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Exposed Page 2

by Deborah Bladon

  "To me?" I almost scream the words. Dammit. I have to temper my reactions to him. He may be the best looking man I've ever met but I can't keep acting like an inexperienced fool when he talks to me.

  "I'll order a coffee and wait." He throws a smile over my shoulder. I assume it's in the direction of Josephine. She may actually be the only person alive his charm won't work on. He quickly darts his gaze back to me. "Ten thirty it is."

  I watch him walk to the back of the line as I pull in a deep breath. Hunter Reynolds is going to sit in this crowded, over heated bistro for more than two hours just so he can talk to me. I wish I had a clean apron.

  Chapter 3

  "Can I get you another cup of coffee?" I reach for the empty, stained paper cup sitting in front of him on the small circular table.

  "No." He chuckles as he waves his hand over the rim. "Three cups is my limit for the morning."

  I nod silently as I place a chilled water bottle on the table before taking a seat across from him.

  "I wanted to apologize." He leans just a touch forward in his chair so his elbow rests on the table. "I didn't handle myself very well when I came back to your place last night."

  I can feel Alexa's eyes burning a hole in my back. The quick pep talk she gave me in the storage room before my break only made me more nervous. Her advice for flirting left me laughing in her face. I can't think about that now or I'm going to start giggling and Hunter is going to think I'm more of a childish brat than he already does.

  "I misinterpreted what you said," I offer. I still feel embarrassed over assuming he was talking about seducing me.

  "I'm not usually such an asshole." A thin grin slides across his lips.

  I smirk. "I would call you more of a dick than an asshole."

  He throws his head back in laughter. I stare at the shape of his jaw and the soft stubble that is covering it. None of the boys I've dated in school have been anything like him. He's different. Maybe it's his confidence or maybe it's just that fact that he knows how to carry himself. Whatever it is, it feels like a magnet that is pulling me into him.

  "That's fair." He picks up the paper cup and lightly taps it against the table. "I shouldn't have come back that late and I sure as hell shouldn't have been a dick about your work."

  The way he emphasizes the word dick makes me smile. "You were hot for Petra," I say casually.

  His eyebrows shoot up and a smile once again floods his face. "I was?"

  "You must have been." I shrug my shoulders while I try to stifle in a giggle. "Why else would you come back in the middle of the night to get her number?"

  "I lost track of time?" He poses it as a question.

  "Wrong answer," I tease.

  "I was in the neighborhood?" He runs his tongue along his lower lip and I almost melt.

  "Strike two," I whisper.

  "I'm a dick?" He playfully punches his fist lightly on the table.

  "We have a winner." I giggle before taking a small sip of water from the bottle.

  "I came to apologize." His voice has taken on a more serious tone. "It was wrong of me to show up at the door that late and I had no right to ask about where you worked."

  I'm surprised. I'm sure that he can tell by my silence and the stunned look on my face. This guy sitting across the small table from me isn't the same guy I was talking to a few hours ago in my parent's house. This man seems genuine and the charm has slipped into the background.

  "Apology accepted." I glance at the clock on the wall to the right. "I need to get back to work."

  I feel his hand reach for mine as I start to stand. The electricity that flows from him into me startles me. I look directly into his eyes to see if he feels anything and I see something that I just can't place there.

  "Wait," he says quietly. "Maybe we can grab a coffee or lunch sometime."

  I sit back down in silence. I can't process what he just said. I don't want to humiliate myself again by misjudging his words.

  "I thought it would be good to learn more about your mother's charity." He drops my hand. "I was impressed by what I heard last night and I'd like to know more."

  I breathe in a heavy sigh. "My mom would be the best person for you to talk to about that. She's away in Europe right now but if you give me your card I can have her call you."

  "Can't you tell me more?" He cocks his head to the side.

  "I guess," I say dispassionately. Although my mother started her charitable endeavours when I was ill, I've never been directly involved with it. Last night I was pushed into hosting her dinner because she had scurried off to Europe with my father to put out another fire started by my older brother, Dylan.

  "What about later today?" He stands as he picks up the empty paper cup.

  "I have plans." I push myself from the chair.

  "Plans?" he questions.

  I wish I could read him better. He's being almost as pushy as he was last night. "A birthday dinner for a friend," I cautiously offer.

  "A boyfriend?"

  The question startles me. Why is he asking me if I have a boyfriend? That is what he's asking, isn't it? Maybe he means a friend who is a boy? It's obvious that he sees me as a girl and not a woman.

  "A friend." I push back. "I need to get back to work. If you drop by the house late next week my mother will be back and she'll be more than happy to tell you all about her charity work."

  He doesn't say anything. He just nods as I turn and walk back towards the counter and Alexa's grinning face.

  Chapter 4

  "He could be your summer fling." Alexa looks at me in the mirror. "It'll be all hot and heavy until you have to go back to school, then you go your separate ways."

  "You must be hard of hearing," I say as I point at my ears. "He's not interested in me. He wants to know more about my mom's charity."

  She spins around so she's facing me now. I don't move from my place on my bed. She's almost ready for Kayla's birthday dinner and I don't even have the energy to take a shower. I'm still tired from last night and spending the evening with a bunch of catty girls from Alexa's sorority doesn't seem that appealing at this moment.

  "Get up lazy bones." She pushes on my leg with her hand. "We need to be there in forty five."

  "When have we ever gotten anywhere on time?" I tease as I sit on the edge of the bed. "You can't make a grand entrance if we get there early."

  "Smart Sadie to the rescue." She smirks before continuing, "I'm going to finish with my makeup. Get in that shower."

  I begrudgingly do as I'm told and within the hour I'm dressed in a shimmering, short metallic brown dress, nude heels and I've pinned my hair up into a messy upsweep. Unlike Alexa, I opt for minimal makeup. She's always on display and I'd much rather fade into the background. I smile as she walks back into my bedroom. The pink dress she's wearing is cut almost to her navel. The black very high heels she's chosen to wear look impossible to walk in but she breezes through the room with ease.

  "I called a cab." She scans the room looking for her purse. "Let's go."

  I follow her out of the house and into the waiting taxi. I don't say a word as I watch her expertly palm her way through countless messages on her phone.

  "I'm going to meet up with Danny after we're done with the dinner," she says casually as she tosses her smartphone back into her purse. "I need to get laid."

  I laugh out loud at her boldness. I envy it but I've never told her that. She's the same age as I am and has had more lovers than I can count. I've only had two and both were quick to leave my life after we had sex. My last boyfriend, Will, told me he loved me but that all changed after we made love. He broke up with me in a text the following day. Alexa has it all figured out. She's the one fucking and then leaving. I don't know how she does it, but she seems happy. Judging by the wide grin on her face at this moment, Danny must be the best of the best.

  "I don't remember you mentioning Danny before." I try to stifle a chuckle. I don't remember any of the names of the guys she sleeps with.r />
  "He's new." She gazes out the window. "I met him at a club two weeks ago. He fucked me in his car. Christ his cock is huge. I need that tonight."

  I shake my head and don't respond. I'm actually not sure what I could possibly say after that.

  "We're here." She throws a few bills through the small window in the glass divide between the driver and us. "Get out, Sadie."

  I feel her hand pushing my leg towards the door so I open it and step out into the warm night air. "We're having dinner here?" I glance towards the long line of people awaiting entry into Axel. "" I stumble over the word. This is the restaurant in Boston at the moment. Everyone wants a table here.

  "Kayla knows someone who knows someone." She twists her hips so she can pull down the hem of her dress. "Let's get inside."

  I follow her lead and we enter a beautifully decorated space. I look around the room breathing in the exquisite ambiance. There are groups of people all huddled together around small tables, enjoying glasses of wine and plates of food that look like works of art. This is definitely going to be a treat.

  "This way, ladies." The hostess hesitates on the word ladies and I wonder instantly if it's a cheap barb at the way Alexa is dressed. I can't blame the woman for judging her. She does look a little underdressed for the occasion.

  "Alexa, Sadie." Kayla bounces to her feet, almost falling over in the process.

  I cringe as I realize she's already a bit tipsy. "Happy birthday." I reach to give her two air kisses, one on each cheek. The girls in Alexa's sorority have never tried to veil the fact that they don't like outsiders. I didn't pledge so I've always gotten the brush off whenever we hang out with them.

  "Kayla," Alexa shrieks her name loud enough that several people at the tables near us crane their necks to see what's going on. "You look gorgeous." I recognize the slight edge of sarcasm in my best friend's voice. I vaguely remember a few days last summer when Kayla was the enemy because she was dating someone Alexa wanted. I smile knowing I'll never be pulled into that.

  I sit down and pretend to listen to their conversations. A waiter appears and takes my drink order. If I'm going to get through a few hours with this bunch I'll need something stronger than sparkling water so I order a dirty martini. I heave a heavy sigh of relief when he doesn't ask to see some identification. I get carded so often I'm shocked when it actually doesn't happen.

  "I'd do him in a heartbeat." Kayla's slurred announcement perks up everyone at the table and we all instantaneously follow the path of her index finger as it waves in the air towards the restaurant's entrance. "Have you ever seen anyone as hot as that?"

  I careen my neck trying to gaze past a group of women who are gathered a few feet away. I'm greeted by the sight of a gorgeous man. He's tall. His brown hair is pushed back from his face revealing a strong jawline and deep brown eyes. He glances briefly in our direction before his gaze is pulled behind him.

  "I should go talk to him." Alexa pushes herself into a standing position, her breasts almost spilling out of her dress. "Fuck Danny. I'm going to fuck that." She waves her half full wine glass in the direction of the entrance. She shrieks when the wine comes spilling out, splashing onto the table and her dress.

  I grimace at the sight of her standing there so disheveled. I try to catch her eye to motion for her to sit back down but it's to no avail. Mr. Gorgeous from the front door is now walking in our direction.

  "Holy shit, he's coming over." Christie, one of Kayla's friends tries to whisper but her tone is so loud that I'm sure everyone waiting outside the front door can hear her.

  I hang my head down focusing on the napkin sitting in my lap. I don't want to be a party to watching these women trip all over each other trying to get that man's attention. Maybe I can pretend to go to the ladies' room and I can bolt out the door and catch a cab home. I debate the move as I hear the frantic voices of Alexa, Kayla and their friends arguing over who gets to go home with him.

  Suddenly, they all quiet. There are faint whispers and I know that he must be standing at the table. "Sadie? Sadie Lockwood?" A deep voice breaks through the low hum in the room.

  I pull my gaze up to see Hunter Reynolds standing right next to Mr. Gorgeous.

  Chapter 5

  I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I struggle to respond. "Hey," I say. Hey? Really? That's all I can come up with? All of these girls I've secretly envied for years are now staring at me because one of the two hot guys standing in front of our table actually knows me.

  "Sadie. I didn't know you'd be here." His eyes scan the faces of the other girls before they settle on me again. "Which of these lovely ladies is celebrating her birthday?"

  "That's me." Kayla bounces from her seat. Her hand pops out and reaches towards Hunter. I have no idea whether she's about to shake his hand or grab his crotch.

  "Happy birthday to you." Hunter takes her hand in his and brings it gently to his lips.

  Kayla giggles and flashes us all a look that screams this one is mine.

  "Sadie, aren't you going to introduce us to your friends?" Christie snarls.

  I shake my head slightly at the irony of the situation. How did I suddenly become the one with hot male friends? What alternate universe existed inside Axel? It's no wonder everyone is scrambling to get a table here.

  "This is Hunter Reynolds." I motion towards him. "And this is..." my voice trails. I have no idea who the man with Hunter is.

  "Jax Walker," Hunter interjects. "He's a business associate from Manhattan and an old friend."

  Jax nods and locks eyes with me. "It's great to meet you, Sadie." His voice is warm and calm.

  "You could join us." Alexa is standing now too. "We can make room." She motions for all of us to scoot our chairs over. The other girls gleefully comply and I'm suddenly shoulder-to-shoulder with two very ample chested friends of Kayla's.

  "Thanks for the invitation." Hunter motions for a waiter. "But we've got some business to discuss."

  "What is it, Mr. Reynolds?" The waiter taps his foot anxiously. "What do you need?"

  "Whatever these beautiful women want is on me." He waves his hand over the lot of us.

  "That's kind of you." Kayla reaches for him. I think she's about to kiss him. I stare in stunned silence as Jax steps aside to give Kayla uninhibited access to Hunter. The grin on his face mirrors the one on mine.

  "Any friend of Sadie's is a friend of mine." He skillfully steps aside skirting Kayla's roaming lips. "Now, if you'll excuse us. We have business to discuss."

  I swear I hear Kayla moan in utter disappointment as they both turn to leave.

  "Sadie." Hunter stops and turns back around. His eyes latch onto mine. "Come see me at my table before you leave."

  I nod and smile. The sheer delight of imagining what these girls are thinking is going on between Hunter and me has given me a huge appetite.

  "You heard the man. It's on him." I reach one of the menus in the center of the table. "Let's eat."

  Chapter 6

  "That was incredibly generous of you." I say over my shoulder as Hunter pulls out a chair at his table for me to sit in. "Thank you for that."

  "It was my pleasure." He pats my hand as he sits down next to me.

  "It was also unnecessary." I frown. "You barely know me and you don't know Kayla at all."

  "I know you're college students," he says with a grin. "I remember my limited budget back then. Did you enjoy your dinner?"

  "It was delicious," I say the words with a sigh. "It may be the best food I've ever had in Boston."

  "I'd agree with that." Jax pushes the plate containing the remnants of his dinner away from him. "Hunter tells me you're a student at Harvard."

  "I am." I feel a bit flushed from the second dirty martini I had with my dinner. "It's a great school."

  "She's going to be a doctor," Hunter states boldly.

  I turn my head to look at him. How does he know that? Someone at the party last night must have told him. I blush slightly knowing that he was cu
rious enough to ask about me.

  "What do you do?" I focus my gaze back on Jax. I can't look at Hunter right now. The martinis, combined with the fact that he knows more about me than I realized has me worried that I'm going to misread him again and make a fool of myself.

  "I work with my girlfriend, Ivy, right now." His face lights up as he smiles. "She's a jewelry designer." He reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket to retrieve a business card.

  I run my hand over the embossed lettering. Whispers of Grace it says along with an address in Manhattan. "That must be very exciting," I mumble. "I'm not creative at all."

  "You're just a genius." Hunter's voice is low and composed.

  "That's not true," I chuckle. "I'm just a good student."

  "It is exciting." Jax interjects. I'm grateful for the escape from Hunter's unexpected compliments. "I'm unsettled though. I've got some other irons in the fire. Some with this guy." He nods in Hunter's direction and I suddenly realize that I know absolutely nothing about what he does for a living.

  "What kinds of irons?" I direct my question at Jax who is throwing Hunter a quizzed look. It's the same look I shoot at Alexa when I don't want her revealing my entire life story to someone.

  "Restaurant irons." Hunter straightens in his chair. "I do consultations for new restaurants."

  Jax chuckles and I toss my gaze in his direction. He takes a long drink from his wine glass and darts his eyes around the room, avoiding mine.

  "Consultations? What does that mean?" I know I don't sound worldly but now I'm curious about what exactly Hunter does with his time. "You help new restaurateurs?"

  "Yeah. Exactly." Hunter nods. "I help them before they open."

  "How did you get involved in that?" I'm going to push the issue. He's a mystery and any tidbit of information I can gleam from him or his friend is a jewel.

  He shoots his eyes across the table towards Jax before he answers. "My dad owns a few restaurants. I grew up in the business. I know what works and what doesn't. It's a good fit for me."


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