Alphas for the Holidays

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Alphas for the Holidays Page 198

by Mandy M. Roth

  Arabella grinned broadly. “I’m just grateful someone found me,” her teeth chattering as she spoke.

  He frowned and did something she’d never expected. Lux took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling it tight against her.

  He warned, “Don’t be too happy to see me. There are things we need to discuss now that my business has concluded.”

  Was she mistaken or was he concerned for her?

  She wanted to protest but she knew now was not the time or place.

  “Follow me,” he commanded. Arabella trailed behind him and even with the lights of the lamppost, she still tripped over an uneven spot.

  Lux’s hands darted out to steady her. He grumbled something below his breath and grabbed her hand, tugging her along with him. Arabella attempted to pull out of his grasp and he held on more firmly until she gave in.

  If this had been under any other circumstance, the walk back would have been a romantic stroll for any couple. Right now, there was an awkward silence between them and she thought it was the right time to start asking those questions.

  “Why did you agree to having me stay here?” she asked frankly. “I’m not a fool. I know my stepfather offered my services for his own freedom. What did he do?”

  His grip tightened but he still didn’t let go. Lux stopped and stared deep into her eyes. “Yes, Randall was caught embezzling from my company. In exchange for not rotting in jail, he promised that you would be able to predict any outcome regarding my potential investments and acquisitions.”

  She licked her lips, swallowing hard at the imaginary obstruction in her throat. She couldn’t speak, not from his honest answer, but from his closeness and how it was affecting her. Underneath the lights, she could see the glittery specks of color within those mesmerizing depths. She was once again reminded of the beautiful garden constellation.

  He leaned in closer. Was he taking her silence for fear? “You, Arabella, are my golden goose.”

  Chapter 5

  Arabella stared deep into the roaring fire; the flames danced on the top of the burning logs like a grand ballet. The heavy coat still draped around her shoulders; a blanket tucked tightly around her legs as she began to thaw out.

  She didn’t want to admit that she’d caught a cold from being outside, but the constant sniffling and sneezing was certainly a dead giveaway.

  James entered the living room carrying a tray of hot tea and a plate of sandwiches and placed it on the table beside her.


  Lux’s eyes widened at her uncontrollable sneezing. “For the love of God, bring her something for the bloody cold,” he ordered.

  The man quickly left without having to be told twice.

  He walked over to the bar and poured something from the decanter and brought it to her.

  “Drink up,” Lux shoved a glass into her hands.

  Arabella didn’t have the energy to argue and took a swallow as instructed. The stiff drink made her cough and gag, and her eyes teared up from the unexpected burn. Her sinuses were certainly cleared now!

  She scowled and he gave her a hint of a smile.

  He eyed the stack of sandwiches. “Go on. Eat something before the alcohol hits you.”

  Arabella nodded robotically. Her head was throbbing while she munched on the food. She was too weary but recalled the last time she’d eaten was at breakfast.

  Lux walked over to the fire and used a poker to rearrange the logs. When he was satisfied, he took a chair across from her. He watched her for a few minutes until she relaxed against the recliner.

  Although Arabella still couldn’t read his thoughts, she could feel his energy, and the strong desire to question her. He was making it difficult for her to be comfortable.

  She sighed, “Just ask me what you’d like to know.”

  He crossed his arms. “Randall told me you could read minds. Is that true?”

  “Normally I would say yes. Yet for some reason, I cannot read yours.” There was nothing to gain if she lied.

  “That’s interesting.” He was deep in thought for a few seconds. “Have you been reading my staff’s thoughts?”

  She nodded as she took a sip of the tea. It was strong, yet smooth, warming her entire body. “Don’t worry. It’s not a habit of mine to tune into everyone. I can shut it off whenever I want to.”

  He straightened in his seat, seemingly interested. “Really? Prove it to me then.”

  The door opened and Kingsley walked in with a small tray of medicine and a glass of water. “You should take this before you retire for the evening.” He poured a small dosage of the thick, dark liquid into a shot glass and held it out for her. “It should help you sleep soundly.”

  Lux raised a brow as if to challenge her.

  Arabella took the shot glass drink and smiled up at the man. “So you’ll have me take this witches brew Mrs. Potter concocted that you think tastes like dirt and gasoline mixed with molasses?”

  Kingsley’s face turned a beat red but he pretended to be unaffected. She’d read his thoughts and repeated his exact words. Her lips curled into a smug smile as she tipped the glass at Lux, downing the awful medicine.

  She crinkled her nose, forcing herself not to make a face, and set the empty glass on the tray. “Thank you, Kingsley.”

  He gave her a quick nod and proceeded to leave when she spoke up. “Oh. I wanted to tell you that your favorite cufflinks aren’t missing. They fell behind your dresser when you tripped in the middle of the night, sometime last month, and knocked them behind there.”

  Kingsley’s back stiffened up and he turned to look at her. “Is this true, Miss?”

  “Check it out. Just let me know tomorrow if that’s where you find them.” She gave him a wink and a goofy grin. “After all, they belonged to your grandfather, correct?”

  His dull eyes lit up like a light. “If this is true, Arabella, I would be deeply indebted,” he said with heartfelt emotion.

  “It’s nothing, Kingsley. I should be the one who is thankful for all you’ve done for me.” She meant it. Arabella had never been more welcomed or cared for until her arrival at Beastly Estates. This was truly minor in comparison to what she’d been given.

  Kingsley had hurriedly gone in search of his missing cufflinks and Arabella turned her attentions back to Lux.

  “Well? What other tests must I perform before you take my abilities seriously?” She hadn’t meant to yawn, but the medicine was starting to work. Too quickly.

  Her eyelids grew heavy and she couldn’t seem to stay awake. Lux was speaking to her but his voice sounded muffled as if he was on the other side of a wind tunnel. She yawned again and closed her eyes. Soon she was surrounded by darkness and warmth.¬

  Lux carried Arabella’s feather-light form down the hall to her room when her arms tightened around his neck. She stirred and began mumbling something incoherent. She began to speak, protesting. He couldn’t make out the inaudible cries.

  “No. No. NO! Please don’t. I don’t like the darkness. I’ll do whatever you say. Whatever you want!” She sobbed. Fighting him. Trying hard to escape his arms, but he didn’t allow her to.

  Lux held her close against him and the sobs reminded him of a child’s terror when they were being disciplined. His heart constricted at the thought of her being punished and the fear she still carried with her. What kind of life had she lived?

  His mind conjured up unimaginable things she’d been subjected to as punishment and that angered him. He swore beneath his breath. He'd make sure Randall faced the consequences for his actions. Money was something he had plenty of. Causing fear and harm were other things all together.

  Lux leaned his head to whisper softly into her ear, “You’re safe now. You don’t have to be afraid. You don’t have to go anywhere unless you want to.” His soothing tone calmed her a fraction.

  He glanced down at her troubled features. A familiar emotion washed over him and he said something he knew he shouldn’t. “I will pro
tect you. I promise.” His heart meant it.

  Even if he had known her briefly, he couldn’t deny the connection between them. She wasn’t like the other women he’d been exposed to. Arabella was the contrary. She was fiery, smart, honest, and more attractive than the bombshells he was known to date. No, she was real. Not just in her natural beauty but in the core of her soul.

  He didn’t know why he was starting to accept this ludicrous idea that she possessed magical abilities, yet he was opening to it. He was willing to push aside his prejudices to see if these things were possible.

  When Lux reached her bedroom, he lowered Arabella onto the bed. He took off her coat and arranged her in a comfortable position before pulling the covers over her. He halted his actions when he realized he was tucking her in. What in the hell was he doing?

  His face hardened. “Hell, she really has bewitched me!”

  Lux hadn’t meant to stick around long but he couldn’t seem to budge. His eyes rested on the face. She looked like a lovely portrait while deep in sleep. Similar to the delicate heroines from those silly fairy tales he’d been forced to read. Except, Arabella was a pistol and she’d probably wind up saving the hero in the books. He had to refrain from laughing at the notion of her carrying him away from danger.

  The smile instantly froze on his lips. Her fair skin was flawless. Her plump lips were an enticing natural strawberry color. His eyes gravitated to her dark hair that spilled across the pillow. The dim lights streaming through the window bathed her face with a gentle glow and she appeared almost enchanted. Transporting him into a fantasy world that leapt out of the books he obsessed over in his youth.

  “My God, she’s beautiful,” he breathed. That’s when it all came back to him.

  Arabella with her eyes closed in the garden while he stood watching her from afar. There was no mistaking the humming of energy and a brilliant light surrounding her. What baffled him most was that he’d heard her words as clear as day.

  Please show me the way. Take me home.

  He’d been in the office and a wave of emotion had washed over him, making him anxious. He’d grabbed his coat, and as if he was led by an invisible force, he began to walk without thinking about where he was going. He was searching for something. He didn’t know why.

  Lux had thought he’d been imagining things. Hearing things . He’d always trusted his gut. Some things never failed him. The voice had grown louder and louder like a beacon leading him on. He’d felt fear and not of his own. Instinctively he’d turned on the lights with his high-tech watch on his way out the back door. That’s when he found himself in the garden.

  He didn’t want to believe it. In fact, he wanted to dismiss this entire thing. It was unexplainable. How could he disregard this tangible proof he’d demanded from her?

  Arabella had called to him, and he had heard her.

  Chapter 6

  “Let me get this straight; you want me to look at all these files on your laptop and tell me which ones are worth pursuing? Whether it’s not going to push through or if you will be successful with the outcome?” She repeated his ridiculous request.

  “Mmm,” he responded smugly.

  She gave him a fake smile and said through clenched teeth, “Is that what you really want?”

  He turned from the window and nodded. “It would save me time. Just imagine how much more I can accomplish with you working beside me.”

  “That’s insane; you know that?” She was about to bust a pipe. This conversation was getting out of hand and she knew there was no such thing as compromise. This man basically owned her services as long as it took to repay.

  He leaned back against the window. “So Randall was lying when he said you could?” he baited.

  “What? Well…no.” She grew flustered. “You know damn well I can! As a businessman, this doesn’t go against your morals and ethics? It’s like cheating. Getting the answers on the exam before it’s even passed out.”

  He grinned, this time showing the almost perfect rows of teeth. Except for one slightly crooked top incisor. “I have none. Money is the motive.”

  Arabella wanted to scream!

  “So are you saying you will, or won’t?” He asked after her refusal to respond.

  “Fine. I’ll do it. Only because I no longer want to be paying for my stepfather’s mistakes the rest of my life. I need to get out of this madness. I want out.” She plopped down into the executive chair and began to click on files. She picked up a pen on the desk and started to scribble initials and notes automatically on a notepad.

  Arabella didn’t need too much focus to get the answers. She had her guides and angels on her side. Most importantly, her Grams was part of her Spirit Team. The woman would appear whenever she was needed urgently.

  She didn’t know Lux had moved from his position. One minute she was scribbling things that absolutely made no sense to her, the next, his large hand covered hers. “Forget it,” he snarled. “I’ve decided I prefer doing things myself. My own way. I don’t have the patience to wait on you.”

  She tilted her head, and their eyes met. Froze. There was something different about Lux. No longer were his eyes full of pain and emptiness. In its place was a less guarded, kinder energy with a splash of annoyance. The Beast was hard to decipher today with this sudden change. She still couldn’t read his thoughts, so she also couldn’t see his true motives.

  He pulled back and broke the spell.

  “Follow me.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her up to her feet. Practically dragging Arabella behind him.

  They went up the spiral staircase and then to another set of stairs. When they reached the room he wanted, Lux pressed his thumb print on the corner of the frame of the oversized family portrait. She assumed the detailed painting was of him as a child, his parents, and grandparents. The door slid open, and he tugged at her hand to follow.

  As soon as she stepped inside, her body radiated. Hummed happily as if she’d just entered a day dream. She whirled around, her eyes scanning the rows and rows of magnificent shelves packed full with books. The vast library spiraled higher and higher. So high she imagined they’d reach heaven.

  Her mouth fell agape, her eyes devouring the luxurious hardcover spines. From rare classics to scientific journals, and everything in between, this room displayed them proudly.

  Lux hadn’t let go of her hand. He laughed at her stunned silence. “You might consider closing your mouth so you don’t drool onto the marble floors.”

  Arabella wiped at her mouth and couldn’t mask her excitement.

  “Kingsley mentioned you loved reading. I’m willing to share my library if that’s what it takes to get you out of my hair,” he said gruffly but without the intention behind it.

  She squealed. Clapping her hands together as she delighted in mentally cataloging the order of books she wanted to read.

  He laughed louder as she rushed around the room, pulling out one book after the next. Caressing each cover, grazing her fingers over the spine with gentleness before browsing through a few of the pages.

  Her wide grin fell as soon as his laughter penetrated her overactive thoughts. The tone was warm and robust. Genuine. She couldn’t help falling prey to the sensual vibrations. Full of masculinity and humanity. This was the moment she recognized who Lux really was.

  Somehow his laugh sent her back into the past. Into the dark recesses of his mind. Images of a young Lux on the floor reading in front of the window. Young Lux draped over the sofa reading. Young Lux sitting on the windowsill…on and on the memories went as if a movie activated in her mind’s eye. Arabella was finally connecting with Lux, unlocking some of his memories.

  This laughter was what had been missing from his life, and she yearned to continue hearing again. Many times over. This was the man before the beast.

  Her body seemed to have a will of its own. Arabella wasn’t thinking, she reached out her hand and placed it on his bearded face. He hissed, drawing back but it didn’t make her stop. She was
touching the scar near his mouth, running her fingers along the raised flesh, but she really didn’t notice it. All she saw was the beauty within him. When her fingers rested on his lips, Lux seemed taken aback and tried to turn his head away. Instead, she stood up on tip toes and pressed her mouth against his.

  At first, he didn’t respond but then the kiss grew soft and gentle. Just as swiftly, his hands snaked out. Planted on her waist as he dragged her hard against him. He pressed his tongue through the slit between her lips, filling her with warmth and tenderness. She hadn’t expected this, nor did she expect her body’s passionate reaction. Lux’s kisses made her heart pump faster, stomach heat up, toes curl tight. There was no mistaking; he was a master at kissing!

  She returned his fervent kisses with the same passion and expertise. They were in sync. Their tongues dueling and dancing all at once. He tasted sweet yet smoky, with a tinge of powerful intoxication like the alcohol he enjoyed. She was sinking into him, and her hands were everywhere, feeling his taut chest and abdomen. There was no fat on him, just pure muscle and strength.

  He broke from her kiss to plant a trail of soft ones along her throat. Nuzzling his face against the sensitive area behind her ear. Driving her mad with need. Her body lit up and burned. She gave into the attraction with full force.

  The knock at the door grew more and more persistent, finally breaking their spell.

  Lux grudgingly pulled away. “What is it!” He bellowed.

  Arabella took the opportunity to step away. Separating herself from him. She placed her hand on her stomach, willing herself to breathe normally. Focus clearly again.

  What had just happened? What was she thinking? This was not the time to be attracted to a man who practically held her prisoner. Yet, her heart and head weren’t currently syncing.


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