Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 118

by Mandy M. Roth

  She’d accused Logan of being a playboy, but knew he wasn’t anything like Brad. Logan had treated her better and with more respect in last twenty-four hours than Brad had the whole time they’d been dating.

  Heavy wet snowflakes clung to Logan’s cheeks and lips and instantly she wanted to lick them away, taste the skin beneath them. He must have seen the want and need in her, smelled it. Weren’t shifters sensitive to smell? He’d retrieved her phone from her car along with her luggage before bringing her to the cabin. She’d used some of the time on her own to do a little research about shifters. Because, surprise, surprise, there was no television in her luxurious accommodations. It was a fascinating world. She’d read some about mating and what that meant. Some of the things Logan had said and implied, made her think maybe he was serious when he said he wanted her. And not just for a weekend fling.

  Then her self-confidence took a nosedive. Fate would not have chosen her as a mate for this man. No way, no how. No, he was just here, she was sure, to deliver her car as he’d promised.

  Before she could ask him, he lowered his lips to hers. He looked directly into her eyes as he did so, never breaking contact, even when his mouth touched her. Sweet heavens, she loved it when he did that. It was so intimate. Dark eyes glittered with desire and the impact on Katie was unmistakable. Her breath stalled in her chest, her heart slammed against her ribs and she went perilously weak in the knees. Then instinct and yearning within her took over. The next thing she knew she had grabbed the collar of his jacket and was kissing him back, just a sweet, just as tenderly, just as meaningful.

  She was certain an eternity had passed before he finally ended the kiss and looked down at her. The instant their lips parted, she knew he was just as affected just as stunned, by the electricity flowing between them.

  By then her legs were trembling and her head was reeling from the connection she felt with him. What the heck was happening? It was as if being close to him drugged her somehow. Her nostrils flared daintily as her eyes focused on the tantalizing curve of his lips. She wanted more.

  Playboy, remember? Her good-girl angel chose that moment to speak up again. She was probably just one of many women who had tasted his mouth, she told herself. What had transpired between them had meant nothing to him.

  When she tried to move away, he wouldn’t let her. “You kiss me like I’m the only man you’ve ever wanted,” he murmured.

  “You’re not the only man I’ve ever kissed.” She tried to defend herself, but her voice was weak and trembling. She chose the men she gave herself to carefully. With Brad she’d given into his persistent pressure to take their relationship to the next level and agreed to this weekend trip, to having sex with him. She’d been lonely, craving the touch of another person. Before him, there had been two other men in her life. One in college and one right after she started her career as a nurse. Both had seemed into her and she’d felt okay with the experience. There had been no fireworks, barely the start of an orgasm with either of them. But then, she blamed that more on her own inhibitions than the skill of the men in her bed.

  Of course, Logan would blow that theory out of the water if she ever let him in her bed. She had no doubt despite her inhibitions she would come out on the other side of the experience a very satisfied woman.

  He looked at her with heated, hooded eyes. “I didn’t say I was the only man you’d kiss. I said I’m the only man you had wanted. There’s a difference, Katie.”

  She knew there was a difference. She knew what he said was true. He was the only man she’d ever wanted. Those times in college had been more out of curiosity and peer pressure than anything else. The other had been out of loneliness. She’d known why she’d refused to give into Brad’s pressure to consummate their relationship. She had never really wanted him, not the way she should have wanted a man she’d been about to invite to her bed. Again, she’d been with him simply to try and fulfill something inside her.

  “Katie, Katie. Do you know how much I want you?” His hand slipped beneath the hem of her shirt and slid up her side until he reached the edge of her satin bra. Good thing she’d packed more underwear for the weekend or he’d be touching her naked breast right now. “You’ve never really given yourself to a man, but you’re going to give yourself to me. All of you.”

  The words were a rough, raw order that had Katie’s pussy creaming and her heart racing. Her body was on fire. Never had she felt so needy, so wanton, in her life. With Logan it felt natural. So far, she wasn’t experiencing the shivers of doubt that had always seemed to consume her well before this point. It was as if her body knew, despite what her mind tried to tell her, that he was the man she’d been saving her heart for. He was the only man she would ever want or love.

  “You want me for the moment,” she whispered. It was so difficult to give up the self-doubts. She knew as surely as her eyes were brown that he was going to steal her heart. It shouldn’t matter. Nothing should matter except that she wanted him in a way that she’d never wanted a man in her life.

  “No, Katie. For however long we want each other.”

  Trembling, she leaned her head back in order to look into his eyes. She found no mockery in the brown depths. Only longing.

  Logan wanted to tell her he’d want her for the rest of his life and into eternity. He knew he couldn’t. That would scare her. It was too soon to talk of mates and mating.

  She closed the distance between their lips, and he was helpless to resist. He stood motionless, his hands gripping her waist tightly as she tasted and searched the hard contours of his mouth. It was both heaven and hell to let her kiss him. His wolf howled, urging him to take what was so apparently being freely and eagerly offered. Trembling with a need as old as time itself, he reluctantly broke the kiss.

  “I’m not taking you here.”

  “What?” Katie’s head was spinning with the sensations he had aroused. She thought they had settled that question with that last kiss. She was going to bed with him. Or at least, that’s what she’d thought. Maybe she’d been wrong. It wouldn’t have been the first time she’d misread a man’s intentions, his true intentions. She took a step away from him.

  “Oh, no you don’t, sweetheart.” He tugged her back into his arms.

  “But you said—”

  He cupped her face in his hands, making sure she was looking directly at him. His eyes were a swirling gold, filling with desire.

  “I said I didn’t want to take you here. In this cabin.”

  Heat ran through her and she knew he wasn’t just talking about the rundown condition of the cabin. It wouldn’t have been the most ideal setting to wake up to once the euphoria of sex had worn off. No, his voice held a more than a hint of jealousy and she knew he was thinking of her coming here with another man.

  “Did you unpack?” he asked.


  “Good. Grab your coat. I’ll get your suitcase. My SUV’s outside.”

  She looked at him, a mock frown on her face. “You had no intention of bringing my car, did you?”

  “No, and I had no intention of letting you spend the night alone, either” He gave her a big wink. “Just so you know.”

  She felt her heart clench and her pussy moisten again at the possessiveness in his tone.

  “Go get your things, woman.” He turned her around and gave her a sharp tap on her ass as she moved away.

  The door to the bedroom they had shared last night, opened with a small shove of Logan’s foot. She had a brief impression of the large bed and wide windows before his hands clamped the sides of her waist and crushed her hips against his. Katie felt every inch of her body begin to sizzle as the size of his swollen cock told her exactly what he wanted. And how much he wanted her. His hands left her waist, circled around her shoulders and drew her tightly against him, her aching breasts crushed into the hardness of his chest. Instantly the strength and warmth of his body enveloped her senses, the rough search of his lips drew her into a dark velvety place wh
ere only pleasure existed.

  She opened her mouth, accepted the burning, probing search of his tongue. Then she was lost as the taste of him overwhelmed her. Nothing mattered except that he go on holding her, kissing her. He propelled her backward, one step, two, five, ten. The backs of her legs hit the side of the bed.

  The jolt finally broke the contact of their lips and she was falling onto the bed with him coming down on top of her. He’d barely let her take off her coat and shoes once they’d reached his house before he was picking her up and carrying her upstairs.

  Not that she was complaining. Despite all her second thoughts, as soon as he’d turned up on her doorstep, his breath making a frosty white cloud in the cold, she’d known she’d be spending the night with him. In his arms. Doing exactly what they were about to do.

  “Stop thinking, Katie.”

  She knew he was afraid she was trying to talk herself out of this, but that wasn’t the case. Not now anyway. She smiled a little thinking how well he knew her in such a short amount of time. She wanted this more than she’d ever wanted anything else in her life. And she’d wanted a lot. A family who might have at least pretended to care about her, a job that paid well and a man who loved her enough to start a family with her.

  She’d gotten her job, but that had been her only dream come true and she had accepted the trade off on that as well. Nursing was not all altruism and compassion. Some people just didn’t want to be helped.

  She had no illusions that this—this night—would lead to her last dream coming true. Logan might say the pretty things, but there was no way he was going to settle down—settle—for a woman like her.

  “I’m thinking,” she said in her best seductive voice, “that you need to kiss me.”

  “Anything my lady desires. I am yours to command.”

  He bent his head and took her lips. She’d experienced caring and tender kisses from him, a hungry kiss and even an angry kiss. This was all those wrapped into one and then some. She tasted the tenderness, felt the bite of passion and he fed her own hunger with his. His lips plundered and devoured. And she returned every caress, every lick. Made every promise. He pulled away only when they needed to breathe. She kneaded his shoulders, unable to get enough of the feel of his big body.

  “Now, take off some of your clothes, wolf. Show me what you’ve got.”

  A dark brow rose at her aggressiveness, but he obeyed her—after a planting a hard kiss on her mouth that left her gasping for breath and pressing her thighs together to stop the ache that was building.

  This is what she wanted, she realized, seeing the hunger in his eyes as he watched her watching him. Not just the intimacy, but the wanting. She craved his desire for her. No man had ever felt those needs, not for her.

  Like her, he’d kicked off his shoes and socks by the front door. His feet were bare and that even made a tingle of want race over her. He was sure in his movements as he removed his clothes. He lifted his arms and reached behind his back to remove the sweater he was wearing. Damn, but that was sexy. It made the muscles in his arms flex and his stomach cave in, tightening the defined rows that made up his six pack. She couldn’t help but giggle as he did a watered downed version of a strip tease for her, rotating his hips and shoulders suggestively. When had she ever felt so free? That was an easy answer—never.

  She licked her lips when his hands slowly lowered his zipper, revealing a patch of dark hair. Instead of pushing his jeans off, he reached inside the opening and cupped his cock. He smoothed his hand up and down the rigid length, as if to say, yeah, baby, I want you. I want you bad.

  She looked at his face and discovered he was watching her and her reactions. Finally, he used both hands to push his jeans over his hips. His cock sprang forward, heavy with need. Katie wanted to curl up in a ball to hold all the luscious sensations he was evoking deep inside forever. She knew she’d never feel like this ever again.

  “Now for you.” He stepped back to the bed, naked and proud, his cock jutting out from his body, swaying as he walked. Veins stood out along its length and pre-cum wet the slit. Once he reached the side, he bent forward and clamped his hands around her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. She gave a little squeal at his show of force, but inside she secretly loved it. He pulled her into a sitting position. She inhaled sharply when that brought her face to face with his cock. The earthy scent of him made her moan. She wanted to taste him so badly. He looked down at her when he heard her. “Not that I wouldn’t love a blow job from you, baby. Right now is about you.”

  His raw words didn’t help the ache inside her. While she was distracted by the large, still apparently growing cock in front of her face, he had her unflattering thermal shirt up and over her head.

  He growled at the layers of clothing he still had to remove and she grinned up at him, happier than she had ever been in her life. What could she say? It had been cold in the cabin. The grin still on her face, she raised her hands over her head, aiding his removal of her clothing.

  “Good girl.” Once the shirt was removed some of her confidence faded. She was sitting in front of a very aroused wolf shifter in nothing more than a bra, fuzzy pajama bottoms and a pair of large cotton panties. She’d felt no need to wear a pair of the sexy panties she’d packed. Not the sexiest outfit she’d ever had on. She didn’t think the lace insets of her bra would make up for the utilitarian look of the rest of her outfit.

  Logan trailed the backs of his fingers down her cheek, along her throat, ending at the deep vee of her bra. “The way I feel when I touch you, Katie. I can’t describe it.”

  She shivered as his hand moved lower to the clasp of her bra. His eyes were now a pool of dark swirling browns and golds. He hooked his finger around the middle of her bra and pulled, making her arch her breasts toward him. The click as the clasp yielded to his touch filled the silence of the room. He slid his large hand inside one side of the bra. Her labored breathing had her chest heaving, thrusting her swollen breast into the palm of his hand. When he at last closed it around her aching flesh, she shut her eyes and choked back a moan.

  She heard him moan with her.

  “It’s like touching heaven,” he whispered as he knelt before her, still cupping her left breast. His fingers caressed the soft underside before releasing the other breast from the bra. Immediately it was covered by his warm palm and he was kneading her, caressing her. Her fullness overflowed his hands and Katie knew from this moment forward, she would always appreciate her size.

  He let go of one breast and took her hand, guiding her fingers down until she was cupping him.

  “Touch me, Katie. I need you to touch me.”

  Nothing in her experience had ever prepared her for the impact of this man. For long moments, they simply touched each other. He stroked her breasts and she stroked his cock, using the pre-cum to slide easily up and down, feeling the flesh harden with every glide of her hand. She brushed her palm over the swollen head. She kept her touch as feather-light as his, wondering who would break first.

  When his lips touched her nipples, she knew the teasing was a win-win for both of them. She tightened her fingers around his cock and pulled, making him grunt. When he bit one of her nipples, she forgot everything.

  Logan groaned as Katie pumped him with her hand. He was used to banking his desire, but her touch was driving him crazy. She evoked deeper and darker feelings than he had ever known.

  Claim her, mate her, knot her, rang through his head again and again. He’d never felt so compelled to spread a woman’s legs and thrust inside her.

  But then he’d never had his mate in his arms before either.

  A mate whose beautiful breasts were bared to him. White supple skin etched with blue veins rising in such plushness, spilled from his hands. She had the kind of fair skin that made her look delicate and vulnerable. He knew his mate was both. Her nipples stood at attention, a reddish pink shimmering on the end of the milk-white skin. The image went straight to his cock, hardening him ev
en more, if that were possible.

  He was harder, more aroused than he’d ever been in his life. As was right. He was with his mate.

  “Enough,” he muttered, drawing her hand away from him. Anymore of that and he’d go off like a teen getting his first illicit glimpse of a woman’s breasts.

  He pulled her toward him and his mouth, wet and hard, found the center of her breast and sucked her nipple inside, drinking from her. “I’ve wanted you for so damned long.”

  Something about Logan’s words made Katie want to stop and ask him what he meant, but then, he was taking her other nipple in his mouth and she suddenly didn’t care. The tug of his touch on her breasts pulled low inside her, making her pussy contract with need, her womb ached to be filled, which was such a dangerous thought. At his touch, she thrust her hands into his thick hair, drawing him closer, letting him know how much pleasure his touch was bringing her.

  His rough hands cupped them, holding them up for his pleasure. He licked and sucked and bit and… he devoured her breasts. Eating at them as if he couldn’t get enough. Fire burned over her wet skin.

  “Katie,” he whispered against her flesh before lifting his head and staring into her eyes again. In the semi-darkness of the room, she saw the streaks of gold in his brown gaze, witnessed his own flare of passion and want before he lowered his head and kissed her full on the mouth.

  He touched the tip of his tongue to her bottom lip and then his tongue flicked against her teeth, silently commanding her to open for him. She parted for him, needing him as much as he needed her. He slipped inside and yearning, like a silken cord, seemed to unwind deep inside her heart and spread through her body—and into his. It was if they were slowly entwining themselves together.

  For an instant, her hands fluttered helplessly as she tried to figure out where to touch him. Then she remembered. She could touch him anywhere. Her hands settled on his shoulders, and she kneaded the tense muscles she felt. He was hard as a rock—all over. She’d felt the proof not moments before. Katie’s hands explored his body, the long line of his arms, the light mat of hair on his chest and the taut planes of his abdomen. He truly had a spectacular physique. Powerful arms roped with muscles, layers of strength, making his chest and shoulders wider than any other man she’d ever been around.


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