Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 186

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry.” Chloe stepped forward and then stopped. “Did she ever love you?”

  He ran his finger around the rim of his scotch glass. “I like to believe that she did, once.” He took a sip. “I suppose you’re here to tell me that you’re leaving, too.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I have to leave.”

  He frowned into his glass. “Was that who I think it was with you tonight?”

  “Zach, yes. He's alive.”

  Her father met her gaze. “The boy has some explaining to do.”

  “It's not like that, Daddy. He has explained everything to me. I-I just can’t tell you about it yet. I will, though. Just as soon as I’m able.”

  Her father closed his eyes. “Are you sure about this, Chloe? For five years he has lived his life without so much as a phone call to tell you that he was alive. Now all of a sudden he wants to be in your life?”

  Chloe straightened her spine. “I'm not marrying Karl.”

  “I know.” He opened his eyes and met her gaze. “He told me that he had lied about you accepting the proposal. After what had happened tonight, he wants nothing more to do with this family.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He smiled. “We’ll probably be better off without him anyway. It will just be you and me, like old times.”

  She took a deep breath. “No, Daddy. Not this time. I'm going to Vegas to marry Zach.”

  “Why Vegas?”

  “He has family out there, and a job. He works for Kyron Casinos.”

  “You’re leaving me, too?” He waved his hand in the air. “You’re leaving all of this?”

  “No, Dad, I'm not.” She hurried on when she saw him frown. “Think of it as a little vacation. I’ll be back from time to time and help you out.”

  “Vegas is such a long ways away.”

  Guilt speared her chest, but she wasn’t going to let her father rob her of her happiness. She wasn’t abandoning him, she was living her own life. “For the first time in my life, I’m embracing who I am. Can’t you see that?” She sighed and touched his arm. “I'm sorry Daddy, but I'm not the person you want me to be. Marcus was the one with the heart and head for business, not me.”

  “Chloe, you’re selling yourself short. You could have been a great businesswoman.”

  “The passion just isn’t there, dad. For five years I’ve been burying who I was to please you. Every day it felt like a part of me was dying inside.”

  “I know, child.” He took a sip of his drink. “Somehow, I’ve always known. It’s just so damn lonely with Marcus gone, and your mother…” He pressed his lips together. “But you’re right. You need to do what feels right.”

  “Going with Zach feels right, Daddy. And it won’t be like I’m leaving forever. We’ll visit, if you’ll have us.”

  “Oh, baby.” He held out his arms. “You know that you will always be welcome here.”

  “Zach, too?”

  He lowered his arms. “It will take some time to sort through everything between us, but…yes.”

  “Oh, Daddy.” Chloe fell into her father’s arms. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “I think I do. You’re not the only one who has done impulsive things for love.” He patted her on the back.

  Chloe leaned back and met his gaze. “You and mom?”

  He smiled. “I left my family too for love. I was a stubborn mule back then.” He ran his fingers down the side of her cheek. “It didn’t work out for me, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work out for you. I know that you haven’t been happy. Go and live your life, child. Just remember to stay in touch.”

  Chloe kissed his cheek. “I have to go now. We leave tonight.”

  “So soon?”

  “There is…trouble at one of the casinos. Zach is needed right away.” She stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek once more. “Good-bye, Daddy.”

  Her father closed his eyes for a moment, as if suppressing some surge of emotion. When he opened them once more, all of the anger was gone. “Goodbye, pumpkin.”

  Chloe stiffened and turned around. “Tell Mom I love her and will send her an e-mail explaining everything.” She opened the door.

  “Call me as soon as you touch down in Las Vegas.”

  “I will.” Chloe smiled at her father, then left. Who knew that her demanding father would be so understanding? Under the gruff exterior, the man had a heart of gold. She vowed to do her best to make him proud of her. He deserved at least that much.

  She hurried down the hall to find Zach.

  Chapter 10

  “It'll be all right.”

  Chloe turned from the airplane window and smiled. “I know.” She had told Zach everything her father said. He had been angry for her, but Chloe knew her father was set in his ways. He might change his mind about Zach one day, but if not, then that was okay too. At least now Chloe was the one making decisions about her life. It felt nice.

  She leaned against Zach as the plane leveled off in the air and the Fasten Seat Belt light flicked off.

  “Did you get in touch with Josh?” she asked.

  “I did. He would have sent his plane to fetch us, but the pilot couldn't be found.”

  Chloe straightened. “Was there something wrong?”

  “Who knows? I didn't ask. Josh seemed to lighten up when he learned we were on our way.” He broke out a blanket and covered them both. “You might as well relax. We have a little while before we land.”

  Chloe looked around and realized that not many people were on the red-eye flight. “Don't we have a layover or something?”

  He smiled and stretched out next to her. “In addition to business class, my dear, I've managed a nonstop flight.”

  “Oh.” She felt his hand move up her thigh. “Oh.”

  “I've always wanted you, Chloe. You have to believe that. I just couldn't come to you until I had my rage under control.”

  Her skirt rose up her leg. She looked around. The seat in front of them was empty, and the couple across the aisle were settling in for the flight. “But…”

  He nuzzled her neck. “There's something about you that teases the wolf in me. I don't think it'll be satisfied until it can leave its mark.” He nibbled at her neck again, causing a wave of desire to wash through her. “I know I won't be.”

  “There are people here,” she whispered.

  “Shh…” His warm breath caressed her neck. “Trust me.”

  He slipped his hand underneath her skirt and brushed her inner thigh. “Let yourself go.”

  He nibbled on her ear, and a wave of pleasure washed over her. She slid her lower lip between her teeth and closed her eyes.

  “Let me mark you. It'll be safer for both of us.” He nibbled a trail down her neck, and Chloe stifled a moan.

  Ah, that was it, a safety issue. Despite everything, Chloe felt a little saddened by his request. She hoped he would want to mark her to make her his, not to make her safe. Still, the thought of sharing a special bond with Zach was arousing.

  He had moved his fingers up her thigh, closer to her center. Chloe gripped his shirt as his fingers played with the edge of her panties.


  When she didn't answer, he took her hand. “It has only ever been you, Chloe. If you don't want to do this, then just say the word.”

  “But you said you'd die. The rages would consume you.”

  “I would never mark you against your will. You have to want this, really want it.”

  “And your pack? What would they think about a human living with them?”

  “They may not like it—in fact, I know they won't—but they'll accept it because you have my mark.”

  “What if they don't accept it?”

  He shrugged. “I'll leave.”

  It was then that she realized this meant more to him than just keeping her safe. Zach loved her and wanted to be with her. More than that, he was willing to sacrifice his standing in the pack—and his life
—to make her happy. She nodded, unable to speak.

  “I'm wearing them, you know.”

  “Wearing what?”

  She glanced at her breasts.

  He raised his brow. “Really?”

  She nodded. “Did you really collect nipple rings for me all these years?”

  His devilish grin sent tingles of awareness over her skin. “I'll show you my collection when we get to Vegas.”

  He brushed his thumb over her skin. She gasped as her sensitive nipple responded to his touch. A low growl vibrated in his throat.

  “I love it when you do that.”

  He smiled and nuzzled her neck. “Is that all you love?”


  He raised his head and frowned.

  She smiled. “Maybe.”

  He pressed his lips together in thought. “I think there might be something else you like about me.” With a swift motion, he brushed aside the flimsy cotton with his other hand. She cast a quick glance to the couple across the aisle, but they had already gone to sleep.

  “Ah, you are so wet for me, darlin'.” He rested his head against her shoulder. “I swear, you make it hard for me to maintain control.”

  Chloe loosened her grip on his shirt and slid her hand underneath the blanket.

  Zach paused as her hand made its way down to his jeans and tugged at the zipper. He shifted in his seat, giving her better access. She freed him and curled her hand around his thickening cock.

  He groaned against her ear as he plunged a finger deep inside. Chloe shivered as pleasure rippled over her. She stroked him, feeling the bead of moisture forming at his tip. He pushed another finger deep inside. Chloe felt hot, breathless. Pleasure built as he stretched her, twisting her muscles.

  “So tight,” Zach whispered in her ear.

  She gripped tighter.

  “God, Chloe. You feel so good.”

  He quickened his movements. They continued to tend to each other as the passengers around them slept in their chairs. She felt hot but didn't dare move the blanket. Widening her legs, she wiggled down, burying herself farther under the blankets and pressing against his hand.

  He kissed her neck. Chloe closed her eyes as pleasure swirled around her. Higher and higher she was lifted. Zach covered her mouth in a searing kiss as her body exploded in his hand. Stars floated across her vision as her orgasm crashed through her body like an orchestra's finale.

  When it was over, he removed his hand. That was when she realized he didn't find his release.

  He gently pushed her away from his cock.

  “What about…?”

  He put a finger to her lips and leaned over her shoulder. His warm breath brushed over her skin as he spoke. “What I want to do, I can't do out in the open.” He leaned back and winked at her. “Follow me.”

  It was too dark to see much of anything, but she managed to follow Zach to the back of the plane. “Go on ahead into the bathroom. I'll be along in a minute.”

  Did he mean to…? Before Chloe could speak, he disappeared.

  She turned back to the lavatory and quickly entered it, leaving it ajar. Within minutes he followed and closed the door behind him.

  It was cramped, really cramped. Chloe's amazement was short-lived, however, as Zach bent his head, and his lips covered hers. Desire rose, and Chloe shifted so her back faced the door. With a gentle push, she edged Zach onto the only seat available and straddled his lap. He lifted her shirt and slipped his hands underneath. Heat surrounded her as he trailed his fingers up her spine. She wove her hands in his hair, desperate for more. Tilting her head, she deepened the kiss, reveling in the surge of desire that ran through her.

  He unclasped her bra, freeing her breasts. The chains from the nipple rings swung in the air, tapping the undersides of her breasts. With a swift tug, he lifted her clothes, exposing her skin to him. Cool air brushed against her sensitive nipples, sending sparks of pleasure through her body. She gasped as he massaged and pinched her. Pain and need, heat and pleasure, swirled around in her body, making her light-headed. She broke the kiss, desperate to have him inside her. Chloe ran her hands down his chest and fumbled around with the zipper to his pants.

  He chuckled. “Here, let me.” His hands left her breasts and covered hers. Chloe stilled and watched him free himself. She shook with excitement. There was something about the possibility of being caught that heightened her senses and strengthened her desire. She wanted him, desperately.

  He freed himself, and Chloe took over, impaling herself on his hard cock. She threw her head back and moaned as the delightful stretching sent heat and need through her body. He wrapped his hands around the small of her back, gently guiding her as she moved on top of him. Fully sheathed, she kissed him, allowing her desire to take control. She brushed his tongue, his teeth, wanting more. A small growl escaped her lips—or maybe Zach's. Chloe could no longer tell where she ended and Zach began.

  She framed his face with her hands and slid her body over his cock. He groaned, pushing himself deep inside. Her skin burned, and her senses reeled as sensations rocked her body. She broke the kiss and worked the buttons of his shirt. “Mark me. I want to be a part of you.”

  She could see his teeth lengthening, his eyes changing. He looked dangerous and powerful—and he was hers.

  She loved the effect she had on him.


  They moved together as desperation took hold. The room became hot, and the mirror fogged over. Breathing became labored as they both stretched toward their release. She cried out with each thrust, no longer caring if they got caught. Tension and pleasure built, and her emotions spiraled out of control. Curling her fingers into his chest, she felt his muscles changing. They became larger, harder, yet he didn't shift fully. He became something of an in-between, not fully human, yet not wolf either. The same being he was in the park. He squeezed her breasts, the pinching and tugging sending surges of pleasure through her body. Closing her eyes, she let the sensations run through her.

  Her orgasm consumed her body, setting her nerves on fire. Each wave rolled through her like notes to her favorite concerto and made her body sing. She felt him stiffen and then draw her close. He buried his head in her neck and licked her skin. Tingles of pleasure rolled through her, heightening her pleasure. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Holding her steady, he pulled her down hard on top of him. She felt a pinch on her neck, and then a new, more intense pleasure crashed over her. She cried out as Zach filled her, barely hanging on to her sanity as all the new sensations crashed through her body.

  When it was over, Zach let go and licked the spot he had marked. Drawing her close, he buried his nose in her hair. They remained like that for some time, reveling in the closeness they shared.

  It wasn't until Chloe heard the knock on the door that she was brought back to reality. Zach put his finger to her lips and bent close to her ear.

  “I'll leave; then you follow shortly after.”

  She nodded and stood, letting him readjust himself. They shifted again, and he slipped outside. Chloe put her ear to the door and heard him tell someone that she was sick. She glanced at the mirror. Moving her shirt collar, she stared at the mark Zach had left behind.

  They were bonded now.

  A warm tingle raced over her skin as she looked at the marquise diamond on the hand in the mirror. They'd be married in Vegas, surrounded by people who wouldn't try to change them but would accept them for who they were.

  It was a wonderful feeling.

  If what Zach said was true, then they’d be together for life. Never again would she have to live up to someone else's expectations. She could just be Chloe.

  Neither one of them knew what trouble they would find in Las Vegas with Lydia and her brother in town, but Chloe knew that whatever happened, they would overcome the challenge together.

  They were bonded for life. And in Zach's world, that meant they would be together forever. She really couldn't ask for a better Christmas present.<
br />
  Chloe slipped out of the bathroom, flashed a sweet smile at the flight attendant, and went back to her seat.

  The End

  About Suzanne Rock

  NYT and USA Today bestselling author Suzanne Rock resides in central Massachusetts with her college sweetheart and two daughters. She published her first book in June 2009 and has since written over thirty erotic stories with St. Martin’s Press, Simon and Schuster, and others. For a listing of her books, please visit her website. She also loves to hear from readers!

  The Eternal Kiss by Tracey H. Kitts

  About The Eternal Kiss

  When Selina summons a demon to fulfill her desires, she wants a night of passion with no strings attached. The only problem with that is she has accidentally summoned one of the seven princes of Hell. Asmodeus is more than capable of satisfying any desire, however, he is bound by a curse. And thanks to Selina’s spell, he is now bound to her as well … at least until her desires are fulfilled.

  Chapter 1

  The wind blew like Hell’s breath in his face. The heat was overpowering and he no longer had the strength to stand. He would have wept, with his face pressed to the earth, but he was too dehydrated for tears. And then he felt it, a slight drop in temperature, accompanied by a sweet smell to the blistering air. Rain was coming. He rolled face up to look at the storm and laughed as it poured down, washing over him like a blessing, erasing the soot and smell of brimstone. He was saved, and closed his eyes with a sigh of relief. At long last, Asmodeus had been summoned.

  Selina fell back; her naked ass hit the dirt.

  “What the fuck?” she said softly.

  At the height of her ritual he had begun to appear. When it first happened she thought the gorgeous, naked man in the fire wasn’t real, but a hint of what was to come in her dreams. After all, she was performing a spell to fulfill her deepest desires. His body pretty much covered everything she had in mind.


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