The Island- Pleasure in Paradise

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The Island- Pleasure in Paradise Page 1

by P J Ellis

  The Island

  Pleasure In Paradise

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Message From the Author

  Excerpt from Led Astray


  © 2020 PJ Ellis. All Rights Reserved.

  First published 2020

  Chapter One

  “You’re a lying, cheating, sack of shit!” I yelled at my boyfriend, now suddenly ex-boyfriend, “and you’re a fucking bitch” I cried at my best friend, now ex-friend. Grabbing my hastily-stuffed rucksack I stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind me. The thin walls of the hostel shook with the force of it and I stomped down the hall. I managed to hold it together at the desk to pay what I owed and retrieve my passport, then got the hell out of there.

  I couldn’t believe it. How could they, how absolutely fucking could they? In the beginning it was supposed to be me going travelling with my boyfriend - I’ll call him Shit-bag. Then my friend, I’ll call her Shit-head, wanted to come too. She “didn’t want to stay at home alone and be bored.” And now, after three months, I found out they’d been screwing behind my back while I was working! They’d been covering their tracks, of course, but I became more and more suspicious and today I had confronted them. When I did it all tumbled out because they were terrible liars and, I suspected, the bitch was tired of sharing.

  Now that I was outside the tears came, flooding down my cheeks and stinging my eyes. I felt such an idiot. How could the two people closest to me betray me like that? I sat down and let it out until my eyes were red and my face was a mess. But it wasn’t in my nature to feel sorry for myself. That’s not me. I was angry now, but I was tough always. Fuck them. I came travelling to see new countries, meet interesting people, and have memorable experiences. If I really thought about it they’d been holding me back. Two dead weights who complained all the time, weren’t much fun, and were lazy with it. Yes, that was it. I was better off without them.

  I stood up and dried my eyes, feeling better for the outpouring, and set off to The Travellers Rest - a hostel that was far enough away from this one and next door to the Pineapple Tree where I worked nights behind the bar. Normally I’d catch the train and it would take about 10 minutes, today I felt like walking.

  When I got there I recognised Lucy behind the front desk. Lucy was American and a traveller, someone I knew because she hung out at the Pineapple tree.

  “Hi Hannah!” Lucy greeted me, and then frowned. “What’s wrong babe? You been crying?”

  “Oh, nothing” I replied. “Just that people are shit. Look, can I get a room please?”

  “Sure you can” Lucy said, finding a key from the set behind her. “You wanna talk about it?”

  “Not right now” I said.

  “Ok, no worries. Maybe later then?”

  I shrugged but did not reply.

  “Whenever, or not. Up to you doll.” Lucy said, smiling. “Here you go, room 12 is all yours” she said, and handed me the key.

  “Thank you,” I took the key gratefully and went upstairs to be alone.

  ~ ~ ~

  It was late morning when I’d come to the Traveller’s Rest so I had most of the day to stew before starting my evening shift at The Pineapple Tree. I used the time to look at travel options, deciding it was time for me to leave Bangkok - at least for now. I had wanted to stay longer, use the time to rebase and build up some funds, but that would have to wait. I needed to get the hell out of this place.

  The hostel had free computers in the communal area and I was able to scan a wide variety of options and make some notes as a short-list. I wanted to head North, explore the coast, perhaps do some island-hopping. One thing I really wanted to try was scuba-diving and found a few companies advertising but I didn’t have enough money for that yet. Maybe I could take another casual bar job somewhere and save up the rest.

  I glanced at my watch. Shit, was that the time? I logged off, grabbed my small bag, and headed over to the Pineapple Tree. It was quiet when I arrived, the evening crowd only starting to wander in. I waved hi to Somchai, the owner, stowed my bag under the bar as usual and made myself busy clearing glasses and wiping tables.

  Chapter Two

  “Just one more Tequila,” Amy said. “Then I’ll tell you. I promise.”

  “You’ve been saying that for the last two hours!” I said in exasperation, triggering another insane grin from this crazy bitch. She didn’t care. The sparkle in her eyes said that she had all the time in the world.

  Amy had walked into The Pineapple Tree for the first time that night and hit it off with me immediately. Attractive, ballsy and fun she’d been through the same British public school and university system as me and made the same choice to take a year off post studies to see the world. Sharing stories with her at the bar had made me forget about my recent misfortune and excited for the next adventure.

  I poured another Tequila into her shot glass. “So go on, then. Tell me about Paradise” I said.

  “You have to have one too, remember?” she said, grinning.

  I sighed and poured another one for myself.

  “One, two, three, go!” she said, and we both downed their shots. I grimaced less than before, having started to enjoy the effects of the last two.

  “Paradise?” I prompted again.

  She paused for dramatic effect, or maybe because she was a little drunk - I couldn’t tell.

  “I loved it there” she said, beaming. “An exclusive island. Small, private, wealthy clientele. Beautiful sea, beautiful beaches. I just loved it.”

  “Then why leave?” I asked.

  “Oh, you know,” she shrugged. “Time for a change of scene. As beautiful as it was I can’t spend all my time in one place. When I’m done with all of this,” she gestured vaguely with her arms, I assumed she meant travelling, “I’ll want to have seen all the places I wanted to see.”

  “Would I like it there?” I asked, jokingly.

  Amy paused and looked at me thoughtfully. “You would” she said, finally.

  I was confused and thought she was teasing. “Er, I was joking” I said. “Of course I’d like it! I’d love to go - would you please tell me how.”

  “It’s not free.” she said. “You have to earn it.”

  “I can work” I said indignantly. “I’m working here, aren’t it? Bar work, waitress, hell I’d even be a maid. I just want to go.”

  “Do you think I worked as a maid?” Amy said. “That’s not me. They have them, sure, but who wants to spend all their time cleaning? Bar staff, they have two. And there’s a kitchen.” She paused and put her hand on mine. I liked her touch. “Hon, think about where we are in the world. Why do you think an exclusive, private, paradise island wants girls like us?”

  The penny dropped for me. “Ohhh” I said, my eyes widening, but then I immediately doubted my own conclusion. “Sex work?” I mouthed the question silently, fearful of being overheard.

  Amy laughed. “Yes,” she said. “Sex work” she mouthed back, mocking me.

  “I don’t think I could do that” I said.

  “You’d be surprised” Amy said. “It’s easy really. So many girls get into that line of work.”

  “Isn’t there a lot of competition?” I asked.

  “Well, yes and no.” Amy replied. “Obviously other girls want to work there, but the management is choosy and wants variety f
or the guests. Not just Asian girls. And it’s classy, discrete. Not like Bangkok. And babe, you’re beautiful. Very sexy. I think you’d like it. Want to know something else?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I came so many times” she said in a low voice, and grinned from ear to ear.

  “Amy!” I replied, shocked at her revelation. I paused and bit my lip. “Would they really want me?” I asked. I told myself it was just curiosity. The thought of doing what Amy was suggesting was outrageous but it was an ego boost to listen to her.

  “They would” Amy said, nodding slowly. “They definitely would.”

  ~ ~ ~

  I thought about Amy’s suggestion for two days, during which I continued to look at other travel options - all of which were going to cost money that I had in short supply. My mind kept returning to what Amy had said, particularly how much she had enjoyed all the sex, and I began to imagine various scenarios where I was being taken by a guest on a remote island. The more I thought about it the more erotic I found it, until my mind was in overdrive picturing what men were going to do to me and how I would please them and lose myself at the same time. It got to the point where I needed some alone time in my room at The Traveller’s Rest. My body lay naked, sweating, in bed with my hand between my legs, while in my mind I was being fucked on the island over and over again, until I orgasmed with silent, suppressed, squeals and groans of pleasure.

  After that my mind was made up. “Fuck it, why not?” I thought as I texted Amy who had told me she could arrange the introduction.

  Amy texted back straight away: “Knew you would! Pack your bag and get to Koh Samui x”

  Packing my bag took a couple of minutes. Letting Somchai know I was quitting my job at the Pineapple Tree and collecting wages owed took an hour. I was relieved he was so relaxed about it and didn’t require me to work until the end of the week, but he said he was used to it and I’d been a good worker and there were enough casual staff and wannabes to take over.

  “Going somewhere nice?” he asked me, smiling warmly as he often did.

  “Island hopping” I said, grinning. “Goodbye Somchai, and thank you!” I said as I walked out the bar.

  Koh Samui acted as an island hub to the other, smaller, islands off the coast. There were regular flights from Bangkok to there but bus and ferry was a cheaper option and didn’t need any pre-planning. It was a long journey so I took an overnight bus to catch the ferry to Koh Samui in the morning. Once there, there was a private office for the island. Amy had given me the details and she’d called to let them know when I was arriving. There was a daily boat transfer at 2pm and I was to be on it.

  Chapter Three

  Day One. As the boat neared the island I marvelled at its beauty. I’d seen pictures of similar islands, of course, but actually being here and watching the sun sparkle over the blue water and see the whiteness of the sand and feel the warmth of the sun and the light breeze was something no photograph could effectively convey.

  The boat pulled up at the pontoon and the pilot hopped out and tied up, then helped the few passengers out of the boat. I was not alone, I’d been accompanied by a few people who I’d assumed were guests. Two men arrived to carry their bags and a tall, tanned, Westerner with bleached blonde hair walked up to greet the arrivals.

  “Welcome to the island!” he said, spreading his arms in an expansive gesture. “I am Nick, the owner, and I am delighted to have you here! Please, follow this path here to the bar area where you can have a cool drink while we check you in.” The guests made their way slowly up the path and I stood on the pontoon, unsure what to do. Nick turned to my and his eyes ran up and down my body before settling on my face. “You must be Hannah?” he said. I nodded and bit my lip. “Amy told me. Let’s go to my office shall we?”

  The office was light with translucent blinds over the large windows and had a desk, chair, and a seating area with an old leather sofa and low coffee table. Two brass fans spun slowly on the ceiling. They walked inside and Nick closed the door behind them.

  “Have you waitressed?” he asked.


  “Worked behind a bar?”


  “Housekeeping? Hotel maid?”

  “Not really”

  He paused and looked at me. Again his eyes moved over my body - slowly, open and unashamedly.

  “I don’t need any more waitresses or bar staff or maids,” he said flatly. “But that’s not why you are here, is it?”

  I shook my head. I was nervous but excited. I was here, I was actually here on the island to take a job that involved sex.

  “Amy explained it to you?” he asked.

  “Yes” I replied.

  “Here we call it ‘hospitality’. That is what you want?” he asked.

  “Yes” I replied again.

  “You’ve not done this kind of work before though, have you?” he asked.

  “No” I admitted.

  “Let me show you the island,” he said abruptly, and moved to the door.

  “So…I’ve got the job?” I asked, confused but hopeful.

  He looked over my body again. Jesus. “No my dear, not yet. First I want to show you.”

  He opened the door. “Come,” he said, gesturing to follow him. We walked down the path to the beach, beautiful white sand with crystal clear blue water. He pointed to a young Thai woman sitting on a towel, applying sun cream to herself. “That girl works in hospitality” he said.

  “Is it her morning off?" I asked.

  “No. Hospitality girls have free time, particularly during the day.” We walked on, following the beach. Luxury huts were spread along the shore, accommodation for guests some of whom were sitting on the porch and some were spread out along the sand. Nick pointed to a girl emerging from the sea. “That girl - hospitality.” This girl looked Caribbean: dark hair, skin the dark side of olive, contrasted with the bright colour of my bikini. I admired her beautiful figure and self-consciously glanced down at my own.

  I lost track of time on the tour but figured it took maybe an hour or so. I saw the pool, the beach, the lawns, the massage rooms, the huts, the restaurant and the bar area. Guests were anonymous, seen yet unremarked, but so-called hospitality girls were drawn to my attention around the facility. Asian, Latino, Caucasian. Brunettes, Blondes, Red-heads. Athletic girls, petite girls, wholesome full-breasted girls. If Nick hadn’t pointed them out I would have assumed all of them were guests. And there were men, beautiful men. And none of these hospitality staff seemed to be doing any work at this hour.

  Finally we returned to the office. I stood by Nick’s desk and he closed the door behind us and turned to face me. His eyes ran over my body yet again. Slowly, deliberately, with no shame. This was Nick’s island, and we were standing in his office. Seemingly he would look wherever he wanted to look. “I would like you to work as a hospitality girl” he said, finally, before bringing his stare back to my face. “If you are up to it.”

  “I am. I’d love to have a job here” I said. I really meant it now. The place was incredible and my mind was set on doing whatever it took. Besides, given the many fantasies I had conjured up in the last 24 hours, I was curious - even impatient - to get started.

  “You can enjoy the island.” Nick said. “You can lay on the white sand, swim in the warm blue water. Use the pool and spa and any of the facilities.” He paused and his eyes drifted down to my breasts. “To earn this inestimable privilege and luxury,” he continued, “you will be available for the pleasure of our paying guests. They might choose you for an evening engagement, or you might be called upon to serve in one of our massage rooms. Our guests pay a large sum of money to be here and we want their stay to be enjoyable and stress-free. There are many beautiful girls here, like yourself. If one of the guests chooses you, it is a compliment. And you will oblige them.”

  Oblige them. That’s what Amy had done.

  Nick took a step closer and drew his hand lightly across my bare belly. I shiv
ered involuntarily and felt my heart pounding. Amy had told my what to expect at this point but standing here with Nick, waiting for it to happen, filled me with nervous anticipation.

  “I have no other job to offer you,” he said as his hand moved across my skin. “But if you want to work in hospitality, I need to know you can.”

  My breath quickened. This place was paradise. Amy had said it and today I’d seen it. I could stay here as long as I wanted. By becoming a sex worker.

  “I can do it,” I said.

  “Take off your top,” he told me. I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt tied up at the bottom over my breasts, exposing my mid-drift. I undid the knot and the few buttons, then I eased it back over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I had a bikini underneath. He lifted his hand and ran a finger lightly from the base of my neck down my chest between my breasts. “This too,” he said, indicating my bikini top. I reached behind my back, which had the effect of pushing out my breasts, and undid the knot. I removed my top and revealed my breasts and nipples to this man, who licked the dryness from his lips as he stared at them. He brushed his hand across my bullet-like nipples and I gasped as they screamed at me. The fantasies, the anticipation had made me more than ready it seemed. My whole body was eager.

  “Show me.” His hand moved from my breasts and rested on his belt buckle. My eyes dropped and I noticed the huge erection in his shorts for the first time. I put my hand against it and felt his hardness. I stepped closer to him and looked into his eyes, seeing curiosity, amusement and desire as I slowly unbuckled his belt. He put his hands on my shoulders and gently indicated what he wanted, which was me on my knees. I smiled and dropped to them, my head now in line with his erection.

  As I eased his shorts down he let out a low sigh. His cock was pulled downwards and then sprung up, bobbing momentarily in front of my face. There was a slight glisten on the tip. I looked up at him from my subservient position with what I hoped was a dirty sexual expression.


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