by Chal, Bella
Lisa sat up and climbed into Julie's lap. "When we go to the zoo, I want to pet a monkey."
"You are a monkey," Jen said and scratched herself to mock Lisa.
"Am not!" she cried.
"Ooo! Ooo!" Jen said and climbed up to jump on the bed.
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Jack said as he pulled her into his lap.
Jack and Julie stared at each other for a moment, both grinning as they hugged the girls on their laps. When the doorbell rang, Lisa and Jen jumped up to run out of the room shouting, "Mommy's here!"
Jack got up first, then pulled Julie up from the floor with a sideways grin. "Come on, Julie-Mom."
When they got into the living room, the girls were jumping up and down around Sophie, showing their best monkey impressions. Julie forced her smile, but it was hard when Sophie glanced at her belly with a frown. Even though the words white trash weren't uttered, Julie could almost hear Sophie's thoughts.
"Girls, are you ready to go?" Sophie asked them.
Jack picked up the backpack full of snacks, juice pouches, and extra clothes Julie had packed for their day out. "Here you go," he said as he handed it to Sophie.
"Thanks," she muttered without really looking at him. "I'll bring them back after we eat dinner, probably around six."
"Sounds good," Jack said as the girls pulled her out the door. "Have fun."
When the door shut and the sounds of the girls faded away, the apartment became too quiet for Julie. The silence seemed strange after the last couple of months of life as a step-mom for the two young girls. Jack turned and pulled her into his arms, resting his cheek against the top of her head.
"What do you want to do now?" he whispered.
After burying her face against his chest, she took deep breaths of his scent and hummed before asking, "I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"You," he chuckled and hugged her tight. "About six different ways,"
She pushed away, then took his hand to lead him back to their bedroom, thinking again how different her life had become. After spending a couple of weeks getting to know the girls without staying over, Julie arrived one Saturday morning with all her things and officially moved in.
The girls made her sleep in their room the first night, like a sleep over, which Julie was happy to do. When she moved into Jack's room that second night, the girls found a million excuses to wake Jack up until he finally made them climb in to sleep with them in the middle of the bed. Over the following week things settled down to a happy routine that Julie came to treasure.
After all the upheaval in their lives, Julie was careful around the girls and always allowed Jack to set the limits with them. Their acceptance of her was never hesitant, but it did take some time for everyone to get used to each other. Now she couldn't imagine life without them around, and was amazed anew at Jack's strength when he'd had to live without them for so long.
As she allowed Jack to undress her, she lifted her arms for him to take off her shirt, then stepped out of her shorts and panties with a purr. She noticed that he seemed to be fascinated with stomach now because he always touched it first rather than her breasts like he used to. By the time she had his shorts off, he was fully aroused, so she pushed him back to sit on the bed and knelt down between his knees.
"It's okay if you want to push me around a little. I kinda like it when you take charge."
"Oh baby," he whispered as he held her hair back.
She started with long licks as she gazed up at his face, tracing her tongue from his balls to his tip. With a wrinkled brow, he shuddered as she rolled his balls around in her hand while she licked. "Go ahead" she urged, letting her warm breath flow over his now moist skin.
"Okay," he sighed as he ran his fingers into her hair to massage her neck.
Allowing his hand to guide her motions, she opened her mouth to take his head inside. With her teeth never touching the sides, she used her lips and tongue to make a wet tunnel for him to glide through. His fingers tightened in her hair as he became a little more forceful with the pressure.
He began to gasp and shudder as he made her take more inside her mouth. Rubbing his balls around in one hand, she slipped a fingertip along his cock to press its root under his balls. Her mouth became slick with his slippery precum as he slowly fucked her mouth while holding her head still.
As he rocked on the edge of the bed, Julie hummed to signal her approval. She opened her throat for his head, happy the nausea of her early pregnancy was finally past. Breathing between strokes, she kept her hands and tongue in constant motion until he whispered, "Now, I'm cumming."
Controlling her gag reflex, she let him push until he stopped moving entirely, his rapid pulses slowing until he gasped and released his hold on her hair. She drew back slowly, keeping him in her wet mouth until he fell back on the bed with a groan.
"Fuck me," he muttered as he caught his breath.
Julie finally allowed him to slip out of her mouth and chuckled warmly. "That was a fine appetizer, but I'm still hungry."
Climbing onto the bed, she put one leg across his chest and sat near his neck, effectively pinning him down underneath her. His arms came up behind her and she felt him pushing her ass, trying to get her damp slit closer to his mouth.
"I'm hungry, too," he growled as he gazed up at her body.
Scooting forward a little at a time, he extended his tongue to lick between her swollen lips. She put her hands on the bed as she lowered herself to his hungry mouth. Losing herself right away, she found she could control where he focused by moving her hips.
"Oh, that's heaven," she murmured.
His hands weren't idle while he feasted, spreading her open from the rear to smooth her slippery juices everywhere. When he began to circle her own puckered opening, Julie gave a low moan and pushed against his hands while driving her aching nubbin into his open mouth.
"Jack," she hissed. "Oh, fuck, right here." Time seemed to stop as she rocked her hips against his face. "More," she muttered. She didn't really know what she wanted more of, but it was all she could say. "More... more..."
When his finger penetrated her opening, Julie shivered and gasped again. It was finally too much and she gave herself over to a crippling orgasm that seemed to last forever. As she ground against his mouth, Jack became frantic as he pulled her down into his mouth, licking and nibbling until she could take no more and moved back out of his reach.
"I'm wet to my ears," Jack said with a chuckle as Julie rolled off to lay on her back beside him. "That was hot and very satisfying."
She felt him sit up and then he effortlessly pulled her up to the pillows to sit next to her on the bed. He reached for the cocoa butter they kept on the night stand and began to warm some between his hands by rubbing them back and forth.
When he began to rub it across her tender breasts and stomach, she sighed into a state of complete relaxation. When he finished there, he moved on to her arms and legs, smoothing away aches and tension she didn't know she had.
"You're too good to me," she murmured.
"I can't help it," he said simply as he worked the lotion between her toes and along her arch and heel. "You're worth it."
She grinned as she watched him through slitted eyes. "I've got to tell you, when you promised me it would get better someday, I had no idea it was going to get this good."
He smiled to himself at the memory and said, "I see you get goofy after sex."
"And we haven't even had sex," she said, quoting one of the first things he had ever said to her.
"Yet," he said with the goofy grin she'd come to love.
Chapter 20: Jack and Julie
When Jack put the lotion away, he snuggled up next to Julie and rested his hand on her swollen belly. He gazed at it with an expression of love that mirrored what she felt in her heart. "Whatcha thinking?" she asked.
"About you, our boy, our future together," he sighed.
"Those things used to scare me," he said as she touched
his hair and moved it out of his face.
"Not any more?" he asked, looking up at her face with the same loving expression.
She shook her head, feeling her throat tighten with emotion. "I feel hopeful now for the first time in my life. Just knowing I don't have to scramble for every dime, that I'm not alone in the world."
There was a knock at the front door and Jack frowned. "Were you expecting anyone?"
"No," she said, suddenly worried it might be something wrong with the girls.
They both dressed quickly and went to the door together. When Jack opened it, Father Williams was standing there holding a large Manila envelope.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" he asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.
"No, it's fine," Jack said. "Would you like to come in?"
"Just for a moment," the old priest said. "I had something I hoped might be good news and wanted to share it with you."
When they went and sat in the living room, Father Williams stared at his hands for a moment. Julie was just starting to get uncomfortable when she saw his lips were moving and realized he was praying. When he looked up, he had a faint smile on his lips.
"I've given long thought on my poor judgment of you, Jack, and despite your forgiveness I've felt compelled to do more to make up for that mistake."
"Father," Jack began, but stopped when Father Williams raised his hand.
"You know Sophie was seeking an annulment of your marriage on the grounds of abandonment. She'd filled out all the relevant paperwork and was only waiting for the final divorce decree to submit it to the church court."
Julie felt her heart race and she glanced at Jack to see him staring at the envelope with a pale face.
Father Williams continued, "It was obvious to me, regardless what happens from this point on, that Sophie was not your true partner in marriage. So as I sat in my office looking at the paperwork, I decided to bring it forward on your behalf and discuss the matter with my Bishop."
"Wait, you went forward with it?" Jack whispered.
"The paperwork merely calls the question, but the decision of what to do about it falls to the church court. The church believes marriage is a sacrament that must be defended, independent of anything else, so the court decided to grant you the annulment, Jack." He handed over the envelope with a thin smile on his lips.
"I don't know what to say," Jack said, staring at the paper in his hands.
"Well, you don't really need to say anything. I don't know if this changes anything for you..." he trailed off when Jack sniffed loudly.
"Oh yeah, this changes one important thing," he said and looked at Julie with a nod.
"I hoped that it might," Father Williams said with a smile. "I've got things to do this afternoon before Mass, so I'll be going."
Julie felt her heart racing as they walked him to the front door. "Thank you for coming by, Father," Jack said as he shook hands.
"It was nice to see you again, Julie," the old priest said as he took her hand in both of his. "I hope to get the chance to know you better."
"Me, too," Julie said as he turned to go. After Jack shut and locked the door, he turned to her with the envelope still in his hands.
"Holy shit," he whispered.
"What?" Julie asked with a grin, knowing full well what he was thinking.
He kissed her hard for a moment, then picked her up and carried her through the bedroom door as she squealed and kicked her feet. "This calls for a celebration!"
After tossing her on the bed, he began to strip quickly, then pulled her shorts off impatiently when she didn't have the off fast enough. In seconds he had her turned on her side and was pushing her leg up to give him access to her wet opening.
As the baby had grown, they'd found a few comfortable positions that didn't put extra weight on Julie or the baby. Her new favorite was on her side while he sat on her lower leg and held her upper leg up high. He couldn't go all the way in without bottoming out and hurting her, but the feeling of being full of him pushed her over the edge every time.
She hugged the pillow as he moved inside her slowly, then she sighed when she was ready to go faster. He moved with abandon, the sensation covering Julie's arms and legs with goose bumps. In moments she was on the edge, then over as her orgasm radiated out to her toes.
"Oh, I love it like this," she whispered when the pulses stopped at last and he slowed down to let her recover a bit.
"Ready?" he asked, pushing deep again to bring fresh shivers.
"One more, then I want to try from behind again," she whispered as Jack stepped up the pace again. It had never been so easy to get off before, but she didn't know if it was being pregnant or just something about Jack. She grinned when she realized she'd only had sex with him one time without being pregnant.
Gasping as she got close, she tensed up to give Jack some resistance to push through, loving the sensation of him squeezing between her tight muscles. Holding his breath as he drove her over the edge, she whined when he stopped too fast leaving her clutching at him.
"I can't," he gasped. "Don't move, I'm too close."
When he could move again and withdrew, she moved to the edge of the bed on her hands and knees. "It hurts my knees when we go too long this way, but I want you like this one more time before I get too big."
He ran his hard shaft along her ass a few times, making her hiss and moan, then he slipped in fast. His cock felt cold as he penetrated her, but in seconds they were both warm again as her breasts swayed from his long strokes.
"Is this what you wanted?" he whispered, then pressed in completely.
"Oh, fuck yes," she groaned. "You hit all the right spots like this. I want to feel you finish this time."
He picked up tempo and moved her quickly to her orgasm. While she was still gasping, he groaned and filled her up, pressing himself in until it was almost painful to her. Feeling his pulses and knowing she was full of him was as satisfying as her own release in a way.
He withdrew and let go of her hips to stagger toward the kitchen. "Just water?" he asked as he panted.
"Yes," she said as she stretched out on her back. "My hands and feet are tingling!"
Her eyes were shut when he climbed back on the bed to kiss her with cold lips. When she opened her mouth to his, he surprised her by drizzling in some of the cold water he was holding.
"That brings back memories," she said after she swallowed. "More!"
He continued to feed her small mouthfuls of water until she was satisfied and rolled over on her side to look at him. Jack had kept his weight down after working offshore and still looked scrumptious. She couldn't remember why she'd ever thought he'd looked too old or soft.
"What are you thinking?" he asked as he put the water glass down on the night stand.
"Trying to remember what life was like without you and the girls, but it's all gone. It seems like someone else's life now."
"I know what you mean," he said as she settled in next to her. Reaching out to tuck stray hair behind her ear, he smiled and took a deep breath. "We both know we're going to be together, so it seems a little silly to ask now, but would you like to get married?"
"You can't just ask me that," she exclaimed and pushed his shoulder.
"Why not," he asked, looking genuinely puzzled.
"Where's the second wife ring?" she asked, holding up her bare finger with a mock serious expression on her face. "You've got to get me a bigger rock than Sophie's if you want me to walk down that aisle with you now."
He chuckled and said, "Let's go to your mother's pawn shop. I bet they'll have a nice selection of rings down there."
Julie laughed. "You know none of that means anything to me. I've already got everything I want." She was glad he'd asked, though. It was something she'd always wondered if she would hear someday. "Just you."
"You know I feel the same way, but what about the girls? What about Jackson? What about my Mom and my company insurance and the banks and communit
y property. Forget the sentimental reasons, there are some good practical reasons for us to do it." He was trying to use his male logic, but Julie could see right through him.
"You actually want to get married, don't you?" she whispered in wonder.
"Yeah," he chuckled in embarrassment. "Maybe."
Shaking her head, she had to laugh. "I thought it was the girl who wanted to get married and the guy had to be dragged down the aisle."
"I've always wanted to be married. I thought I was, but just the last couple of months showed me what it's really like. I know it's silly, but I want to marry you."
Outside they heard the girls squealing as they approached the apartment door. Getting up quickly to get dressed, they both walked to the front door to open it while the girls pressed the doorbell like it was a video game controller.
"Welcome back!" Jack said as they dashed inside. They had stained their shirts with fruity colors and had sticky fingers and faces. "And straight back to the bathroom, both of you little monkeys! Use soap this time!"
Sophie came in looking frazzled and Jack smirked. "How'd they do?" he asked.
"I shouldn't have given them candy so close to dinner. They wouldn't eat a thing for me, so we skipped it. I hope that's okay."
"It'll be fine," he said. "We'll take care of them." Sophie glanced at Julie and pressed her lips into a thin line.
When the girls came back, Sophie hugged them with obvious tears in her eyes. "I'll see you girls next weekend, okay? Be good for Daddy and Miss Julie."
"We call her Julie-Mom now," Jen said with a hint of anger.
"Oh," Sophie said, clearly taken aback. She wiped her eyes quickly as she stood. "I see."
Jack had stepped away and when he returned he handed Sophie a folded piece of paper. "Father Williams came back today." She looked puzzled as she opened it up, then paled suddenly. "That's your copy in case you need it in the future."
Sophie had a lost look in her eyes as she glanced between Julie and Jack. "So you're going to..."
"We're discussing it," he said. "I'll let you know."
Moving outside Sophie clutched the paper to her chest and turned to say something, but just shook her head and walked to her black suburban. As she drove off, Julie noticed a red for sale sign taped to the back window and thought, welcome to the real world, you bitch.