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Stripped Page 17

by Harms, C. A.

  When I walked into the kitchen and she looked at me, her smile faded. She stood up from the chair and walked toward the sink. A pissed off Kylie was hot but the cold shoulder from the girl I loved so deeply, well that was hard to swallow.

  I made a choice right then. She was going to listen to what I needed to say whether she wanted to or not. I walked to her and put my arms around her from behind. She tried to pull away, but I held on to her tighter. “God damn it Evan, let go of me.” She tried to pull at my hands to release her.

  “Listen to me…please. Kylie nothing happened with Alexis. She found me on the day I thought you left me. We went for a few drinks and then I drove her back to the office. That was it. I don’t want her Kylie…I want you.” I let her loose and she spun around to face me.

  “So, when things get rough you run to your precious Alex? Is that what I have to look forward to everyday? If I upset you or we have a fight and you leave, I get to worry if you ran to her? She hurt you in a way that you said would never heal, yet you fall back to her every time. I don’t know if I’m willing to risk that heartache every day.”

  There she is…the Kylie that pushes me away. I knew she would show up eventually but I honestly hoped we were getting passed that. I tried to control the anger I had boiling within me. “Kylie, I didn’t run to her. I don’t want Alexis. You don’t have to worry about me running to her now or ever.”

  Kylie was so smug and cold. I hated that side of her. “That’s funny, aren’t we talking about the same Alexis that you fucked on your desk ten minutes after leaving me standing in the lobby of your office?” I looked over toward Emma as she played in front of the television. I didn’t want her to hear any of this.

  When I looked back at Kylie her face was red and her nostrils were flaring. Calmly but with enough cockiness to sting her I spoke clearly. “This is coming from the girl who was sleeping with her ex, while she was sleeping with me. I would have to say you have no room to talk.” She took a step toward me and for a moment I thought she was going to slap me.

  Kylie fisted her hands before she screamed at me. “I never slept with Brad, you asshole.”

  I laughed, “Well something was happening between you two.” I turned and grabbed my keys from the counter. I walked toward the door opening it. When I stepped outside I looked back at her and with the sweetest voice I could gather I shattered her a little more. “Hey baby, I forgot to tell you. The man you’re still in love with is at New Beginning’s, it’s a rehabilitation center. You’re on the list of allowed visitors though, so you can run back to the man that left you for drugs. Love ya, babe.” I slammed the door.

  While backing out of the driveway I caught site of Kylie stepping out of the door holding Emma in her arms. She walked right passed the Audi I bought her and got into the rental car. I fought the desire to block her in and beg her for forgiveness. Instead I continued to back out and drove away. An hour later I drove by the parking lot of the rehab center and there sat the rental car. She went to him. My heart sank immediately as I drove passed.

  ~Forty Two~


  Brad cried when he saw Emma and me. We sat across the table with her in my lap as we talked to Brad. I was still so emotional over the fight I had with Evan earlier that my throat continued to burn. I fought against the tears in my eyes threatening to fall.

  “I’m sorry Ky…I failed again. I’m sorry about your car and everything that’s happened.” I blankly looked at Brad as the words escaped me; I didn’t even know what to say to him. I was angry and disgusted. I had so many reasons to be angry at him; my mind couldn’t fathom where to begin.

  “Brad, I’ve never done anything to deserve the way you’ve treated me. You walked away from me when I needed you the most. You walked away from Emma when she needed a daddy. I left my parents for a life you promised me, but you lied. You were weak and you chose drugs over us.” I took a deep breath, “After you left me it took forever for me to let go of you, but I did. I found Evan and I fought it. I fought against him so hard.”

  I quickly wiped the tear that had escaped and was making a slow trail down my cheek. “Brad, I fell in love with Evan. He’s good to me, and to our daughter.” I took another deep breath and looked up into his eyes. “Brad, I need to tell you something…I just found out that I’m pregnant.” I watched as his eyes filled with tears and his lips trembled. I reached out and took his hand in mine. “I need you to get better Brad. Emma needs her daddy to get better. She needs you in her life…because you’re her daddy. You’ll always be her daddy. No one can ever take your place in her life.”

  Now I watched as a tear rolled down his cheek. He nodded his head and licked his lower lip. After a deep breath he looked at Emma and then back to me. He tried to smile the best he could. “I’m happy you found someone to love you Ky. I’m glad he can take of you. I’ll get better…I promise.” He took his hand from mine and touched Emma’s cheek.

  She looked at him, “Daddy.”

  The tears ran heavily from both Brad and I, unable to control our emotions. “That’s right, baby…daddy will get better. I promise you baby girl.” I sat at the table watching Brad retreat through the double doors.

  When I reached the car and placed Emma in her seat, I shut the door and leaned against it sobbing in my hands. Everything was falling apart and I wasn’t sure how to fix it.

  ~Forty Three~


  I drove around town for hours after I saw that Kylie went to Brad at the rehab center. How could we go from being perfectly happy about the new baby to barely being able to look at each other? It happened so fast and I regretted answering Alexis’s call. Kylie never tried to call me, and I never called her. I just drove for hours.

  When I pulled into the driveway at ten thirty the first thing that caught my attention was the lights were all out inside. My stomach knotted at the thought she may have left me for good this time. I opened the front door slowly looking around. When I found her purse sitting in its usual spot I allowed myself to relax a little. I poured myself a drink and made my way down the hall.

  After I found Emma’s bed empty I turned toward my room. The door was just barely open so I pushed it further so I could look in. The light from the hallway highlighted both of them. Emma was snuggled into Kylie and her arm was draped over her securely. Kylie’s hair spilled over the pillow and tumbled around her shoulders. I stood in the opened doorway and watched them sleep.

  My chest tightened when I thought of our earlier fight. I hated that I hurt her. What she said was true, I did run to Alexis. I won’t ever be making that mistake again. I knew she never slept with Brad but I was trying to get back at her. I moved cautiously and quietly into the bedroom. Seeing the chair in the corner beside the bed, I settled in it and watched them sleep.

  The bedroom smelled like Kylie’s hair, and seeing her things scattered around the room made me feel even guiltier about what I said to her. I wanted to crawl in bed behind her and curl her into my arms. Instead I stayed awake watching my girls. I listened to them breathing and occasionally one of them would make a sweet little noise or smack their lips together. At one point Emma mumbled, “mum ma,” then curled closer to Kylie.

  I leaned over close to Kylie and ran my fingers through her hair softly. I didn’t want to wake her but I needed to feel her. I couldn’t lose her to Brad or anyone else. She was who I wanted, who I needed. I refused to let go of her ever again.

  I woke as I felt her drape a blanket over me. Careful not to let her know I was awake I watched through slanted eyes. Kylie knelt down and pulled my shoes off setting them next to the chair. She tucked the blanket around me carefully and when I felt her soft lips touch my forehead I almost caved. My throat burned and I fought against the threatening emotions.

  I watched her crawl back into the bed and curl around Emma. I fought it as long as I could, but when I felt the teardrop run down my cheek I surrendered to the powerful longing to be with her. I rose up from the chair and crawle
d into the bed behind her. I pulled the covers up over me and reached around Kylie placing my arm around her waist and resting my hand under her shirt to protect her stomach. I softly kissed her neck. We said nothing, enjoying in the closeness of each other.

  ~Forty Four~


  “Sarah I really appreciate this. We only should be couple hours; we have some things we need to talk about.” I handed Emma over to her carefully.

  “No Problem toots’. Emma and I are going shopping. She’s gonna help me buy some new, sexy heels. Auntie Sarah has a hot date tonight and I need a new pair of Fu…um ‘Do me’ heels.” She winked at me, “Oops, sorry. But in my defense the guy is sexy and I’m in desperate need of getting me some.” She walked away laughing as she placed Emma in her car seat.

  Evan was still asleep. I felt we needed some time to talk, so Sarah agreed to babysit for a while. Now I just had to wait for him to wake up. I waved goodbye to Sarah as she and Emma backed out down the drive. I went back in to finish my coffee, jumping up onto the countertop so that I was facing the hallway and I waited.

  I was on my second cup of coffee when I saw his shadow in the hallway. Evan emerged from the doorway, shirtless and in only boxers. I deeply inhaled, trying to fight against my attraction to him. The man was too sexy for his own good. He knew it and that made it worse.

  I watched as he ran his hand through his sleep tousled hair. When he saw me he approached slowly. I saw him look around the room slowly. Once he reached me he placed his hands onto the counter on each side of my legs. His body came to rest between my knees. I watched his eyes closely without speaking a word.

  After a moment of just looking at each other he spoke. “Where’s Em?”

  I sat my coffee mug down next to me on the countertop. “Sarah took her for a couple of hours.” I looked into his eyes once again. “I thought we needed to talk. It’s easier if we don’t have to watch what we say.”

  His eyes squinted just a little. “Why? Is what you have to say going to be that bad?”

  I brought my hands up to his shoulders and guided him to come closer. I wrapped my legs around him to hold him in place. “Listen to me…I need to say this.” He nodded his head and I continued. “You were right when you said I love Brad.” I felt him flinch and attempt to pull away. “Evan, you agreed to listen. Don’t jump to conclusions…let me finish.” I placed my hand onto his cheek forcing him to look at me. “I will always love Brad. He was a big part of my life for a short time. In my heart he will never be what he once was. I’m not in love with Brad.” I paused, “Evan, I’m in love with you. You don’t realize the hold you have on me. I want nothing more than to spend every day and every night with you.”

  I watched his face closely hoping for his eyes to soften. I needed him to understand the depth of my love for him. His gaze fell lower but I lifted his head once more. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss onto his lips. “From the moment I first met you, Evan I knew you were amazing. I fought against my feelings for you, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t ignore the fact that you made me feel alive again. Each time I kiss you I give you another little piece of my heart.” I kissed him again. “Evan, I fall in love with you more and more with every day that passes.”

  I rested my forehead against his and without opening my eyes I whispered my next confession. “I know the very moment I fell in love with you. I remember how I felt the moment I realized that you stole my heart. When you kissed me in that bar, the night you gave me the check back, that’s when it happened. I love you so much, only you Evan.”

  His eyes connected with mine. “I want to come home to you every day and fall asleep in your arms every night. I need you so much and I will not let you go. I won’t let you question our love.”

  Evan’s hands slid up my bare thighs. When he brought his lips to mine I soaked it in. Slowly and sweetly he traced my lip with the tip of his tongue before he pulled back. I followed him and he smiled. There it is…I needed to see that smile. My stomach ached for his smile.

  He traced my jaw with his thumb, watching my eyes closely. “Move in with me Kylie. We’ll get a bigger place, but I want you here.” He kissed me before I could answer, as if I needed him to kiss me into submission. I nodded my head as he kissed me again. He smiled within our kiss, whispering against my lips, “Is that a yes?”

  My heart swelled within my chest. I took in a deep breath, “Yes.”

  His hands gripped my hips tightly as he slid me forward and once again his lips crushed to mine. He began his seduction with his skillful tongue. He kissed me breathless and I let my head fall back. When he worked his way down my neck I moaned out loud. I lifted my arms as he slid my t-shirt above my head and dropped it to the floor. When his lips sealed around my nipple I nearly fainted, the feeling of his tongue flipping my hardened nipple was amazing. He traced the curve of my breast and went lower. When he reached my stomach he paused to place a sweet kiss where our baby was growing. I fought the tears that filled my eyes. I smiled down at him and he returned the smile with one that consumed his face.

  The tip of his tongue traced my thigh slowly before he hooked his finger in the waistband of my panties. He slowly slid them off of me. As they fell to the floor he brought his mouth over my clit. The slow sucking motion and the flip of his tongue over my swollen center became too much. I started to squirm but he only held my hips tighter.

  Evan ran his greedy tongue through my folds before slipping it inside of me rolling slowly. When he pulled back he sucked softly.

  My head fell back and I moaned loudly. We were alone and I wanted him to know how good it felt. “Yes Evan. That feels so good…don’t stop. Oh my god I’m gonna come. Oh yes!” His finger slipped into me and he started pumping fast. He sucked my clit into his warm hungry mouth. I let myself go as I exploded around his finger.

  When Evan brought his mouth to hover over mine his face glistened from my juices. He ran his tongue over my lip and then devoured my lips. He plunged his tongue between my lips and sucked my lower lip into his mouth.

  He pulled back just enough to see my eyes and whispered in a husky tone. “Can you taste yourself on my tongue, my lips? You taste so sweet baby, like candy.”

  I felt his hand moving between us as his lips once again took mine over. Evan ran the head of his hardness over me teasingly, wetting his cock with my juices. He slowly entered me, watching my eyes as he took me over.

  He began to move a little faster as he watched me closely. His eyes never left my face. “You are so beautiful, Kylie. I love you more than I could ever show you. God I fucking love you so much baby.” Evan’s lips met mine once more as he gripped my hips and began pumping harder, faster.

  He rocked himself into me, causing me to moan out in pure ecstasy. “Harder yes…Evan!” I exploded around him right before I felt his cock twitch as he released himself inside of me.

  After our breathing became more controlled he withdrew from me gently. His lips lingered over mine, “If I lose you Kylie, I won’t be able to recover. I need you so much, baby.”

  I traced the stubble over his jaw lovingly as I watched his beautiful eyes flutter. “Evan, I’m not going anywhere…I promise you.”

  ~Forty Five~


  Over the next couple months, our lives were ever changing as many new things happened. Kylie moved in to the condo while we house hunted. Brad received his thirty days clean pin. He grudgingly accepted that Kylie and I are together and happy. My father even made a few attempts to contact me which I refused. Things were going too good for me to taint it with his negative comments. Kylie had her first appointment with the doctor informing us that she was eight weeks pregnant at that time.

  We were nearing the end of the first trimester; luckily she’d been free from the nasty morning sickness I had read about. She laughs at me when I lay in bed at night with my choice of reading materials, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. Yes, I actually had my secretary buy me a copy. I
wanted to know what she was going through; I didn’t want any surprises.

  After three weeks, we closed on the house we found. After a lot of resistance on her part, she finally realized that she wasn’t going to win that battle. She thought we could just stay in the condo. We found the perfect family home with four bedrooms and a huge yard.

  My beautiful girl was almost four months pregnant and I was convinced that each day she become more beautiful. Everything was looking up for our lives together.

  I had a conference in three days in New York and I was dreading it. I lay here next to Kylie while she slept and the thought of being away from her was driving me insane. She hasn’t worked at the club since we returned from Georgia and the Café was only three days a week. I told her she didn’t need to work but she insisted.

  “What are you doing up? It’s so early.”

  I smiled down at her when her eyes fluttered open. “Just watching you sleep.” I snuggled closer to her and she wrapped her arm around my neck.

  “Emma’s still asleep…right?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes.”

  “Good,” Kylie slid her body over mine and straddled my waist. “Morning sex is my favorite.” I let her lead as she slid my hard cock from my shorts and slipped it into her warm awaiting warmth. I let out a low growl as she began to move. She was right; morning sex was so hot. I loved to watch her move over me and throw her head back as she bit on her lower lip. She was so beautiful and I wanted nothing more than to spend my life pleasing her in every way possible. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.


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