissed her again, tugging at the fabric keeping me away from her skin.

  “We’re supposed to go to breakfast,” she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips. “And then we have to get on the bus!”

  “That’s right,” I said, pulling off her pajama pants and diving between her legs. “And, I’m starved.”



  As the biker’s head disappeared between Lucky’s legs, my rage increased. Each time he touched her, the urge to kill him intensified.

  I’d killed once for her. I can do it again.

  Her moans made me cringe.

  I used to make her moan like that.

  I used to make her head fall back in ecstasy.

  That was my body he was fucking.

  Disgusted, I turned off my phone and shoved it in the front pocket of the hotel uniform I was wearing. I’d put on a black wig and a pair of thick spectacles, and thanks to the laundry room door being unlocked in the basement of the hotel, it was easy to grab a uniform and blend in as an employee of the hotel restaurant.

  Most of the Gods were already seated at a big round table in the middle of the room, raucously joking with each other like they were on vacation. It was pathetic really. What kind of security were they providing?

  Sure, they had to eat. But if I was still in charge, they’d do that on a revolving schedule, ensuring Lucky was never left alone.

  She’s not alone now, my mind reminded me, making my stomach churn once more.

  I grabbed a coffee pot and walked around them, refilling their cups slowly while I listened in on their conversation. I was delighted to hear they were talking about me.


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