by T. Novan
"Actually, I have been sleeping alone for so long I have pretty much taken to sleeping in the middle of the bed so you pick a side and I will try to stay on my own." She nodded as she settled down on the right side of the bed. Rebecca joined her from the left side and she had to laugh. "Colonel Redmond, it is all right. You do not have to sleep on the very edge of the bed."
"I want you to have plenty of room, Miss Rebecca."
"And I want you to enjoy sleeping in a big bed and you cannot do that on the very edge, holding on to keep from falling off." She reached out and took Charlie by the shoulder, pulling her back into the bed.
As Charlie rolled over on her back, their faces were only an inch apart. Her eyes were still the most amazing thing Rebecca had ever seen and those lips seemed to have a power all their own. Slowly Rebecca licked her lips as they watched each other. "Charlie," I wonder if I sound as breathless as I feel. "I……unh……I……"
A look of such pain and longing flickered through those sky blue eyes, and then the stern, determined colonel was before her again. "Good night, Miss Rebecca."
Charlie woke in the middle of the night, a warm and unfamiliar weight against his shoulder. Rebecca had curled herself around him in her sleep, using his body as a warm and safe pillow.
Oh, Lord, help me. She is so beautiful and so trusting. I would wake her, but I fear that our current position would embarrass her immensely.
Charlie was careful to stay very still, holding her gently as she slept. He wanted to believe that perhaps this the first time that she had slept soundly, and more importantly, safely, for a long time. Who was he to take that from her?
Be honest with yourself, Charlie Redmond. How long has it been since you have held a beautiful woman in your arms? How easy is it to imagine that such a lovely woman would find you attractive, that you could have the love of someone like this? You know better, but for the moment, where it hurts no one, it is so lovely to imagine.
Saturday, October 29, 1864
Charlie rose with the first gray light of pre-dawn, carefully sliding his body from beneath hers, and slipping his still warm pillow into her arms to replace the warm shoulder she had been using as the resting place for her head. He had always made a habit of rising before the troops, to be there as they faced the day, and let them know he worked by the same standards he expected from them.
He returned to his command tent, which was a brisk mile walk through the early morning air, and began his morning ritual. It started with a careful and thorough shave. When he first started, it seemed so ridiculous. Why should a woman shave? But it did make a difference. He realized a long time ago that women do have facial hair –– very fine and light, but it is there. So he started shaving; it would not do to have a 35-year-old colonel with peach fuzz on his cheeks. Today, it soothed him, reminded him of his role, put him back into the day-to-day activities of his life that he had followed for the past nineteen years.
Every day, rain or shine, he reviewed and drilled with the boys. In part, he believed it kept them in line –– and in part, it was important to holding command. He had found that regimental commanders who were not connected to their troops had higher casualties than those who were. But that was just the argument he gave the public. It grounded him, reminded him of who he had become and the role he must play every day.
She had shaken his world. Those little traditions helped him return to reality.
Wednesday, November 2, 1864.
He reviewed his morning dispatches. General Sheridan had ordered him to find secure winter quarters for his troops, near the rail lines. It was an order he had been expecting for several days. While it was still warm, winter was drawing near. His men had been driven hard. In March, they were ordered east to join with the remnants of the 13th Pennsylvania. Since then, they had faced Jubal Early’s forces several times, as well as engaged in a number of minor skirmishes. It was time to hunker down for the winter and try to recover their strength. He finished the dispatches and orders and then called for Jackson.
"Jocko, I need to do something special for Mrs. Gaines."
"By God, Colonel Charlie! You spend a few nights with the wench and you need to do something special?
"Sir?" Jackson was the picture of military appropriateness, standing at attention.
"I wish to ask Mrs. Gaines for permission to winter over on her property. When I do, I want to show her that the regiment will take care of her while we are here. From the looks of things, it has been extremely hard for her.
"Yes, sir." Jackson maintained his faççade of perfect military demeanor.
Charlie looked at him with no small irritation. He needed Jocko’s help. He was, after all the expert in charming women.
"At ease, Master Sergeant." He could hear the irritation in his Colonel’s voice.
"Jocko, are you going to help me here or do I flap in the breeze all by my self."
"Sir, I am not sure what you mean, Sir."
He sat back in his camp chair and regarded his batman for a long, speculative moment. "Fine. If this is how it must be, then so be it. Sergeant Jackson, would you lay out my dress uniform? I expect your presence in dress uniform this evening to serve us at supper. Please request the mess chief to join me. When you have conveyed the message to Mess Sergeant Jamison, return here. Day dress, ready to deliver an invitation. Dismissed."
"Sir, Yes, Sir." Jackson snapped a crisp salute.
"And Sergeant. When you are ready to talk, send Jocko in."
That did not go as he expected. I swear you could cut the disapproval in here with a dull butter knife.
He searched his field desk for the finest piece of paper he had for a simple note, an invitation to dinner. In his best hand, the copperplate that was drilled into Charlotte at Mistress Amelia’s School for Girls, he carefully penned the invitation.
Col. Chas. Redmond requests the pleasure of your company for an al fresco supper, at dusk this evening, beside the pond.
Chas. Redmond
At the foot of the back lawn was a lovely pond, complete with willow and small seating area. It was the perfect place for a picnic. Having a regiment of Yankee soldiers take up residence in your home for the winter was not typically a welcome request, so he would have to do what he could to make it more palatable.
As he finished folding and sealing his little note, Mess Sergeant Jamison tapped at the tent pole, requesting entry. Jackson was behind him, still stiff as a board, but clean and fresh to deliver his invitation.
"Come in, Jamison, Jackson. Have a seat, Sergeant." He waved Jamison to the small campstool opposite his desk. Then he turned to Jackson. "Deliver this to Mrs. Gaines, Jackson, and wait for a reply, please." Jocko took the note and set off, still displaying his disapproval by his exacting manners.
Charlie could only shake his head as he returned his attention to Jamison. "I know it is short notice, but I want to prepare a special dinner for Mrs. Gaines; something with a little elegance, to be served outdoors down by the pond. What can you do for me?"
"Well, Colonel. Most of what I have is normal mess food –– beans, rice, salt pork. But one of the men likes to fish. Let me see if he and I can come up with something –– some bass or trout. The streams and ponds around here ought to have something."
"Sounds good to me, you know I like fish. Just do the best you can, Sergeant. And some of my special coffee? A bottle of brandy? Maybe some fresh greens or fruit?"
"I will do the best I can, Colonel."
"Thank you, Sergeant. I have every faith in you."
Charlie spent the time waiting for Jackson to return worrying.
Worrying that Rebecca would not want to see him after last night, when he was almost certain she had awakened in his arms.
Concerned that she would want more than he could give.
Anxious that she would betray him to the men.
raid that she would hate him for wanting to winter here.
Apprehensive that she might think he was just using her to give his men a safe haven.
Fretful that she would send him away.
Mostly alarmed about what he would say to her tonight if she accepted his invitation.
Rebecca watched as the soldier walked purposefully across the main yard, toward the house. He was a compact, redheaded man, with broad shoulders and a trim waist. He sported a neatly trimmed mustache and long sideburns. He stopped, squaring his shoulders, then removing his hat and gloves.
"Sergeant Jackson, Ma’am." He offered her a smile and a little salute. "Colonel Redmond has asked that I deliver this to you." He offered her the folded note.
She stepped toward him, taking the letter from his hand, smiling like a schoolgirl. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she read the note.
"Colonel Redmond requested that I wait for an answer, Ma’am."
Rebecca cleared her throat gently, refolding the letter, and then she looked to the sergeant. "You may tell Colonel Redmond I would be delighted to dine with him tonight."
"Thank you Ma’am." Jackson returned his hat to his head, stood at attention and turned on his heal to return to camp. Eyes as green as Irish clover. No wonder our Colonel is so smitten by her. The lady is charming and very easy on the eyes.
Rebecca smiled to herself as she watched the sergeant walk away. She chewed the inside of her lip, realizing she would have to find something to wear that would be appropriate for dinner with the good Colonel.
Returning to the house, she headed straight for her bedroom. Opening the wardrobe, she looked at what remained of her clothes. They were very out of style, but in reasonable condition. She considered a green dress that had been her brother’s favorite. He always said it set off the color of her eyes. Then her attention turned to a rose colored dress. It was two tones of deep pink and the cut was off the shoulder. It was a little daring, but she pulled the dress from the wardrobe and laid it on the bed.
She looked at the bed. The bed she had been sharing with the Colonel in the nights before. It had been years since she had slept so soundly. When she had awakened that first morning, she had been a touch disappointed to find the Colonel gone. She was more surprised however to find that she was firmly ensconced around the pillow Charlie’s head had rested on. She found a great deal of comfort from holding it and learning the scent that had been left behind. Cuddling Charlie’s pillow had become a morning habit in the past few days.
She shook herself for just a moment, realizing that her thoughts of the Colonel were not exactly proper. He was a Yankee officer, serving with the enemy, and one with a very dangerous secret. A secret that Rebecca would keep, but also one that should keep her from thinking these things about Charlie.
What Rebecca could not understand, was why she was arguing with herself over this issue. She could enjoy the Colonel’s company while the troops camped on her land, but anything more would go against everything she had been taught was proper. Still, she could not help but smile, feeling butterflies in her stomach when her minds eye pictured those piercing blue eyes and that very charming smile.
Oh God!
Charlie saw Jocko waking toward his tent through the open flap. He had a strange look on his face, one Charlie had never seen before. He looked almost reverent.
"Colonel C?"
"Yes, Jocko."
"I am sorry. I was wrong. She is a true lady."
"Yes, she is, Jocko. So?"
Jocko smiled at the look of anxiety on the Colonel’s face. "Oh, and yes, she would be honored to join you for supper. I will get your dress uniform ready, Colonel. You need a bath."
Charlie thought wistfully of the lovely bathing room, the tub and hot water up at the main house. But for this evening, he must be the Colonel, as right and proper as he knew how to be. For this lady deserved to be treated with dignity and respect. He might sleep with her in his arms tonight. Please God, let me hold her tonight. The thought came unbidden to his mind and startled him just a bit with its intensity. But she still deserved all the grace he could give her in the midst of this hell.
Jocko gathered Charlie’s kit and stumped off to clear the bathing area for him. They made it out as an officer’s privilege for privacy. Little did they know. Charlie gave Jocko a few minutes to prepare then he followed.
As Charlie bathed, Jocko set up to shave him again, a soothing ritual and a kindness from Jocko in their little conspiracy of deceit.
Seeing Jocko set up his shaving gear set Charlie off again as he bathed carefully in the cold, clean water of the stream. He realized that he wanted to do more than just ask this woman to shelter them this winter; he wanted to woo her, to charm her. Yet, who was he to woo a woman? A soldier from the enemy side. Eventually, orders would come and he would go off to where he was told, to fight whomever he was told.
I am just a weapon, to be aimed at the enemy, blindly, not seeing the humanity, the blood, the mothers and fathers and lovers who will mourn when I am successful. I am a soldier who no one will mourn if I fail. Indeed, a soldier who will be castigated and stricken from the rolls of the regiment when I die and what I am is discovered. I am no man to be her champion, to give her children and a home. Who am I to woo her?
And who was she, who in a matter of a few days had his body, which had always been obedient to his mind, crying and aching for her touch? He was satisfied. The Army was his home. This was his fate, his future and most of his past. He did not want anything else. Now he was a five foot eleven inch vessel of barely restrained hunger and want.
How could she do this to me? In that first night of innocent seeking, looking for warmth and protection from someone she trusted? I should not do this. I should not offer her the form without the substance. For I will have to leave, and what kind of hurt will I inflict when I do? But I cannot not woo her. My head says no, but everything else compels me to.
The cynic, that pragmatic voice in his head that had helped him to survive undiscovered all these years told him that it was just a dream. He had been at war for too long and now before him was the Eden everyone dreamed of –– beautiful home, beautiful land, beautiful woman.
Be gentle with her. Take what she offers freely. Leave with no regrets and no ties. The worst is yet to come and no one knows where, and how, they will die, not even Lucky Charlie.
Chapter 3
Wednesday, November 2, 1864
Charlie returned to his command tent to dress. Jocko had laid out his dress uniform, carefully brushed and pressed. Boots, belt and leather straps were polished to a gleam, and each metal fitting and buckle was burnished.
"Well, Jocko’s done his best to make me look good. Now, if only I can maintain the image as well." Over the years of being alone, Charlie had developed the habit of talking aloud, often to just relieve the quiet of the solitude of his life. He kept his voice to a low murmur, so that others could not overhear him. It was still a somewhat distracting habit for those who worked around the Colonel.
With care, he donned the uniform. The tight moleskin britches with the broad red stripes down the sides tucked into his dress boots. A crisp linen dress shirt was topped with a carefully tied waterfall cravat. The tight weskit with the yellow facings that spoke of a master horseman went over that, and was topped with the blue frock coat with the red facings and the silver eagles embroidered on the shoulders that announced Charlie’s position as regimental Colonel. On top of that went the one piece of non-standard issue material, a rich red silk sash, wrapped twice around his waist, and tied so that the fringe brushed the top of his left boot. The wide belt that held his dress sword went over that. He tucked the fine kid gloves into his belt and slipped his hat under his arm. Using the small mirror that hung on his tent pole, he checked his hair, brushing it into place.
"Ah, the image of the perfect officer and gentleman. A shame that is all it is –– an image." With a suddenly ble
ak look in his eyes, Charlie squared his shoulders and walked up to the main house, his hat, and to be honest, his heart and hopes in his hands.
As he walked up toward the house, he could tell that Jocko and Jamison were already at work. The lawn around the main house had been scythed and trimmed. Surely, the back yard had received the same treatment. As he approached the portico, Jocko came hustling around the corner of the house. In his hands was a lovely bouquet of fresh picked flowers, late blooming asters and ferns. "For the Lady," he said. "Ye cannot go in there empty handed, Colonel C."
"Thanks Jocko, but I had something more substantial in mind for this evening. Like negotiating to make this our winter camp."
"I do not care what the business part is, Colonel C. Miss Rebecca is a lady, and you will treat her like one. Now, take my advice and take the flowers."
Charlie snorted at the little bantam’s vehemence. Well, he had managed to charm an amazing number of women.
Charlie’s boots rang heavy on the brickwork of the portico as he mounted the steps and knocked polite on the great door. One of Jamison’s assistants opened the door, playing footman in proper form and his dress uniform. "Miss Rebecca is in the back parlor, Sir." Charlie followed the soldier cum footman to the parlor door.
Rebecca wore the lovely rose-colored dress that laid low on her shoulders and set off her fair complexion. The dress complimented her figure well. Charlie stood for a moment, gripping the flowers in his right hand, unable to summons a single word or thought. To Rebecca, he looked like a teenaged boy paying court to a lady for the first time. Her impression was closer than she knew.
As the silence between them stretched to an uncomfortable duration, Rebecca realized that they would remain there like a pair of statues if she did not do something. She rose from the chair she had been sitting in watching the beginnings of the sunset over the western hills and Jamison’s minions swarming over her property. Gently, she took the flowers from Charlie’s hand.
"Good evening, Colonel Redmond. Your men have been here much of the afternoon and I must say they have done wonders in just a few hours."