libel law in, xiv, xxi, 31–32
solicitors vs. barristers in, 51
Leningrad, 95
lethal injection system, 21, 34
Leuchter, Carolyn, 34, 35
Leuchter, Fred:
gas chambers analyzed by, 21, 33–36, 62, 83–84, 122, 131
Morris’s documentary about, 33–37, 174
Leuchter Report, 83–84, 89, 122, 128–31, 274
Irving’s 1989 press conference on, 128–30, 171
Levi, Primo, 59
Lewis, Anthony, xiii–xv
libel law:
public figure defense and, 31, 313n
in U.S. vs. Great Britain, xiv, xxi, 31–32
libel suits, 18–19
of Princess Diana, 42
see also Irving v. Penguin and Lipstadt
Liberty Lobby, 17
Library Journal, 91
Libson, Ann, 268
Libson, James, 32–33, 37, 39–42, 45–48, 51–54, 65, 70, 145, 157, 180, 182, 199, 214, 298
appearance of, 42
background of, 42
Evans’s report and, 68
Irving’s legal appeal and, 292, 294, 295, 296
Irving’s victory predictions and, 73–74
judgment and, 267, 268, 271–72, 277, 278, 280
at last regular session, 246
MacDonald’s testimony and, 151, 154, 159
at meeting with Rampton, 52–54
at pretrial hearings, 46–47, 72
and trial in first week, 84, 85, 89, 92
and trial in second week, 119
working on case as viewed by, 288
Lidice massacre, 250, 325n
Lieberman, Marion, 286
Linnas, Karl, 304
Lipstadt, Deborah E.:
affidavit signed by, 47–48
appearance of, 1, 75, 87, 268
background of, 3–6, 56
in Berlin, 54–56
control lost by, xxiii, 49
in demonstrations, 5, 6
education of, 3–7, 9, 10, 15
family legend about, 49
income of, 28
independence of, 4–5
interviews of, 88, 91, 277–80
Irving identified as Holocaust denier by, xiii, xix–xxi
Irving’s legal appeal and, 291–97
Irving’s libel suit against, see Irving v. Penguin and Lipstadt; trial
as covered by media, xxii, 48, 87, 276–80
in London, 41–45, 49, 51–54, 61
name of, 5, 7, 8
new passport of, 7, 8
Penguin’s correspondence with, xix–xxi, 25, 27, 28
in Poland, 56–64
prayer book of, 13–14
silence broken by, 239–40
silence of, xxii–xxiii, 49, 54, 85, 103, 110, 158, 269
student-years travel abroad of, 6–15
thank-yous received by, 276, 279–81, 285–89
theater and film viewing of, 125, 180, 220, 301
as university professor, xix–xxi, 15, 16, 69, 189, 202–3, 281
workout routine of, 139–40, 270
see also Denying the Holocaust
Lipstadt, Gustav, 94, 95
Lipstadt, Erwin H. (father), 3–6, 8, 10, 276
death of, 13, 94, 95
immigration of, 56
Lipstadt, Miriam (mother), 3–5, 8, 10, 56, 69, 73, 276, 285
Lodz, 194
London, 45–49
hotels in, 41–42, 73
Lipstadt in, 41–45, 49, 51–54, 61, 64–65, 68–69, 71–74, 268, 292–96, see also trial
London Times, 20, 87–88, 139, 268, 283
Longerich, Peter, 41
appearance of, 224
on “ausrotten,” 224–25
Einsatzgruppen activities analyzed by, 227, 230–31
on Madagascar Plan, 226–27
testimony of, 223–31
on “vernichte,” 225–26
Los Angeles, Calif., 96, 286
Los Angeles Times, 85
loving-kindness, acts of, 289–90
Lowe, Walt, 221
Lowenberg, Bill, 38, 279–80
Lowenberg, Susan, 280
Lukacs, John, xiv, 23, 43, 293
Lvov Jews, 230–31
Lyall, Sarah, 85
Lyons, Kirk, 249
McCarthy, Joseph, 264
McCarthy, Julie, 85, 272
McCormack, Thomas J., 91
MacDonald, Kevin, 151–59
antisemitism as viewed by, 151–53, 319n–20n
appearance of, 155
Evans attacked by, 319n–20n
testimony of, 151, 154–59
McDonald, Sir Trevor, 176–77
Macmillan, xiv McVeigh, Timothy, 321n
Madagascar Plan, 226–27
Maidanek, 117–18, 162
gas chamber of, 21
Major, John, 200
Malden, 35
Mandela, Nelson, 176
Mandelbaum Gate, 6–7, 9
Mantell, Lord Justice, 294, 296
marriage, 15
see also intermarriage
mass media:
Jews alleged control of, 57
pre-trial coverage by, xxii, 48, 49, 65–66, 71, 73–74, 92
trial covered by, 77–78, 80, 85, 87–90, 103, 124–25, 139, 183, 189, 256, 268, 269, 271–72, 276–84, 291
see also radio talk shows; specific publications; television
Mazal, Harry, 292, 294, 295
Mazal, Jerry, 294
Mazower, Mark, 66
medical experiments, 60
Meed, Ben, 269–70, 278
Mengele, Joseph, 60
mentally disabled, killing of, 95, 97
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 180, 220
Methodist Church, 30
Michel, Ernie, 38, 280
Mi Lai, killing of Jews compared with, 112–13, 116
Millar, Peter, 186
Miller, Marjorie, 85
Miller, Theo, 170–71, 273–74
Minkin, David, 27
Minsk, 113
Mishcon de Reya, 29–30, 278, 298, 328n
Lipstadt’s visits to, 41–43, 51, 54, 64–65, 173, 270–71
Mississippi, civil rights movement in, 5
Morning Edition (radio show), 85, 272
Morris, Emile, 226
Morris, Errol, 33–37, 41, 131n, 174
Moscow, 11, 81
Bischoff letter found in, 258
Goebbels’s diary in, 185–86, 204, 270, 275
Mount of Olives, Jewish cemetery on, 9, 10
Mr. Death (documentary), 33–37, 131n, 174
Müller, Heinrich, 166, 227
Munich, 165–66
Holocaust deniers in, 237, 238–39
Munich Jews, 112, 166
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 228
Musial, Stanislav, 57–58
NASA, 140
National Alliance (NA), 245–48, 264, 274
National Public Radio, 85, 272
Nazis, Nazi Germany, 18–25, 44, 81, 95, 100–108, 125, 161–71, 187–98, 205–9
Allied bombing raids on, 206, 207, 317n; see also Dresden, Allied bombing of
Aschwitz command center destroyed by, 59
Auschwitz gas chamber blown up by, 35
Enigma codes of, 111
Irving’s views on, xiii, xx, 18–23
Jewish crime allegations and, 249–52
Jews blamed for actions of, 152
Judenräte and, 23–24
Kristallnacht in, 56, 165–67, 216–18, 257, 273, 321n
Lidice’s impact on Allied opinion of, 325n
party chancellery of, 224
in Sound of Music, 220
Soviet Union invaded by, 41
see also Eastern Front, murder of Jews on; Holocaust; neo-Nazism, neo-Nazis
NBC, 19, 20
neo-Nazism, neo-Nazis, 17
in Germany, 17, 20, 64–65, 236, 237, 239, 240, 258, 27
Irving’s association with, 20, 41, 46, 64–65, 84, 96, 233–34, 236, 237, 239, 240, 258, 259, 274, 284
Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation, 211–12
New Republic, 17
newspapers, British:
libel suit settlements of, xiv
see also specific newspapers
New York City, 3–6
open admissions in, 6
Upper West Side of, 3, 94–95
New York Review of Books, 30
New York Times, 65–66, 85, 91, 188, 283
New York Times Book Review, 25
New York Times v. Sullivan, 313n Noontide Press, 17
Nunn, Trevor, 180
Nuremberg (Irving), photographic distortion in, 206–7
Nuremberg Tribunal, 129–30, 235, 261, 273, 282, 293–94
Obscenity Commission, British, 74
Observer, 284, 293, 296
Office of Communication, Israeli, 11
Oklahoma City bombing, 301, 321n
Olère, David, 140–41, 144, 262
Operation Reinhard, 41
Oranienburg, 217
Oranienburger Strasse Synagogue, 55–56
Ordinary Men (Browning), 41, 44
Ordnungspolizei (Order Police), 250, 251
Origins of the Second World War, The (Taylor), 22
Other Side, The (Abbas), 299–300
Oxford University, 29
Page, Jillian, 19
Palestine, 38, 299–300
Palestinian terrorists, 72
Palmer, Zoe Polanska, 292, 294–95
paranoid style in American politics, 6
Passion of the Christ, The (film), 299
Passover, 5–6, 269, 270, 301
Paulin, Tom, 300
Pawnbroker, The (Wallant), 6
Paxman, Jeremy, 280
Peacock, Helena, 27, 74, 201
Pearson, 28
Penguin UK, 77, 256, 261, 277, 278
antisemitic passage in books of, 201
insurer of, 44
Irving’s appeal and, 297
Irving’s libel suit against, xiii–xiv, 27, 31, 43, 44, 74, see also Irving v. Penguin and Lipstadt
joint defense terms accepted by, 44
lawyers for, 27, 40, 59, 74
Lipstadt’s letters from settlement offer and, 69–70
terms of joint defense and, 44
Watt’s views on, 278–79
Perahia, Murray, 108, 272
Perahia, Ninette, 108, 272
perestroika, 4
Peter, Saint, 228, 253
Pforzheim, Allied bombing of, 206, 207
philanthropy, Holocaust linked with, 15
Phillip, Karl, 239
distortions and, 205–8
of ditches, 218
of Lipstadt, 1, 75, 103
Pickwick Papers (Dickens), 52
Pierce, William, 245
Pill, Lord Justice, 294, 296
Pinker, Steven, 153–54
Pohl, Oswald, 83, 229
Poland, 35, 56–64, 269
Auschwitz studies by, 314n–15n
Warsaw Ghetto uprising in, 5, 162–63, 257
see also Auschwitz; Auschwitz gas chambers; Auschwitz I; Auschwitz-Birkenau; Birkenau
Polish Episcopate Commission for the Dialogue with Judaism, 57
Polish Jews, 57–58, 194
Warsaw Ghetto uprising of, 162–63
political correctness, 201, 282
Politik der Vernichtung (The Politics of Extermination) (Longerich), 224
presentism, fallacy of, 24
Presley, Elvis, 25
press freedom, xiv, 31
pretrial hearings, 46–47, 70–72
Producers, The (film), 301
Propaganda Ministry, Nazi, 171, 251
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 17, 152, 154
exhibition of, 300, 328n
public figure defense, 31, 313n
Publishers Weekly, 91
Purdue, Janet, 109, 120, 181, 255–56, 294
Putsch, 165, 272–73
QBVII (Uris), 78
racism, 17
of Irving, 43, 70, 173, 174, 176–78, 181–83, 200–201, 223, 247–48, 258, 260, 263, 274–75, 280, 284, 301
Rackman, Emanuel, 4, 5
radio talk shows:
Holocaust deniers and, 17–18
Irving interviewed on (1992), 181
Rampton, Carolyn, 64
Rampton, Richard, 51–54, 59–64, 71–74, 127–32, 128, 287
appearance of, 52
at Auschwitz and Birkenau, 54, 59–64, 146
Browning’s testimony and, 191, 193, 195, 196–97
closing arguments of, 256–60, 294
Eichmann manuscript and, 216, 234, 237–38
Evans’s testimony and, 201, 212, 213, 215, 220
Funke’s testimony and, 233, 235, 239–41
on Gray, 71
IHR stumble of, 106, 107
Irving cross-examined by, 99–107, 110–19, 122–24, 128–32, 161–67, 173–82, 186, 243–53
Irving’s legal appeal and, 292, 295, 297
Irving’s political extremism and, 233–34, 245–49
judgment and, 272, 275, 278
Keegan’s testimony and, 187, 188
Longerich’s testimony and, 226, 227, 228, 231
MacDonald’s testimony and, 154, 155, 156, 158–59, 188
pro bono offer of, 70
settlement offer as viewed by, 74
and trial on opening day, 77–79, 82–85, 93
and trial on second day, 89, 92, 93, 99–103
and trial on third day, 104–7
and trial in second week, 110–19, 122–24
van Pelt’s testimony and, 134, 135, 137, 138, 144, 146, 147–48
Rantisi, Abdel Aziz, 300
rapes, 167, 257
Rassinier, Paul, 208
Ravensbrück, 325n
Reader’s Digest, 299
refusenik movement, 11–15
Regan, Ernie, 286
Rema Synagogue, 57
“Renouf, Lady,” see “Brunhilda”
Report to the Führer on Combating Partisans (No. 51; Dec. 1942), 102, 114, 117
Reuters, 183, 269
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 162
Rich, Frank, 91
Riga, mass murder of Jews in, 81, 105–7, 111, 206, 273
ditch dimensions and, 218–19
“rights of audience,” 52
Rogers, Heather, 52, 53, 63, 177, 180, 292
appearance of, 53
at Auschwitz and Birkenau, 54, 59–61, 272
at trial, 77, 78, 93, 106, 116, 130, 134, 154, 213, 239, 241, 262, 273
Roman Catholic Church, in France, 58
Romania, 14
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 15, 24
Rosensaft, Hadassah, see Bimko, Ada
Roth, Jim, 131
Royal High Courts of Justice (The Law Courts), 75, 87
description of, 78–79
move to courtroom 73 in, 109
Rubenstein, Elyakhim, 216, 234
Rubenstein, Michael, 249
Rushdie, Salman, 74
St. Martin’s Press, 91–92, 155
Saramago, Jose, 300
Sardinenpackung (“sardine packing”), 219
Satanic Verses (Rushdie), 74
Saudi Arabia, 74, 297
Sawoniuk, Anthony, 44, 314n
Sawyer, Diane, 209
Scharnhorst (battleship), 102
Scheerer, Germar (Rudolf), 292, 294–95
Schindler’s List (film), 57
Schwartz-Bart, Andre, 6
Sedley, Stephen, 291–92
Segev, Tom, 269
Selling Hitler (Harris), 20
Sennacherib, King, 65
Sereny, Gitta, 45–46
Seth (Lipstadt’s former student), 202–3, 215–16, 234
Shakespeare, William, 180
Sharon, Ariel, 300
r /> Shoah, 58
Shoah Foundation, 38
Shoffman, Stuart, 216
Shulevitz, Judith, 153
Sikorski, General, 18
Simon Wiesenthal Center, 39, 156, 157
Sinai Peninsula, 9
Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara, 294
Skelton-Robinson, Thomas, 43, 45, 53–54, 67, 143, 173, 203
Slate, 153
Slovakia, 162
Slovakian Jews, 162
Sobibor, 41, 162, 194, 197, 198, 258
solicitors, 51
see also Bateman, Mark; Brynes, Veronica; Julius, Anthony; Libson, James
Soll, Bruce, 79, 275
Sound of Music, The (film), 220
South Africa, 90
Soviet Jews, 4
as refuseniks, 11–15
Soviet Union, 10–15, 81
atrocities against Ukrainians by, 229, 230–31
fall of, 185–86
family reunification and, 12
German invasion of, 41
Israel’s relations with, 11, 13
in World War II, 18, 35, 41, 59, 170, 221
see also Eastern Front
speech, freedom of, xiv, 303–4
Spiegel, Der, 20
Spielberg, Steven, 38, 57
Spotlight, 322n
SS (Schutzstaffel), 111, 116, 227, 250, 304
April 1943 memo of, 229–30
Bimko’s gas chamber tour with, 136–37
Birkenau barracks of, 132, 258
brothels for, 129
June 1942
report by, 119
in Minsk, 113
Riga murders and, 105, 107
Tauber’s testimony on, 138, 141
Verwaltungsführer der, 83, 104–5
Stäglich, Wilhelm, 237, 239
Stalin, Joseph, 4
Stalingrad, 95, 102, 117
Stark, Hans, 142
Stein, Moe, 281
Steiner, Bertha, 281
Steiner, Max, 281
Steiner, Robert, 281
Stern, 19, 312n
Stern, Ken, 39, 54, 79, 154, 183, 269
closing arguments and, 255, 261, 263
Struggle for Europe (Wilmott), 187
student paper, on Irving, 156–57
Sullivan, L. B., 313n
Sunday Times (London), 73–74, 168, 221
Goebbels’s diary and, 185–86, 204
Sun Tzu, 295
Supreme Court, U.S., xiv, 313n
Sussman, Professor, 88, 93–94, 95, 108
Sydney Morning Herald, 229, 283–84
Sydnor, Charles, 23
in Germany, 55–56, 165, 166, 257
Kristallnacht and, 56, 165, 166, 217
in Poland, 57, 61
in Romania, 14
in Soviet Union, 13–14
in United States, 4, 73, 269
Syracuse University, Collection of Nuremberg Trial Documents at, 130
Syria, 7, 8, 10
“Tagesbefehl” (“Order of the Day”) 47 (TB-47), 168–69, 170, 273
Talmud, 154
Tampa, Fla., Irving’s speech in (1992), 178–79
Tauber, Henryk, 138, 141, 147–48
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