Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 191

by Mandy M. Roth

  “You will have to see if you are to make an informed decision. To be honest, I’m afraid of rejection.”

  “Is it petty that hearing you say that makes me feel better?”

  He laughed. “No.”

  He became serious again as he said, “I do want to stay with you, Selina, more than anything. I just want you to know what you’re getting into if you agree to this.”

  They stepped into the shower and Selina began to wash her hair while he explained, “You won’t be forced to go to Hell if you accept part of my soul. To be honest I don’t know how religions and beliefs factor into all the various dimensions out there. But I do know that if this curse is lifted I am forever free from entering that dimension ever again.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  Selina turned toward the water and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him.

  “It was never my intention to ask this of you,” he said softly.

  Asmodeus bent closer and brushed his face against hers. The slight friction of his unshaved skin felt good against her cheek and she leaned into his touch.

  “I won’t lie to you, lifting my curse was the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard the call. But the moment I saw your face, I knew I didn’t want to get you mixed up in this. I decided then, I would do whatever you wanted me to do and I would leave.”

  “But you said you knew you wanted to be with me when you heard my call.”

  He placed a kiss against her face. “I did, but I never intended to ask. The problem was, after I touched you, I knew I couldn’t go back. I could never live in Hell knowing the taste of your kiss, yet be unable to feel you. It would be a worse torment than I could bear.”

  She traced the contours of his forearm with her fingertips. “Still here we are, having this conversation.”

  “Yes, we are.” He sighed and kissed her face again. “I want you to know how I feel, but I don’t want you to think I’m saying these things to trap you. I would never do that.”

  “I know,” she said, turning in his arms. “I feel everything when I touch you. I don’t need to hear the words.” She smiled, hoping to give him reassurance. “I believe you.”

  His smile was tender. “Yes, you do. Trust me, everyone needs to hear the words. My pulse quickens when you are near me. I feel like I’m stronger and yet weaker at the same time. I would die to defend you, and I will return to Hell if you are unsure of helping me.”

  She also knew through his touch that if that happened, he would never complain; he would simply return.

  “There is no doubt in my mind that I am falling in love with you,” he said.

  His amber eyes misted over with tears and Selina held him close. “This is all happening so fast, but I love you too. I can’t explain it. How is that even possible?”


  She laughed. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I. Magic is my only explanation. Well, magic and fate. Whatever there is between us, I have no doubt that it was meant to be.”

  Later that night, Asmodeus fell asleep on a blanket in front of the fireplace. Selina watched for a long time, admiring the way his dark lashes fell against his cheeks, running her fingers through his hair. She put another log on the fire and went to make herself a cup of tea. Her decision was made.

  While the kettle heated, she put on her thickest robe and bedroom shoes, and stepped onto the porch. The late night breeze was cold. She pulled the robe tight against her throat as she leaned against one of the beams supporting the porch. The smell of rain carried on the wind and she sighed as she looked up at the stars. Soon they would be covered by the clouds she could see in the distance. Selina smiled up at the sky, appreciating the opportunity to view the stars before they were blocked by the approaching storm. Having made her choice, everything else seemed simpler. She would let Asmodeus enjoy his sleep. Then, she would tell him.

  Selina stood there for several minutes, drinking in the peaceful scenery. The kettle whistled. “Shit.” She didn’t mean to wake Asmodeus, not yet.

  Before she could turn around a powerful arm grabbed her like a vice, and a hand covered her mouth. Definitely not Asmodeus! She kicked backward, raking her foot down her attacker’s shin.

  “That would hurt a lot more if you weren’t wearing bedroom shoes,” he hissed.

  His voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. She bit his hand hard, but was careful not to draw blood. Selina did not want anyone’s blood in her mouth. Still, the man did not release her.

  “I’m sorry, but we don’t have time for foreplay.”

  He twirled her to face him and even though the face was new, she recognized the voice this time.



  He touched her forehead and the world went black.

  Chapter 5

  “Where the fuck am I?” she groaned.

  It was difficult to open her eyes, as if she was drugged. She tried to move, but her hands were bound. Selina blinked heavily and took a good look around. She was tied to a pole on a small wooden platform. She was in the woods, but wasn’t sure of an exact location. Maybe if she could walk around a bit she would recognize where she was. She grew up in the surrounding area and had a feeling they hadn’t gone far.

  At that moment, Samael emerged from the trees at the edge of the clearing. He was carrying an armful of kindling. Horror rose within her as she realized his intentions.

  “You’re awake.”

  He smiled and smoke rose from the corners of his solid white eyes. His long, black hair moved in the wind like wisps of smoke rather than tendrils of hair. Even in his semi-human form, she could easily see the hound beneath.

  “You like?”

  He dropped the kindling beside the platform and gestured toward his body. He was wearing jeans tight enough to leave nothing to the imagination. They matched his black coat and boots. He wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  “Not bad if you weren’t trying to kill me.”

  His grin widened.

  “And if I couldn’t see the hellhound behind your eyes.”

  At that he growled and began stacking the wood around her.

  “Witches are afraid of fire,” he said conversationally.

  “No one wants to be burned alive,” she said, trying to remain calm.

  He continued to stack the wood. “True, but your fear of it is stronger. It is in your blood. How many of your ancestors do you suppose died this way?”

  Selina tried to shrug then realized exactly how tightly her hands were tied behind the pole.

  “Not many. Most of the people burned during the witch trials were midwives with no real dealings in magic. Anyone with a little knowledge of herbs was branded a witch.”

  “I’m impressed. You actually know the history of your kind. Most witches don’t. But you’re right, ignorance kills.” He laughed. “Especially, when a woman is perceived as knowing more than a man.”

  Selina needed to keep the conversation going. She didn’t want it to be obvious that she was working to untie her bonds.

  “You admit this freely?” she joked.

  Samael rose, spreading his arms wide. “I’ve never been intimidated by anyone because of their gender.”

  “Why are you trying to burn me?”

  “It’s really simple. If I kill Asmodeus, I get his throne as a reward. The best way to accomplish that is to catch him off guard. Hopefully, threatening you will distract him sufficiently to give me the upper hand. I admit there is a slight chance he might defeat me. Still, if I kill you, he cannot break his curse.” While he said this, Samael looked very pleased with himself.

  “Because if he’s set free you lose your opportunity to capture the throne?”

  “Exactly. And you can’t delay me with conversation, so stop trying. I can burn you to a crisp using only my thoughts. This is all for show.”

  “Then why bother?”

  He moved closer and sat on the plat
form beside her. Selina refused to recoil as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Your screams will be a symphony to my senses.” He breathed deeply. “I can smell your fear. If you don’t suffer, what’s the point?”

  “Fuck you,” she said calmly.

  “Such a shame, we don’t have time.”

  As he walked back toward the trees she asked, “Why stall then if you’re in such a hurry to see me suffer?” Not that she was in a hurry. If she was going to be set on fire, Selina wanted to understand his reasoning. This level of viciousness had to be about more than keeping Asmodeus from breaking his curse.

  “I want Asmodeus to watch, and we need more wood.”

  Selina tried to remain calm and continue working the knot on the rope around her wrists, but it was difficult. Knowing Samael would only get off on her fear helped to keep her emotions somewhat under control. While she tried to loosen the rope, she closed her eyes. With all the power she could summon, she called out to Asmodeus, “Help me!”

  Asmodeus sprang to his feet. The kettle was whistling, but that wasn’t what woke him.

  “Samael,” he said, running for the front door.

  He could sense the hellhound’s presence, even though there was no trace of sulfur in the air. He reasoned that the hound must be in his human form to avoid leaving his scent behind. Asmodeus ran out onto the porch, the cold breeze biting his naked skin. There was no trace of Samael or Selina.

  He wanted to leave immediately, but running off naked didn’t seem like the best course of action. He took only enough time to pull on his pants and shoes. If anything happened to Selina, he would never forgive himself. And Samael would suffer for centuries.

  Asmodeus watched through the trees while Samael piled more kindling around the platform. Selina was terrified, but was doing a good job concealing the fact. He could feel her fear and it was all he could do to keep himself from charging into the clearing.

  Samael had set traps, dozens of them. He must have been working spells here for hours before coming for Selina. The area was well prepared. Once Asmodeus entered the circle that was the clearing, there was no way out unless the spells were broken. He’d examined some of the runes and symbols painted and carved into the surrounding trees. This trap was designed to either kill him, or drag him back to Hell.

  In the centuries since they’d last fought, Samael had studied magic. The easiest way to overpower him would be to wait until he walked out of that damn circle. But he had Selina, so waiting any longer wasn’t an option. She was terrified and he couldn’t bear feeling her suffer this way. No matter what happened to him, she would survive this.

  Selina was staring up at the moon, trying to take deep breaths to avoid having a panic attack. It was then she felt his presence. Her heart leapt. “I’m saved!”

  She almost laughed at the ridiculousness of such a thought. The whole damsel in distress bit had never appealed to her, nor did she believe she fit the profile. Yet here she was, thrilled to know that Asmodeus had come to her rescue.

  “The third day began at midnight,” Samael said.

  He didn’t turn around to face the demon prince, but continued to stack the wood.

  “Surely you aren’t surprised to see me. After all, I said I’d be back.”

  Samael turned his back to her and over the top of his broad shoulders she watched Asmodeus begin to change.

  “You can’t wear that pretty face inside this circle,” Samael explained.

  “Let her go,” Asmodeus said as horns grew from his forehead.

  “She needs to see what you really are before she dies.” Samael turned to her again and his smoky hair moved about as if it had a life of its own. “I can resist shifting form because it is my spell,” he explained to her. “I thought you had a right to know what you’ve actually been fucking.”

  She looked past Samael and saw the look of apology on Asmodeus’ face. If he was going to fight Samael, he would need his true form. His amber eyes glowed from within, even brighter than before. He leaned forward and when he arched back, arms spread wide, wings emerged from his back. They looked like a bat’s wings and were so black they blended with the night. He yelled and in a burst of flame his transformation was finished, complete with hooves and a pointy tail.

  His horns were now fully grown and they curled back like a ram’s; they were as black as his wings. He was frightening and yet there was still beauty in his powerful body. She could sense the pain it caused him for her to see him this way. Since Selina wasn’t psychic she wondered if he was using his power to communicate his feelings to her.

  “What now?” Asmodeus asked. “You’ve got me, let Selina go. She means nothing to you.”

  “Perhaps not, but she is everything to you.” Samael sneered. “I can see it when you look at her. You have that same sickening weakness in your eyes, like when you came to us so long ago. You haven’t had that look since you first told me about the king’s wife, the one that got you cursed.”

  “It’s called love. Besides, what do my feelings matter to you?”

  “You disgust me. You still feel like a human, you love like a human, and yet you rule a throne in Hell. Fuck you and your witch. I will have the throne that should’ve been mine.”

  In an instant Samael was transformed once more into a flaming werewolf. He turned to Selina and she fought the urge to scream.

  “I’ll huff and I’ll puff,” he teased.

  Samael took a deep breath and blew a ball of fire toward the platform. This time, Selina screamed as the kindling ignited.

  Asmodeus extended his right arm and a whip that seemed to be made of fire appeared in his hand. With a flick of his wrist the whip hissed through the air toward Samael. The hellhound did a rolling tumble and the fiery weapon missed its mark.

  “You should hurry,” Samael teased. “That wood will burn fast.”

  About this time, Selina untied her bonds, but the flames were too high for her to jump down. Through the fire she saw Samael lunge at Asmodeus, his claws tearing across her lover’s chest. Samael was right, she did have a terrible fear of burning. She clung to the pole in the middle of the platform and did the only thing she could think of, she closed her eyes and began to chant.

  Over and over she repeated the protection spell. She visualized a translucent blue wall surrounding her, protecting her from the flames. When she realized the fire wasn’t burning her, she opened her eyes.

  Selina found an opening through the flames and though she looked for Asmodeus, she never stopped chanting. Samael was closest to her. His back had several slashes, no doubt from the whip.

  “Your witch is dead,” he taunted. “She is not even screaming.”

  “You’re a fucking moron,” Asmodeus growled.

  He lunged forward and clapped his wings against the hellhound’s head. Samael howled and stumbled. Before Asmodeus could hit him with the whip, Samael leapt at him. They fell to the ground and rolled almost completely out of Selina’s sight.

  The two struggled to their feet as Samael snapped his jaws, but failed to make contact. Asmodeus lowered his head and gored the hellhound with his horns. Selina cringed, but never stopped chanting.

  With a flick of his wrist, Asmodeus wrapped the flaming whip around the hellhound’s throat.

  “Do it,” Samael growled.

  “I’ve got something else in mind. Break the circle.”

  Samael hesitated and Asmodeus pulled the whip tighter. Selina thought the stomach wound was enough to kill anything, but apparently hellhounds were tougher than she’d guessed.

  “Break the circle,” he commanded.

  Samael said something she couldn’t hear above the roar of the fire.

  “It’s done,” the hound said.

  “Valefur, come forth,” Asmodeus said.

  A tall man with long blond hair appeared behind him. He was completely naked and his pale skin glowed in the moonlight.

  “You called?” the blond said.

  “I have a
gift for you,” Asmodeus said.

  Valefur smiled down at the kneeling hellhound. “He’s already in enough trouble.”


  “Azazel wants him. It seems he would be rewarded only if he succeeded.” He gestured toward Samael’s savaged stomach. “Obviously, he failed.”

  He gave the whip to Valefur who immediately tightened it on Samael’s throat.

  With a flap of his wings Asmodeus lifted off the ground. He descended on the platform in front of Selina, arms wide in invitation. She was so surprised she stopped chanting. Seeing his true form from a distance was one thing. Being this close to his demon form was another.

  “Why aren’t you burning?” she asked.

  The flames roared higher as he answered, “I’m fireproof.”

  She thought when he emerged from the fire that first night that it was a one-time thing.

  Selina took a step toward him and he shielded her from the fire, wrapping her in his wings. Asmodeus held her tight against him as he leapt through the flames to safety. The platform crumbled an instant later.

  “I’m sorry I took so long,” he said softly.

  He unfurled his wings, but still held her in his arms.

  “What if I hadn’t known that chant?” she asked.

  “Then I would’ve thrown myself in the fire sooner. I would never let you die, let alone burn.”

  She took a step back from him and a really good look.

  “Here I am,” he said, “hooves and all. I’ll understand if you don’t want to—”

  “Which aspects will I take on?” she interrupted.

  “I honestly don’t know. It won’t be the whole package. Wait, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “I’ve made my decision,” she said. Selina gestured toward his hooves. “This is all superficial. I knew what you were when I summoned you. Seeing what’s beneath your human skin is a little shocking, but not the deal breaker you seem to imagine.”

  He laughed softly. “I never expected to hear that.”

  Selina reached up to touch his horns as she whispered, “Kiss me and let’s get this over with.”


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