Charlotte looked at Alex. His face was tight with desire, focused on hers. His eyes widened as she took in the full length of him and she watched a soul-deep satisfaction settle in them. With that reassurance, she increased her movement, rolling her hips over his, grinding their bodies together as she slid up and down the length of him.
He was filling her completely and Charlotte felt the rasping heat of every inch of him. She felt complete with him inside her, empty when she slid up so that only the tip of him teased her. She loved watching the play of emotions on his face as she pulled back before gliding down to the intense pleasure of them both. She saw the raw hunger, the spiraling desire that matched her own.
Alex wrapped his large hands around both of Charlotte’s breasts, squeezing until she shuddered from the sensations. His hands wandered over her body until finally they grabbed her hips. She only resisted a moment before allowing him to control the speed and force of her movements. He leveraged her faster and Charlotte gave up sitting straight, bending forward to push against the mattress and help him and herself. It was only moments before she shuddered hard and felt her body release in a powerful orgasm that went on and on and on.
Seconds after her orgasm began, Alex took full control, flipping Charlotte to her back without uncoupling their bodies and pounding into her as the tension coiled in her again. Within seconds, Charlotte felt the blood course through her veins and the swelling inside her build to another shattering orgasm. Clinging to Alex through her shivers of release, her body drenched in sweat, Charlotte struggled to catch her breath. Alex’s expression looked almost pained in the seconds before he came, straining for that last bit of pleasure, shuddering with his release before collapsing his weight on her, replete.
The two lay together, sweaty and completely exhausted, until finally Alex rolled off Charlotte’s smaller frame, a look of complete satisfaction on his smug face.
“What are you so pleased about?” Charlotte lost the battle with herself to say nothing.
“You, I am pleased about you. You make me feel incredible.” He lay silent for several heartbeats before adding, “And if I am not mistaken I just made you feel pretty incredible – twice.”
“But who is counting?” she said with a laugh and a drowsy, satisfied grin then, finally, a huge yawn she was unable to conceal behind her hand.
“Very cute. Sleepy?”
Charlotte nodded yes and Alex reached over, covering her bare shoulder.
“Go to sleep, Charlotte.” Alex wrapped his long body around her back, holding her close but not too tight, and soon she was asleep.
Alex awoke incredibly rested, harder and hornier than usual. When he got past the first huge yawn and his brain kicked in, he realized why. Wrapped against his back with her arms around his waist was Charlotte. She felt womanly with her breasts flattened to his back, soft and rounded. She smelled good, a faint hint of last night’s perfume and their lingering sex. Her steady breathing told him she was still asleep.
Wake her or try to disentangle myself but let her sleep?
Alex knew he wanted to wake her and slake his desire hard and fast in her warm body, but instead he disentangled gently and went to make coffee. His emotions were in turmoil and he needed the caffeine to help him think straight.
Today was Charlotte’s last full day at his place and the weeks of confinement had certainly done the trick. They had moved from friends to lovers as was his goal. Not just casual lovers either, despite Charlotte’s flippant words. Sometime last night, when he was buried deep in her moist heat with their lips locked together, he had realized that this woman was different from the bimbos he had been with before and not just because she was smart. This woman had wormed her way into his life, and likely into his heart.
That absolutely cannot happen. How can I protect my family – hell - protect myself with her close by? It is too dangerous.
It was a good thing she was leaving tomorrow. Another week like this one and he knew he would be irrevocably bound to her. He needed to focus, he needed to handle things in California, help his parents get Aubrey through this wedding. Then, just maybe, he could start something with Charlotte.
Absolutely not before. She will be all right with that too. Remember, no strings.
Repeating the phrase, he poured two fragrant cups of coffee, and noting that it was already after 9:00, he went to wake Charlotte. He was quiet as a mouse moving about the condo, but the second the aroma of coffee entered the bedroom, her big brown eyes shot open.
“Do I smell coffee?”
“You do indeed,” he confirmed, handing her a steaming mug. Charlotte took a sip, blew on it to cool it, then took another. She sighed with satisfaction at both the liquid, and the sight in front of her.
“Well, Mr. Modesty,” she smiled, checking out his naked form from head to toe, “thank you for the coffee…and for last night,” she finished on a shy whisper, a blush coloring her cheeks. He placed his mug on the bedside table, climbed back under the covers and gathered Charlotte into his arms.
“Believe me, last night was my pleasure.”
“And mine,” she added, dipping her head in further embarrassment.
Lifting her chin, he leaned his head down to hers. Alex was soon kissing Charlotte with increasing passion, running his hands over her silky skin, tracing the curves of her body first with his hands, then with his tongue. He ran a line of kisses from her mouth to her jawline and along her neck to her collarbone, listening to her sighs of pleasure as he moved lower, latching firmly to her breast and staying there.
His hands continued roaming, along her trim waist, across her flat stomach and finally his fingers twined into the small patch of hair between her legs to find the tiny hub of nerves there. He rubbed her gently, then harder until she was squirming under his thumb and pulling at his shoulders.
“Want something?” he mumbled as he moved his mouth from one breast to the other, laving the tight nipple with his tongue before letting go.
“You, please.”
“You have me, Charlotte,” he responded with more emotion than he intended, his voice husky. He hid his confusion by wrapping his tongue around her nipple, circling the tightening morsel and then sucking it hard into his mouth so that Charlotte inhaled sharply at the combination of pain and pleasure. Alex released the pink tip and gently took her entire breast in his mouth, increasing the pressure of his thumb between her legs and sliding a long finger inside of her.
Charlotte was ready, wet, hot and literally panting for him. He lifted his head to her mouth and sucked her lower lip gently into his mouth before moving his body away to reach for a condom.
“We need to get you some birth control,” he stated curtly before sliding on the condom, rising above her and slipping into her fully and without hesitation.
“Oh, yes,” she responded, releasing a long slow breath. “Better.”
Laughing, Alex supported himself on his strong arms and began to rock inside of her, plunging deep then sliding out until she moved to meet him, demanding his return. He set an unpredictable rhythm, leaving Charlotte desperate for more as he swelled larger, his arms trembling, his need growing. He held on, pressing against her as he rolled his hips to maximize the sensations for them both.
He watched her face and waited, feeling her kisses grow more needy, her breath hitch with his thrusts as he held them both in a sensuous grip. The coiled tension in his body was screaming for release as he slowed down then sped up, gliding smoothly in and out as her hips lifted to meet his again and again.
Charlotte was making those little mewing sounds, clawing her fingers on the muscles of his back, almost climbing him in her need to be closer and then closer still. Her hands trailed up and down his muscles, soft fingers massaging and digging into him in raw hunger.
He ran his tongue over the outside of her mouth, then lowered his head and demanded from her kiss everything she had to give, feeling her flutter hard and repeatedly around him an
d catapulting him into shivering release. He shouted his pleasure into her mouth as he swelled inside her and exploded into her heat until he had nothing left to give.
As he stilled, Alex could feel Charlotte’s body squeezing around him, still trying to milk him, still shuddering in her own heart-shattering orgasm. When she lay still at last, breathing as if she had run a marathon, he lowered himself from his trembling arms to rest upon her, flattening her breasts with his broad chest and sinking them both deep into the pillow-topped mattress.
Coffee forgotten, Charlotte was quickly breathing the deep, even breaths of sleep. Alex watched her with satisfaction, taking in her pixie face, clear skin and straight nose. Her lips in repose were bow shaped, not wide and full as they were when she smiled. Right now, they were pink and bruised from his kisses. He enjoyed seeing her like this, bearing the signs of their lovemaking. He swelled with male pride.
Alex watched Charlotte sleep. She had a strong chin, the only indication of her determination until her eyes were open, wise and full of challenge. She showed none of her fierce independence when she was like this and he felt found himself feeling a strong desire to protect her.
From what? He wished he knew.
He loved Charlotte’s brilliant mind and willingness to spar with him on almost any topic and thoroughly enjoyed her willingness to be playful and teasing in bed. She was the perfect woman for him.
He knew it was a cliché, but Alex had never felt like this before. This warmth and fullness around his heart gave his joy and concern. He felt conflicted. He was limited in what he had to offer her right now, but undeniably, she was becoming vital to his happiness.
He drank tepid coffee and watched her chest rise and fall until he finally shook himself from his thoughts, rose and went to shower. He’d had all the exercise he needed for today. Running would just have to wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow, when she has moved back into her own home and I need to burn off my frustration.
Alex threw on a pair of shorts and a clean tee, tossed an old, faded Stanford sweatshirt over his shoulders and wandered down the long corridor to his office. After checking the headlines and email, he verified his flight to California and mentally prepared himself for the trip West, jotting notes on reports and papers on his desk. He was fully immersed in his work when Charlotte came up behind him and planted a kiss on his cheek. How had she gotten so close?
How had he let her?
Scrambling to put the papers in order and turn them over, he fumbled them a bit. Flustered, he abandoned them and pulled Charlotte into his lap, kissing her soundly.
“Hiding something?”
“It’s nothing. Just work. Hungry?”
When she said yes and they rose to get breakfast, Alex realized why she had been able to sneak up on him. “Where is your boot?”
“Oh, Alex, I am so sick of the damn thing.”
“I’ll go get it,” he said rising from the chair and heading back to his room before he remembered he left her alone in his office.
“Let me get you to a chair,” he offered, returning to the office instead of retrieving the boot. He didn’t want her exploring anything. Once he had her settled across the room, Alex went in search of the dreaded boot. Surprised to see that Charlotte had made the bed as well as showered and dressed, Alex glanced at the time. He had been immersed in work longer than he’d realized.
Returning to the office, he helped Charlotte put the heavy device on her foot, pulling the Velcro closure tight, then softening the blow by running his hands up her inner thighs almost to the edge of her panties.
“Tease,” she accused when he rose to fix breakfast.
“Ready again?” he eyed her openly, anxious to see her response.
“I guess I can wait until after breakfast.” She flashed him a saucy grin. “Maybe.”
“Well, if you can, I guess I can too,” he tossed back, then he walked over, trapping her by gripping the arms of her chair and leaning in, giving her a long kiss thick with promise. “That’ll have to hold you.”
He wandered to the open kitchen and swaggered under her gaze as he scrambled egg whites, low fat cheese and turkey sausage into an impressive omelet. He had been enjoying learning to cook. Charlotte was a good and patient instructor and he knew he would miss their lessons. For the moment, he basked in showing off his new skill.
Why did I wait so damn long?
Alex was mentally kicking himself as he moved about the kitchen. He had wasted so much time, squandered so many opportunities. Even now, he wanted her again, his hunger fueled further by the knowledge that she was leaving in less than 24 hours.
Two whole weeks wasted - or maybe not. If I feel this attached, think how much worse it would have been if we had been sleeping together the whole time. Right, get on the plane and forget this. Learn to be friends with benefits.
“This is delicious,” Charlotte praised Alex as she dove into her omelet. “So, back to the real world tomorrow. What are your plans like this week?”
“Now that you are on the mend, I will finally take that trip to California.”
“Oh, of course.”
Did she sound disappointed that I will be away?
“Where will you be? What will you be doing?”
“Well, Miss Curiosity, I will be in tons of meetings in L.A. with boring business people. What will you be doing?”
“I am sure my place needs a thorough cleaning.” At the mention of her apartment, Charlotte stared off into space. She seemed far away to him, preoccupied. Had she already mentally transitioned back to her home and away from him. He suddenly felt very lonely.
“Maybe I will go see my family,” she chirped with excitement as if she had just now thought of the idea. “They have been pressuring me.”
“Boston? Are you sure you are up for traveling? Why not wait at least until that boot comes off?”
“Yeah, good idea. My parents will worry about me even more if they see me wearing this thing. Besides, I am sure I have tons of work to catch up on. What about you? Do you need to work today?” She sounded so forlorn at the possibility.
“No, Ms. Roche, my work can wait. This is our last day living under the same roof and I plan to take advantage of it.” He flashed her a wicked grin and was rewarded with a pink blush warming her cheeks.
“Swimming perhaps? It is a beautiful day. There won’t be many more of these warm weather days you know,” Charlotte teased with a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh, swimming, I actually had not thought of that…”
“No? I thought it a perfect option. We can begin with you diving into me,” she laughed, reaching for his hand and rising from the table.
“Oh yes, diving is definitely in order.” Alex took her face between his hands and kissed her breathless.
Pulling gently on her hand, Alex led her back to the bedroom where they happily stayed for the remainder of the day.
Sunday, Charlotte awoke sore from the prior day’s acrobatics and still full from the sumptuous dinner at Les Nomades. When Alex suggested they go out for their last night ‘living together’ she had laughed. But he was serious, going all out with dinner at the chic, romantic French restaurant. She should have expected no less from him even though a last minute reservation on a Saturday night was a near impossibility at the Michelin-starred establishment.
Not only did Alex get them a table, he got them a quiet and romantic table. Charlotte was surprised until they entered the restaurant and she discovered that everyone knew Alex. It appeared he was a regular here, just as his friends had promised. She was not surprised when the host recognized him and called him by name. She certainly wasn’t shocked when the manager came from the kitchen to shake his hand. But when all of the servers but one stopped by the table to greet him, she finally understood just how much of a regular he was.
Charlotte felt lovely in the simple cream Akris Punto dress that Joanne had chosen. The woman clearly had impeccable taste and wi
th an unlimited budget on Alex’s credit card, she had gone all out. The basic sheath with the fishnet overlay was sexy and classy at the same time, exposing her chest and arms even while covering them up. Alex’s reaction added to the overall pleasure of wearing the beautiful garment – his eyes almost popped out of his head when she emerged from her room.
“Men are so funny,” she observed. “You saw me naked almost the entire day. You even showered with me. But now that I am dressed, you look at me like sex on legs.”
“Charlotte, that is just what you are. Sex on legs,” Alex said as he swooped in to kiss her. “With a brain of course.”
Bedeviled Page 11