Aitken, Jonathan, 74
Aldershot, population transfers to, 198
Alexandria Library, 300, 328n
All Things Considered (radio show), 85
Altemeyer (SS officer), 105, 107
Althans, Ewald, 239
Altman, Mrs., 179, 274
American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, 269–70
American Jewish Committee (AJC), 39, 54, 79, 247, 288
American Jews:
meaning of Holocaust to, 15
refuseniks contacted by, 11–15
Roosevelt and, 15, 24
Support for Lipstadt, 38–39, 68–69
Angriff, Der, 250–51
Annex, The (Frank), 211
Anti-Defamation League, 39, 155
antisemitism, antisemites, 6, 10, 15, 43–46, 85, 124, 164, 236
of Darville, 229
of Eliot, 28, 29, 32, 49
French Communists and, 314n
of Goebbels, 95, 249
of Irving, see Irving, David, antisemitism of
Jews blamed for, 152, 319n
MacDonald’s views on, 151–54, 158, 319n–20n
in Merchant of Venice, 180
Soviet, 13, 14
see also Holocaust; Holocaust deniers, Holocaust denial
Arab-Israeli conflict, in 1967, 9–10
Arab world, Holocaust deniers in, 17, 25, 299–300
Arafat, Yasser, 300
“Arbeit macht frei” (“Work Makes You Free”), 237, 238–39
Aronson, Shlomo, 215–16
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 295
“Aryeh from Kibbutz Sa’ad,” 11–12
Ascherson, Neal, 284
Assyrians, 65, 79, 237
Athenaeum Hotel, 73, 268, 269, 283
Atlanta, Ga., xix–xx, 25, 73, 267, 269
Atlanta Journal Constitution, 268
atom bomb, 125
“atom bomb defense,” 32
Auschwitz, 58–61, 162, 262, 285, 300
“Arbeit macht frei” slogan at, 237, 238–39
Carmelite convent at, 57, 64
crematoria of, 1, 60, 135–36
death toll at, 207
delousing facility at, 35–36, 314n
“Feldöfen” (“field ovens”) near, 143, 161–62
Himmler’s visit to (July 1942), 135
history of, 36, 56
Irving banned from, 122–23, 132–33
Irving on Jewish responsibility for, 178
Irving’s slave labor claims about, 22, 31, 84
Lipstadt’s visits to, 1, 54, 59–61, 146
Nazi destruction of command center at, 59
Polish studies of, 314n–15n
van Pelt’s views on, 36, 41, 56, 59–60, 133–49
aerial pictures of, 120, 134, 136, 140
architectural drawings of, 1, 59–61, 64, 141, 145–46
archives of, 1, 59–60, 122–23, 132–33
Bimko’s tour of, 136–37
THHP exploratory visits to, 292–93
as trial issue, 41, 79–80, 81, 83–84, 117–18, 120, 131–49, 197, 244–45
Auschwitz Construction Office, 60, 140, 146
Auschwitz gas chambers, 274, 286
blowing up of, 35
denial of, xiii–xiv, xx, 21, 33, 34, 35, 40, 65, 81, 84, 92, 100, 116, 124, 131–32, 168, 274, 275, 286, 292
in Höss’s memoirs, 195–96
Irving’s views on uses for, 131–32
Israeli reparations and, 21
Leuchter’s analysis of, 21, 33–36, 62, 83–84, 122, 131; see also Leuchter Report
Stark’s testimony on, 142
Auschwitz I (concentration camp section), 59–60, 61
mortality rate decline at, 229–30
“ausrotten” (“extirpation”), 224–25
Irving’s press conference in (1986), 115, 116
Irving’s radio interview in (1992), 181
literary hoaxes in, 228–29
Australian Style, 229
Austria, 17, 251n
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 14
“Babi Yar” (Yevtushenko), 13
Bach, Gabriel, 234
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 108
Backe, Herbert, 298
bank robbing, 165
Barak, Ehud, 216, 278
Barbie, Klaus, 304
barristers, 51–54
see also Rampton, Richard; Rogers, Heather
Bateman, Mark, 64
Bauer, Yehuda, xxi, 16, 157
Bay Area (San Francisco) Jewish community, 38
BBC, 74, 139, 177, 280, 281, 283
Beck, Amelia, 49
Beck, Joe, 39–40
Becket, Thomas à, 228
Beirut, 7–8
Belzec, 41, 194, 197, 198, 258
bench trial, 47
Ben-Gurion, David, 203
Bergen-Belsen, 137, 209, 218
Berlin, 54–56, 251n
Lipstadt in, 235, 301
Berlin (Kiaulehn), 250, 251
Berlin Jews, 55–56, 82–83, 102–3, 111–12, 192
crime and, 251–52
Bertelsmann, 293
Bertolina, Anne (née Hannelore Josias), 285
Bethlehem, 7
Biddle, Francis, 129–30, 165, 261, 273
Bild-Zeitung, 19
Bimko, Ada (Hadassah Rosensaft), 136–37
Birkenau, 60–64, 129
chute replaced with steps at, 60, 145–46, 258
crematoria at, 60, 136–37, 138, 143, 145–46, 258
delousing building at, 62–63
elevator at, 143–44, 146, 148, 149, 215
gas chambers at, 21, 35, 60, 62, 89, 92–93, 132, 136–37, 138, 143, 258
Lipstadt’s visit to, 61–64, 272
Bischoff, Karl, 148, 258
Bismarck, Otto von, 55
Bitburg, 304
blacks, 301
civil rights of, 5
Irving’s views on, 176–77, 181–83, 201, 247
Blair, Tony, 225
Bletchley Park intercepts, 111
Blumenthal, David, 79, 88, 183, 255, 276
Blumenthal, Ursula, 79, 88, 93, 108, 255, 276
Australian woman pointed out by, 124–25, 228
Board of Deputies, British (BOD), 213, 256
Bohr, Niels, 125
Bouhler, Philip, 96
Brandeis University, 10, 15
Brandy (cocker spaniel), 94
Breitman, Richard, 293
Brief History of Time, A (documentary), 33
Brisbane Courier Mail, 229
British Jews, 48, 120
British Museum, 65, 237
British National Party (BNP), 248–49
Brooks, Mel, 301
Broome, Jack, 18–19
Broszat, Martin, 163, 202
brothels, 129, 261
Browning, Christopher, 41, 44, 224
appearance of, 44, 190
Irving’s challenge to report of, 71–72, 315n
on murder of Eastern Front Jews, 189–94
as non-Jew, 190
report mistake of, 196
report of, 41, 71–72, 189–90, 191, 196, 315n
Sawoniuk trial and, 44, 314n
testimony of, 189–98
“Brunhilda” (“Lady Renouf”), 128, 178, 294, 296–97, 327n
Bruns, Walter, 81, 105–7, 218–19, 273
Bryant, Nevin, 140
Buchan, John, 201
Buchanan, Patrick, 304
Buchenwald, 217, 218
Bukovina, 13
Bundesarchiv, 20
Bundeskriminalamt, 211–12
Bush, George W., 300
Butz, Arthur, 312n Buxton, Lord Justice, 294, 296
Byrnes, Veronica, 59, 61
Canada, 90
Holocaust deniers in, xiii, xx, 21, 44–45, 99–100, 122, 123, 311n
Irving-Lipstadt case covered by media in, 189
ing’s 1991 speech in, 99–100
Carmelite nuns, at Auschwitz, 57, 64
Carnes, Ed, 36
Carto, Willis, 181, 322n
Cassell and Company, 19
Castagno, Paola, 289
Catholic Church:
Carmelite convent at Auschwitz and, 57, 64
Holocaust and, 57, 58
Catholic-Jewish dialogues, 57
cemeteries, Jewish, 9, 10, 57
Chaplin, Charlie, 301
Charmley, John, 22
Chelmno, 194, 258
gas vans of, 145, 195, 198
Chomsky, Noam, 304
Christians, 6–7, 9
see also Catholic Church
Churchill, Winston, 272
Goebbels equated with, 124
Hobson’s choice of, 111
Irving compared with, 125, 228, 229
Irving interviewed on, 22
Irving’s writings on, 18, 20, 40–41, 235
Churchill (Charmley), 22
City College of New York, 6
Civil Procedure rule, 52
civil rights movement, 5
Clinton, Bill, 58, 278
CNN, 212, 281
Cohen, Patricia, 66
college newspapers, Holocaust denier ads accepted by, 17
communism, Communists, 170, 180, 228–29, 258, 292
in France, 58, 314n
see also East Germany; Soviet Union
concentration camps, xiii–xiv, 37, 162, 299
Allies blamed for cadaver-like victims in, 208–9
Kristallnacht and, 165
see also specific camps
conspiracy theories:
Irving’s claims of, xxi–xxii, 70, 80, 81, 110, 188, 213, 256, 261–62, 279
MacDonald’s views on, 156–57
in U.S. politics, 6
Copenhagen (Frayn), 125, 220 “cost order,” 267
Court of Appeal, British, 291–96
Coventry Cathedral, 169
Coward, Noel, 165
Craig, Gordon, 30–31
cricket players, Irving’s views on, 181–82, 201, 247
crime, Jews and, 249–52, 261, 273
Crooks, Joe, 30
Czernowitz, 13–14
Dachau, 217, 286
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 91
Daily Telegraph (London), xv, 281–82
Dalai Lama, 97
Dalrymple, James, 144
Daluege, Kurt, 250–51, 261, 273, 325n
Damascus, 7, 8
Darville, Helen (“Demidenko”), 124–25, 228–29, 284
Davenport Lyons, 54, 60
Davies, Adrian, 294, 295
Davis, Danny, 298
Davis, Douglas, 269
death camps, see specific camps
DeConcini, Barbara, 221
deconstructionism, 252
Dejaco, Walther, 60, 145
delousing facilities, 35–36, 62–63, 314n
“Demidenko,” see Darville, Helen
Denmark, 125
Denying the Holocaust (Lipstadt), 96, 277–78
Bauer’s letter about, 157
controversy about, 25
discovery process and, 39–40
Irving as Holocaust denier in, xiii, xix–xxii, 27, 41
Irving falsely linked to terrorists in, 72
Irving’s breach of archival protocol in, 185–86
Irving’s career affected by, 91–92, 96, 97
Irving’s personal life affected by, 96–97, 99
Irving’s reputation problems and, 110
libel suit over, see Irving v. Penguin and Lipstadt
Penguin’s letters about, xix–xxi, 25
reviews of, 25
sources for critique of Irving in, xxi, 27, 110
travel and research costs for, 27–28
Dershowitz, Alan, 303–5
Destruction of Convoy PQ17, The (Irving), 18–19
Destruction of Dresden, The (Irving), 18, 168, 169
Destruction of European Jewry, The (Hilberg), 53
Deutsches Nachrichten-Büro (DNB), 250, 251
Deutsche Volksunion, 20
Diana, Princess of Wales, 28–29, 42, 313n–14n
Diary of Anne Frank, The, 211–12, 323n
Dickens, Charles, 46, 52
discovery process, 32, 39–40, 45–48, 54, 70, 157
Funfack’s letter to Irving in, 169–70
and Irving’s breach of privilege, 157
Irving’s second set of materials in, 46–47, 123
Lipstadt’s affidavit in, 47–48
Domachevo, murder of Jews in, 314n
Dothan, Felix, 281
Dresden, Allied bombing of, 18, 40, 41, 67, 93, 235, 273–74
death toll distortions and, 167–71, 274
photographic distortions and, 205, 206
Duke, David, 181, 321n
Dutch Jews, 134, 193, 194
Eastern Front, murder of Jews on, 273
in Browning’s testimony, 189–94
Enigma reports on, 111
Irving’s claims about, 40, 41, 92, 100–105, 111–17, 175, 189–93, 227, 250, 273, 317n
in Longerich’s testimony, 227, 229
Rampton’s cross-examination about, 101–5, 111–17
East Germany, 12, 56, 170
Irving in, 64–65
Economist, 284
education, open admissions and, 6
Egypt, 9–10
Eichmann, Adolf, 55, 195–96
manuscript of, 203, 216, 234, 237–38, 248
trial of, 6, 203, 282
Einsatzgruppen, 101–2, 113, 206
death tolls made by, 190–93
Longerich’s analysis of activities of, 227, 230–31 1947
trials of, 322n–23n
Report No. 51 of, 102, 114, 117
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 225
Eliot, T. S., 31, 42, 228
antisemitism of, 28, 29, 32, 49
“Eliot v. Julius” (Fenton), 29
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 22, 177, 297
Emory University, xx–xxi, 25, 68, 97, 151, 189, 203
Lipstadt’s paid leave from, 69
support of Lipstadt, 30
teaching of Lipstadt’s classes, 30
Engel, Cicely, 74
England, 94, 297
immigration to, 90, 181, 182
Irving’s views on, 90, 176–77, 181–82, 183
see also London
ethnicity, 12–13
eugenics, 151–52
euthanasia, 95, 97
Evans, Richard, 40–45, 291
background of, 42
on Hitler’s 1924 trial, 214–15
on Hitler’s role in Kristallnacht, 216–18
Irving’s angry engagement with, 200–202
Irving’s appeal and, 294, 295
MacDonald’s attack on, 319n–20n
on photographic distortions, 205–8
report of, 67–69, 71, 72, 121, 162, 164, 167–68, 189, 200–202, 204–5, 207, 213, 214, 217, 220, 251, 293, 317n
on Riga ditches, 218–19
skepticism of, 43, 45, 199
testimony of, 199–209, 212–21, 223, 264
Evening Standard (London), xv, 279
Ewige Jude, Der (The Eternal Jew) (film), 152–53
Exodus, SS, 38
Exodus (Uris), 6
expert witnesses, 53–54, 291
allegiance of, 43
Irving’s use of, 81, 89, 120–22, 151, 154–59, 186–89
payment of, 40, 202, 291
selection of, 33, 40–41
see also Browning, Christopher; Evans, Richard; Funke, Hajo; Longerich, Peter; van Pelt, Robert Jan Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 297
Fahd bin Salman, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 297
Fahn, Roberta, 216
Far Rockaway, NY, 4
Farrakhan, Louis, 72
Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control (documentary), 33–34
fatwa, 74
Faurisson, Robert, 237, 304<
br />
FBI, 293–94, 327n
“Feldöfen” (“field ovens”), 143, 161–62
Fenton, James, 29
Financial Times, 28
Finkelstein, Norman, 304
First Amendment, xiv–xxii, 31, 313n
Forbes-Watson, Anthony, 74, 75, 77
Foreign Office, Nazi, 190
Fort Worth Star Telegram, 284
Communists in, 58, 314n
Roman Catholic Church in, 58
Frank, Anne, 100–101, 108
Diary of Anne Frank, The, 211–12, 323n
Frank, Hans, 225–26
Frank, Otto, (Anne’s father), 101, 323n
Frank, Edith, (Anne’s mother), 101
Frankfurt Jews, 112
Frayn, Michael, 125
freedom of speech, xiv, 303–4
freedom of the press, xiv, 31
Freeport, La., Irving’s speech in, 178
Free Press, 27
French Jews, 193
Friedman, Rabbi Herbert, 37–39, 68–69, 280
Führer typeface, 102
functionalists, 23
Funfack, Max, 168–69, 171
Funke, Hajo, 41, 301
report of, 235
testimony of, 223, 233–41, 253
videotapes brought by, 236–37
gas chambers, 48–49, 257–58, 275, 300
eyewitnesses of, 136–42, 197, 198, 262, 274
holes in roofs of, 138–39, 140, 146–47, 262, 293
see also Auschwitz gas chambers; Birkenau, gas chambers at
gas vans, 41, 145, 195, 198
genocide vs. Holocaust, 24
German Federal Statistical Office, 252
German Jews, 3, 6, 94
deportation lists for, 193
refuseniks compared with, 14–15
Riga murders of, 81, 105–7, 111
see also Berlin Jews; Kristallnacht
Germany, 43, 197
Holocaust denial in, 17, 235–39, 312n
Irving barred from lecturing in, 236
Irving in, 19–20, 235–36
Lipstadt in, 235
National Archives of (Bundesarchiv), 20
neo-Nazi groups in, 17, 20, 64–65, 236, 237, 239, 240, 258, 274
Germany, East, see East
Germany Germany, Nazi, see Nazis, Nazi Germany
Germany, West, 43, 197
Israeli reparations from, 21
Gerstein, Kurt, 315n
Gestapo, 167, 322n
Gibson, Hutton, 299
Gibson, Mel, 299
Gilbert, Sir Martin, 41, 124, 272
Glemp, Cardinal Jozef, 57
Goebbels, Joseph, 240, 251
antisemitism of, 95, 249
Churchill equated with, 124
diaries of, 81, 185–86, 204, 270, 275
Dresden bombing death tolls and, 169, 171
Kristallnacht and, 165–66
Goebbels (Irving), 30–31, 46, 91–92, 107
Jewish crime in, 249–52
Kristallnacht in, 166–67, 217
Goldhagen, Donald, 44
Goodman, Andy, 5
Göring, Hermann, 164
Gray, Charles, 128–35, 187–91, 253–55
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