The Brightness Duet: Complete Series Boxset

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The Brightness Duet: Complete Series Boxset Page 9

by Bri Stone

  Any way he didn’t have to. I told him more about my sister, I had only ever mentioned her before in passing. I could feel myself opening up more, letting him see me. And it felt good. Thom was an only child, so he enjoyed the stories from my childhood, fighting with my sister. But that road block came up again, when I got near when I was fifteen.

  “That’s when your mom died?” His voice softened. I was just telling him about the family trip we had taken a week before, to Aspen. And the first night when we were back...

  “Yeah.” I smiled sadly. I couldn’t cry, I was wearing eyeliner. I took a deep breath and sipped my tea. I needed a refill.

  “I’m sorry.” He reached for my hand.

  “Me too.” But I was talking about his mom as well.

  I think we both felt it then, that another road block was conquered. A shift in the dam I put up so long ago. To celebrate I guess, the food arrived. We both got the angus filet and it was worth every penny. Thom was his usual self over dinner, but I knew he wanted to ask me as we ate. Why?

  What changed my mind so fast and why I lied.

  “Dessert?” The waiter asked. I looked at Thom, the portions were small, so I wasn’t stuffed. But this dress didn’t have much give.

  “Just the check, thank you.”

  He nodded and cleared the table, leaving us alone. He paid the check and took me out into the city, holding my hand as we walked down the street. We had no destination. I tucked into his side and clutched his arm, swelling at the thought that he could really be mine. I owed it to him to be honest.

  “I was really looking forward to this all week.” I broke our amicable silence. I felt him glancing down at me. I continued.

  “Melinda. She was just joking, I think. But she...accused you of being in love with me and it kind of freaked me out. I kept thinking—I just got stuck in my head. There are things I’ve been working on since my mom died. But I know I avoid commitment and growing close to people. I think the only reason it really scared me was because...I might feel the same way. But that’s ridiculous because, it’s our first date and technically we haven’t even kissed—” my foot caught in a crack and I stumbled. He pulled me close and stopped our stride.

  With his hands on my waist, he held us close. Everything was aligned as I considered his eyes. Thoughtful and deep as he stared into my soul. My breath hitched as his right hand rose to my face, his thumb grazed across my bottom lip. He licked his lips softly as he leaned in close. My eyes closed on their own accord as the distance closed. We were six inches apart, then three—

  His lips were against mine. Cautious, but eager. The buildup was insane, like the entire year we spent together crashed down on us. Encasing us in that very moment when our lips locked, and everything made sense. My body became a furnace as I warmed from the inside out, I didn’t have to flex my toes to reach higher. I just tilted my head up, leaning into his hand that cupped my cheek as the kiss deepened. My lips parted, he sucked my bottom lip softly and I became a goo collapsing in his arms. His lips broke away, then he kissed the corner of my mouth. Then the other side. And then the next kiss was more, everything.

  His tongue knocked on my lips and I opened the door, our tongues swirling together and the desire between us was no longer at bay. I clutched his biceps in my hand, the warmth of his skin seeped through his shirt as he held me close and deepened the kiss. His body was hard against mine but still soft.

  I could kiss him until the sun rose and far after, but I had to breathe. When we parted, his forehead pressed against mine as we breathed the same air.

  “Keep kissing me like that and you’ll give me an asthma attack.” He laughed, and I giggled at the new ease we found. It was more than a kiss, and it was more than a first date.

  “Thom...” I started.

  “Your friend, she’s crazy but she might be right. It’s been a year. Of knowing only, a little bit about each other, yeah—but I know you, Perrie.”

  “I feel like I know you too, Thom. And I want to know everything.” I smiled as I bit my lip, they still tingled with the swell of the kiss.

  We took hands again and kept walking, I realized we were in the street and many passersby’s just saw our lip lock. But I didn’t even care. We turned around and went back to the restaurant where he had parked his car.

  “You up for some ice cream?” He opened my door for me and clicked my seat belt in.

  “Sure.” I said with a giddy smile.

  The short drive was filled with his music, and his hand gripping mine in my lap. I idly traced the veins crossing his thumb and hand. He would look over at me and smile, and I would return it. That heavy feeling, where I felt like I was more than anything else around me; I realized that was true happiness. And the nagging string, so gloriously invisible only when it wants to be, comes dangling, but for the first time I ignored it. I ignored the feeling—no, the fear of getting too close.

  I no longer wanted to be Icarus flying too close to the sun, I just wanted to fly.

  The Ice Cream Bar was number one in my book. It wasn’t our first time there together, but it did feel different. In a good way. We sat at the bar, my legs casually entwined with his. Even still I felt the heat of his skin through the fabric of his Lee’s. His left hand held mine as we shared a hot fudge sundae. We joked and laughed, being with him has always been easy but now, it had become effortless.

  “You’ve got...” I reached for the corner of Thom’s mouth, where a bit of fudge got left behind. He smirked when I reached out with my thumb to capture it, then deftly sucked it off my thumb.

  His eyes glinted as he looked at me. His grip on my hand tightened as his eyes darkened, I knew we were both imagining a very different scenario with the fudge. I just giggled nervously. Then he leaned across quickly and kissed me. My insides fluttered as my eyes drifted closed. He sucked my bottom lip slightly and left the kiss short enough for the public place we were in.

  “I like being able to kiss you whenever I want.” He smirked.

  “Whenever you want?” Our faces were inches apart, the citrus scent of his hypoallergenic shampoo invading me.

  “Pretty much,” his thumb caught my bottom lip, “your lips are so soft. And sweet.”

  My cheeks flushed as I looked away. My eyes traced the faded stubble of his jaw, followed the strong lines of his neck and cheeks until I reached his eyes. I was very comfortable around him, but the new stuff made me nervous all over again.

  “Your lips are...subpar.”

  His brows arched, “Oh?” He laughed. I giggled as I nodded, even though it was a total lie. His lips were plush pillows I wouldn’t mind laying my lips on forever.

  “You’ll pay for that.”

  We spent a few more minutes licking the bowl before we left. I knew I didn’t want to call it a night yet. I was starting one of those early relationship things, where you don’t want to be apart. Even before, I always wanted to be around him. But at arm’s length.

  Now? Now I was permanently in his arms. It was fast; in just a day I pulled my head out of my ass. But I had a year of knowing Thom, now I just want him to be mine. He always wanted me.

  “Maybe we can go to your place? We only have a few episodes left.” He knew I was talking about House of Cards, but I don’t think he knew what I was getting at. I don’t even think I knew, in that moment. I just knew there was a yearning inside of me that I wanted to squeeze.

  “Yeah, sounds good.”

  I had never even seen his place before, I just knew he moved over the summer. He pulled into a nice neighborhood, with a Whole Foods right across the street, and drove into the parking garage. We went straight into the elevator, hand in hand, and went up to his floor.

  “This place is really nice,” I commented. Even the hallways were swank.

  “Yeah, my Uncle got it for me. He lost a bet.” He smirked proudly.

  I just shook my head and latched onto his arm as we crossed the hall.

  Once he unlocked the door and let me in, I re
alized what he was talking about the other day. Sterile, but still had a trace of him. The kitchen had dark cabinets and light, quartz countertops. The stools were white, and the living room was sparsely decorated, the couches white leather.

  Thom dropped his keys on the dining table, a round glass table with chairs like the ones around the island. I realized everything in here repelled dust and didn’t trap particles. If it did, it was easy to wipe off. He did have a few wax melters around, a simple air freshener scent came from them.

  “You want some tea?” He asked. I realized I had been surveying his apartment for a good moment.

  “Oh, yeah that’d be nice.” I went over to the living room and looked around. His entertainment system was so typical for a guy, the flat screen was massive, and sat on a simple black book shelf.

  “What do you think?” He asked as he handed me the glass. He sat next to me and I grabbed his blanket.

  “It isn’t as bad as you made it sound. You don’t have to deep clean after I leave, do you?” I sipped my tea with a smirk.

  He grabbed the remote and smiled, “No. I just knew if you were here, I would...” he navigated to Netflix and then paused.

  “You’d what?” I set my tea down, curled my legs up on the couch and turned to face him.

  He turned to look at me, a strange expression in his eye. Well it wasn’t so much strange as...unnerving. I propped my elbow up on the back of the couch, my fingers found themselves in his hair and pressed deep to his scalp. His eyes fluttered as he blinked, when his eyes opened again my breath hitched at their intensity.

  “I would do this.” Before I could breathe fully his hands were on my hips and he hoisted me into his lap. Then before my heart could even find time to skip beats his lips were on mine.

  When the shock left me, I settled into his lap, my hands wound around his neck as I deepened the kiss. I groaned unapologetically at the touch of his tongue, lapping over mine and suckling my bottom lip. He tasted so good, felt so perfect against me. We were entering new unchartered territory and I was ready to explore.

  Thom gripped my ass with his strong hands and moved me onto his hardening cock. I gasped against his lips, and we panted each other’s air as I realized he was getting hard for me. I wanted him just as badly. My sex clenched, my nipples tightened, and my mind spun in circles. Always landing back on him.

  He claimed my lips again, my head turning to deepen the kiss. I didn’t know how far we were going, and I didn’t care. Not until I felt the heat of his palms beneath my dress, the callouses of his hand against my upper thigh. I inhaled sharply through my nose and moaned when his thumbs grazed the edge of my panties. It felt so good my head swam.

  I scolded myself for waiting so long. For wasting a year of what could have been more than half a relationship. I kept my feelings at bay for so long I had nearly forgotten them. But in that moment, I was back to the first day we met, where I was sitting in the dark and suddenly it was bright. Maybe too bright for me to handle, so I tried to shield myself. I went out in the sun but never without sun screen. I thought I was protecting myself.

  But the past twenty-four hours of nearly losing him taught me that was far from the truth. I was nothing short of a coward, and I knew it then. Avoiding anything that required effort. Focusing on school was a coward’s excuse for what I did; lying especially. I didn’t want that anymore. I wanted this. The onslaught of his lips on mine, the hard warmth of his body against mine. His solidity.

  “Thom,” I groaned, my lips finally free. I tilted my head back, panting from the exertion. My lips swelled and pulsed. His found my neck, finding a spot just below my jaw that made me shiver with delight.

  Thom moved his left hand to hold my head in place while his right hand grazed my swollen labia. Ugh, fucking anatomy—my clit. And I moaned aloud.

  “I’m not a first date kind of girl, Thom.” I smiled wryly as I wiggled my hips. He moved my head to look him in the eye.

  “I think we can both agree this is hardly our first date.” I barely recognized his voice. Masked with desire; deep and drawled.

  I managed a nod before he continued, and I realized he waited for that. Thom, the perfect gentleman. Even if I did have some sort of rule, I don’t think I would have stopped the oncoming event. I had always wanted Thom in that way, maybe the buildup only intensified the fact. With trembling hands, I gripped his hard shoulder and widened my knees on either side of him.

  When his fingers skirted over me again I moaned and hid my face in his neck. It wasn’t like I had never done it before, it was just so much more intense with Thom because all these emotions were clouding over me. I could barely breathe. I clutched his chest and leaned into him as his fingers moved to the waistband of my panties and I shuddered with anticipation. He slowly moved back down until he pushed them aside, but his breath hitched, and he suddenly stopped.

  “Don’t press on my chest, Sparks.” I heard the smile in his voice, but I pulled back, eyes wide as I moved my hand back to his shoulder.

  “Okay.” I whispered. His gaze held mine as he slid a finger inside of me. My lips parted, and I heaved a sigh at the explosion of pleasure in my veins. I made my mind come back to and reminded myself not to press on his chest like I wanted to.

  “Is there anything else I shouldn’t do?” I panted. I pulled back, his finger froze inside of me.

  “No, that’s the main thing,” he kissed my cheek and murmured against my skin, “just bear with me if I start wheezing.” He chuckled, and I heard the joke in his voice.

  I smiled and leaned against his cheek pressed to mine, and his finger started to move again. Just as I was getting used to the feeling he teased me with another and I groaned at the stretching of my flesh. It had been so long since anything was anywhere near there. My hand can only do so much, even thinking of Thom while I do so.

  “Thom...”, words caught on my tongue as his thumb rolled over my clit.

  I throbbed beneath him and squeezed my eyes shut at the onslaught of my climax. It felt too soon, but I couldn’t hold it at bay any longer.

  I imagined coming on Thom’s hand a thousand times, maybe a million. But it was nothing compared to the real thing. I felt myself clench around him, gushing onto his hand as I arched my back and felt the pleasure roll through every vein in my body. My lips parted, and I panted as my eyes met his. They were bright and mischievous, his lips curled up into a smirk.

  “That was the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice was deep and cloaked with desire. He almost sounded like a different man. I whimpered when his fingers left me.

  No words found my lips before he kissed me. His tongue lapped over mine, his nose tickled my cheek as he inhaled sharply. He pulled away just when I wanted more.

  “But this,” he reached for the thin straps for my dress and tugged. They came down fast and bore my white strapless bra to him.

  His eyes gleamed as they danced over my skin. I felt so heated under his gaze, so appreciated. My sex was still throbbing, yearning for more. Wanting all of him. I unclasped my bra in the front and let it fall. My breath hitched at the thought of being so exposed, but the way his eyes widened as his breath caught, spurred me on. His fingertips traced my collarbone with both hands, his palm brushing over my nipples. I shuddered, wishing he would touch me fully. His eyes were glued to my pale pink nipples as he ran the pads of his thumb over them. I was stuck in permanent anticipation. They throbbed for his touch and he wouldn’t give it. He palmed my breasts in his calloused, hot hands and I moaned at the long-awaited touch. I fit perfectly in his hands. He kneaded me, then pinched my nipples until I hissed in approval.

  “Perfect,” he said almost to himself. His lips found my neck again, suckling my skin, finding my sweet spot below my ear.

  I squirmed in his lap as his fingers teased my nipples and his lips painted my neck. I think he intended to drive me mad as some kind of punishment. Every nerve in my body swelled, my skin hot to the touch and my core on fire. But I couldn’t
take it any longer. Not even to humor him. Not even to make it last longer.

  “Thom, please. Take me to bed.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Perrie


  His deep chuckle brought a smile to my face, which turned to a squeal when he lifted me up and carried me off. I didn’t know where until he dropped me on the edge of his bed. Heat coursed my veins as I found his eyes. I hardly noticed my dress pooled around my waist, baring my chest to him and yet he stood fully clothed.

  I tore my dress from my body, hoping it would cue him. Even though I’d been reluctant to get involved with Thom, my inhibitions were slipping away. Even still there was a deep anticipation for what was to come, a fluttering in my belly that I knew would never go away.

  I pressed my palms to my thighs, chest heaving with my breath. Finally, he moved to unbutton his shirt, the crisp white material falling over his tanned chest and down to the floor. I had seen Thom shirtless many times, but in a different light. Now, his Adonis belt and wide back giving way to his sinuous muscles brought a flutter to my chest. I gasped at how much I wanted him.

  I reached for him and he crossed the space. I rose to my knees and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His skin was hot, solid and yet soft. My tongue lapped over his, he pulled my hips to his and I moaned at the press of his cock on my thigh. I moved my hand to make quick work of his pants. He stepped out of them, and then laid me back on the bed before I could do any more. I felt awfully teased but amazed at how much patience he had. Trevor was the first guy I had sex with and my longest relationship, so all my sexual experience ended with him. And each time was more laborious and ritualistic than anything else.

  Thom’s eyes met mine with an intensity that made me shiver as he crawled onto the bed, his body hulking over mine. His lips met mine and our bodies aligned, we had but inches of a height difference. He kissed me only briefly before traveling down my body, leaving kisses in his wake. I squirmed, biting my lip in anticipation when he traced the band of my panties with his lips. He gazed at me through his thick lashes as he peeled them off.


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