Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 98

by Mandy M. Roth

  He ran his fingers through his hair standing the black locks on end. Logan was a motherfucker for arousing his claiming instinct.

  Sara walked back into Jarod’s office but stopped when she saw him. He looked—disheveled, which in itself was a surprise. Nothing ever threw the great Jarod McCall for a loop.

  He seemed calm enough, however, when he smiled at her and rose from the chair behind his desk. “Enough work for the day. Let’s watch the weather and see if there’s any update.”

  For the next half hour, Jarod switched between The Weather Channel, the local station, and CNN. By the end, he was pacing along the window, stopping every now and then to look out. Darkness had fallen with a vengeance. Sara couldn’t make out anything beyond the tinted glass. No doubt, he could with his enhanced eyesight. Only when she looked down toward the streets and focused on the glow of the streetlights could she tell it was still snowing. Heavily.

  The moment had arrived that Sara had been dreading all afternoon and evening. The sleeping arrangements. Her office sported a small, two-cushion couch. She’d be comfortable, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to sleep, all alone in the office. She’d worked several times in the building after hours and the place made some freaking scary sounds. The snow outside did seem to offer a comforting blanket of sorts, or at least in her mind. It was probably due to the fact there was no nighttime traffic noise. The mayor had issued a citywide curfew. It still amazed her that Mother Nature could bring such a large metropolis to its knees.

  “I am, was wondering what, the, um.” She took a deep breath and just blurted it out. “Where will you be sleeping?” That got his attention, and he stopped pacing.

  “With you.”


  “If I’m not mistaken the building’s heating units are set to power down in the evenings. Why heat a building when no one is in it? He gave an impish grin. “So, that means we’re going to have to conserve body heat.”

  “Really?” Sara’s brow rose, mimicking his trademark look disdain.

  Jarod had to laugh at her tone and expression. His hand rose, and he made a motion over his heart. “I promise it’s not a ploy to get you in my clutches, Ms. Allen.”

  “I didn’t think it was.” She did still have some backbone when it came to warding off his charm.

  He leaned closer, invading her space. “Cause, I’m not going to need an excuse to get you in my arms tonight.”

  Sara was struck dumb by the mental image of snuggling in her boss’s arms. He tapped her nose as he stepped away. “Go get your coat. I’m going to go upstairs to the gym and see if I can find anything we can use as cover. That’s something else I’m going to add to the list of supplies we need to have on hand in case of an emergency. Some nice fluffy blankets.”

  He strode across the room, whistling as he went and was out the door and gone before Sara could gather her senses. On automatic pilot, she went to her office and retrieved her and Jarod’s coats. Any other time, there would have been a couple of extra coats or sweaters hanging in the small office closet, but not today. She had a horrible habit of wearing coats to work when it was chilly in the mornings, then forgetting them in the evening after it had warmed up. Her little couch had decorative pillows so she grabbed a couple of those as well. There were two couches in Jarod’s office, so there was really no need for them to share one. Despite what he said about sharing body heat. Shifters were naturally hot blooded, their body temperature a good ten degrees higher than the average human’s. Maybe just being in the same room would help keep her warm.

  She knew she was a scaredy cat, but she didn’t want to sleep in her office all by herself. Laying Jarod’s coat on one couch, she took the other. Removing her boots, she placed them to the side. Her coat wasn’t overly long, but it would be more than adequate to cover her up if she curled up into a ball. Plus, she had on leggings and thick socks. Tossing a pillow on the other couch for him to use, she settled into hers, punching the stiff needlepoint fabric until it conformed more comfortably to her head, Jerking her coat up over her shoulders, she willed herself to be asleep by the time he returned. It was after nine already. Early for her regular bedtime of eleven, but not too early. It had been a strenuous day.

  And an exciting one.

  She shivered, but not from the cold seeping in around her legs. No, the memories of Jarod and his flirting, the innuendos and the touching, had her body trembling in reaction. Oh, the touching he had done today.

  When she heard him at the door, she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to regulate her breathing as she’d done as a teenager when she pretended to be asleep on Friday nights. After her parents had gone to bed, she would sneak back down into the living room and watch a movie or turn her light back on and read a book. Yep, she’d been rebellious as hell.

  She heard him walking around, the faint creak of leather as he sat down in his desk chair. Probably taking off his shoes. Oh, dear heavens, he wouldn’t completely undress and go to bed would he? What did she know about a shifter’s bedtime habits? No. it was way too cold and way too inappropriate. But… just thinking about her boss naked sent another set of shivers dancing along her spine.

  “I know you’re awake, Sara.”

  She swore she heard him walk across the carpet, but knew it was impossible. He moved like a cat sometimes instead of a wolf.

  “Stop pretending. You know you want to spend the night in my arms.”

  Damn, Sara thought, squeezing her eyes and thighs tightly together. She did want to spend the night in his arms.

  Without warning, she was being lifted into the air, coat and all.


  “Oh, so that’s what it takes to get you to voluntarily say my name, simply lift you in my arms. I’m on board with that.” The grin he gave her was more than roguish. It was downright wolfish. He placed her on the other couch, arranging her coat around her shoulders. Self-consciously she stretched out on the couch, pressing against the back cushion as much as she could. Just as she realized this position would put her face to face with him, a soft fabric touched her ankles, and she jerked her legs.

  “All I could find were some towels, but they’re better than nothing.”

  Almost immediately, the thick rectangle of terry cloth knocked off the chill in the air. Another one settled over her middle, and she felt instantly warmer. She loved those thick towels—or bath sheets—that were in the gym. They were long enough to actually fit around her when she took a shower. Even though she was a chubby girl, she still made use of the company gym during the off times. Three times a week, she waited until the after-work crowd left. By the time she was walking on the treadmill or using the weight machines, no one was in there besides a couple of die-hard fitness enthusiasts who didn’t want to chat or socialize. Or maybe they just didn’t want to chat or socialize with a big girl like her. Either way, they left her alone.

  She didn’t know what she’d thought would happen when he’d suggested—no, ordered—that they were going to sleep on the same couch. Him nudging her forward with his hands on her hips and crawling in behind her then encircling her waist with his arms to pull her against the hard planes of his body wasn’t it. There was no hesitation in the way he familiarly settled himself behind her, adjusting the curves of her body to fit his. Her breathing, when it returned, came in fitful spasms of blissful pain at being so near. She had to force herself not to reveal the effect he had on her.

  He smoothed her hair down and pressed his face against the side of her head. “You’re too little to be squished between me and the back of the couch. But if you get too cold, tell me and I’ll flip us around.”

  He made it seem like a simple thing to do, to arrange two bodies on such a small surface. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel like she was hugging the edge of the couch. Slowly, she relaxed, realizing he wasn’t going to do anything. In fact, he wasn’t even slightly excited about being in bed with her. She sighed in acceptance of the fact that he was just flirting the time away
. Probably making a game of teasing the mousy virgin. Although he had no way of knowing she was a virgin.

  “Relax, Sara. Let me keep you warm.” The heat of his breath was a soft caress against her ear. Sara knew he could feel the rapid beating of her heart just as she felt the steady rhythm of his. Letting the warmth of his body seep into her, she felt herself drifting off to sleep. She could have sworn she felt the press of his big hand against her stomach, urging her hips back. And, she felt the solid rigid of his cock, seconds before she succumbed to sleep.

  Jarod waited until he thought Sara was asleep before pulling her close, damning himself to a night of sweet torture by pressing her ass into his groin. He inhaled the fragrance of her hair and wondered what was it about this woman that had managed to get under his skin. Yeah, he was a believer of true mates, but he was realistic enough to know the attraction, the compatibility, had to be there as well, or you could have a hellish life.

  His wolf, who had been satisfied by the feel of their mate in his arms, grumbled. They were compatible. Her curvy ass was completely compatible to his rock hard cock. For just a moment, he thought of easing down her leggings and panties and freeing himself from his pants to push inside her from behind. He wanted nights like this, days like this with his mate in his arms, slow loving on his mind.

  Oh, yeah, he wanted the woman in his arms.

  And he would have her come morning.

  Chapter 4

  During the night, their positions had shifted. Sara awoke to find her head resting on Jarod’s shoulder, her face nearly buried in the warm column of his neck. One of her arms curled around his waist while one of her legs was locked between the two of his. His hands clasped together in the middle of her back to hold her there. She moved slightly, and then stopped, realizing the top of her thigh was bumping against something hard and warm. She gasped when one of his hands moved and cupped her ass, then yanked her leg up, changing the angle of their bodies just enough for her mound to press against his erection.

  Morning wood.

  Sara might be a virgin, but she was a voracious reader. Of romance. All right, she admitted it freely, of erotica. She loved a story filled with love—and hot steamy sex.

  So, she knew what a morning erection meant. Absolutely nothing. It was biological for men. Probably more so for shifters with their rumored higher sex drive. It didn’t mean he’d all of a sudden developed a case of the hots for his secretary.

  Instead of moving any part of her body, she opened her mouth. Only to discover her lips were pressed to his throat. She tasted the salty skin when she tried to speak. “Jarod?”

  She knew she shouldn’t use his first name. She should still guard that dividing line between them. But, really, shouldn’t you use the first name of the man you’d just slept with? Whose morning wood was pressing into your body?

  “Jarod,” she said his name louder and tried to move into a less intimate position, only to have the pressure of his hand increase. The corduroy skirt of her jumper had inched up around her thighs, making her doubly aware of the muscle in his legs. Jarod stirred beneath her, and she held her breath.

  “Hold still, woman, unless you want me to roll you on your back and thrust inside you, hard and fast.”

  Sara instantly stilled, almost afraid to breathe. Then the chest beneath her head rose as he took a deep breath and loosened his hold around her. “Get up, baby.”

  Jarod’s wolf growled when he ordered Sara to move. But what he told her was true. If she wiggled around much more, rubbed her leg against his crotch one more time, he was going to roll her beneath him and take her. Hard, fast, swift.

  Sara twisted away quickly, coming to sit on the edge of the couch before standing up. Thankfully, her jumper fell into place quickly, covering her Lycra covered butt. The room was still cold, but not as cold as it had appeared last night.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, you have very nice legs… and a gorgeous ass.”

  At his comment, Sara turned around quickly, a gasp of outrage shimmering in her velvet eyes.

  Jarod sat up on the couch, trying not to wince as the move put his cock into a twist so to speak. He adjusted himself, watching her as she watched him. She flushed and hurriedly looked away.

  “It happens to all men, sweetheart, don’t get carried away by your imagination.”

  And just like that, Sara was back to doubting herself.

  Jarod read the emotions rolling off Sara and cursed. Damn. Fuck. Shit.

  For once, Jarod was sorry he hadn’t paid attention to his brother Hunter’s more colorful cursing. Being in the military, specially assigned to a covert paranormal unit, his brother had learned to curse fluently in over six different languages. Jarod could use that outlet about now.

  When his mate was looking at him with shattered eyes.

  What was he supposed to do?

  Fuck her, maybe? His wolf answered with sarcastic wit.

  Yeah, like a horny wolf was the way to win over a skittish mate.

  It’s worked for generations. If a wolf could have shrugged his shoulders, Jarod’s animal would have been doing just that.

  The wolf did have a point. Maybe if he went all caveman on her, tossed her on the couch, or order her over the desk, and fucked her silly, she’d never doubt his attraction to her again.

  Or she’d run screaming from the building.

  Straight out into the storm.

  A sharp rat-a-tat-tat drew his attention to the windows. Even though it was early morning, outside it was still dark and overcast—and the wind was howling furiously, pushing pieces of ice through the air straight into the glass-covered building.


  Jarod rose from the couch and walked to the windows. Looking down, he saw the city was in a hell of a mess, and it didn’t look like it was going to get any better. In fact, it just might get worse.

  She joined him and for several minutes, they watched as the city was bombarded with ice.

  “This is going to be a freaking mess to clean up,” Jarod muttered, running his hands through his hair.

  Sara didn’t comment, just kept staring out onto the snow covered landscape. It looked like it was the end of the world.

  “You stay here, and I’ll go get us some breakfast.”

  She turned to him, and a small smile lifted the corner of her mouth. “More peanut butter?”

  “Maybe. I’m going to scout out the other lounges and see if there’s anything else.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “No, it’s too cold now. You stay here where it’s warmer.”

  A stain of pretty pink flood Sara’s cheeks when he mentioned heat. She was probably remembering his comment of last night. Hell, he was remembering last night. Every bump and grind of her ass against his cock. Every time he was tempted to simply cover her with his body and convince her with his touch that she was his.


  He stepped closer to her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “It’s going to be okay, Sara. I will take care of you.”

  She looked up at him, and the trust in her eyes made his wolf’s chest puff up with pride. His mate trusted him. “I know. It’s just…”


  She bowed her head as if she were reluctant to admit her fear. “Kind of.”

  “If worse comes to worse, I’ll call Hunter. He’d have an army caravan on its way the minute I ask.”

  She looked back up, and he saw that beautiful smile again. “You and your brothers are really close, aren’t you?” Logan flirted with her every time he saw her. She’d only met the youngest one once. He was kind of scary. Bigger and rougher looking than the other two. Maybe it was his military training, but he looked a little more cold-hearted as well.

  Logan and Jarod were more suave, sophisticated. Players.

  That’s right, Sara, don’t forget he’s a player, her common sense warned her.

  He kissed her on her forehead and all those warnings flew right out of her head.

p; “I’ll be right back.” He quickly donned his shoes and left his office.

  Sara stood there for just a few minutes after he left. Was it her and her wild imaginings, or was he actually starting to show some type of affection towards him? She shook her head, telling herself it didn’t matter. What he wanted was a warm body to wile away the hours with before they could leave. Taking advantage of his absence, she decided to use the facilities. She grabbed her boots, pulling them on so she wouldn’t have to walk on the cold floor in the hallway. Rummaging through her purse and desk drawers, she found a hairbrush and a sample tube of toothpaste—probably from her last trip to the dentist.

  It was more than a half an hour before Jarod returned and she had just started to worry about him. Why she didn’t know. He was a big, bad wolf shifter. Remembering the feel of his body pressed against her all night long, she started tingling between her legs again.

  While he was gone, Sara had straightened up, more for something to do than anything else. She’d folded up the towels and watched the news. The snow and ice were expected to stop falling mid-morning. The temperature was supposed to rise, and the melting could begin as early as tomorrow afternoon. There was no arctic blast coming in behind the storm to keep the snow and ice on the ground.

  She turned off the television when the outer door opened. She had noticed on her trip to the bathroom that Jarod was right in suggesting they conserve the heat in his office by keeping the door closed. It had been chilly in the hallways.

  “Do I smell popcorn?” She smiled as he came through the door.

  “Yep. And I found some other goodies as well.” He sat down the box he was carrying on the end of his desk. “I thought we might watch a movie or two and what goes better with a movie than freshly popped popcorn.”

  “But for breakfast?”

  “Why not?” He pulled the popped bag from the box and Sara saw it was the kind with extra butter. Her favorite. It wasn’t as good as what was served in the theaters, but beggars couldn’t be choosy.

  “What else do you have?” Her curiosity drove her closer.


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