The Reporter Who Knew Too Much

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The Reporter Who Knew Too Much Page 34

by Mark Shaw


  Kilgallen visiting Dealey Plaza from Dallas Morning News archives. Ruby/Belli discussions from The Poison Patriarch. Hoover/Tolson dialogue from Gentry Book. Belli inner thoughts from King of the Courtroom. Kilgallen interview with Jack Ruby from Joe Tonahill DVD interview by associate of investigative reporter Kathryn Fauble. Kilgallen column from Journal-American archives. Ruby trial information based on Ruby trial transcripts. Belli/Kilgallen interaction from The Poison Patriarch. Kilgallen column from Hearst Syndicate archives. Justice Department lack of cooperation from House Select Committee on Assassinations Report, 1979.

  Belli/Ruby interaction from The Poison Patriarch. Kilgallen second interview with Ruby from My Life On Trial by Melvin Belli, 1976. Ruby trial testimony from court records. Tonahill comments re: Ruby interview from audiotaped interview. Kilgallen calling Ruby a “gangster” from Ruby account during medical evaluation (JFK microfilm, vol.5, p D24.) and from several sources including Legacy of Secrecy by Lamar Waldron, 2008 and Dallas Justice by Melvin Belli, 1964. Wise comments based on The Poison Patriarch. RFK impressions including Salinger comments from Robert Kennedy: His Life by Evan Thomas, 2000.

  Belli’s mistaking Ruby for Oswald during trial based on Dallas and the Jack Ruby Trial: Memoir of Judge Joe B. Brown, Sr. by Diane Holloway Ph.D., 2001. Belli comment to Milton Hunt from author interview with Hunt. Ruby wanting to testify from The Poison Patriarch. The Jack Ruby Trial Revisited: The Diary of Jury Foreman Max Causey by Max Causey and John Mark Dempsey, 2000.


  Alexander’s comments based on author interviews with Alexander. Belli final argument from The Poison Patriarch. Kilgallen comment re: Belli argument from Journal-American archives. Alexander comments from The Poison Patriarch. Ruby trial verdict from My Life On Trial. Belli comments re: verdict and his firing from Dallas Morning News. Kilgallen’s column from Hearst Syndicate. Lane comment from Israel book and other sources. Kilgallen footnote comments about Mark Lane from Jim Bohannon Show (date unknown).


  Kilgallen meeting with F. Lee Bailey based on Israel book and trial transcript notes. RFK’s comments based on Robert Kennedy: His Life by Evan Thomas, 2000. Kilgallen and Lenny Bruce case from Israel book. Kilgallen’s Ruby Warren Commission information from Journal-American and Associated Press archives. FBI investigation of Kilgallen and her continuing research in Dallas based on Israel book. Sabato footnote quote from The Kennedy Half-Century by Larry J. Sabato, 2013.

  Kilgallen columns on FBI investigation and Ruby Warren Commission testimony from Journal-American archives. FBI reaction to Kilgallen disclosures and her defiant stand from FBI files. Belli comments from Boston Herald. Ruby comments from Warren Commission report. Kilgallen receiving police log based on Israel book. Kilgallen comments on Curry reaction to JFK death based on Journal-American archives. Kilgallen appearance on Nightlife from Israel book. Earl Ruby comments to Seth Kantor from Who Was Jack Ruby?, 1978.


  Hoover handwriting on Kilgallen column text from FBI files. Re-creation of a JFK assassination scenario based on Israel book. Kilgallen’s warning to Mark Lane and code names based on Israel book. Kilgallen “Thank you” column from Journal-American archives. Kilgallen calling report “laughable” and the Clemons interview column from Hearst Syndicate. Jack Ruby suicide attempts from Who Was Jack Ruby? by Seth Kantor, 1978. Ruby’s statement from the Dallas Morning News archives. Multiple declarations there was an assassination conspiracy to Marlon Swing and others based on Israel book. Kilgallen column re: Mark Lane from Hearst Syndicate.

  Kilgallen trip to Europe, her comments on Murder One, and Ray’s comments from Cry by Jonny Whiteside. Kilgallen’s appearance on Nightlife based on Israel book. Ruby’s trial declaration from Federal Court trial transcripts. Kilgallen columns on Marina Oswald and on continuing investigation of JFK and Oswald assassinations from Journal-American archives. Kilgallen’s appearance on Hot Line based on Israel book. Jean Bach’s footnote comments re: Kilgallen JFK assassination file from E! Network’s Mysteries and Scandals, 1998. Details re: the Kilgallen New Orleans trip with Marc Sinclaire from videotaped interview. Kilgallen’s declarations to Gebbias and Simpson based on Israel book. Footnote re: Sinclaire prominence from Hearst Syndicate.

  Wade’s comments from Associated Press article. Sinclaire’s statement re: speaking with Kilgallen on Nov. 6 from videotaped interview. Kilgallen visiting Latin Quarter nightclub from researcher Kathryn Fauble. Kilgallen’s movements after the What’s My Line? program based on Israel book. Kilgallen’s reported death based on Journal-American archives.


  Announcement of Kilgallen death and Sobel quotes from Hearst Syndicate. Considine quotes from Hearst Headline Service. Kilgallen autopsy report and accompanying documents from National Archives Record Number 180-10071-10433, Agency File number 007250 from the House Select Committee on Assassinations.


  Conflicting details about Kilgallen’s death from Journal-American archives. Police report information from NYC police department records. Maid finding Kilgallen body and further details re: Kilgallen death from Hearst Syndicate archives. Report of Dr. Luke’s conclusions from New York Times archives. Quotes re: Kilgallen death from Journal-American and New York Post. New York Times account from NYT archives. New York Herald-Tribune report from archives.

  Israel quotes from Dr. Luke based on Israel book. Israel quotes re: “unidentified chemist” from Israel book. Identity of John Broich from Midwest Today article “Who Killed Dorothy Kilgallen?” by Sara Jordan, 2007 as provided by Kathryn Fauble. John Broich audiotaped interview courtesy of Kathryn Fauble. Dr. Baden and Hoffman comments based on Israel book. Dr. Hoffman interview by author, winter 2015. Eileen Broich interview by author, winter 2015.


  Comments re: Kilgallen and Ray drunk based Israel book. Joe Tonahill comments from interview by Kathryn Fauble associate in the 1990s. Comments on Kilgallen financial status from Marc Sinclaire videotaped interview. Quotes re: Kilgallen being paid a $10,000 advance by Random House in 1961 from Gil Fate’s book, What’s My Line? The Inside History of TV’s Most Famous Panel Show, 1978. Information on whether Kilgallen wrote Murder One from 1978 letter from Mrs. Phyllis Wagner to author Lee Israel.

  Levine information based on Israel book. Quote re: Kilgallen manuscript from Murder One. Bailey comment from Hearst Syndicate. Jim Kilgallen and Bennett Cerf quotes from Journal-American archives. The book cover text and book flap text from Murder One. Kilgallen footnote quote re: independence from Variety comment as related in New York Post Daily Magazine article, April, 1960. Kilgallen quotes re: Sheppard case from Journal-American archives. Kilgallen description of Marilyn Sheppard from New York Post Daily Magazine, April 1960.

  Kilgallen meeting with Bailey and her comments from New York Post Daily Magazine article.


  Text about Kilgallen trip to Las Vegas with Johnnie Ray from Cry by Jonny Whiteside. John Daly comment re: Kilgallen from Journal-American archives. Kilgallen appearance on WML? from (


  Sinclaire comments from videotaped interview. Dave Spiegel’s text from Bob Considine article, November 10, 1965. Dee Anthony information based on Israel book. Ian Anderson’s comments re: Anthony from Anthony Dee from


  -american-market-1877890.html. Eicher comment re: Johnnie Ray and Mafia based on author interview. Text from Murder One Preface from book by Kilgallen. Ibne Hassan quotes from author interview winter 2015. Sinclaire comments re: Kilgallen suicide from videotaped interview. Detective Doyle quotes and footnote information based on Israel book. Footnote quote from Sobel from Journal-American archives. G. Robert Blakey information based on email exchange with this
author, April 5, 2015.


  Marc Sinclaire comments re: Mrs. Henry Ford II from Sinclaire DVD interview by Kathryn Fauble colleague. Frank Sinatra information from Kitty Kelley book His Way, 2010 and Israel books. Sinatra comments about Kilgallen from Israel book and

  /episode/54/transcript and Sinatra: The Chairman by James Kaplan, 2015. Kilgallen’s harsh words about Sinatra from the Kaplan book. Presley comment re Sinatra from Rhapsody In Black by John Kruth, 2013. Footnote re: Sinatra links to Mafia from Kaplan book. Footnote comments by Winchell and Sobel from Journal-American archives. Sinatra quote re: Kilgallen’s death and Dolly Sinatra comment about her son excerpted from “Frank Sinatra Had A Cold” on the official website of acclaimed writer Gay Talese. Sinatra Mafia connections and providing money to Cohen upon prison release from The Poison Patriarch.

  Sinatra connection to Bugsy Siegel, Cohen and Costello from The Poison Patriarch. Lawford quote re: Sinatra based on Kelly book.

  Quotes re: Kollmar being an alcoholic and philanderer and Manson’s comments based on Israel book. Hatfield information based on Israel book. Kilgallen comment regarding not seeing Richard and his neighborhood wanderings and hobbies from Whiteside book. Mae Kilgallen’s accusation, “You killed my Daughter” to Richard Kollmar from Marc Sinclaire’s videotaped interview, 2000.

  Kilgallen love affair with Ray from Israel book. Joan Bach comments from Israel book. Alan Eicher statement from author interview. Ray/Kollmar fight from Israel book and Cry by Whiteside. Kilgallen meeting Ray from Whiteside book.

  Sinclaire comments re: Kerry Kollmar threats, buying a gun, Kerry kidnapping potential, Kilgallen changing her will, Switzerland trip, etc. from Sinclaire videotaped interview. Details re: Kerry potentially being fathered by Johnnie Ray from Sinclaire interview. Eichler re: Ray never divulging his being Kerry’s birth father and letter from Elma from researcher Kathryn Fauble’s assistant.

  Information on Kilgallen will from Israel book and NY Times and Sinclaire audiotaped interview by researcher Kathryn Fauble associate. Fogerty info from Sinclaire videotaped interview. Kerry blog statements from Sinclaire comments re: Kollmar’s mental state from Sinclaire videotaped interview. Kilgallen and Kollmar “headed in separate directions” based on Israel book. George Hopkins account of Kilgallen and Ray meeting in 1952 from researcher Kathryn Fauble. Kollmar not performing his “husbandly duties” from Cry. Sinclaire’s comments re: Kilgallen married life from audiotaped interview by Kathryn Fauble associate.

  Kollmar suicide details from Israel book. Evans re: Kollmar barbs from Israel book. Kerry comment re: Kollmar and Tuinal from Israel book. Bauer and Verne comments from Israel book. Clement nervousness from Sinclaire video. Cerf and Kollmar drunk comment from Israel book. Kollmar lies based on Israel book and Kollmar statement to ME Dr. Luke from official documents. Kollmar statement to Bob and Jean Bach from Israel book. Kollmar statement to Mark Lane from Israel book. Kollmar refusal to permit Kilgallen autopsy from Cry by Jonny Whiteside. Kollmar radio interview from Long John Nebel program, aired November 21, 1967.

  Israel comments re: Kollmar involvement in Kilgallen death from Israel book. Sinclaire’s view re: Kollmar link to Kilgallen death from his videotape interview. Israel comment re: who may have killed Kilgallen from her book.


  Johnson reference re: Kilgallen Journal-American column. Kilgallen and son Kerry visit to White House from Israel book. Kilgallen’s column re: recollection from Hearst Syndicate. Swing recollection of Kilgallen/Kennedy encounter from Cry by Jonny Whiteside. Bob Bach account of JFK/Kilgallen meeting at Stork Club from Israel book.

  Kilgallen covering the Ruby trial and Lehrer account from My Life on Trial, Dallas Justice, and The Poison Patriarch. Belli/Kilgallen interaction from interview with Joyce Rivella, Belli’s secretary, and The Poison Patriarch. Footnote quote re: Cohen and Belli from The New York Times archives. Ruby testimony based on Warren Commission report. Belli’s mention of Kilgallen in Dallas Justice and My Life on Trial. Television footage of Kilgallen and Belli from NBC footage. Russell comments re: Belli not discussing Ruby trial from The Poison Patriarch. Swing’s comments from Cry by Jonny Whiteside. Ruby statement from Dallas Morning News and Warren Commission report.


  Quotes from Liz Smith’s syndicated column from Spokane Daily Chronicle, December 25, 1976. House Select Committee on Assassinations report text from the Warren Commission report. CIA information re: Kilgallen from government documents. Simpson and Sinclaire interview information from videotaped interviews in 2000 by Kathryn Fauble associate. Marlon Swing comments about Kilgallen from E! Network television special.

  Belli comment to Dr. Martin Schorr and Lind and Ellison comments about Belli’s disclosures from author interviews with Dr. Schorr, Lind and Ellison. Statements by Kilgallen to Gebbia re: JFK assassination based on Israel book.


  J. Edgar Hoover information based on various sources including Gentry book, The Poison Patriarch and FBI files received under the Freedom of Information Act. Hoover directives from Gentry book. Kilgallen column, “Oswald File Must Not Close” from Hearst Syndicate. September 1964 and September 1959 memos from FBI files secured under Freedom of Information Act. “Dickie” Kollmar being contacted by FBI based on Israel book.

  Summary of information about Carlos Marcello from The Poison Patriarch. Footnote re: Cohen from FBI files secured under the Freedom of Information Act. Giancana/RFK exchange from McClellan Hearings record. RFK comments re: gangster from his book, The Enemy Within.

  Tina Sinatra’s comments from Sixty Minutes interview and Sinatra family website at Joe Kennedy soliciting Sam Giancana’s help re: 1960 election from The Poison Patriarch and Sinatra: The Chairman by James Kaplan, 2015. Paul Anka quotes re: Giancana from My Way by Paul Anka, 2013. Ebbins’ quotes re: Campbell, JFK and Lawford from Sinatra: The Chairman by James Kaplan, 2015. Evelyn Lincoln quote from The Poison Patriarch.

  Seigenthaler quotes from author interview. Footnote re Joe Kennedy and the president attempting to stop RFK from pursuing the Mafia, etc. from The Poison Patriarch. Quote about Marcello from HSCA report. Information re: Marcello being deported from The Poison Patriarch. Ragano footnote quotes re: Giancana from Ragano’s book, Mob Lawyer, 1995. Pileggi quote from author interview, winter, 2015. Quote re: “rabbit punch” to Giancana from Mafia Princess, 1984. Marcello desperation and Joe Kennedy being warned from The Poison Patriarch. Nancy Ragano quotes from author interview. Marcello trial account from The Poison Patriarch.

  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. comments to Charlie Rose from 2013 Dallas interview. RFK’s comments from O’Donnell based on Robert Kennedy: His Life by Evan Thomas, 2000. Footnote quote from Robert F. Kennedy re: Marcello and Civello from Chicago Tribune, 1963. Footnote quotes re: Ruby friendships with Campisi from Contract on America: The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy, by David Scheim, 1988. Revilla footnote quote from author interview.

  O’Connor and Ellison comments about Belli from The Poison Patriarch, Hunt quote from Belli from The Poison Patriarch and Nancy Ragano quotes from The Poison Patriarch. Farris quotes re Belli and Oswald from author interview. HSCA comment re: Marcello from HSCA report. Tonahill quotes re: Kilgallen/Jack Ruby interview from Tonahill videotaped interviews by Kathryn Fauble associate. Pelosi footnote comment from The Kennedy Half Century by Larry J. Sabato, 2014. Blakey and Billing’s comments re: Marcello empire from The Plot To Kill the President, 1981. Vaccara quote regarding Marcello based on, Carlos Marcello: The Man Behind the JFK Assassination, 2014. Allegations against Marcello from HSCA report.


  Lee Israel comments re: Kilgallen tracing Ruby’s mob ties from September 30, 1995 audiotaped interview with researcher Kathryn Fauble’s associate. Whiteside comments about Kil
gallen JFK assassination from Whiteside book, Cry and 1998 episode of E! Network’s Mysteries and Scandals. Kilgallen quotes re: DA Wade and links between Oswald and Ruby from her Journal-American column.

  Pelosi footnote comment from The Kennedy Half-Century by Larry J. Sabato, 2013. Details re: Kilgallen New Orleans trips from Marc Sinclaire interview. Kilgallen comment re: Ruby from Journal-American archives. Ruby/Marcello/Pecora connection from HSCA report. Jack Anderson column footnote quote from Washington Post archives, September 7, 1956.

  Henry Wade’s comments re: Ruby sentence from Journal-American archives. Information regarding Ruby trial reversal from court records. Information regarding Ruby death from author interviews with Joe Tonahill and Bill Alexander and from Chicago Tribune, January 1967.

  Maggie McNelli’s quote from NY Post Daily Magazine article, April 1960. Jean Bach quote about Kilgallen being the “apple of Jim’s eye” from E! Network’s Mysteries and Scandals program, 1998. Mark Lane’s quote about Kilgallen based on Israel book. Kilgallen quote from Hearst Syndicate.


  Information on peculiar circumstances at death scene from Marc Sinclaire videotaped and audiotaped interviews by Kathryn Fauble associate. Kilgallen quote re: Marilyn Monroe death from Hearst Syndicate. Quote re: Kilgallen wearing earrings from Israel book. Hassan quotes re: servants and James Clement from author interview November 1, 2015. Simpson quotes from videotaped interview.

  Sinclaire quotes re: Kilgallen’s actions prior to final What’s My Line? appearance from his videotaped interview. Heller’s comment from Kathryn Fauble associate. Daly’s comment re: Kilgallen appearance at final What’s My Line? program from Israel book. Account of Kilgallen and Bob Bach at P. J. Clarke’s from Israel book. Jean Bach footnote account of Bob Bach and Kilgallen from E! Network’s Mysteries and Scandals, 1998. Information about Kilgallen’s townhouse from Cry by Jonny Ray and a blog posting titled “Testing the Waters: A Place to share some stories, air some laundry, and hear some feedback” by Kerry Kollmar on April 6, 2009 (kerryslifeblog


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