Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2)

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Congregation Of Darkness (Full Moon Series Book 2) Page 23

by P. Mattern

  But the dreams still troubled him at night. In them, faces from his past floated up calling his name-his parents, his blond girlfriend in her cheerleader uniform, his younger brothers that had looked up to him. Balik had mentioned to him that the pack might someday be ordered to hunt a few of his former friends and take them as his hybrid brothers into the pack as well. Briar had no feelings about that prospect one way or another. When it came to turning them ,he would certainly do his part.


  Lux and Pierre were enjoying a very lazy Sunday morning. While Lux slept in Pierre had grabbed croissants ,cheese, fruit, fancy coffees and a local Sunday paper from the corner deli. Lately the two men had been all but inseparable, and the times when their work schedules kept them apart (which happened fairly frequently) had become almost unbearable.

  As both men lounged on Pierre’s mammoth Japanese style bed, eating brunch from a tray, Pierre commented, ”Lux you are over here nearly every day… have you thought of just moving in? “

  Lux paused to swallow the rest of the croissant he was chewing and chased it with a sip of exotic black coffee.

  “Yes, but I was waiting to be invited, of course. I wouldn’t presume anything, I mean, personal space is a sacred thing, right?”

  Pierre leaned closer toward Lux, marveling at the perfection he saw in Lux’s face and body. Lux’s strange paleness actually added to his ethereal beauty. He was, in Pierre’s opinion, as beautiful as a Michaelangelo marble sculpture-perhaps more beautiful... yet unmistakably male. Having Lux around was like getting to enjoy an angelic being that had somehow flown off course and fortuitously ended up on the earthly plane…his presence made Pierre feel completely happy. And so he said what he was thinking aloud.”Your presence makes me insanely happy. I didn’t think I HAD to ask-but since you feel you must wait for an invitation…Lux, my love, will you deign to stay with me? Mi casa su casa.I mean it.”

  Lux studied Pierres imploring face seriously and then broke into smiles.

  “This is bad,” he replied. ”I just can’t get serious when I talk to you, I’m so happy.” He followed his pronouncement with a sign. ”There are many things we don’t know about each other. Though it feels as if we’ve known each other forever, its really been a relatively short time…”

  “Don’t care about that, ”Pierre said.”If you have any questions, feel free to ask, Lux. My life is an open book for your perusal.”

  “Okay, ”Lux replied, tearing into another croissant and biting seductively and purposefully into a strawberry all the while gazing into the eyes of his love.”Tell me my friend, what is your deepest and darkest secret? Seriously.”

  Pierre’s lighthearted mood toned down in an instant and he lowered his eyes, then raised them back to Lux’s.

  “I’ve never told anyone about this, Lux. But you deserve to know everything about me ,so here goes.” Pierre studied the bedspread ,scatting away croissant crumbs with his hand,his auburn hair hanging over his face.

  “Whatever it is,” Lux said, noting Pierre’s reluctance.”I wasn’t trying to put you on the spot. You don’t have to talk about it today…and ruin the mood…or ruin my chances of getting laid after breakfast …” he joked.

  Pierre laughed.”Okay,now I’m even MORE determined to tell you. I knew medical school would be expensive. And I was determined to do it debt free…and an opportunity came up to sell drugs for money…and that’s what I did. For about a year and a half.”

  When Pierre finished his confession he looked again uncertainly into Lux’s eyes, and in spite of Pierre’s man-up, matter of fact rendition Lux found that he could read many emotions in Pierres face: hurt that he had compromised himself even to reach a lofty goal ,anxiety that Lux would reject him because of that, and beyond those a silent ,heartfelt pleading that Lux would continue to love him anyway.

  Lux’s heart opened like a lotus blossom toward his lover.

  “We’ve ALL done things we aren’t proud of, Pierre. I know it took at lot for you to tell me that .and if that’s the worst-well ,I’m still here. And I don’t think any less of you. And I will BE here. And YES,I want to move in with you!”

  Lux surprised Pierre by acrobatically jumping over him and pulling him from behind over the side of the low bed and down onto the carpeting, all so adroitly that not a drop of any of the repast on the tray was spilled or disturbed.

  With a huge sense of relief Pierre welcomed Lux’s eager lips onto his own and thrilled at the feel of Lux’s silky blonde hair against his skin. ‘So this is love’ ,he thought. An emotional welcoming and acceptance that transcended any history that had gone before.’

  “I am so in love with you,” he whispered, as Lux’s lips began travelling downward to their ultimate and fervently desired destination. But before they could complete their trajectory, Pierre had a question for his lover.

  Pulling Lux’s face up so that Lux’s blue eyes would meet his own he asked,

  “So now it’s your turn, Lux my angel-what is YOUR deepest and darkest secret?”


  A few days passed quietly. Charley had decided to seek Lux out for personal advice-but, slyly ,had begun the conversation with questions of a general nature.

  “Lux, ”he began, ”What causes a human to be turned exactly? Is it the venom, or the vampire saliva ,or the duration of the bite? How is it that that some one-bittens never ‘turn’?

  Lux jumped into the conversation enthusiastically pulling a hefty volume down from a high bookshelf at the cottage by standing on a library ladder. Taking a handkerchief from one of his pant’s pockets he lovingly removed the trace of dust from the top of the book. The title embossed in large, burnished golden print on the book’s spine was “The Reverendum.”

  “Wow, Isn’t that the book you wrote?” asked Charley.

  Lux got a fond and faraway look on his face as he gazed down upon the leather bound volume.

  “Yeah. It contains most of the information a new vampire would need for starters-and all in one place… sort of a guide, if you will, for responsible vampirism. It was actually on the V-net bestseller list for 16 weeks.” He opened it reverently and flipped carefully through a number of pages.

  “Here, read this, ”he said ,handing it to Charley. It’s not an exact science, due to variations in both individual chemistries and propensities-but it’s the best of what we know about “turning’ to date.”

  Charley looked through the section and quickly noted that the chapter was rather lengthy.

  Looking up at Lux he pleaded,”Can’t you just give me a synopsis?”

  sighed.”Really, Charley? Really? Okay ,here it is in a nutshell: depending on your personal chemistry, one bite will turn a human roughly 70% of the time. If a human is not bitten again, any of the enhanced abilities, including having an increase in energy and stamina, will fade completely within a period of 6-18 months. Several exceptions have been noted-one has to do with humans who have some degree of brain damage-I believe you yourself were a member of that particular club, Charley. Usually the changes are more sudden onset and dramatic, because the vampire venom is genetically designed to target and ‘heal’ injuries-even neurological ones. The longer the ‘injury ‘ or abnormality had existed, the more ferociously the vampire DNA works to heal it ,often overcompensating by ‘superhealing’ it . This is why a so-called ‘normal’ human who is turned may become a gifted vampire, without necessarily becoming an intellectual giant. And why a human that had suffered with decreased brain capacity due to damage of some kind might become the next Einstein.”

  Charley seemed to take this information into consideration for a few moments then asked bluntly, in typical Charley Rabbit fashion, ”Lux ,have you ever turned anyone?”

  Lux looked at Charley somewhat speculatively, as if trying to discern Charley’s motive for asking the question. Placing a hand
on Charley’s shoulder ,Lux answered, ”I’ll be glad to share my personal history-and by the way , a vampire’s history as far as being bitten or biting is considered WAY more personal than a sexual history is to a human…it’s a cultural thing. You and I know each other as buds ,but please never ask any vampire you don’t know well about their past in that respect. To most vamps that would be seen as ignorant, if not downright insulting behavior. Capice?”

  Charley nodded.

  But before I do that ,inquiring minds want to know ,my young friend-WHO EXACTLY have YOU been biting lately?”

  Charley looked so taken offguard that Lux had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at him. “It must, ”Lux reflected” ,be disappointing to be busted just at the moment you thought you were being so skillful and slick.”. In a way he felt sorry for Charley and couldn’t wait for Charley’s response ,which at the moment seemed to be a lot of flushing and stammering .

  “I-I-…Lux how did you come to that conclusion?” Charley asked defensively.

  Lux adopted a calm tone.

  “Charley I know you pretty well, and you have a keen analytical mind and it’s no secret to any of us that you’ve been in a quasi-tailspin since you and Fress broke up. Also, given your past disadvantages you’ve had a lot of catching up to do developmentally. But because your body can’t seem to keep up with your mind you’ve been making a few mistakes…am I on the right track so far?”

  His head down ,although his eyes were darting up to make contact with Lux’s intermittently, Charley nodded.

  Lux continued, ”I found it odd that you were coming to me rather than Cass lately for answers to your questions ,but when I thought about it I understood. Cass’s relationship with your mom still bothers you a bit, and that’s understandable. I think that there’s another component involved that has to do with accountability though. Cass loves you but he always holds your feet to the fire when you mess up…and I guess that you were figuring I’m rather a pushover?”

  Charley immediately responded, ”No Lux, I really don’t see you that way. But you may be right in a sense-Cass has kind of adopted a parental tone with me that I don’t appreciate. And well, okay, I didn’t think you’d be prescient enough to discern what’s been happening with me lately. You’re right about the biting-I bit a human girl and I’ve been worried sick about it ever since. It would be so wrong for me to turn anyone. I’m not ready to take responsibility for anyone else, I’m still finding my own way in all this. “

  Lux was still looking at him with a raised eyebrow, so Charley added,

  “I should have come clean from the get go. Sorry man. sincerest apologies, really.”

  Lux gave Charley a one armed hug.

  “Look you-I want you to know that this conversation will remain just between us, and I want you to feel that you can come to me about anything in confidence. But if you think I won’t hold you to an honorable code of behavior, you’re dead wrong. I’ve been there, had those cravings, and learned to control them and to find alternatives. How we, as V-net members conduct ourselves among humans in this world is important and preserves an ecological and moral balance that might otherwise descend into chaos. As you know, Fress, Cass and I have actually had experience surviving in a chaotic, disorganized world. Believe me ,Charley…you don’t want to be any part of that.

  “To V-net vamps, humans are just as sacred as cows are in India. As they are ,so we were…once. They are a part of the natural, constantly evolving life on this planet. We see ourselves as life enhancers, not instruments of destruction.”

  Soberly Charley nodded.

  “I really DO want to be part of what you just described. And I will come to you with questions. My head is spinning lately, it’s like I want to do everything at once,KNOW everything at once. Can you get me a copy of the Reverendum? It’s rather a ponderous tome but I would like to read it.”

  Lux seemed delighted and flattered.

  “Sure will. A nice one. Any vamp that takes that book seriously will be operating in the best interests of both humanity and Vampiredom.”

  And since Charley seemed to be in receptive mood, Lux added,”By the way, how are you dealing with your mom expecting? A little weird for you, I’m guessing.”

  Charley gave Lux a resigned look.

  “You have NO idea, dude. Never saw that one coming. But as time goes on I’m getting used to the idea-actually even a little excited. I never saw myself as a big brother…yet another reason to get my act together. I want to be a good role model.

  And Cass owes me BIG time for all the comments I HAVEN’T made ,believe me!”

  Throwing back his head,Lux laughed, then said, ”Well, I’m proud of you Charley-that makes you the better man.”

  Charley smiled ,then commented, ”Okay while we’re answering hard questions, can I ask one about your new love interest-what’s his name-Pierre?”

  Lux was quick to respond.

  “Sure. I thought you’d never ask. Fire away.”

  “Was this just something that happened? Or have you always really been same sex oriented?” Charley responded. Lux sighed before he answered.

  “Charley to tell you the truth I never saw it coming-our relationship-the one I share with Pierre, is a total surprise to me as well. And a pleasant one .He makes me happy when I’m with him. And apparently I make him happier being in his life as well. This experience has shown me that love has no gender and sexuality can be very fluid. I choose to be with Pierre . I can’t wait for you to meet him ,he’s very accomplished.”

  Charley said, ”Thank you for the update. Although I am currently fixated on females to a degrading degree I can believe that some love attractions can transcend both form and gender. I mean humans hook up with vamps ,even werefolk sometimes hook up with vamps, fairies hook up with humans ,dhampirs seem to hook up with nearly everybody-or maybe that’s just Byron…it’s not that big a stretch. And I can’t wait to meet your guy friend.”

  “Great,” Lux responded, then paused for a moment.

  “Let’s quaff a couple beers in the kitchen, then if you have time there is a devoted couple I’d like to introduce you to, Charley. Their names are Jules and Lu and their situation will further expand your perspective and give you something to think about. You up for that?”

  Charley grinned. It felt great to be hanging out with Lux ,and he was happy to be included in a side trip.

  “Sure” ,he answered.”But-will you let me drive this time?”he added, only half- jokingly. He had never altered his opinion that most vamps didn’t drive worth a damn.

  About a half hour later Charley pulled up to a modest home similar to Fress’s cottage but a bit closer to town. Following Lux’s lead he exited the car and followed him up the brick walkway ,with its neatly manicured lawn and picturesque garden borders of spring flowers .Although it was still early in the growing season Charley noted lillies of the valley, violets and primrose surrounding the little white house .

  Nearly as soon as they rang the bell the door popped open and a young man with trendy blonde hair and brown eyes was standing in front of them. Behind him in the foyer a short, much older darkhaired lady was looking around the young man inquisitively.

  “LUX!” they both said at once.”So good to see you my friend!” the petite lady finished, throwing her arms around Lux. Lux responded by lifting her off her feet.

  “Lucinda! Jules! I’d like you to meet Charley Rabbit-I believe you’ve met his mother Mitzi. He’s twice-turned and a brother of mine and Cass’s.”

  Charley found himself being ushered into the charming house by both of the occupants. Lucinda kissed him on both cheeks while Jules shook his hand with welcoming enthusiasm.

  “Of COURSE I’ve met Charley’s wonderful mother-Cass brought her by last week. We are SO excited about the baby .I’ve already bought a shower gift!”Lucinda gushed, taking her guests jackets and hurrying down the hall with them while Jules lead them into the living room.

  After everyone was comfortably s
eated and Lucinda had brought a tray in with tea, a carafe of blood and cookies on a platter, she continued talking.

  “Charley you must call me “Lu”-everyone does. “she turned to Lux “And I guess he is unaware of our status?”

  Lux chuckled, ”I’m assuming.”Turning to Charley he said, ”Charley Lu and Jules are married-to each other .They’ve been married for almost 50 years now.”

  Charley choked a little on the tea he was drinking and looked wide eyed at the couple sitting on the comfortable floral patterned couch across from him. Lu, the woman, seemed to be easily twice the age of her husband. Jules slid an arm around Lu’s waist and said,”Age ain’t nothing but a number.” Making Lux laugh and nudge Charley so that Charley could close his mouth, which had been left hanging partially open in surprise

  “You see, Charley,” he said motioning to the couple,”Jules and Lu have been married for quite awhile. But Jules is a vampire, so he effectively stopped aging at 29. Lu is a human, and has chosen to remain that way. And Jules supports her decision 100%.”

  “Correct” Jules agreed. “ Charley, Lu and I were engaged to be married when I joined the army and went off to fight in the second World War . I was a tail gunner flying missions over Germany when my plane was hit…the pilot managed to save the lot of us by pulling off a miracle landing in a field. We were sheltered by a kindly couple that felt sorry for us even though we were Americans, and they allowed us refuge for a few days, letting us sleep in their barn and feeding us .It turned out to be sort of a mixed blessing for me…because they were vampires. So we were in actuality also feeding THEM as well. Even though we eventually were able to reconnect with our battalion by the time I was shipped home I had been ‘turned. I believe that at least one of my army buddies was bitten as well ,but I’ve never been able to get in contact with him to compare notes. I noticed that I was developing strange abilities ,and that I had ceased to age of course. If it wasn’t for a vamp coworker of mine when the War ended and I was employed as a machinist, I don’t know how I would have ever known. He noticed my…irregularities…and took me to the Vamp doctor in town. The V-net was fairly new back then, not nearly as sophisticated as it eventually would become, but after being told what I was by a practicing physician and my trusted friend ,I had to accept it.


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