Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 196

by Mandy M. Roth

“Don’t you think Camila wants to be here with her family?”

  He chuckled, propping his chin on top of her head. “I think after a day or two with her they be wantin’ us to come get her.”

  She pushed at him. “Come on. She looks like an angel. She can’t be that bad.”

  “Aw, chère. You don’ know this girl. She an angel on the outside and a devil on the inside. Naw, they don’ know what they got theirselves into with her.”

  She laughed and stopped, looking up at him with dimples in her round cheeks and tousled hair. “The right thing to do is for me to go. You make it hard to do what I know is right.”

  He clutched her closer, breathing in the scent of her hair and skin. “I haven’t had enough time to see if this is real. You got to give me more.”

  She waffled, but when he kissed her cheeks and nose, then her lips, he knew he’d swayed her with his argument. She could try to resist, but they’d bonded physically—hard and fast and without reason. This didn’t happen just every day. “I chose my consort. Do you choose me?” he whispered.

  She sighed. “Yes. I do.”

  He practically purred with victory, but it sounded like a growl—coming from his stomach. “Good. Now feed me. I need nourishment if I’m gonna love you all night.”

  Alyssia laughed and pushed at him. “You’re crazy.”

  He wouldn’t be pushed away. He nipped her nose. “Oui. For you.”

  The End

  About Celeste Anwar

  Celeste Anwar devours the odd, supernatural, or terrifying--whether it's a book, TV, or movie, if it's bizarre or kooky chances are, Celeste likes it. Given her odd tastes and a devotion to horror since she was a kid, it was only natural for her to turn to writing in the paranormal genre. She also throws in some contemporary and urban fantasy in the mix for some flavor!

  She's plotted and hashed out many ideas with her mother, who also writes as Kaitlyn O'Connor and Madelaine Montague. Sometimes they bump heads and can't talk to each other, but that's just part of life, and a passion for romance runs in the blood!

  The Psychic’s Beast by Jax Cassidy

  About The Psychic’s Beast

  Psychic Arabella Winterborne is forced to move into a mysterious fairytale-like mansion when her stepfather is caught embezzling from a powerful billionaire known for his beastly demeanor.

  What started out as a life sentence to repay a debt by serving as Lux Beastly's personal oracle soon turns into a magical adventure that heals two scarred souls.

  When Lux's own freedom is at stake, he must choose between the future of his company or losing Arabella forever.

  Chapter 1

  A thick layer of snow blanketed the landscape, covering most of the enormous steel and glass mansion that seemed to dominate the forest. Arabella had plenty of time to observe the elaborate place. It resembled a slick, modern-day enchanted castle, tucked far away in the middle of nowhere. The impressive construction painted a mysterious yet magical air that piqued her curiosity.

  Snow flurries landed on her eyelashes, returning her attention back to the current situation. Still seething over the fact that her stepfather Randall Kramer had dragged her out of bed in the early morning hours, practically dumping her right in front of the iron gates without so much as a backward glance. Heck, she’d heard the tires squeal in his haste to flee. She’d prayed her visions were wrong, but her intuition had always been accurate. Today, it was confirmed.

  Arabella let out an irritated breath, “The Farmer’s Almanac never mentioned a freaking blizzard!” She hugged herself beneath the wool cloak to hold in the warmth. If not for the heavy fabric, she was severely underdressed for the weather.

  What am I in for?

  In truth, she had premonitions days ago.

  She knew the snow storm was just kicking up, literally and figuratively.

  What had the man done now?

  Randall had his fair share of vices long before her mother passed away. She learned to live with them, for her mother’s sake, even if she didn’t like it. Somehow, things felt different this time. She had a sinking suspicion this wasn’t going to be something she was able to bail him out of…again.

  She raised her hands and created an arc around her mouth for a megaphone effect, in hopes of cutting through the wind. “IS ANYONE THERE?”

  It only stirred a group of birds hidden in a nearby tree. Their sudden movement ruffled the snow from its branches and the huge clumps pummeled her unexpectedly. OOMPH! She slipped and fell on her butt. She dropped back and laughed as she started to make a snow angel to release the building tension.

  After a few minutes, she got up and decided to try the gate buzzard again. She’d hoped that someone—anyone, would answer the security monitor. Any minute now.

  Maybe making snow angels without proper attire wasn’t the best idea. She felt the cold seep through her clothes as it clung and froze against the fabric. What time was it now? How long had she been there already? She could use a hot cup of tea and a butter croissant right about now. Her stomach rumbled in agreement. She’d left her cell phone behind, so she didn’t know the time or was able to call for assistance.

  Arabella blew hot air into her hands, then rubbed them together to bring back some sensation to the numb areas. Not only did she miss breakfast, she didn’t have a chance to adequately pack her belongings. Luckily she’d grabbed a bag and tossed in whatever her foggy brain could come up with.

  The snow started coming down full force and she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. She closed her eyes and focused. Within seconds, a series of numbers emerged from the dark recesses of her mind. The correct digits soon lit up in a row and floated across her mind’s eye to extract the information she needed. She clapped her hands and happily punched in the code.

  Presto! It slid open.

  Arabella let out an excited laugh. “Let’s see if they’ll ignore me now.”

  Lux watched the woman through the window, completely intrigued by what he’d seen. No one knew the manual code except for his trusted staff. Yet, this woman seemed to know exactly what they were.

  She’s a witch! She can give you all the answers. Predict the future even before it happens. Randall’s words echoed in his head.

  “Impossible!” He dismissed them, especially coming from a desperate man.

  Lux still wondered why he’d accepted Randall’s plea. What man in his right mind would offer up his daughter in exchange for his freedom? That was the worst kind of atrocity. Lux should put the lying scumbag in prison for embezzling from his company, yet he was entertained by the idea of playing host to a…

  “Psychic,” he scoffed.

  Even as he said the word, it seemed ridiculous.

  He couldn’t fathom why this woman would willingly give up her own freedom for her stepfather’s. He’d had his team thoroughly investigate her and it bothered him that she chose to stay even after everything she’d gone through. The files were just as he’d imagined; Randall was a complete and total bastard toward his stepdaughter after her mother’s passing. Why did she choose to come to the Beastly Estates, even so?

  Lux was determined to find out the truth. He needed to know her motives. He also wanted to prove Randall’s claims were lies to release him from a horrible fate.

  His eyes riveted on the woman below. Her long cloak dragged the snow as she walked, clearing the path to the main steps. A clump of snow stood in the way and she playfully kicked it around with childish delight. What he hadn’t expected was the musical laughter that bubbled out of her. The woman was genuinely in her own world.

  The image of such confidence and innocent wonder burned in his mind.

  Lux growled. Not liking the idea that the woman was already bewitching him. BAH! He never believed in psychics, nor paid much attention to metaphysical mumbo jumbo. He’d met quite a few quacks in the past who tried to con him, but they’d failed miserably in their attempts. Perhaps he had only agreed to h
ouse her out of boredom.

  The opportunity presented itself, and he hated to admit that the past few months he’d yearned for company. Human interaction. He’d take any conversation other than work related at this point. His staff was well trained and respected his need for privacy. However, he never made an effort to get to know them. With the exception of Mrs. Potter, who had been in his family’s employ since his youth. She was in charge of the staff and they had an unspoken understanding. In truth, she was perhaps the closest thing to family that he had. Even his parents had been mostly out of the picture, until their death.

  At least he’d have some semblance of company if nothing else. He rubbed his jaw and flinched. The familiar scar that ran from his eyelid to the edge of his mouth was a constant reminder of the accident years ago. He let out an angry breath. He’d never forgotten what had happened. Never would.

  Lux was perfectly happy running his multi-billion dollar corporation from the confines of his estate. Technology had made it way too easy to exist without needing to step foot outside. He enjoyed the privacy when cloaked in mystery.

  His lips curled into a sneer.

  Money. There was nothing it couldn’t buy.

  Companies. Luxuries. People.

  He glanced back at the petite woman who now approached the front door. He wasn’t sure what to do with her now that she was actually here. As if she sensed that he was watching her, she glanced up toward the window, and he immediately released the curtain with his fingertips.

  “Let the games begin,” he announced dryly.

  He headed back to the desk to continue working. There was a mountain of email to go through with the new acquisition. If he didn’t keep up with them, he’d be up all night. As he glanced at the first email, his mood shifted. He blew out an irritated breath knowing that it was already going to be a long day.

  Time got away from him. He’d been so absorbed in his work he barely noticed the firm knock. The door opened and his butler Kingsley gave a curt nod. “May I present your guest, Miss Arabella Winterborne.”

  Chapter 2

  Arabella pulled back her hood and loose tendrils escaped the messy bun. She didn’t know whether to hold out her hand or curtsy to the man. Surely, in this day and age, no one curtsied unless you were meeting the Queen. Instead, she did a clumsy sort of half bow and nod. Luckily he was engrossed with the paperwork he was reviewing that he missed her whole awkward introduction.

  Kingsley cleared his throat, “Master Lucifer—” He corrected himself, “Master Lux Beastly.”

  She bit back a laugh. It seemed the estate truly belonged to a Beast! Arabella hadn’t seen Lux’s face clearly, so she couldn’t verify this fact. She only hoped his temperament didn’t match the silly surname.

  “I’ll return to my duties then.” Kingsley gave her a solemn nod and left, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Awkward was an understatement. She was now all alone with the surly man. She didn’t know how long she stood waiting for him to acknowledge her. The clock hands seemed to tick louder and louder as the minutes past. She shifted in place but tried not to show her discomfort. Patience was something she’d learned and excelled at.

  Lux took his sweet time finishing his task and finally lifted his head to look at her. She gasped upon seeing such a handsome face. She’d never been mesmerized by any man’s features before. Even with the full-fledged beard, she imagined it was concealing chiseled cheekbones and a prominent jawline. The man possessed a rugged sexiness that many spoke about but she’d never seen until now.

  What captivated her most were his eyes—a strange iridescent mix. Blue-grey eyes that seemed to pierce through her inner soul. Leaving her a bit breathless. Even the distinct scar running down his face gave him a dangerously rugged, yet aristocratic appearance. A fleeting image of a magnificent warrior materialized before her.

  Oh, my! There was nothing beastly about the man!

  That’s when she noticed the flash of pain in his eyes. She sensed that he’d totally mistaken her reaction and she immediately regretted it.

  “You aren’t what I’d imagined,” he snarled. His eyes turned cold as he assessed her from the top of her untidy hairstyle to the bottom of her sockless feet. “You don’t look much like a witch.”

  She must’ve looked a mess under the lengthy cloak, squeezed tightly in the book patterned pajama set that was a size too small. Completing the fabulous ensemble was a pair of battered tennis shoes she’d never had the heart to upgrade.

  Her brows knitted together. “And you, Mr. Beastly, are exactly what I’d imagined!”

  Real smooth. Why did she even go there?

  Truthfully, he’d caught her by surprise and Arabella wasn’t one to let anyone make her feel inadequate. No matter how incredibly sexy he sounded!

  “Oh, you have no idea.” Lux’s lips curved into an amused smile. “But, you’ll soon find out.”

  Was that a threat? Arabella wasn’t going to let him get to her. She would bite her tongue and kill him with kindness. Otherwise, she may not get the answers she needed regarding her stepfather’s latest troubles.

  She lifted her chin to ask, “How long am I staying here?”

  He leaned back in his executive chair and steepled his fingers together. Observing her like she was some sort of lab rat he was excited to experiment with.

  “As long as it takes to work off your stepfather’s debts,” he answered smugly.

  Great. She should’ve known Randall was handing her to Lucifer himself! In truth, she didn’t know where she was staying until today. Her stepfather wasn’t one for details, and he had avoided answering all her inquiries and demands while he’d driven her to the Beastly Estates. Except for the part that she’d temporarily be employed for the CEO of his company until things were straightened out. The cryptic response was enough to raise all the red flags.

  Cinderella may have had a wicked stepmother, but this man was the gender reversed epitome of the wicked stepfather. Boy, could she relate to soot girl! Ever since she was nine years old, Randall had always expected Arabella to use her gifts for his own gain. She’d wished he’d never discovered this truth. It was more of a curse than a blessing. It wasn’t like all psychics were ‘ON’ all the time. There was definitely an ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch. Otherwise, she’d never live a somewhat normal life!

  Lux’s movement caught her attention. He finally closed his laptop and stood to reveal a rather tall and athletically built frame. Lean and taut muscles in all the right places. He was dressed in a fitted black shirt that was unbuttoned just enough to expose his throat. His dark hair, a little too long, brushed slightly against the top of his shirt collar. Dark denim hugged his sculpted thighs and legs like a second skin.

  Her mouth went dry.

  “A life sentence then?” Okay, so it sounded more like a squeak rather than an attempt to be witty.

  Was it her imagination or did his eyes briefly light up in amusement?

  He walked around to the front of the desk and leaned against the edge. He took his sweet time answering. “Perhaps it is.”

  Arabella straightened her spine and crossed her arms. Pffft. Obviously standing at a mere five foot two would intimidate the man. NOT!

  Her eyes met his briefly and he broke the connection. Oddly enough, she couldn’t seem to read him. There was an impenetrable barrier that she’d never encountered.

  Lux quickly bellowed, “Kingsley, please show Miss Winterborne to her quarters.”

  Like magic, the older man instantly appeared. Did he stand guard behind the door?

  “I’m sure she needs to clean up.” Lux gave her another once over that left her feeling vulnerable.

  She glanced down at her silly attire and smirked.


  Scoreboard: Arabella 0. Beast 1.

  The butler nodded. “Yes, sir.” He turned to her. “This way, Miss.”

  Arabella started to follow suit when Lux said distinctly, “Don’t get too comfortable. No one
ever leaves here unscathed.”

  One steady foot in front of the other, she kept walking, acting as if his comment didn’t ruffle her. She decided right then and there that she would make it a mission to tame the beast!

  Lux lifted the glass of vintage scotch to his lips and downed the amber liquid in one long gulp. The immediate burn wasn’t enough to erase the memory of Arabella’s disgust upon seeing his scarred face. He knew he’d lost his attractiveness after the accident, but he hadn’t expected quite that kind of reaction.

  He’d seen the same repulsed responses many times before, but why did hers bother him so much? They hardly knew one another. Why should he give a damn?

  He refilled the drink and settled into his beloved recliner. The sturdy chair had once belonged to his father, and his grandfather before him. This room had always been a magical place for him. He’d retreated to it often as a child, engrossed in reading in the corner with the flashlight when night fell, so no one would know he wasn’t in bed. He’d lived out many adventures with the characters who’d become his friends. But mostly, he used reading as a way to hide from the pressures and responsibilities that came with being the only heir.

  The special space was constructed more like a library than a personal study. This secret domain was his escape from the world. In fact, he must’ve read and re-read each book at least a dozen times. This was his sanctuary. His salvation.

  However, tonight he wasn’t in the mood to read.

  His thoughts wandered back to the woman. She was feisty; he’d give her that. What did he expect? Perhaps he’d assumed she would do a great deal of groveling.

  “It’s not like she’s a beauty queen,” he said out loud. “She’s passable.” The sentence sounded like a lie, even to his ears.

  How could he not notice Arabella’s figure in that outfit? All her curves were practically outlined by the tight fitting pajamas. He hated to admit it, but her messy bun was extremely sexy. The loose strands made him want to tuck them behind her ears. Made him curious as to how soft they’d feel between his fingers. How fragrant her hair smelled.


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