Love Me Like You Do

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Love Me Like You Do Page 25

by Sasha Clinton

  On the eighth of October, Jamie attended a wedding at Wave Hill House.

  Splashed out in grand décor, the gardens outside had been groomed to look like a miniature version of heaven. White, cream, and beige reflected the couple who’d be celebrating their marriage here on this day.

  No, that couple didn’t include him.

  It was Grant and Eve.

  Jamie pressed his chest to stifle the powerful emotion that rose up to his throat. He doubted he’d feel as happy at his own marriage as he felt today.

  When Grant had told him that he was planning to get married, Jamie hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. Actually it wouldn’t have happened this soon if Bella hadn’t been willing to let Eve use her venue reservation.

  And Eve was the last woman he’d have imagined his dad ending up with. She wasn’t tight, blonde, or twenty. But she was the right woman. If she could turn Grant from a commitment-phobic, I’ll-bang-anything-with-a-pulse player to committed family man overnight, she must be.

  Grant was a different man these days. Kind, loving, and warm—the father Jamie remembered from his childhood.

  All he wanted to do was hang around Eve and her girls. Even now, they were giggling over some private joke, in their happy little bubble, blissfully ignorant of all the guests.

  It was impossible to be in their presence and not feel the love.

  “Have this one, it’s really good.” His internal gushing went up in smoke at the sound of Bella’s voice. Mouth stuffed with canapes, she tried to feed him some.

  Bella’s pastel dress draped over her unabashedly curvy figure, which he’d grown to love more and more over the last few months. Big round pearls sat on her earlobes. Her jaw moved constantly, as she chewed.

  “I’m okay.” He wasn’t feeling like eating.

  “I need to get the name of the caterer from Eve...” she mused. “These are the best canapes I’ve ever had. Hi!”

  Waving to Carla and Alana—his new step-sisters, Bella grinned.

  Jamie had met them a few months ago. They were a lot younger than him, but he’d found some common ground with them, which was a good start.

  “Hi.” Carla came over, while Alana continued to chat with her boyfriend. Spotting the canape in Bella’s hand, she said, “They’re so good, aren’t they?”

  Bella licked her lips. “The best.”

  “I better grab some more.” Giving Jamie a pat on the back, she vanished. “Catch you later.”

  “She’s nice.” Bella gave an approving nod in her direction. “And funny, too. She was making me laugh all through the ceremony.”

  “Figures. She’s a comedian.”

  “And a good one.”

  Jamie went ahead and hooked an arm around her waist. “Are you sad to see you’re not there?”

  He gave a pointed look in Grant and Eve’s direction.

  “Why would I want to be there when I can be here with you?” Clapping her baby blue eyes on him, she dropped her eyelids.

  “But you were so keen on getting married. You had it all planned out. You even bought a dress.”

  “I donated the dress.” She washed the canapes down with champagne.

  Startled, Jamie’s nostrils flared. “When?”

  “Five months ago. I was never going to fit into it, anyway. Thought I should give it to someone who can.”

  “We might get married in the future.” He raised his voice, feeling guilty she’d lost her dress because of him. “You never know.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She whistled. “I’m in no hurry to get married.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” He took her hand and kissed it.

  While his father’s transformation was dramatic, Bella’s was no less so. She was much more laid back these days, taking things as they came, instead of obsessing and planning. She never talked of the future or marriage. She just enjoyed every single day with him.

  Jamie lost his grip on Bella as a camera click popped into his ear.

  Of course, this being Grant Star’s wedding reception, there were bound to be photographers. Grant had sold the photographic rights to People magazine, who’d sent some of their photographers to capture the big day.

  The best man, one of Grant’s colleagues, sounded a spoon on his glass, ready to toast to the new couple. “Well, I think I’ll start the toast before Grant decides to do something rash.”

  Jamie could understand why he’d say that. The way Grant was making eyes at Eve could make a fifteen-year old blush.

  “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Paul, Grant’s best friend. Actually, Grant’s only friend, which explains why I’m the best man.” Nervously, he wiped an imaginary bead of sweat.

  Somebody chuckled at that.

  “Grant’s always had a way with the ladies.” He shot Grant a cheesy grin. “Although not with this particular lady. Not until recently. Personally, I always thought they’d make a great couple. And, it’s cliché to say this, but I was right, wasn’t I?”

  “He was,” Jamie said to Bella, laughing.

  “By the way, I’d like to thank everyone for making it to the reception of this wonderful couple. This is a truly special day.” Stroking his white beard, Paul paused. “And now, I’m going to have to tell you all about the time when Grant saved my life...”

  A yawn drifted out of Bella’s throat.

  “Didn’t sleep last night?” He cascaded his hand down her flowing hair.

  “You didn’t let me. You were snoring all night.”

  Pinching his eyebrows together, Jamie protested. “I don’t snore.”

  She clicked her tongue. “You so do.”

  “But we’ve been sleeping together for a long time, and you slept alright before.”

  “I was kidding.” Laughter tickled Bella.

  “Shhhh,” Jamie said. Paul was still talking.

  “Having been married for over thirty years, I have some advice to dispense about marriage. Yeah, I can see all those eye rolls. Bear with me for another minute.” He faced the couple. “I’m sure you’re both old enough to have become wise. Still, I’m not sure age has had the same sobering effect on Grant as it has had on the rest of us, so it’s my duty to advise.”

  The noise died down as the seriousness of the moment intensified.

  “You’re both embarking on the most amazing and meaningful journey of your life. At times, things will be tough, and at those times you must remember why you loved each other in the first place. Be each other’s best friend. Love each other. Overcome trials instead of being overcome by them. Love is precious. Who knows whether you’ll find it again. To sum it up in a quote by Lao Tzu, being loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone gives you courage. And now that’s out of the way....”

  Grant squeezed her fingers sympathetically, and it struck Jamie that this was the first time he’d seen his father be so warm to a woman.

  Paul raised his glass in the air. “Here’s to a lifetime of happiness for Grant and Eve.”

  Applause resounded, followed by champagne glasses hitting teeth.

  Entwining their fingers, Bella and Jamie toasted.

  To love, friendship, and forever.


  This book was made possible by the contributions and support of many talented people. I would like to thank Liv Shredder ([email protected]) in particular, for her great comments and feedback, which helped improve the manuscript. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Chelsea Kuhel for editing and proofreading this book.

  As always, I welcome comments, suggestions and feedback at [email protected]


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