Everything took so damn long.
“So?” Alex asked, bounding from the seat to meet Marty before he could cross the room. “What’s the verdict? How is she? You were in there a long time.”
“I was only there a few minutes, Alex. Hospitals take time, paperwork and tests take time. Relax.”
“So she’s okay?”
“Ever heard of HIPAA, Alex? I can’t tell you much unless you married that pretty girl when I wasn’t looking, because I know she isn’t your sister. Could be a smart move, my friend.”
“Nope, ‘fraid not,” Alex told the older man annoyed. After a frustrated hesitation Alex blurted, “But I called you, not her.”
“True, and I am glad you did. But Charlotte is my patient, not you. However, you are in luck. She is asking to see you, so why don’t you come on back and I suspect she will be more than willing to tell you how she is.”
The two men matched long-legged strides, turning a few heads with their good looks as they moved past admissions and the nurses’ station. Alex considered resisting an arrogant look toward Jenny, but the imp in him won and he flashed her a ‘yeah, just try to keep me out’ look. She just ignored him, denying him pleasure from the moment.
Charlotte was sitting up in a hospital gown with a large bandage around one arm, a smaller one on the other and a third on her face. Alex was relieved to see her eyes were bright and alert.
“Thanks, Dr. Levin, I appreciate the care,” Charlotte responded sincerely after she okayed Alex’s presence while the physician reviewed her discharge instructions.
“I will see you in my office in three days, young lady,” his stern order was belied by his broad smile.
“Yes, sir. And remember what we discussed.”
“Of course, Charlotte. You, and only you, are my patient here.” He gave Alex a warning look and Alex knew they were talking about her privacy again. The brief exchange just confirmed Alex’s suspicion that she was hiding something. It just solidified his decision not to leave her alone in her apartment. She was coming home with him.
Alex watched the exchange, waiting anxiously for Marty to leave so he could ask Charlotte about her condition and about that last little comment from the doctor.
“How are you feeling? What did the doctor say? Is anything broken? Will you be okay?
Why the need for all this secrecy?”
“Alex, relax, sit over here near me and I will tell you everything, but one question at a time, please. And speak softly, I have a pounding headache.”
Alex took the seat near the head of the bed, reaching for her hand, careful of the intravenous line still hooked there. Quickly realizing her hand was bandaged, he wrapped his large fingers around the tips of her fingers. He noticed her nails, a sensible length and unpolished. So different from most of the women he knew.
So Charlotte.
“You look like the mummy,” he said, making her laugh.
“Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.”
“Sorry, I am so sorry. I should have been there to prevent this.”
“This was not your fault, Alexander Gaines, and don’t you think for a second that it was.”
“Okay,” he took a deep, calming breath, “tell me everything.”
“Everything?” Charlotte teased before finally settling in to tell Alex what the doctor had said. She had to remind him repeatedly not to interrupt.
“No concussion, no broken bones. Those are the two most important things. I did sprain my ankle, so no running for me for a while and the marathon is definitely out.”
“I am so sorry, Charlotte. That is so unfair after you trained so hard.”
“I have a couple of badly bruised ribs that make breathing – and laughing and frankly everything – painful but they should be good with just a week or two of bed rest. My face will heal and should not scar. Your Dr. Levin is great. He brought down a plastic surgeon to take a look, just in case.”
“He is good. That was why I wanted him here.”
“My arm and hand are a mess. Everything will be a little difficult there for about a week, maybe more if my wrist doesn’t get better. But they should be coming by to discharge me soon, so you need to get out and let me get dressed.”
At that moment, almost as if Charlotte had conjured her, the efficient nurse returned, giving Alex a glare and pushing him unceremoniously from the room. A large, no-nonsense woman, Alex knew not to mess with her. He stepped just outside the curtain and waited while Charlotte got dressed.
She completely ignored my question about secrecy.
When the curtain slid back with a metallic swoosh, Charlotte was standing uncertainly in a rumpled pair of drab green scrubs with a big black boot enclosing her left lower leg.
“This thing will be a bear,” she said trying to cover her concern with a pitiful laugh before wrapping her ribs to protect them. “I was trying to remember how many stairs there are to my front door. I think it is twelve or maybe fifteen, but either way, I am going to have to learn to balance better. I should have rented the first floor apartment, I guess.”
Jennie held Charlotte gently while she took a few tentative steps, exhibiting nothing but kindness and patience. Charlotte managed to use her fingertips to find a few places to hold for balance.
“I’ve got you, Charlotte,” the big nurse told her reassuringly. “You are doing just fine.” It turned out that Jennie was a tiger to Alex, but she was a pussycat with Charlotte.
“That a girl,” she encouraged her now and with only a few steps, Charlotte had the hang of the boot. Although she was moving slowly due to the sore ribs, she was walking.
It took another twenty minutes for the hospital to process paperwork. During the wait, Alex sprang his plan on Charlotte.
“I’ve taken care of everything I could think of, so I don’t want you to worry about a thing,” he stated, very matter of fact and efficient. Pulling his phone from his pocket he reviewed his list. “I let Regan know you would not be in today but would call later, I arranged for a pharmacy to deliver medications once we have the prescriptions, I have a guest room that will be perfect – no stairs – and I am having clothes and food delivered there now so you will have everything you need.”
“I am not going to your place,” Charlotte countered without missing a beat. “I am going home. People navigate stairs on these stupid things,” she pointed at the heavy black boot on her leg, “and if they can do it, I certainly can.”
“I don’t doubt you could, Charlotte,” Alex responded. “I am confident you could do anything you set your mind to, but you have the bruised ribs and hand and you need a little help. I can provide that. I am happy to provide that.”
“I don’t know you well enough, Alex, and I absolutely cannot take advantage of you like that. Besides, you will be out of town all week, so I would still have to care for myself, just in a strange apartment.”
“It’s not strange, Charlotte, it’s flat, and comfortable. You would have everything you need there. Oh, and I cancelled my trip. I want to be here, for you.”
Charlotte blushed at the last few words, silenced for a moment. “Alex, you didn’t need to do that. I am embarrassed by all this attention. I can’t let you do this. I just can’t. I have only known you a few short months and it’s not like we have that kind of relationship.” She was blushing furiously, unable to make eye contact.
Lifting her chin and looking deep into her tawny eyes, Alex made sure she would hear and understand what he told her next. “I am your friend, Charlotte. I can do this and I want to do this for you. I am your closest friend in Chicago and I have the space, the ability,” Alex paused for effect and chose his words carefully, “and the desire to care for you.” He stressed the word ‘desire.’
She must understand what I am telling her. I couldn’t have been more obvious, even if she is in a medicated fog.
“But, Alex,” she stammered.
“Don’t but Alex me, just agree.”
“You are being so generous
and I am so appreciative…”
“Great, I will just go get the car.”
“...but I really can take care of myself, Alex. I still have to say no thank you.”
“I have an elevator, grocery delivery, assistants to run your errands, enough space. Hell, we don’t even have to see each other, as long as I know you are safe and cared for.” He knew she was wavering.
“It’s too much, Alex,” she explained. “You are so thoughtful and I appreciate it, really I do, but I simply cannot impose on you. Go to California. I will be fine.”
“It’s a secure building,” Alex reminded her, hitting her where he suspected she was most vulnerable. “You can trust me Charlotte. I will keep you safe.”
Charlotte’s head shot up and he knew he had struck a nerve. Sometime in her past she had been badly scared. It made so much sense now – her need to be strong and independent, her skittish behavior if a man got too close.
“Why did you say that?” She looked more frightened than he had ever seen her. “What would make you think you have to keep me safe?”
“I just meant that even if I am unavailable, you will still have a security person downstairs that you can call for assistance. Don’t you want that assurance, Charlotte? Don’t you want to know that you control who comes and goes while you recover, and that, even when I am not there, help is just an elevator away?”
He watched her expression as she hesitated, weighing some factor she would not discuss with him. He knew now that she was more afraid than she admitted and hoped this security argument would tip things in his favor.
He could tell she was about to refuse again and Alex was poised to go in for the kill, telling her he was certain she was lying about being attacked in the park, but it was unnecessary. Instead, surprisingly, Jennie sealed the deal for Alex.
“Honey, with that headache, the sprain, your bandaged hands and those ribs, you are going to need a bit of care for a week or so. Just let this handsome devil take care of you. It will be a role reversal for him, I can just tell.” She winked at Alex just before she disappeared down the corridor but Alex could hear her laughing at her own cleverness.
She was right though. It would be a change for him. First, he would have to let Charlotte deeper into his life. Eventually, he would have to be able to let her leave. Both would challenge him greatly. Alex just hoped he was strong enough to let Charlotte go at the end of a few weeks – and that she didn’t see too much in the meantime.
Charlotte was still laughing about the botched attempt to get into the AMG. Alex had been determined, but the car was just too small and low to the ground for Charlotte to maneuver into with bruised ribs. She could not lower herself without excruciating pain. Giving in finally, Alex signaled a taxi, handed the guy a twenty, gave him the address and followed the bright yellow Prius through traffic to his condominium only blocks away.
“You have to stop making me laugh,” Charlotte scolded again while Alex helped her to disembark from the taxi in front of his building. He was handling her like a delicate flower as she hobbled to the doorway leaning on him heavily with one arm and carrying a small plastic bag containing her dirty and destroyed exercise clothes and one bloodied shoe in the other.
“I promise I’ll try,” Alex said while crossing his heart with his index finger like a small boy. It only made Charlotte laugh again before she gave him her most ferocious – and fake – scowl.
“You live here?” she asked as she looked up toward the top of the modern building. She had passed this prestigious address, just one block west of Michigan Avenue, numerous times, always longing to see inside. The lobby was elegant and subdued through the tinted windows, with large sofas and gorgeous oversized displays of exotic blooms on traditional wooden tables. There was even a fireplace. The décor, while not consistent with the clean, soaring lines of the glass and concrete structure, set the appropriate tone of opulence and prestige.
“Yeah, is it a problem?”
“Oh no, not at all. I am only a temporary guest and besides, I have heard it is a very nice building.”
Nice. That should bring him down a peg or two. What an understatement that was. It was only one of the most desirable addresses in the most desirable neighborhood of the city.
“It is nice, come see for yourself.” He took her gently by the elbow and helped her through the revolving door, crowding with her into the space designed for one.
Immediately, a doorman – well, doorwoman in this case – jumped to assist, holding open the inner door and greeting Alex deferentially.
Alex helped Charlotte cross the large lobby, holding her like spun sugar. He introduced Charlotte to a young, petite Hispanic woman, who looked like anything but a security person. Charlotte was gratified to notice that Alex did not give the very attractive woman a second glance as he explained that Charlotte would be staying “for a while” to recuperate. “Has my assistant arrived yet, Elizabeth?” Alex asked as he maneuvered Charlotte through the inner door.
“Ms. Reese is already upstairs, Sir, and Ms. Roche, you call me if you need anything, Ma’am - anything at all.” Elizabeth was polite and efficient and flashed a warm smile that made Charlotte believe she really could call if she needed help.
Charlotte returned her smile, thanked her for the offer and hobbled with her help and Alex’s the short distance to the elevator. She watched as Alex entered a key card into the bottom of the numbers panel and then pushed the button for the 70th floor – the top floor.
“The top floor? Really?” she challenged him as if he were a spoiled brat, and not the sharp, well-educated and experienced banker who had earned this space through hard work – and perhaps some family money. “How predictable.”
“It’s comfortable,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “and Wyatt helped me get a really good deal during the housing slump.”
“Ah, of course. Good old Wyatt. You guys certainly take care of each other,” Charlotte observed without rancor.
“We try. We have been watching each other’s backs since we were in kindergarten. It’s a habit now, as well as a pleasure.“
The elevator had moved swiftly and silently, covering the distance to the top uninterrupted. The doors slid open directly into the penthouse unit explaining the need for an elevator key. Charlotte ignored the apartment and furnishings. Her eye was immediately drawn to the view.
The expanse of windows looking toward downtown afforded a view of the entire city laid out to the south, east and west. The elevator and walls blocked her view north. Trump Tower was in the foreground, Willis Tower off to her right and beyond that the museums, and parks, Soldier Field and the South Loop. She had to limp closer to the glass to look below her. Far below was the Wrigley Building with its gleaming white terra cotta façade, the sandcastle top of the Tribune tower and a huge expanse of Lake Michigan. All of this was laid at Charlotte’s feet. The lawns of Lincoln Park, where she had fallen hours ago, was hidden from view but Grant Park was laid out like a green carpet in the distance.
“This is some view,” Charlotte told Alex turning to find him watching her as she took in the space. Finally she allowed her eye to rest on the soothing neutral tones, muted rugs and open floor plan of Alex’s huge apartment. “Nice digs.”
“Thanks, when you feel a bit better, I will show you around the place. For right now, though, let’s get you settled where you can rest.”
Limping through the massive living room, Charlotte got a quick impression of low modern furniture, variations of wood tones and beige and massive spaces. She caught a quick glimpse of a long black dining table and the kitchen beyond, a large masculine office and then they entered a long hallway that was obviously a wing of bedrooms. Alex led her to the second door on her right, a bright airy room with walls painted blue and large windows offering a more limited version of the earlier southern view.
Gently helping her to sit on the king size bed, he offered to get Joanne to help her get undressed and in bed and left
the room quickly. She sat less than 30 seconds before a young African-American woman of about 25 entered the room. She was small in stature but she had a glorious head of hair that added several inches to her height. Her dark eyes were sparkling but her mouth was set and there was a furrow between her brows.
“I’m Joanne Reese,” she said, extending a hand before realizing that Charlotte’s was bandaged. Embarrassed, she fussed about the room, explaining that she had been unable to get into Charlotte’s apartment to get clothes.
Bedeviled Page 4