Strong (Kindred #1)

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Strong (Kindred #1) Page 4

by K. A. Hobbs

  I’m grinning like an idiot.

  I press my hands to my cheeks and my grin grows even more as I look at myself standing completely naked in the bathroom with steam surrounding me.

  “You’re going to do it, Carmen,” I tell myself. “You’re going to kick arse.”

  I step into the shower and under the spray, letting the heat from the water sink into my tired muscles. I might have had the best night of my life with Carter, but my muscles are tense and cold and the heat is helping relax them. As I wash my hair I remember what Carter and I talked about last night and I grin again.

  “Favourite movie?” I ask him.

  “Apollo 13.” he tells me.

  “Really? Nothing with big car chases and blood?”

  “Those things are so over rated. I’d much rather a good storyline. Yours?”

  “I think it’s Pretty Woman.” I muse, thinking about all the reasons I love that film.

  “Why?” he looks at me like he really is interested in my answer.

  “I think it’s one of the best fairytales in the world, the guy sees her for what she is inside and not what she shows the world she is. He believes in her and realises she has so much more to offer the world than her body,” I tell him, meeting his eyes. “It’s so much more than a film about a prostitute and a guy who has lots of money.”

  “Shall I tell you a secret?” he asks, grinning.

  “Yes.” I whisper back.

  He leans closer to me and scoops my hair off my shoulder, resting his mouth next to my ear, his warm breath makes me shudder and I feel him grin.

  “I’ve never seen it.” he tells me.

  “What?” I ask disgusted. “How can you not have seen it?”

  “Lex tried to get me to watch it a bunch of times, I always fell asleep. You know for a film about a prostitute there is a serious lack of sex in it?”

  “You just lost all the brownie points you earned telling me you preferred a storyline to blood and car chases.” I tell him, bumping his shoulder with mine.

  “Did I? Damn.” he grins, tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

  We spent all night talking and when the sun came up, I wasn’t ready to say goodnight to him, even though I knew I had to. Is he showering right next to me now? Is he standing naked just inches from where I’m standing naked right now? I tilt my head back, closing my eyes and imagining just that while I rinse out my shampoo and put my conditioner on. I wash myself while the conditioner does its work before rinsing that off and switching off the shower. I step out and wrap myself in the fluffiest white towel, wrapping another around my head. Heading into the bedroom I pull my phone out of my bag and see a message from Carter on my screen.

  Carter: Do you want to go down to breakfast together? I’m not ready for our time together to be over, please? xC

  Me: I’d love to have breakfast with you :) I’ll be heading down at about 8.30, is that okay for you? xC

  I sit down on the chair by the table and start drying my hair, it’s so thick it takes ages. As I’m half way through, Carter replies, I can’t help but grin when I see his name flash up on my screen.

  Carter: Perfect. I’ll knock for you at 8.30. xC

  With a smile on my face, I look at the time on my phone, 7.45. I still have forty-five minutes until breakfast, plenty of time to get ready.

  At eight-thirty exactly, Carter knocks on the door. I check my reflection in the mirror one last time before I head to open it. I’m wearing my favourite pair of jeans and a simple white, v-neck t-shirt. I slip on my dove grey boots and open the door. Carter stands there looking just as gorgeous as he did in his suit, wearing a pair of black jeans, a red t-shirt and a pair of red Converse. He grins at me and I can’t help but grin back, he has the cheeky smile down perfectly.

  “Are you ready to cause a scandal?”

  “Why are we going to cause a scandal?” I ask, stepping out and closing the door behind me.

  “Because… We were spotted coming in by my Mom. She wanted to know who the beautiful young lady was.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “Well, I started to tell her that you were the devil in that red dress of yours,” he laughs. “But she didn’t believe me.”

  “The devil?”

  “Yes, you kept me out all night.”

  “I…. Kept you out all night? I think it was the other way round.”

  “I don’t think so.” he shakes his head and grins again.

  “You got the blanket and hot chocolate. And cookies.” I point out.

  “Oh yeah, I did. My bad,” he laughs. “Well, let’s go see who’s in there shall we?” he holds out his hand to me and I push open the door where breakfast is being served.

  Sitting in the very centre of the room is Harry and Megan, along with Doug, Sophie, all the children and Jonathan and Miley. Harry looks up and winks at me as we walk towards them.

  “Good morning,” he grins. “Sleep well?”

  “Give it up, Harry,” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “You clearly know we didn’t do a lot of sleeping last night.”

  “So it’s true?” Megan whispers loudly.

  “Yes, we stayed outside all night.” I smile at her, sitting down in one of the vacant seats.

  “All night?” she asks, her eyes wide.

  “Yes, did you know Carter here can make the most amazing hot chocolate you’ve ever tasted in your life?”

  “No. I did not.” she answers, eyeing me.

  “We were talking Megs, nothing more,” I lean closer and tell her. “I promise.”

  “So Carter,” Harry grins. “You stayed up all night chatting?”

  “Yeah.” Carter looks a little lost and just stares at Harry.


  “Yeah. Do you have a point?”

  “No, just,” Harry leans toward Carter and whispers loudly so everyone can hear. “Your hot chocolate can’t be that good if all you did was talk.”

  “Harry, some men are gentlemen. Megan, slap your husband for me.” Miley calls down the table.

  Megan raises her hand but Doug beats her to it, he slaps Harry around the head and Abigail giggles.

  “Daddy, we shouldn’t hit people.” the little boy I saw him with yesterday says.

  “Yes Daddy.” Sophie scolds him.

  “Daddy is sorry,” he tells them then adds in a whisper. “Next time I wont let them see.”

  Carter and I order coffee when the waitress comes over then head to the buffet, Carter opts for cereal and I go for fruit. We’re standing, side by side at the juice table, each filling a glass with orange juice, when Carter leans in to whisper to me.

  “They seem much more bothered by last night than we are. Scandal, I tell you.”

  “We spent the night talking, nothing scandalous.”

  “In Harry’s mind we were not just talking.”

  “Harry’s mind is a disgusting place to be, I’m sure he doesn’t voice half of the thoughts in there and I’m thankful for that.” I shake my head, handing him his juice before I turn to walk back to the table.

  “Carmen, wait a minute,” I turn back to him and he looks a little unsure. “What… What are you doing later?”

  “Later? I don’t know. I haven’t really thought that far ahead, I’m here today then driving back to London tomorrow.”

  “Did you want to, you know, do something today?”

  “With you?”

  “No, with Harry,” he rolls his eyes. “Of course with me.”

  “Yeah, I mean, I don’t know what everyone else is doing, I’d like to spend some time with Megs if they are staying today, but there is nothing stopping you coming along with us?”

  “Cause a little more scandal.” he grins.


  We return to the table and all eyes are on us as we approach. Seriously I didn’t realise getting some breakfast was so interesting. We sit back down and talk turns to plans for the day. It seems everyone plans to go out together before travel
ing back to London.

  “We were thinking the zoo or the aquarium.” Sophie tells everyone.

  “Which one has penguins?” Abigail asks, looking at Harry and beaming.

  “Yes,” he smiles at her. “Which one has penguins?”

  “That would be the zoo.” Sophie smiles at her daughter, tapping her little nose.

  “Then I vote the zoo.” he grins at Abigail and gives her the thumbs up.

  “Me too! I vote zoo!” she chuckles.

  “Jonny? Are you happy with the zoo?” Doug asks Jonathan.

  “I don’t mind, wherever you all want to go.” he smiles, clearly laid back.

  “Can I be awkward?” Megs says.

  “Sure.” Doug smiles at her.

  “After yesterday, I’m not sure I can cope with the zoo today, so if you’re all going, I’ll go over to Elizabeth’s and chill.”

  “That’s a good point,” Harry frowns. “Abs, Auntie Megan is tired today, can I take you to see the penguins in the week and we go to the aquarium today?”

  Abigail looks from her Uncle to her Auntie and her little bottom lip gets sucked between her teeth, she looks like she’s really concentrating on something and it makes me smile.

  “Yes, Uncle Harry,” she nods. “Auntie Megan?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?” Megan smiles at the little girl.

  “The baby is making you tired?” she asks.

  “Yes, and the busy day yesterday. But if you want to see the penguins, it’s okay.”

  “I want everyone to go, I can see the penguins another time.” she tells her, before she stands and walks around to stand in between Harry and Megan. “Will you come to the aquarium?” she asks her.

  “Yes, of course I will.”

  “Then I want to go there.” she tells everyone, resting her little hand on Megan’s stomach.

  Doug and Sophie are grinning at each other and Carter is watching her with a strange look in his eyes. This little girl is the most incredible little girl I’ve ever met, she seems to pull everyone in and has so much love for everyone.

  “Aquarium it is then,” Miley smiles. “Harriet, we’re going to see the fishes!” she tells her daughter excitedly tickling her and making her giggle.

  “Are you two coming?” Harry asks, looking between Carter and I.

  “Of course,” Carter booms happily. “I want to hold a starfish!”

  We’re meeting everyone downstairs in half an hour. Jack and Josie made an appearance

  half-way through breakfast, grinning and holding hands and looking surprisingly refreshed for newlyweds. We all said goodbye to the happy couple who are leaving for their honeymoon today before heading up to our rooms to get ready for our day out. As I sit in my room waiting, I listen for any sound of Carmen in the room next door. I really want to get a chance to talk to her before we leave with everyone, I’m not sure how easy it will be to talk once we leave the hotel.

  I want to know if she’s single, when she’s leaving and if I can catch a ride back to London with her. I know it’s a five or six hour drive back, that would be more time to talk, more time get to know her and time I desperately want to spend with her. Harry has offered to take me back with him and Megan but I’d much rather go back with Carmen if she’ll have me. Mom, Dad, Lex and I are booked into a hotel not far from them but what I really want to know is, where is Carmen staying? Megan said she’s staying with her parents, but where exactly is that?

  I must get lost in my thoughts because when I look at the clock, I’ve got five minutes until we’re due to be downstairs. I pick up a jacket, my wallet, cap and phone and head out. I knock on her door and wait but there’s no answer.

  I knock again but nothing.

  Dammit, she must already been downstairs. I take the stairs and as I get to the bottom, there she is, her back to me, talking on her phone. She’s added a grey blazer to her outfit and wrapped a heart print scarf around her neck, how does she make a simple outfit look just as good as the red dress? My body tightens remembering her in the red dress and tightens further when I let my eyes travel down her body and stop at her ass.


  As I step closer to her, she turns around and smiles, ending the call and placing her phone into her bag.

  “You’re ready I see.” she grins at me.

  “And you are too, everyone else still upstairs?”

  “Doug is loading the car with what looks like enough stuff to last a week, not just a day trip.” she laughs.

  “I guess children need a lot of stuff.” I frown.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, look, Carmen, I was wondering…”

  “Yeah?” she looks at me and those green eyes make me forget everything I was going to say.


  “What is it Carter?”

  “I was wondering if I could get a ride back to London with you?”

  I wait for her response really hoping it won’t be no.

  “Sure you can, but you don’t get to pick the music,” she frowns. “My car, my music. As long as you’re okay with that, you’re welcome to drive back with me.”

  “I think I can cope with that.”

  “I thought you’d have gone with your Mum and Dad?”

  “I was going to, but they’re leaving today and I know you’re planning to stay an extra day here so I thought we could… Spend some time together, then drive back tomorrow?”

  “I like the sound of that.” she smiles and I have to fight the urge to pull her closer to me.

  “You’re going back to London? Or somewhere else?”

  “Yeah, Mum and Dad live just outside London, not far from Megan’s parents, so I can take you wherever you need to go.”

  “Thanks.” I smile, not sure what to say next.

  I don’t have to worry for long though because Harry and Megan come down the stairs then and give us both something else to focus on. I’m getting a night with Carmen and a six hour drive, is it really sad that I’m ridiculously excited about that? Everyone else arrives and the next five minutes are spent debating who is going with who. Abigail asks if she can go in Uncle Harry’s car and squeals in delight when her Dad tells her she can. While Doug puts the car seat into Harry’s car, Carmen and Megan stand chatting, they’re both laughing and look so happy.

  “Right, we’re ready to go,” Doug announces as he comes back in. “Who’s coming with us?”

  “There’s one space with us.” Harry says.

  “We have three now Abs is going with you.” Sophie says.

  “And we have one space but it’s sandwiched between the two of them,” Jonathan laughs. “Not sure anyone wants that.” he tickles Harriet making her squeal.

  “Carmen?” Abigail looks up at her and tugs on her hand, she kneels down to her level and smiles at the little girl.


  “Can you come with us?”

  “Of course I can.” she smiles.

  “That leaves Carter with us then.” Sophie tells everyone.

  “We’ll see you there.” Harry winks at me as he heads out to the car with Megs, Carmen and Abigail.

  Well shit, I just got blocked by the cutest little girl.

  “Come on you,” Doug laughs, patting my shoulder. “You get to sit with the twins.”

  “This is not the situation I’d ever thought would accompany those words.” I laugh.

  “It’s not far and we can work out a way to piss Harry off on the way.” he tells me.

  “Now that, I like the sound of.”

  “Can we please move, it’s freaking me out.” Megan frowns hiding her face in Harry’s chest.

  “Why?” Jonathan laughs looking at the octopus.

  “It just is, I don’t like it.”

  “It is freaky looking,” I agree. “And it says it has special glass because it’s super intelligent and can escape.” I whisper to Carmen.

  “Don’t say that.” Megan cries, burying her face further into Harry.

  “Super intelli
gent, I guess you’re right Hazza,” Doug grins, pulling Sophie into his arms. “I am an octopus.” he kisses her neck and Harry shudders.

  “Stop that,” he tells them. “I don’t want to see it and I’m sure your children don’t either.”

  “They’re used to it.” he shrugs.

  “Poor fuckers will be scarred for life.” he laughs, walking Megan away from the octopus.

  “Language!” Miley scolds him, slapping him around the head.

  Being around this group is hilarious, they all have this teasing thing going on yet you can see how much they love each other and you know that whatever happens to them, they are always there for each other. I watch Carmen with Abigail, who hasn’t left her side since they arrived. Carmen kneels down beside her to hear something she’s saying and grins, nodding her head.


  “What?” I turn around and see Miley standing next to me.

  “With Carmen, are you or are you not interested?” she nods in Carmen’s direction.

  “She’s beautiful.”

  “And you’re interested. She flies back in a couple of days, are you planning to explore Australia now?”

  “No, the plan is still to be here for a few weeks then fly back home.” I tell her.

  That is the plan and it hasn’t changed just because I’ve met Carmen.

  Has it?

  I walk through to find the others and soon find them over by the rays. Harry is holding Vivien up so she can put her hand into the water. Noah looks a little unsure but Harriet is wriggling in her Dad’s arms. We spend the morning walking around and seeing the different fish they have. When we get to the underwater tunnel, Abigail lays on the floor and spends over half an hour just watching them, watching her reaction is more fascinating than any of the fish swimming overhead.

  “Abs, we need to go now.” Doug tells her, kneeling down next to her.

  “But Daddy, look…” she pulls on his hand until he is laying down with her. “It’s like being under the sea.”

  “I know it is, and we can come again another day, but right now, we all need to have lunch and Auntie Megan needs to sit down.”


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