If You Were Mine

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If You Were Mine Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  Would they be upset? Would they forbid him from being with a commoner?

  Lennon took my hand and we left his room, made our way down the ornate hallway, and stopped right outside of the King and Queen’s sitting area.

  God, I was so nervous my hands would be shaking if I didn’t have them clasped so tightly together.

  “Hey, baby, everything will be okay.” Lennon stopped and turned me around so we faced each other. He kissed the side of my neck. I was aware of the few servants walking by, but I knew they wouldn't pay attention to us, or at least wouldn't make it obvious.

  “And if they say we can't be together?” I whispered the words, afraid to even say them out loud. Even after only spending one night with him, I knew this was what I wanted in my life more than anything. Even before that, I knew he was it for me.

  I just hadn't thought it would be my reality.

  Lennon shook his head, pulling away from me and staring into my eyes. “I don't care what anyone says, not even my mother or father. I want you, and no one is going to tell me we can't be together. If that means giving up my title, giving up all of this…” He waved his hand around the room, gesturing toward the elaborate furnishings. “If they say I have to get rid of all this shit for you, I would gladly do so in an instant.”

  He pulled me in close to him, and I rested my head on his chest, not caring who saw. We were about to tell the King and Queen of our relationship, and as scared as I was, I anticipated this. I wanted this moment, had envisioned and fantasized about it for longer than I cared to admit.

  This was the first day of the rest of our lives.


  I stared at my mother and father, trying to gauge their reaction after what I’d just told them. I had explained my feelings for Daisy, and although she hadn't said anything, I knew she was nervous and needed my support more than anything right now.

  I glanced over at her, watching as she worried her bottom lip, her straight white teeth pulling at the flesh. I wished I could've taken her worrying away, let her know that it didn't matter what the outcome was, that I would still be with her.

  “And this... relationship transpired when?” my father finally responded.

  “My feelings for her have been there all along.” I glanced at Daisy again and smiled. She was watching me, her eyes still wide, but the smile on her face clear. I wanted her to know she had strength when she was with me, that I hoped in time she would have her own strength and not feel weak in front of my parents.

  They might be the King and Queen, but they were like everybody else.

  “This is sudden,” my mother said and I looked over at her. “You've never been one to be in a committed relationship before, and have kept to yourself this whole time. We just assumed you'd never settle down.”

  I bristled slightly at her words, although they were true, because it wasn't like I’d sought out a relationship with anybody.

  “I've never found somebody that I felt I could be myself with. I never felt like I could open up and be happy.” I was being honest with my parents, maybe for the first time in my entire life. They'd seen enough of the tabloids calling me the black sheep of the family, the loner that didn't want anything to do with tradition or the Crown. But the truth was I just wasn't happy in this life where strict rules had to be obeyed. “But with Daisy I felt all those things and more.”

  Daisy reached out and took my hand in hers, giving a light squeeze. I drew strength from her and I knew as time went on that would only grow. This was the first day of the rest of our lives. I knew that without a doubt.

  “Noah is who will lead this country after Father. Noah is the one who would make you proud.” I stared right into my father’s eyes.

  “You think you don't make me proud?” my father asked, sitting up straighter, the surprise on his face clear.

  I didn't respond, because the truth was I knew I didn't make him proud, not like Noah did or could.

  “You're my son, whether you want to take the Crown or not, whether you want to be deep in royal tradition or not. You are still my son and I am proud of you.” And then he surprised me by standing up and walking around the desk. He helped me to stand and embraced me, his hug strong, welcoming.

  My father wasn't one to show much affection. More of a strict and rigid parental figure, he made sure to instill what this life was really about, and how we were to serve the people of our country. But right now I didn't feel like he was the King. Right now he was just my dad.

  My father pulled back and clapped me on the shoulder. “You care for this young lady?”

  My mother had taken residence beside my father. I looked over at Daisy and held my hand out for her to take it. She stood and I pulled her in close. “I do. I care for her a lot.” I looked over at my mother and father. “I want her in my life and I'm keeping it that way.”

  I don’t know if I expected my father to argue over the fact she was of “lower class” than us, which seemed an outdated and almost barbaric way of thinking. But the smile he gave me did shock me. It was filled with acceptance and understanding. In that moment I felt horrible for thinking that my parents wouldn't see how happy I was, and understand that this was what I wanted.

  I didn't know what the future held, but I wanted to experience it all with Daisy.


  One month later

  I knew people watched, that there were cameras on us, but I didn't care. In this moment it was just Lennon and me, getting to know each other, learning about the other, and taking in the fact that this was our life.

  “Are they bothering you?” Lennon asked and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer. “We can leave, go someplace more secluded.”

  I didn't know if Lennon was speaking about the guards that had accompanied us to the park, or the tabloids that I knew were placed around us, partially hidden from view.

  I turned to face Lennon and smiled, not wanting them to interfere with us. “They don't bother me if they don't bother you.” And then I cupped his face and brought him in closer. I slanted my mouth on his and really gave the cameras a show.

  Our little display of affection would probably be on the front paper tomorrow morning, but I didn't care. Let them see. Let them know how much I loved this man, how much he consumed me.

  I might not have ever envisioned myself with Lennon, maybe even thinking I wasn't worthy of his attention or affection. But now that he was in my life, I wanted the world to know that my feelings for him were genuine, true.

  We parted at the same time and Lennon smiled at me. “I could really give them something to take pictures of if I didn't think it would humiliate you.” He started laughing softly and I could only shake my head, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Nothing you could do could embarrass me. And I don't care about the tabloids. I don't care what anyone thinks about me. All I care about is the next day we have together.” Maybe what I said was sappy, but I didn't care. I was on cloud nine with Lennon.

  I’d finally found the puzzle piece that I had been missing in my life. I’d finally found another person who knew me, who could look into my eyes and know how I felt without me saying a word.

  Sure, the coupling we’d shared had been instant, fast. But it had felt so right. It had felt like I’d finally found what I had been missing. And I knew Lennon felt the same way.

  As Lennon had said before, fuck anyone who thought we didn't belong together.

  Epilogue One


  Five years later

  She was mine now and forever. I pulled her close and inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of her filling my lungs, imprinting in my very cells, the marrow deep in my bones.

  Daisy rested her head against me, fitting perfectly right up against my chest. Our bodies were sweaty, the act of me fucking her, taking her… claiming her still covering both of us. Every day, every minute, hell, every second I wanted to show her with my body that I was hers the same as she was mine.

  I s
moothed my hand down her arm, slipped my fingers through hers, and lifted her hand. I’d married Daisy two years ago, the ceremony grand, royal, of course. But we’d just been two people, neither of us better than the other, both of us just madly in love. We’d waited, planned, made sure everything was set before we’d said our vows.

  I’d wanted her to get to know me, the real me, and I’d wanted to learn everything I could about Daisy. I’d wanted us to be as close as two people could be.

  I stared at the ring, smoothing my finger over the rock, along her skin, and down her digit. I’d picked this one out especially for her—had it custom made, wanted it unique, the same way she was to me.

  Everything I did was for her.

  I would have married her the first night I had her in my bed. But I’d waited, let her get to know the real me, learned everything I could about Daisy, and then I made her mine.

  I could hear her breath become even, slow, and knew she was falling asleep. Having her close to me, right up against my body, knowing she was safe… mine, was perfection.

  I slid my hand over to her belly and spanned the flat surface with my palm. For a second all I did was feel her stomach moving up and down gently as she breathed. “I love you,” I whispered, not knowing if she’d hear, but wanting her to know.

  She shifted and turned in my arms, and opened her eyes slowly. I cupped the side of her face, her skin warm, soft. She lifted her hand and placed it over mine, which was still on her cheek.

  “Let’s have a baby,” I said, the words spilling out on their own. Moving my hand away from her face, I slid it down her side, skimmed my fingers along the curve and arch of her waist and hip, and moved it so my hand was on her belly. “What do you think?”

  “A baby?”

  “A baby,” I said and smiled.

  She lifted her head and stared at me. “I want that.”

  I grinned, feeling so elated I couldn’t even contain it. I rolled on top of her, my cock hard, my body ready for her. I was always ready for her, always needing to make her feel so fucking good.

  “Spread for me, baby. Let me make you feel good again.” When she was in position I settled between her legs. She was wet, so damn wet for me but it was a combination of her arousal and my cum. The fact that my seed slipped from the tight confines of her body turned me on, made me feel possessive, feral even.

  “I love you so fucking much,” I murmured. I ran my nose up the arch of her neck, inhaling that sweet scent that always surrounded her. I growled in approval of the fact that she smelled just like me.

  “I love you too,” she gasped out because right when she said that I aligned my cock with her pussy and shoved in deeply.

  My movements were slow, gentle even. I pulled back and looked into her face. God, I was the luckiest man on the fucking planet.

  “Lennon.” Breathing my name out, Daisy arched her chest and closed her eyes, the pleasure clear in her expression.

  I thrust into her over and over again. Daisy moaned my name and I grunted in response.

  I kissed her then, claiming her mouth, her body, her very soul. She owned every part of me, had from the moment I saw her and knew I wanted her in my life, fuck everyone else and what they might think.

  It didn’t matter how much money we had, how well known we were, I was lucky to have Daisy in my life.

  I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I was never letting go.


  And baby makes three

  Watching my wife, the woman I loved more than anything else, feeding our child, had this warmth spreading through me.

  I leaned against the wall, my heart filled as Daisy hummed to our baby girl Lana.I’d never thought I could love someone as much as Daisy, but after Lana came into our lives I finally knew what being complete really was.

  My girls.

  My life.

  I stayed there for five minutes, just watching Daisy, just absorbing the sight, the sounds, the feelings. Daisy finished up the feeding and smiled down at Lana, who had fallen asleep. Daisy put her in the bed and came over to me, and I wrapped my arms around her, puling her in closer.

  Our life had been pretty perfect, so wonderful that I was glad we could have this life, could be together. We’d moved about an hour from the palace, our estate having been in the family for generations. It was perfect for us, with rolling hills and open lands, with a little farm for Daisy and me to immerse ourselves in and get relaxed.

  It was our little part of heaven.

  I took her to our room since it was late, just wanting to hold her, to let her know she was always loved, safe, and protected. Once in the room I turned her around and started helping her out of her clothes. This wasn’t about sex. This was about making her feel comfortable, letting her relax while I did everything else.

  I cupped her cheeks, stared into her eyes, and smiled. “If I could marry you again and start from the beginning to prove to you over and over that you were mine, I’d do it in an instant.” She gave me the sweetest fucking smile. “I fall in love with you every day.” I pulled her against me even more, held the back of her head, and just let the feelings embrace me. I pulled back and leaned down, kissing her until she was breathless and clinging to me. I lifted her in my arms and carried her to our bed, telling myself I shouldn’t be about to ravish her, but unable to stop myself.

  She breathed out, wrapping her arms around me. This was what life was about. This was what living meant. Royalty or not, I was glad I’d followed my heart and not the path everyone else had set out for me.

  Daisy was mine, and always would be.

  The End


  I felt weird sitting across from him, eating this lavish breakfast when I really should be cleaning his massive mansion. I didn’t say anything, not after he told me to eat. I didn’t know what to say anyway.

  When I’d eaten as much as I could, I leaned back and glanced up at him. He was looking at me, but then again, I’d been feeling his stare on me the entire time.

  He looked totally different than the images I’d seen when I searched him on the Internet. No longer did he have the dark close-cropped hair that had been slicked back in a professional manner. He was also not the clean-shaven business tycoon that I’d read about. Instead his hair was longer, falling below his ears. And his beard was wild, just like him, I assumed.

  But the truth was I liked his appearance.

  And even though he might’ve seemed unkempt to others, I had a feeling he purposefully took on this appearance to hide himself. Even with the long hair and the beard, I could still see the scars that lined one side of his face, and even his neck. God, the pain he must’ve felt, the humiliation he must still be feeling.

  Part of me wanted to tell him he had nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. I had my own scars, albeit they were internal, but everyone had wounds that might never heal. I wanted to connect with him on his level, wanted to show him that I was the same as he was.

  I came from a broken home, my mother having left us when I was just a child. And because my father had been my rock for so long, losing him changed my world... shattered it.

  As the years passed I grew stronger, tried to be surer of myself. But deep down I was still a little girl that had lost so much, that was scared of the world even if I put on a good front.

  I took a deep breath, not about to beat around the bush because I wanted to know what this was all about. I wanted to know why he’d asked me here this morning. Was I in trouble? Was I not doing a good enough job? Maybe this was a goodbye breakfast before he fired me, realizing that I really didn’t have the skills that he was looking for. Maybe he just didn’t want me here.

  If that’s the case why is he looking at me so intently? Why is he watching me like he wants to crawl inside of me and find out everything about me?

  “Mr. Foxwerth—“

  “I want you to call me Rofus.”

  Even though it was just his first name, it seemed so personal, so in

  I had my hands clasped tightly in my lap, my throat feeling so dry, so tight. “Can I ask why you invited me here? I mean, I’m very grateful and the breakfast was delicious, but you don’t seem like the type of man who invites his staff to join him during meals.”

  He lifted a dark eyebrow after I said that. “What type of man do I seem like?”

  I really should have kept my mouth shut, trod lightly because he was my employer, the man who gave me my paycheck. So instead of putting my foot in my mouth, I shook my head and smiled. “You seem like a very generous man.” Although I didn’t really know that, and everything I had read about him told me he was ruthless when it came to what he wanted, unforgiving, and powerful in all aspects of his life. I certainly didn’t want to offend him, not when I’d only been here for two weeks.

  He didn’t say anything after I spoke, so I stood up and was about to excuse myself and get back to work when I was frozen in place at the sound of his chair scraping across the floor as he stood as well.

  “I’d like to show you something.”

  My heart was thundering so fast I didn’t doubt he could hear it. I licked my lips and saw that he lowered his gaze to watch the act. “Okay,” I said on a whisper.

  He didn’t wait for me to respond, just turned and started walking away. I could either stand there and look like an idiot, or follow him. I did the latter.

  We ended up walking for a few minutes before he finally took me into the greenhouse. I had walked past it a handful of times, but had never been brave enough to sneak a peak in there.

  He opened the door to the garden and stepped aside to let me in. My movements were slow, hesitant. This felt very personal, very intimate. I didn’t know what was going on, but the heat inside of me was consuming. I could feel his stare on me, like he was actually reaching out and stroking my skin with the tips of his fingers.


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