Marshal, William:
absolution of, 372
allegiance shown to John by, to safeguard Marches and Irish interests, 234
anecdotes recounted by, 180
and Angevin–Capetian Le Mans stand-off, see Le Mans: defence of
Angevins’ territorial contraction forces reassessment of position by, 281–2
antipathy of, for Longchamp, 223
appointed co-justiciar, 215
appointed guardian of realm, 346
appointed regent, 346–7
appointed Young King’s tutor-in-arms, 92
and Aquitaine campaign, 79–84
Aquitaine familiar to, 138
arduous military training of, 47
baronial household of, 218–22
and battle for Normandy, 241, 242
becomes leading adviser to Henry II, 184
becomes guardian to Heloise of Lancaster, 183
becomes guardian to John of Earley, 184
begins life as lord of Striguil, 216
bidding war for services of, 148
birth of, 4, 19
and Briouze family, 313–15
Bristol Castle seized by, 236
burial place of, xvi, 375
and Capetian offensive in Normandy, 191–2
Capetians acquire rights to Longueville estate of, 235
Cartmel estate granted to, 183
cautious manoeuvring and courtly neutrality of, 243
Châteauroux promised to, 185, 194
Cologne pilgrimage of, 149
conspiracy against, 140–2
and WM’s final attempt to clear name, 147–8
at coronation of Philip II of France, 132
death of, 375
destrier given to, 63
dilemma of, over Henry III’s succession, 339–41
in diplomatic mission to French court, 191
duties and expectations of, at Angevin court, see Angevins: court of
dynasty of:
collapse, 376–8
and Henry III’s tumultuous reign, 375
early years of, 24–30 passim
education of, 46
Eleanor of Aquitaine pays ransom for, 86–7
eloping lovers robbed by, 125n
embalming of, 375
enduring loyalty of, to Young King, 104
exile of, 146–8
and family surname, 33
as ‘father of knights’, 218
final attempt of, to clear name, 147
finger injury to, 73
funeral of, 375–6
funerary shroud of, 170
‘greatest knight in the world’, 3, 375
‘greedy guts’ nickname of, 43
Henry II promises to hold household place for, 161
and Henry II’s death, 204
and Henry II’s last days, 202–3
Henry III’s claim supported by, 341–2, 343
Holy Land pilgrimage of, 160–9, 213
horse stolen from, 123
horsemanship of, 48–9
and Hospitallers, 164
identified as important royal servant, xviii, 382-3
illness and last days of, 367–75
as inspiration for writers, 382
intimate bond of, with Richard I, develops, 247
Ireland and Wales, first tour of, 293
Irish Church condemns, 311n
Isabel of Clare marries, 210
Isabel of Clare meets, 208
John Marshal leaves impression on, 29–30
John demands son of, as crown ward, 286–7
John–Philip dilemma of, 285–6
John summons, from Leinster, 301
John’s favour withdrawn from, 287
John’s insurrection quelled by, 234–5
and John’s proposed Poitou invasion, 285–6
and John’s succession, 255–6, 259–60
John’s trap for, 303
as knight banneret, 129
lance skill of, 50
Leinster expedition of, 297–302
Leinster return of, 309–10
limited literacy of, 220
and Lincoln battle, 352–60
little interest in dancing, music, hunting shown by, 47
as living embodiment of Lancelot, xix
Longchamp’s ‘planting vines’ accusation against, 244
and loss of Normandy, 278–9
Lusignan ally comes to aid of, 86
Lusignans attack and take captive, 82-6
and Magna Carta, see Magna Carta
map of family lands of, 289
‘millionaire overnight’, 206
named as enemy of the state, 102
new colours worn by, 129
as new earl of Pembroke, 261, 262
Normandy position found for, 34
numerous Channel crossings made by, 34–5
oath to Young King sworn by, 101
office of royal master-marshal inherited by, 238
ordered to take control of Rouen, 253
own retinue attracted by, 129
Paris peace embassy of, 194
and Patrick of Salisbury’s death, 83–4
and Philip’s attack on Arques, 273–4
and Philip’s liege-lord demand, 284–5
physical description of, 32
and plot rumours against John, 320
progress made by, as regent, 365–6
pursuit of advancement by, 185
reaffirms status as John’s subject in Ireland, 309
received into Eleanor of Aquitaine’s military retinue, 87
reconciliation attempt of, with Young King, 147–8
refusal of, to forsake John, 338
religious house of, 221–2
relinquishes authority as regent, 368
return of, to England after Aquitaine campaign, 88
return of, to England, after Normandy sojourn, 74
return of, to family, after Newbury, 29
return of, from Leinster expedition, 303
Richard I forgives, 206
Richard I gifts Isabel to, 206
Richard I summons, after father’s death, 205–6
Richard entrusts England’s interests to, 215
and Richard–Henry II feud, 194
at Richard’s coronation, 211
and Richard’s death, 254–5
Richard’s encounter with, 200–1
Richard’s horse killed by, 201
Richard’s life spared by, 201
and Richard’s reclamation of Angevin realm, 244–6 passim, 247–52 passim
and Richard’s return from captivity, 236, 237
Richard’s special commendation for, 246
rising status of, in France, 123
royal household appointment for, 175
and sale of Somerset Marshal land, 33
Salisbury’s offer of mesnie place to, 74
sent to discuss peace with Philip, 282
sexual activity of, 145
sheriff of Gloucester office of, 217, 263
shroud cloths of, 371–2
spoken accent of, 35
Stephen halts execution of, 29
Stephen orders execution of, 3, 27–8
Stephen’s hostage, 26–9
Striguil becomes main residence of, 217–18
and suppression of Angoulême, 113
swordsmanship of, 49
at Tancarville, 35–58
arrival, 35
falling out of favour, 57–8
and horse’s death in border skirmish, 56
knighting ritual, 51, 53
and Neufchâtel-en-Bray border skirmish, 54–6
Tancarville colours worn by, 67
and Templars, 164–5, 170, 323, 328, 373–4
Third Crusade not joined by, 212–13
Tintern Abbey patronage of, 217
tournament attack on, at St Brice, 73
and tournaments, 62–73 passim, 115–26; see also tournaments
ceremonial spear won at, 122, 180
at Épernon, 123
at Eu, 123
financial security from, 69
‘grand and excellent’ Norman–French border encounter, 120–1
increasing success in, 119, 123
international renown brought by, 116
at Lagny, 132–4
last attended with Young King by, 146
no fewer than 500 knights captured during, 116
at Pleurs, 121–2
Roger of Jouy’s partnership, 125
treated almost like a business, 125
without Young King, 121–3
at Tours peace settlement, 111
Wales and Ireland tour of, 293
will of, 370–1
Young King knighted by, 105
Young King reputedly cuckolded by, 139–40, 143, 145–6
Young King reunited with, 155
Young King’s eventual hatred of, 142, 145–6
Young King’s Holy Land request to, 157, 160
fulfilment of, 164
in Young King’s mesnie, 92, 97, 103
and Young King’s first rebellion, 101–9 passim
and second Normandy invasion, 111
Young King’s reconciliatory message to, 149
Young King’s strengthening bond with, 119–20
Young King’s transformation of career of, 160
Marshal, Young William (son), 286, 304, 311, 320–1, 331, 337, 376
birth of, 216
death of, 377
History of William Marshal commissioned by, 331, 376
at Lincoln battle, 352, 358
Marlborough Castle rights granted to, 367
Welsh territory recovered by, 376
and WM’s death, 374
and WM’s illness, 367
and WM’s last days, 369
in WM’s will, 370
Matilda (daughter), 311
birth of, 247
Matilda (sister), 161
Matilda of Boulogne, Stephen marries, 11
Matilda of Briouze, 312, 314
Matilda, Empress:
Bristol power base of, 13
claim to crown resurrected by, 13
death of, 75
declared heir to English throne, 10
on instilling loyalty, 98–9
John Marshal, supports, 14
Robert of Gloucester supports, 13
semi-retirement of, 75
steadying hand of, 75
Winchester besieged by, 15
Matilda, of Perche, Countess, and White Ship incident, 7
Matilda, duchess of Saxony:
birth of, 76
Henry the Lion marries, 90
Matthew of Boulogne, 103
death of, 108
wounding of, 107
Matthew of Wallincourt, 73
Maurice of Gant, 162n
Meath, 293, 300
medieval society:
aristocratic fashion in, 45
bawdy entertainments in, 143
etiquette and manners in, 44–5
and facial hair, 46
and female adultery, 144
hairstyles favoured by, 45–6
and horses, arms and armour, 47–8
and hunting, 46–7
knights in, see knighthood
male adultery commonplace in, 144
manners and etiquette in, 44–5
popular fiction of, 142–3
sexual activity in, 143–4
Meleurs, 271
Melisende, Queen, 164
Merlin, 42
Merovingian kings, 45–6
mesnie, 38–9
see also knighthood
Meyer, Paul, xiii–xviii, xx, 383
Michael of London, 221, 298, 367
milites (soldiers), 36
see also knighthood
militia Christi (Knights of Christ), 41
Milly-sur-Thérain, 249–50
Mirebeau Castle, 99, 274
Montmirail, 89, 93, 244
Montreal, 162
Morgan Library, New York, xviii
Mortain, 11, 215
Mortimer, William, 273
Mosul, 166, 167
Navarre, 227
Neufchâtel-en-Bray, 273
border skirmish at, 54–6, 68
siege of, 106–8
New Ross, 305
Newark, 338, 352
Newbury Castle, 26-9, 106
Nicola de la Hay, Lady, 336, 338, 352
Niger, Ralph, 113
Norman Conquest, 4, 182
‘Norman-French chronicle on English Affairs (in Verse)’, xiv–xvii, 383
battle for, 240–2
duke of, see Henry II
eastern, Philip’s offensive against, 273
first invasion of, during Young King’s rebellion, 106
forts that guard borderlands of, 106
Geoffrey of Anjou invades, 25
loss of, 277–9
name of, 4
Philip II claims for crown, 273
Philip II’s major incursion into, 235
second invasion of, during Young King’s rebellion, 111
Upper, border dispute concerning, 54–6
upstart dukes of, 78
see also individual places and events
Northampton, 260, 329
Northampton Castle, 329
Notre-Dame la Grand, church of, 80
Nottingham Castle, 234, 238, 315, 319
siege of, 238–9
Occitan, 79
Offaly, 295, 300, 309
Old Sarum, 19
Order of the Garter, 380
Ossory, 295, 296, 302
Otto IV of Germany, 324, 325
Pacy, 235
Painter, Sidney, xx, 330
Pandulf (papal legate), 322–3, 366, 368, 370, 371–2
Paris, 62, 75, 76
Paris, Matthew, 362, 363
Patrick, earl of Salisbury, 18–19, 74, 162–3
and Aquitaine campaign, 79
burial of, 87
and chevauchées, 81
death of, 83
installed in Poitiers, 82
Lusignans attack, 82–3
Pembroke, 263, 291, 294
earldom of, 217, 377
in WM’s will, 370
see also Marshal, William
Pembrokeshire, 24, 294–5, 334
Périgord, 138, 240
Peter of Capua, 248
Peter of Leschans, 126
Peter of Préaux, 141, 231, 247, 279, 280, 281
Peter des Roches, 316–17, 324, 328, 335, 343–4, 366, 368, 376
day-to-day care of Henry III entrusted to, 346
at Lincoln battle, 352, 354, 357, 358
Philip II of France, 134, 168, 187–8
and Angevin–Capetian Le Mans stand-off, see Le Mans: defence of
and Angevins’ loss of Normandy, 277–9
Aquitaine barons pay homage to, 280
Arthur of Brittany supported by, 268
assault on England called off by, 235
Baldwin IX of Flanders abandons, 248
and battle for Normandy, see Normandy: battle for
Berry incursions of, 188–9, 190
birth of, 130
and Bonsmoulins peace conference, 193
and Bouvines battle, 324–5
coronation of, 130–2
cross taken by, 189–90
death of, 376
and division of Acre, 232
England itself eyed by, 319
and La Ferté-Bernard abortive peace conference, 196
Richard–Philip offensive follows, 196–7
growing political stature of, 269
Henry II’s final conference with Richard and, 202–3
Henry II’s suspicion of, 190
huge war chest of, 269
illness of, 130
John desperate for protection of, 235
n signs over parts of Normandy to, 235
John’s lands confiscated by, 273
and John’s marriage to Isabella of Angoulême, 272–3
and Le Goulet treaty, 270, 271
liege-lord demand of, 284–5
Marcher lords transfer allegiance to, 235
Marguerite sent to, 146
Normandy offensive by, 190–3
oath of, not to attack Angevin forces, 228
broken, 235
peace treaty with, 134
Philip’s homage-for-estates deal with, 282–5
pope rescinds support for England invasion by, 323
prepares for invasion of England, 322
forced to back down, 323
remainder of Normandy swept up by, 280
renewed amity between Richard and, 193–4
return of, from Crusade, 228
Richard I now adversary of, 207
Richard joins, against Henry II, 189
and Richard’s reclamation of Angevin realm, 244–6
humiliating defeat during, 246
and Richard’s Vienna captivity, 233
Third Crusade joined by, 214, 216
Tours falls to, 201
truce broken by, 190
WM sent to discuss peace with, 282
WM’s homage-for-estates deal with, 282–5
Philip of Alsace, count of Flanders, 103, 105, 108, 109, 111, 127, 129, 131, 145, 146, 180, 191
and bidding war for WM’s services, 148
at coronation of Philip II of France, 132
in Crusades, 137–8
death of, 227
and Philip II of France, 134
Third Crusade joined by, 212
and tournaments, 118–19, 122
WM’s endowment from, 148–9
Young King’s offensive against, 135
Philip of Prendergast, 220, 298, 301, 303, 304
shaming of, 310
Philip of Valognes, 64, 69, 71
Phillipps, Sir Thomas, xv, xvi–xvii
Picardy, 62
Plantagenet, Geoffrey, see Geoffrey V of Anjou
Poitiers, 75, 80
subduing of, 87
Poitou, 80–2
Ponthieu, and border skirmish of 1166, 54–6
Powys, 290
pre-emptive coronations, 91
see also Henry the Young King
preudhomme, 38, 39, 40, 70, 179
see also knighthood
Puy-St-Front, siege of, 138
Quévilly, 176
Radnor, 312
Ralph of Beaumont, 90, 93
Ralph of Coggeshall, 276, 285
Ralph of Diss, 42n, 128, 151, 196, 265
Ralph of Somery, 162n
Ranulf of Broc, 178
Ranulf of Chester, 260, 288, 326, 337, 344, 345
at Lincoln battle, 352, 357
Raymond of Poitiers, 75–6
Raymond of Toulouse, 155
Joanne marries, 246
Reginald of Quetteville, 224
Reynald of Châtillon, 162, 167, 170
Richard I of England (the ‘Lionheart’):
and Angevin–Capetian Le Mans stand-off, see Le Mans: defence of
Angevin realm reclaimed by, 244–52
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