Old Earth

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Old Earth Page 33

by Gary Grossman

  Of all the words he could have used, candidates was the most damning. Candidates, not successor. Kavanaugh read it like a death sentence. He struggled to find a way to defend himself.

  “It’s a new day, Mr. Gruber. Social media spreads word in seconds. A tweet from an explorer’s cell can produce viral recognition for his discovery and trouble for us. Try to contain that. Impossible. So we must intervene at the earliest possible opportunity. That’s what I did. I acted in time; appropriate for this new age. Swiftly, efficiently.”

  Kavanaugh was gaining strength and a renewed sense of his own purpose

  “We can no longer merely hide behind a research publication. We must be more aggressive; more pro-active. Ours is a holy mission. A priest who digs too deeply is as much a threat as a teacher.”

  “Right now, you, Mr. Kavanaugh, you are the biggest threat to our ongoing success.”

  “No, I am the future.”

  “You failed to understand the past. How can you possibly see the future?”

  Kavanaugh wondered if Gruber would actually pull the trigger. No, not like I did, without prejudice. He loves talking. Time to talk.

  “Mr. Gruber, we can fix this. I can make it better. Obviously I have more to learn.”

  “Appealing to my paternal side? Remember, I have no children.”

  “Sir, I am deferring to the man I most admire and have obviously disappointed.” Keep this going. “I’m happy that you’re alive.” What a lie. “I wasn’t ready to take over.” Bullshit. “This test has proven that to me as well. You were correct to do it.” Lower the fucking gun.

  “You are a danger to all that we have built. If you had truly understood our purpose over the power you sought, you could have been a deserving leader. I had hope, even though I harbored doubt. Yet, you disappointed me and I’m troubled I misjudged you so.”

  Kavanaugh could no longer contain himself. “Damn you and your endless lectures. Your incessant rants, your antiquated approaches. All so formal and so meaningless. I listened until I heard enough. Do you want to know the truth?”

  “Ah, the truth. That would be enlightening.”

  “I perfected the art of tuning you out while fully being in your presence.”

  “And thus, your true self. A charlatan posing as a believer,” Gruber declared as he took a wide berth around Kavanaugh. He finished by tapping his umbrella on the cavern floor. First slowly, then faster. It was an unnerving sound. Suddenly he stopped.

  “How could I have so misjudged you?”

  “I am a believer!” Kavanaugh rubbed his scalp, the unconscious sign of his anxiety that Gruber read all too well. “But I finally had to see for myself if the secrets were real.”

  “They are!” Gruber shouted. He paused and lowered his voice. “My boy, my impertinent boy. If you had any doubt, you had merely to ask.”

  The response startled Kavanaugh. He looked up at his mentor, who didn’t seem like a sickly old man in the partial light and shadows.

  “You would have shown me?”

  Gruber simply smiled.

  “You would have?” Kavanaugh asked again, struggling with his words, trying to get to his knees…to beg.

  “Had you asked and had you proven yourself. In time, yes.”

  • • •

  Outside the cave

  The same time

  McCauley sized up the guards flanked in front of them and now to the sides. He gauged they were all roughly age 40. Ex-military or certainly with military training. They wore khaki pants and shirts with no insignias or identification, matching tan caps and boots. Besides handguns they were equipped with an array of rifles, some with scopes, others that looked like they’d be ready for a full-on assault.

  McCauley sat next to Katrina to hold her, believing the worst was yet to come.

  “Move apart!”

  “Come on,” McCauley complained.

  “Apart now!” The man backed his demand with the a steely-eyed look and his gun coming up, first aiming at McCauley, then shifting to Katrina. “Farther!”

  McCauley moved to the side but held Katrina’s hand. They waited in the sun, perspiring as much out of fear as the heat.

  • • •

  Inside the cave

  The same time

  “You faked your death!”

  “Only to lessen my misgivings,” Gruber admitted. “After all, I think we can both now agree they were well-founded.”

  “You spent all those years investing in me. All your lessons. Now take a look at yourself. Go ahead look at your reflection in the water. You’re a failure as a teacher. It’s you who haven’t passed the test your own mentors set for you. Without me, you have no one to take over. There is no one else!” He defiantly stared at the old man.

  Gruber took the three steps closer. He used the tip of his umbrella to lift up the young man’s chin, so he would not only hear, but see him more clearly.

  “There was always someone else.”

  The heartless answer echoed against the cavern walls. Gruber stepped back.

  “There always is,” he said softly.

  Enraged, Kavanaugh finally lunged at Martin Gruber who stood very close.

  He was wrong about Gruber’s commitment to pull the trigger. Gruber shot the younger man in his right kneecap.

  Colin Kavanaugh dropped his flashlight and grabbed his wound. “Damn you,” he said writhing in pain. “I was only trying to live up to you.”

  “You didn’t come close.”

  Gruber shot Kavanaugh’s other kneecap.

  Kavanaugh shrieked, “Please!”

  “Our discussions are over. Just as you wanted.” Gruber kicked Kavanaugh’s flashlight into the water.

  “Good-bye, my boy. You have much to think about, but little time. I suggest you get to it.”

  Martin Gruber left.

  “Don’t leave me,” the dying man screamed. “I just wanted to succeed, to follow The Path. Please!”

  Gruber disappeared into the darkness leaving his former protégé alone.

  “Please!” Kavanaugh yelled in agony. “Please, Mr. Gruber! Please!” His cries echoed through the chamber.

  Gruber recovered a package he’d left against the rocks and quietly said, “Too late.” He reached inside, adjusted the contents, and carefully stepped away.


  Outside the cave

  The same time

  “Who are you people?” McCauley finally braved.

  The only man tasked to speak remained silent.

  “Government? No.” McCauley answered the question himself. “You’re on your own, aren’t you? This is all ideological, not political.”

  McCauley wanted to engage them, but he also wondered why they were waiting or whom they were waiting for.

  “You’re part of some organization. You believe in what you’re doing. You’re committed. But, hell, you’re not holding high value assets. We’re just…”

  At that moment, an out of breath voice from behind interrupted with a polite, but urgent instruction.

  “I suggest everyone move away from the cave as quickly as possible.”

  McCauley and Alpert looked over their shoulders. They saw an old man carrying an umbrella. He stepped around them and repeated the warning. “I must insist, now!”

  They hustled as a group.

  “Faster,” he implored.

  “Why?” Katrina shouted as they raced downhill.

  The answer came with a deafening explosion. If the blast weren’t convincing enough, the accelerating force and debris field that funneled out of the cave certainly was. Katrina and Quinn were bowled over. Martin Gruber was able to stay upright only because one of his men steadied him.

  Katrina wasn’t sure how long it took to recover. Her ears ached and she felt dust in every pore. She reached for Quinn. His fingers grasped hers.

  They slowly helped one another find footing. Quinn steadied Katrina with his arm as they stood.

  “Ah, Dr. McCauley. For the pre
sent, it’s good to see that you and Dr. Alpert appear no worse for the wear.”

  “For Christ’s sake, how can you say that? Father Eccleston is dead. And who are you? What’s this all about?”

  “I’m sorry, no climactic admissions except that this is all about you. Who I am is of no matter. Simply consider me someone who holds the upper hand. And despite my advanced years and obvious ill health, I remain in good company. You’ve met my associates. Trust me, there are many more.”

  “What about the man inside?” Katrina asked.

  “Dead or dying. With a great deal of regret. His, not mine. What’s more, I have no qualms adding to the death toll today.” He looked smug and satisfied. “Tell me, what did you find inside before all the commotion began?”

  Katrina was appalled by the comment. “He killed Father Eccleston and you call it commotion?”

  “My sincere apologies, Dr. Alpert. Admittedly a poor choice of words,” Gruber said. “However, the answer remains important. How far in did you get? What did you see?”

  McCauley interrupted before Katrina could say anything. “We were on our way when we were confronted.”

  “Oh is that so? Should I believe you?” He turned to his troop. The officer who had spoken only shrugged his shoulders.

  “Quite the dilemma, wouldn’t you agree? You could be telling the truth. If that’s the case, then I should feel a modicum of guilt. Conversely? Well, then I will have no remorse. But for clarity’s sake, back to my question. How far…?”

  “Where Father Eccleston was shot,” Katrina stated. “Quinn threw a rock at the guy and then he dove into the water to try to save the priest. It was too late. I helped Quinn out and we left.”

  Gruber applauded while resting the handle of his umbrella on his arm. “A very nice recital.”

  “What did we miss?” Katrina asked without flinching.

  “Oh, Dr. Alpert, you do us a disservice. As I said before, no climactic admissions. Let the explosive charge we all felt finally close that chapter. Of course this should have been properly taken care of in the day. Such secrets potentially exposed. But now it’s done.”

  “In the day?” Katrina knew what he meant. “Galileo’s day?” she boldly proclaimed.

  “Ah, before my time,” Gruber stated. “But I see you know your history.”

  “We’re actually pretty much in the dark,” McCauley admitted. “…and were when we were interrupted by the assassin you’ve since sealed in.” That much was true.

  Gruber studied McCauley. “Well, this is the very thing that leads to my dilemma.” Gruber aimed his gun at McCauley. “What to do with you?”

  “Dr. Alpert,” McCauley started again. “Katrina and I are grateful to be alive right now.” He held her tighter. “That makes us very eager to listen.”

  Gruber nodded. He looked around for someplace to sit. The boulder that they’d moved was a few steps away. He rested himself against the rock. “Impressive feat. Dislodging this boulder couldn’t have been easy.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  “You mentioned secrets,” McCauley said.

  “Observant, Dr. McCauley. No doubt in academics you believe you have a responsibility to report what you have found. I am in the business of doing the opposite. As such, I’m methodical to a fault.

  “That underlying character trait makes me believe that you understand more than you admit. After all, your travels took you beyond your own discovery to a researcher, an academician, an explorer, and lastly a priest. Have I missed anyone?”

  McCauley did not volunteer Marli Bellamy’s name.

  “California, London, France and quite deep, as I understand, within the Vatican library,” Gruber continued. “Very impressive. With some extremely intuitive and focused requests. Isn’t that so?”

  It didn’t require a response or confession. Gruber clearly knew what he was talking about.

  “Considering what you have likely seen here, your own exploration as well, and your association with a recently departed Galileo scholar, I’d say your emergent conclusions and my avowed duty are in direct conflict.”

  “We followed clues to Le Marche, but they haven’t led to any understanding,” Katrina admitted quite honestly.

  “Yet, you may have a theory. And that alone can lead to risks civilization can ill afford.”

  “I don’t understand,” McCauley said.

  “Keeping it strictly philosophical?”

  “Of course.” McCauley felt their only hope was to string out the conversation long enough for the police to come—if, on the chance, anyone heard and reported the explosion.

  “You seek a different truth than I do,” Gruber explained. “You may call it reality. I would argue that you know nothing of what is really real. However, you both have surprised me. You’ve traveled far in your quest. Perhaps farther than I believed possible. However, no matter what you might think you saw, would you be prepared to live with the knowledge that your discovery could become the catalyst for sweeping revolutions…that you, Dr. McCauley and Dr. Alpert could cause a rise in fanaticism on a scale the world has never known? I’ve ordered deaths to keep the secrets. What I’ve done would not compare to the devastation that you would cause.”

  Katrina looked at Quinn, confused.

  “You’re scientists. Your stock in trade are facts. You are also members of, as we used to say, the family of man. As such, I recognize you have responsibilities. To put it in a metaphor relevant to your life’s work, the earth is solid, but we walk on eggshells. Civilization itself is fragile, held together by political parties, organized religion, and disparate sects. It’s been that way for millennia.”

  “And wars have been fought defending religious dogma and keeping dictators in power,” Alpert interrupted. “Millions upon millions killed.”

  “Yes, Dr. Alpert. And also billions of people clothed and fed, sheltered, and protected. There has been goodness. Yet, all of that would be gone come next Sunday if faith fails in the world’s largest religion. And what do you suppose would fill the vacuum?”

  They had no answer for such a direct question.

  “To put it in your pedagogy, seismic change. Another religion feared by the West, misunderstood by the world, and often misrepresented by its own congregation would take over, more swiftly than imagined. Or a fanaticism we haven’t even known. Call it ISIS today or something else entirely new tomorrow, it surely wouldn’t end in undeveloped or third-world countries. The ultimate impact on western civilization would be immeasurable, redefining life and society as we know it.”

  Gruber stood and stretched his arms and legs. “Too much sitting. I have to walk a bit.” Gruber strolled and took deep breaths. His age was showing. He checked his watch. “It’s always about time, isn’t it? We’ll have to wrap this up soon, though I’m sure you want our talk to continue with the hope that you’ll be rescued by the local authorities. Sadly, for you, I’ve taken care of them.”

  Gruber haughtily took in the fresh country air and straightened. “You wouldn’t know it, but doctors pronounced me dead a number of months ago. Personally, I felt it was not a good time to die and so here I am.”

  Now he paced, using his umbrella as a crutch.

  “The foundation of my mission is maintaining the social fabric of the world. And still, I’m reminded by events as recent as minutes ago, we’re only human. My would-be successor, whom you had the misfortune of meeting, was guilty of avarice.”

  “That sounds as if it’s a distinctly religious condemnation,” Quinn remarked.

  “Perhaps it is both religious and personal. While the organization I represent is not theologically based, we are an order that cannot allow self-worth to be placed above the greater good.”

  “And murder,” Katrina said pointedly. “You people kill priests.”

  Gruber did not answer.

  “And next? You have no ethical issues about killing us?”

  “None, Dr. Alpert. But admittedly, the job gets harder.”

sp; “The job?”

  “Containing potential exposure. Eliminating threats. In past years, we could destroy evidence with little notice. We could buy off investigators, intimidate and even blackmail. Today, there are more and more people like you who explore anywhere on the face of the earth and others who map from satellites. It’s increasingly difficult. Ours is a duty to maintain order, long ago decided, for the betterment of all. But we live in the age of Google Earth.”

  Gruber stepped closer. As he did so, his associates brought their guns up into firing position.

  “Governments come and go,” Gruber continued. “Wars move national boundaries and establish temporary alliances. The rule of normality is the only constant, driven by doctrinal faith.”

  “But… .”

  Gruber shot his hand up. “No!” He acted perturbed for the first time. “In fact, there are many religions. Each preaching its own version of things. And truth be told, I believe that all of them would be doing the same thing if they knew.”

  “If they knew what?” McCauley exclaimed.

  “The secrets.”

  “So the Vatican continues its Inquisition five hundred years later because it wants to?” McCauley demanded.

  “Oh, no. I haven’t made myself clear. We’re not the Vatican,” Gruber stated. “Beyond Galileo we never were. I’m not a clergyman. We have no affiliation. None. Individually, we may have our own beliefs, but there is much more at stake.”

  “What are you then?”

  “In simple terms, Dr. Alpert, I am the man who can put an end to your questions with merely a nod to my left or my right. No guilt. You die. I walk away and have an early dinner.”

  Gruber wasn’t completely satisfied with what he was saying. He gathered his thoughts.

  “I have to admit, I’m not used to being out of the office. I’ve had a difficult time finding a successor. As you’ve seen, my primary choice did not live up to expectations. So all things considered, I’ve had a lot on my plate recently. Normally, we’ve been able to deal with things in a cleaner manner, but we are in a bit of transition.”


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