Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 189

by Mandy M. Roth

  As much as she was enjoying his nearness, Selina knew that they needed answers. She also realized that acquiring those answers meant Asmodeus might be sent back to Hell. He’d been with her for one night and already the thought of losing him did not appeal to her. Why couldn’t anything be simple?

  “I could cook you breakfast first,” he offered.

  He kissed her and in that moment Selina knew that food wasn’t what she was craving.

  “Are you on the menu?” she teased.

  “If you wish.”

  “And what about your strength?”

  His smile was wicked. “I feel very much recovered.”

  He looked amazing in the morning sun. His hair, which hung in layers down his back, looked polished beneath the soft rays of daylight. Selina had always thought of demons as creatures of darkness. But seeing him this way changed her mind. Asmodeus looked wonderful in the light.

  “How do you feel?” he asked. “You were looking for a one night stand and might be stuck, at least for a few days, with a demon prince. That’s a lot to deal with.”

  She laughed softly. “I’ll manage.”

  When she rose from the bed he gave her a questioning look. “Are you no longer interested in what’s on the menu?”

  “Sexy and a sense of humor. What will you do if you don’t go back to Hell? I mean, since you clearly don’t want to return.”

  She ignored his question and continued toward the bathroom. When he didn’t immediately answer her, she looked back through the open bathroom door. “I want to brush my teeth first,” she said. She also wanted to take her birth control pill. She’d read that demons couldn’t contract diseases, but they could definitely reproduce.

  Asmodeus chuckled. “Women worry too much.”

  “Morning breath may not affect your kind, but I don’t want to take any chances. By the way, how is it that you tasted like mint when you kissed me?”

  “I used the unopened brush in the cabinet while you were asleep,” he confessed.

  Selina looked back through the door to see the demon barely able to contain his laughter.

  “And I worry too much?”

  “I didn’t want to kiss you good morning and knock you unconscious,” he joked. “Who knows what a demon tastes like first thing in the morning? I kept worrying that I would have brimstone breath.”

  Selina returned a few minutes later, minty fresh. “How did I sleep through that?”

  “You were out cold,” he said. “You didn’t move all night.” He stretched back against the pillows. “Are you hungry for food or would you like me for breakfast?”

  Her answer was a kiss. Selina leaned over him and the shock of his warm chest beneath her breasts made her nipples hard. She moaned against his lips as he deepened the kiss, and she drew his tongue into her mouth. There was something about him she could not resist. Maybe it was because he was the ruler of Lust? She sucked his tongue, enjoying both the mint flavor and the way her body ached in response.

  “Are all demons like this?” she asked, gasping as she drew back.

  “Like what?”

  She kissed him again and Asmodeus wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her higher, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Even as her mouth went dry, she felt her pussy becoming wetter with his every touch. He sucked harder, drawing more of her flesh into his mouth. She ran her fingers through his hair as she pressed him against her. She had never felt anything close to this level of painful arousal. To her delight, Selina realized that she liked the pain.

  She was so wet, her juices were running down her thighs. She wondered if a demon’s senses were as acute as a werewolf’s. She had heard so many interesting things about werewolves and their heightened awareness. With no way to estimate how powerful he was, she speculated at all the enhanced abilities he must have. She wondered if he could feel her level of arousal through his touch.

  The night before, she summoned him for sex. She saw no reason to hold anything back now. This was not the time. She wanted him and had no trouble acting on her desires. She pulled back for a moment and Asmodeus looked her up and down. A shuddering breath escaped his lips as his eyes flamed to life the way they had the night before. Had they been in the dark, she was certain they would have glowed.

  At that moment, she remembered something else, something very important. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s something I need to clear up. I read somewhere that demons can steal your soul with a kiss if you aren’t controlling them. I don’t kid myself to think that I have complete control over you. Am I in danger of you stealing my soul?”

  Asmodeus rolled her to her back so fast she gasped.

  “Do you feel like you are in danger?”

  “I believe you are dangerous. But I trust you.”

  He smiled. “That’s definitely the right answer to get me to have sex with you again.”

  He continued to look down at her with those amazing amber/flame eyes as he ran one hand up her thigh and one long finger inside her. He moved lower and lower, trailing kisses down her body. He paused above her neatly trimmed pubic hair as if he wanted her to anticipate his next move.

  She moaned and threw back her head as his mouth claimed her. He pulled her flesh into his mouth, just as he had done with her breast, sucking until the point of pain, but not yet beyond the realm of pleasure.

  His tongue found her clit and he pulled it hard into his mouth. Selina screamed incoherently, murmuring curses as she writhed beneath him.

  “I like it when a woman talks dirty,” he said, moving right back to her sensitive flesh.

  She had no idea what filth she was saying, and couldn’t seem to shut up. All she knew was that he was hitting the right spot and she could not be quiet. His tongue never left her and his rhythm grew faster. His finger dipped in and out of her slick heat while his tongue worked her to a fevered pitch. She wanted him so bad that she hurt. She ached to have him insider her and wouldn’t be satisfied until she felt his big cock splitting her in two.

  Asmodeus lifted his head from between her legs and his body trembled. A fine sheen of sweat was visible against his skin. His flaming eyes and tousled hair made him look dangerous, but still she felt safe. He was in control.

  Asmodeus lowered his head to her breast again. He pulled the already sensitive flesh into his mouth. Somehow he flicked his tongue over her nipple at the same time he sucked it hard. As he did this he reached between her legs and began to rub her in slow, deliberate circles. Her pussy throbbed with need as her juices soaked the bed.

  “I want you inside me,” she moaned.

  He moved on top of her, pushing her back against the pillows. She felt him spread her legs wider, pressing himself against her. She could feel his cock growing harder as he used it to spread her labia wide. He began to slip inside and she moaned. Involuntary tears blurred her vision as his thick shaft stretched her farther, but he would only go so far. No matter how hard she arched against him, he would not penetrate her fully. He was teasing her.

  Asmodeus moved slowly, sucking her nipple hard as he continued to press deeper, inch by inch. Then, just when she thought she couldn’t stretch any more, he thrust in completely and she screamed. He remained still for a moment as he buried himself deep inside her. Then, slowly, he began to move. Her back arched as she ground her hips against him, rising to meet his every thrust. She raked her nails over the smooth skin of his back before slipping one hand between them to work her clit.

  “Make me come,” she commanded.

  “As you wish.”

  Asmodeus moved to take her earlobe into his mouth and she felt the first twinges of orgasm begin. He pulled the delicate skin into his mouth and the sensations became stronger. An ache began at the base of her spine, spreading to her thighs and settling around the muscles that gripped his cock.

  She arched upward again and release flooded her body. She felt her muscles spasm around him, gripping him, pulling him down inside her. She lifted her hips higher, wra
pping her legs around him.

  “Say my name,” she whispered. “I want to hear you say my name when you come.”

  He ran his hand up through the back of her hair, tugging just hard enough to tilt her head back. The feel of her hair being pulled sent a chill of pleasure down her spine as she heard him whisper, “Selina.”

  He gasped and as his body stiffened, he thrust into her deep and hard. “I’m coming.”

  They rested for several minutes, both breathing hard.

  “As much as I dread the possibility, you do realize that Hell will want me back?” he said.

  “I thought as much. Let’s go see Anya. She may know what went wrong with the spell. She’s been practicing the craft a lot longer than I have. Her great grandmother was a high priestess of Hecate. She might even be able to find a way to keep you here.”

  “I know how to do that,” he said casually. “I have to find someone willing to help break the curse that sent me to Hell in the first place.”

  “Oh. You make it sound simple.”

  “In theory, it is. But we can discuss that later. What am I wearing to meet your friend?”

  A short while later Asmodeus stood admiring the handiwork of Selina’s imagination.

  “The velvet pants are a nice touch,” he said.

  “I thought so.”

  Selina smiled. He was dressed all in black. From his polished knee-high boots to his long frock coat, he was like a fantasy come to life.

  “You don’t mind, do you? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  “I am here to satisfy you.” He winked. “And I like velvet.”

  “Good. Let me finish getting dressed and we can go.”

  Selina selected her favorite pair of jeans, a black dress coat, and matching t-shirt. Her short hair required little more than brushing, and she never wore much makeup. Dark, smoky eyeliner and clear lip gloss were the extent of her “war paint” as Anya called it.

  When they arrived at Anya’s house, everything appeared normal to Selina. Anya’s herb garden (that they passed on the way up her driveway) was flourishing as usual. Thanks to her spells (and a few tributes offered to old gods) Anya’s place was never affected by the cold.

  Selina asked her once about the tributes to the old gods.

  “No one dies. I offer them energy, alcohol, and a few drops of my own blood. The better the quality of the liquor, the less blood they require,” Anya explained.

  She lived in a cottage-style house only a little smaller than Selina’s. As soon as they got out of the car, Asmodeus was at her side.

  “What is it?” Selina asked, sensing his tension.

  He took a few deep breaths. “Do you smell that?”

  Selina breathed deeply. “I smell mint and lavender.”

  “There is a trace of sulfur in the air,” he said. “A Hell beast has been here.”

  She gasped.

  “It’s long gone by now. We should check on your friend.”

  The moment Anya answered the door, Selina sighed with relief. “You’re all right, thank goodness.”

  Anya looked confused. She shook her head and a lock of short, curly blond hair fell over one eye.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Before Selina could answer, Anya caught sight of the demon. “Oh, my.”

  Selina thought her friend was about to comment on his good looks. Instead Anya looked surprised and said, “You’re a demon, a powerful one. Selina, what’s going on?”

  “That’s kind of why I’m here. I’ll explain everything. How did you know he was a demon?”

  She glanced back at Asmodeus and his eyes flashed bright with flame again.

  “Because she too has demon blood,” he said.

  “What?” the women asked together.

  A few minutes later they were sitting in Anya’s living room. Asmodeus had yet to answer their question. He appeared to be studying Anya.

  “You don’t have a lot of demon blood,” he said at last. “Perhaps a grandparent was half-demon.”

  Anya just sat there for a few minutes, looking stunned. “My great-grandmother,” she said.

  “What?” Selina asked. “Why do you think it was her?”

  Anya sighed and tucked an unruly curl behind her ear. “She wasn’t half-demon, but she lived to be one hundred and two, and we were close. In my early twenties, when she started to teach me high magic, she said there was little that magic could not accomplish. She also explained that there was always a price.” Anya paused as if considering how to word the rest of her story. “She told me that she used a spell to help her conceive. All these years, I thought she used a fertility spell.” She gestured toward the grimoire on the table. “I guess we know which spell she used now. She must have summoned a demon to get her pregnant. That would explain why my grandpa can still run triathlons.”

  “Demon blood will do that,” Asmodeus said.

  Selina shook her head. “Holy shit. Your great-grandmother couldn’t have children, so she summoned a demon.”

  “Who sired your grandfather,” Asmodeus added.

  “Wow. After thirty-five years of wondering why I’m not normal.” Anya laughed. “I finally know.”

  “So, you could sense that he’s a demon?” Selina asked, pointing to Asmodeus.

  “Yeah. I just knew.” Anya paused again before asking, “Why are you guys here?”

  “That is a loaded question,” Asmodeus said.

  “It’s about that summoning spell you gave me.”

  “I’m Asmodeus, by the way.”

  He extended his hand in greeting and Anya flinched.

  “You summoned demonic royalty?”

  Selina couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How the fuck did you know that?”

  Anya couldn’t seem to stop staring at the demon prince. “I’ve studied some demonology, you knew about it, you’ve seen the books in my room.”

  “You said you scanned some old books, not memorized the names of demon royalty.”

  “He’s the ruler of Lust. He governs seventy-two legions of inferior spirits.”

  The demon’s grin was ravishing. “Careful, you’ll make me blush.”

  Anya extended her hand this time, and they shook.

  “Tell me exactly what you did,” she said to Selina, regaining her composure.

  Anya knelt at the coffee table and flipped through the grimoire until she found the right spell. Selina recounted her actions slowly and Anya followed along, looking at the page and nodding.

  “Wait a minute,” Anya said. “Repeat that again.”

  “I summon thee for the fulfillment of my deepest desires.”

  “That’s exactly how you said it?”

  Selina put her hands on her hips. “Yes, exactly.”

  “Fuck me,” Anya said, raising both eyebrows. “Take a look at this.”

  She pointed to the last words on the page. Asmodeus leaned close and when his arm brushed hers, Anya shivered.

  “Sorry,” he said. “My powers are not fully awakened in this world. I never know how much to hold back.”

  The witch smiled. “No need to apologize. If not for the way Selina looks at you, I’d ask you to do it again.”

  “Anya,” Selina said, shocked.

  “Look at this,” Anya repeated, tapping the page. “You left out the most important word. The spell reads, ‘my deepest sexual desires.’ You left out sexual.”

  “Hmm,” Asmodeus said, sitting back in the chair closest to the fireplace.

  “I can’t believe I did that,” Selina said.

  She sat on the couch and stared into the hearth. It was a chilly day and she welcomed the warmth. At that moment she noticed the small cauldron dangling over the fire.

  “Making potions?” she asked Anya.

  “For a protection spell, yes.”

  “Well, we may be in need of that, if I interpret this omitted word business correctly,” the demon said.

  “Please, enlighten us,” Anya said.

sp; He sat up straighter and adjusted the front of his frock coat. Even under the alarming circumstances Selina could only take her eyes off him for a few moments at a time.

  “First of all, I suppose you should know why I was in Hell to start with. Unless your book of demonology told you that too?” He didn’t sound sarcastic. According to the bits and pieces Anya had read to her, some of those books did tell the life stories of a few demons.

  Anya shook her head.

  He paused as if searching for the right words. When he finally spoke, the emotion in his voice tugged at Selina’s heart.

  “I fell in love with the wrong king’s wife. When he found out about our affair, he didn’t want me dead; he wanted me punished. The king struck a deal with a sorcerer who was previously his enemy. He said it was worth it, just to have me cursed. The sorcerer opened a portal and sent me to Hell still wearing my mortal skin. Trust me when I say this is worse than your spirit going alone. I died a thousand deaths working my way up through the ranks. And eventually, I had my revenge on the sorcerer when he joined me in Hell. While I tortured him, I learned something. There was a counter for his curse, a cure of sorts. Love got me into Hell and only love can get me out. As for the torture, it’s not something I’m proud of. You do what you have to in order to survive in Hell. Having to hurt others was part of my damnation.”

  Selina was fascinated. Anya looked ready to ask questions, but he put up a hand to stop her.

  “I have to find someone who is willing to accept me, to love me in spite of what I am. They must let me impart a piece of my soul to them through a kiss. Now, that is a lot to ask. It would make them part demon and bind us together for all eternity. I would be free to live here on Earth. Whoever freed me wouldn’t be able to back out of it if I pissed them off later. There is no divorcing a demon.”

  The women laughed at the tone of his last words. Clearly he was trying to lighten the mood, but he was also telling the truth. That much was evident.

  He made eye contact with Selina. “That is a lot to ask,” she agreed.

  He nodded. “I heard your call not only because you are powerful, but because you were looking for much more than sex. Your omission of the word sexual could’ve been an accident, or it could be fate.”


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